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S06:E10 - Applejack's Day Off

Ashen Pathfinder

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This episode was cute and had a great lesson. At first I thought the whole spa plot was a bit out of character for Applejack,I originally thought Rarity should just go to the spa with Fluttershy again. Until Applejack's stubbornness was brought into the plot, then it all made more sense. Rainbow Dash's parts were funny too. This episode didn't quite grab me like some of the others but the lesson certainly did since I have had to learn this lesson of having more than one way to do something many times. I also found it interesting that Applejack knew the lesson when applied to the spa but not when applied to herself which is really realistic. People get caught up in their habits so much that they forget their might be a simpler way right in front of them. I also like how Applejack is back to making lists like she did for Applebloom. 

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Again with Rarity calling Dash Dashie. Granted, i love the nickname but it still sounds weird coming from Rarity.

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I am become Prunity, destroyer of Rule 34.


"I hate not seeing you two spend time together."

Yeah, I think I know why.



Truly, Rarity is the second sexiest pony. I agree with you bornies.

Please don't touch me.

I don't like touching.

Wait, where did that watch go? Did she put it inside her butt?


So a princess can't understand farming but a farmer can understand plumbing?


[Rarijack intensifies]


[Rarijackdash intensifies]

Man, that was the slice of lifiest episode since Slice of Life, which actually wasn't very slice of life at all now that I think of it.
Anyways, I liked it.

Edited by Professional Horse
  • Brohoof 1

"Them nuts do sure smell good." -Granny Smith

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Did a long list of tasks just beat Twilight that is supposedly good at lists?  

I think the fact that it was acrobatic and insane got in the way of her logical nature.  

  • Brohoof 1

Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies

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I watched this episode pretty late in the day since I had to go to my brother's graduation ceremony and my family threw his graduation party, but after watching it, I didn't miss too much. The episode wasn't bad, but it was.. just alright. It had some funny moments here and there, but in general it was the same as Made in Manehattan with being having little negatives, but little positives at the same time and just being rather forgettable overall.


On the subject of it, is it me, or do Rarijack episodes tend to be the most meh and weakest out of Rarity's episodes? I personally always felt Look Before You Sleep, Simple Ways, Made in Manehattan and now this one, while weren't bad, were the "bottom of the barrel" of Rarity episodes.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'll start off by saying the moral was very good. Sometimes you can get so used to doing something a certain way, you don't think to see if there could be a better or more efficient way of doing it. You need someone on the outside to show you how.


...Too bad it was executed in such a poor and forgettable manner. The pacing was practically non-existant: Scenes were dragged out far longer than they needed to be, and nothing happened for the first two acts, with an incredibly rushed conclusion in the third act.


Most of the dialogue was clunky and unnatural, with many characters lines being very on the nose: "My house has many rooms because I live in a mansion." Like...seriously, writers? 


Applejack suddenly really liking the spa so much as to get grumpy several times because she couldn't get in the steam room was really weird. Rarity having such a one-track mind about the spa really soiled some of her character development too.


Nothing else to say really.


3/10. Badly written. Forgettable. Except for 'Prunity'




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Came for AJ, stayed for Twily and Dash.


I have nothing too bad to say about this episode. Not that I have anything too spectacular to say about it either. At this point, I’d wager that all but the most stubborn Bronies have overeaten themselves on such straight to the letter normal human world type slice of life episodes that do not abuse the fact that main characters are colorful sentient ponies living in a magical land of Equestria. On the plus side with a slightly demeaning twist, the ponies have now been acting like themselves for two consecutive episodes. Woohoo! On the negative, their interpretation of AJ doing interesting non-family related stuff is shit and they should feel bad about it.


All in all, this episode had some good moments, but overall it wasn’t very exciting. Good lesson if you’re a working person though, so there’s that.

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Didn't really find much to enjoy on a deep level this episode. It felt like an odd tack for AJ to really excited about the spa (and almost obsessive about the steam room in particular), and for the spa visits to be a regular thing between AJ and Rarity, and yet a regular thing that AJ doesn't really understand any of the particulars about. I feel like the story would have felt more consistent with what we've seen before if AJ had been simply eager to spend time with Rarity (partly because boats), and the spa was as good an excuse as any, so she agreed to a first time full spa day with Rarity. This also would have provided a bit more tension for Rarity because there'd be the question of whether AJ really wanted to go to the spa or if she was just stalling. Instead, Applejack's motivations just seem all over the place.


Along a similar note, Rainbow Dash's preference for hooficures was confusing. I thought she didn't like ponies touching her hooves? I can see her going for a massage, sure, but I felt like the sensitive hooves thing was a quirk worth keeping.

I loved St. Germain's performance, though, as I usually do. I also really enjoyed the overdone generic Eastern European accents of all the spa ponies. In particular, I laughed out loud at "Appleyak." I await the fanart eagerly.

  • Brohoof 1
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Man, this episode was so entertaining from start to finish. 


I loved the character development in this episode, and the lesson...boy...we could all use that lesson. 


10/10 all the way. 

  • Brohoof 1
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What a good episode so far, with Applejack helping in the spa for Rarity, the spa ponies, and the other background ponies to fix the pipe leak for the steam to warm up ponies from the cold air; also she did to fix things at the Sweet Apple Acres along with Rarity to keep it beautiful. At the ending part, she is ready to relax at the spa after the job well done.  :)

Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past.

The V.I.P., The Legendary

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This episode had many strong points and many week points through out it.

On the positive side this episode does related to the fact on spending time with one of your best friends

(This is the current state I'm at with friendships. I wanna play music with one of my best friends, but he is always working)

It also seems like Applejack shows generosity in some parts. Which is nice



On the negative side, there were some instances where I feel like i've seen the same thing before

Like where Applejack's doing her chores and her friends where helping. Didn't we see this in. oh I don't know since SEASON 1!

That really was the sour to this episode.


The rest was okay i guess


I can come with a rating

and I give "Applejack's Day Off " a 6.8/10

One of the lower episodes, but not as bad as no second prances and hearths warming tale in my opinion

  • Brohoof 2

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends"


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This episode was meh. I didn't really care, although it was better than I had expected.


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I was somewhat interested in this until it didn't go in the direction that I wanted. Then I wasn't feeling it at all. Altogether too slow and simple, and that Rainbow Dash bit is awful. Thought it might delve a bit further into Applejack's character flaws, and then it just sorta didn't. Reviewed on my blog here - not much to add to that. Just fairly boring and underwhelming. 

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No, not bad at all.  I always like Rarity and AJ together.  They have a great chemistry.  It was a bit meh, though, a bit forgettable.  The trend seems to be:


  • Rarity spotlights - A+ gold star home run
  • RD spotlights - fraught with problems, oftentimes disastrous
  • Spike spotlights - same as RD
  • AJ spotlights - fine, but meh and forgettable
  • The others - wild cards


These are not hard and fast rules at all, but it seems to have happened enough to call it a trend.  I love AJ, and I really want to be blown away by a spotlight of hers, but I don't think I ever have been.  Anyway, this episode was fine.  I was really pleased that the episode and moral did not go the way I was predicting.  I figured that AJ would not get any relaxation time because she would repeatedly and obsessively run back to the farm to check on Twi and Spike (See I Love Lucy ep.80, Ricky Minds the Baby).  From there, it could have gone one of two ways: either Twi has everything covered, but AJ nonetheless can't stop checking (see I Love Lucy again), or Twi makes a mess and AJ goes, "See?!  I never should have left!  I'm never leaving the farm again!"  Thank goodness it didn't go that way at all.  Instead, we got a more realistic and usable message.  In fact, it's a surprisingly sensible and pragmatic message for a kid's show.  "Subject your operation to regular efficiency inspections."  Lol.  Pretty cool.


That brings me to my next point: while I applaud them for trying to keep the morals/messages fresh and different, and not rehashing past ones too much, today's message felt a wee bit forced to me.  I mean, really I'm do appreciate them having a simpler, everyday sort of message, but it just didn't really feel like it needed to be a message at all.  The moral felt a bit shoehorned in to me.  I'm being a tad overly picky, but I just feel like, at this point, not every episode necessarily needs an overt moral at all.  The moral just felt like kind of a stretch to me, but it's not a big deal.  At least she didn't just relearn Applebuck Season, which is what I was really afraid was going to happen.  So, that's nice.


I love the voices of the spa employees.


Rarity's horn wouldn't wrinkle or droop in the steam.  It's a horn.  :huh:


That's about it.  I always love seeing the spa.  Rainbow loving the spa treatments (even hooficures!  :squee:  :pinkie:  :D ) and being a regular client is just about the greatest thing that's ever happened on this show.


So, I don't look ahead at upcoming episode titles or synopses, though I did accidentally read about Fluttershy's supposed brother.  Her and Pinkie must be on deck.  Don't know what's in store for Pinkie, but please, please, PLEASE don't screw up this Flutterbro thing!  I think it's a terrible idea to begin with, but for the love of Celestia don't make him just appear in everyone's memories, then subsequently appear on screen as if he's been there from day 1.




The episode was alright but the whole pig feeding scenario painted Applejack as, and pardon me for being blunt, stupid. Why did she even need to open the squeaky gate to begin with? All she needs to do is dump the pail into the trough from outside the fence.

Oh yeah, I forgot that I wanted to mention that.  Thanks for reminding me.  Yeah, that was dumb indeed.  The other scenes, like watering the crops, were fine, but the pig feeding routine was just silly.  Yeah, I wasn't happy about that.

Edited by Justin_Case001


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I liked it :) It showed Applejack for the type of character that she is - Hard working to a Fault but at the same time showed her to be a pony who would give up her own free time to help others without being asked to.

I would say Rarity on the other hand did seem to be a tad selfish but it was understandable considering this was meant to be time for her to spend with her friend.

Overall a good episode, won't make my best list for sure but it was entertaining enough for me.


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Today's episode wasn't a "bad" episode, but the writers could've done so much more with the premise they set up. Why not cut back to Twilight Sparkle and Spike trying to do Applejack's farm chores or have a few different scenes at the spa instead of just one? Why not have Applejack fix a whole bunch of problems at the spa instead of just the leaky steam pipe? That being said, it wasn't another Princess Spike or Mysterious Mare Do-Well, but it wasn't anything special, either. 7/10

Edited by Silvestra Spooner
  • Brohoof 1
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Howdy all!


The Fox Brothers did a pretty good job in todays episode.


Tabitha St Germain was Fabulous as Rarity & Aloe.


While Ashleigh Ball is awesome as AJ & RD.

(The RD scenes was funny)


Good to hear Chantal Strand as Spoiled Rich (Diamond Tiara's mother)


It has the Season 1 type of feel.


Cant wait for next weeks episode.

  • Brohoof 2


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6.5/10 - Good episode, but nothing special about it

"And from the depths of chaos a voice spoke to me and said ‘Smile, and be happy, things could be worse’ - and thus I smiled, and was happy, and things got worse."
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Rarity's getting too much screen time this season. Why couldn't Applejack's spa partner have been Fluttershy? We've barely seen her this season and this was an opportunity to balance out the mane six's screen time a bit. Apart from that, I liked this episode. It was a nice 'quiet' episode - nothing major happened, but it was a lot of fun nonetheless. And with Applejack being my favourite of the mane six, I was glad to have an episode based around her. It was also nice to see Spoiled Rich again.


Also, why are there pigs on Applejack's farm? It's not as if ponies eat sausages, is it?

Edited by King of Snake
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A+ for awesome Spa ponies. 

I also wish everyone i've ever worked with who have dared utter the words. "thats how its always been" Would watch this episode. 

  • Brohoof 2

Join us over at the equestrian vanguard if your looking for more gaming ponies to hang out with. 

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