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health What helps you feel good?

Dark Horse

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Life can be a tough task sometimes. We all face trails and hardships in some form or other, all throughout our lives. Some have it more severe than others, but we've all been there, all had that moment where we could just sink into a dark corner and cry, feeling sorry for ourselves, the world, whatever.


But I believe we also often take for granted, those things that make us feel joy, hopeful, and happy to be alive. I sit here on a beautiful sunny day, hardly a cloud in the sky, the greenery returned to the trees and a light breeze keeping temperatures pretty much optimum. Right now, everything just feels so tranquil, peaceful. It reminds me of the days that made me feel so positive about my life. Even through all the hardships, even through the many still to come, I've still had these wonderful moments, and nothing can take those away from me. It gives me the desire to continue, to push through the hard times in the hope of seeing more good times ahead. It really can be the smallest things that help us keep the faith.


So with that said, I'm curious to hear about what sort of things keep your spirits up? What are the kind of things you find joy in? Do you maybe find it difficult to do so? Some may even find happiness in things others would think questionable. Everyone is different, and perhaps something you post here will help another who is struggling. You never know!


...And don't just say "Ponies." :orly:

  • Brohoof 1

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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Talking to the people I care most about (especially to one person in particular) and being reminded that I do actually matter to them. That helps me feel better. 

  • Brohoof 1
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MMmmhh yeah





I'm not really sure. To be honest I haven't really gone through a lot of difficult situations in my life, my life has been pretty chill so to speak. Of course there has been some tough moments but somehow I just manage to not worry and well... be happy. *wink wink mcferrin*. I suppose it is just in my personality, I tend to not worry too much even if there's a lot of pressure on me. So I'm sorry all people who are going through tough times but jokuc doesn't have any magic tips :v


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Well, I feel good mostly all the time cause I have a super easy life but It does make me feel good when I have accomplished things.  Something about progression makes me happy.

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Why, YOU make me feel good Sir Dark Horse. :3 I am not creepy I swear. XD


I agree with you though. Life has become so convoluted with so many random things that I feel like many unknowingly forget to appreciate those little things that bring us joy. It is something I try to stay true to, even with all of the other issues.


What brings me joy are the simple things in life. Simply looking forward to having a good meal, with a good drink, while watching some videos, it is things like that that keeps me going through the days. Well, that and my boyfriend of course. <3 I have many random joys, but I feel like one of the best ways for me to get through is to focus on these things a lot. Surround myself with that which reminds of those joys. So if there is a video game I love for example, if I see a reminder of that online or elsewhere, that makes me feel joy. Indulging in my obsessions helps too.


It is the little and simple joys in life that get me through.



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Talking to the people I care most about (especially to one person in particular) and being reminded that I do actually matter to them. That helps me feel better. 


Few things make me feel better than the support and friendship of those closest to me. I would think that's true for almost everyone.




MMmmhh yeah





I'm not really sure. To be honest I haven't really gone through a lot of difficult situations in my life, my life has been pretty chill so to speak. Of course there has been some tough moments but somehow I just manage to not worry and well... be happy. *wink wink mcferrin*. I suppose it is just in my personality, I tend to not worry too much even if there's a lot of pressure on me. So I'm sorry all people who are going through tough times but jokuc doesn't have any magic tips :v


Do the Pony Pokey!


Well, for some that's all it takes. They don't let themselves get worked up as much, so there's less to feel better about I suppose. Sounds pretty peachy to me. :P

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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When I actually create something and get praised for it,that's just the most wonderful feeling.


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Well, I feel good mostly all the time cause I have a super easy life but It does make me feel good when I have accomplished things.  Something about progression makes me happy.


Progression is rarely a bad thing. The happiest man on earth must also be the most bored, because he would have nothing to strive for. I personally wouldn't ever want to say I have nothing left to do with myself.




Why, YOU make me feel good Sir Dark Horse. :3 I am not creepy I swear. XD


And that in turn makes me feel good. Happy to spread it! :lol:


Like I said: sometimes it's the smallest of things that we might not even stop to realize it.

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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Well when I have a hard day I usually just watch Suprenatural,since it's funny ,helps me a little or I just go draw what I feel ,helps me leave the feeling on the drawing and it relieves my self.
Right now I'm struggling because I've been left by mymother nearly 3 years ago in another country. Because she does not believe me when I say my step dad abused me. And she decided to leave me.  She is trying to control my life and to give up on my dreams.
And I don't really trust her now days.
Was not easy at first,but my boyfriend and friends keep me up ,believe me and always try to help me.
So ^^
Even if I was abused ,I still got better,life is not over for things like this. Yes you might need to have someone in your life (so you can talk to) to help you get threw your days. I didn't need it thankfully buut it will always haunt me but I can now be happy ^^
Drawing,hanging out,playing games and so on help me a lot.

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Alcohol. I find music is an easy way to improve my mood when I'm feeling down. Especially after a hard day of work, the best thing I can do is to put on some calm acoustic music on my drive home. I always end up feeling much better when I finally get home.

  • Brohoof 1
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Things I have done to feel better when feeling not my best:


  • Watched MLP... Although admittedly, this is pretty rare :P I usually do one of the other things on this list instead
  • Play Darkest Dungeon. For whatever strange reason, a dark, depressing, and hopeless atmosphere helps me feel better. Darkest Dungeon is a very "two steps forward and one step back" kind of game, but as awful as it can feel looking at the mess you've gotten yourself into, it's very reassuring to remember that you have been through worse and have come a long way from where you began. While the game itself can be horribly oppressive, it teaches you to make the best of the absolute worst scenario, and I guess that's what helps me get over whatever I'm upset about.
  • Play Dark Souls. See above description for Darkest Dungeon
  • Play the Binding of Isaac. Wow, I'm really starting to sound like an edgy emo kid now...
  • Play Hotline Miami. As psychotic as it sounds, playing this can be kind of therapeutic. I'm not the kind of player that just rushes in recklessly and gets a full combo for the sake of an adrenaline rush, rather, I'm very... methotical... I survey the area, find the best angle to approach from, make a plan, go through it, and then scout out the next location, rinse and repeat.... Kinda like the Sherlock Holmes movies... Wait for guard to walk by door... kick door in and knock over guard, grab his weapon.... neutralize second guard before he draws his own weapon... finish off first guard before hallway guard sees inside the room... throw weapon and knock hallway guard against wall, grab hallway guard's weapon... Neutralize attack dog, finish off hallway guard... back into the room as more guards run to the area after hearing the gunshots... use doorway as choke-point and dispatch them as they come around the corner...






Calm, deep, contemplative thought eases my nerves, while the violent nature of the game relieves anger. The music is trance-like and helps keep me from growing frustrated at the difficulty. It's really a mix of several things that gets rid of stress... shame it makes me sound like a sociopath when I say it XD ... and yes, I know that slowly, methodically, and deliberately is the exact opposite of how you're supposed to play the game, and I never even get anywhere close to your high score, but I bet I die a whole lot less than you as a result :orly:


  • Study Pathfinder/Make characters. As I said in the last one, calm, deep, contemplative thought eases my nerves, and I could literally (and have literally) spend a whole day studying Pathfinder; going through hundreds of feats, spells, abilities, and items to create a perfect build. While other options on this list keep me occupied for an hour or two at most, this is for when I really need to relax, and my strongest characters always come as a result of these huge study-sessions. And writing out the back-story can vent any other emotion I may have pent up as well. Am I angry? Give them a violent past. Am I depressed? Make them a tragic hero. Lonely? Make them a cheerful character, someone I would want as a friend. etc.
  • Play Undertale: Usually this is for when I'm lonely. Flowey begs you as the player, not as Frisk, to refrain from using the true-reset... But that implies a separation between Frisk and the player. The characters in game are happy with Frisk, but they can never see you, the player, ever again. If Toriel, if Papyrus, if Sans, if Alphys, if any of them knew that the only way they would be able to see you again, another friend of theirs, was to go back, would they not be happy going back? Even if it meant re-doing everything everyone worked so hard for? Of course they would, and as such, I feel no guilt in hitting the reset button, so long as I don't go genocide everything will be fine, and I'll be able to visit those "friends" any time I like.
  • or even just the tried and true method: vent to friends. Love and support is what they're for after all, right?
Edited by Hocus Pocus

~Hocus Pocus

Ya weni mareh mirekyarahire
Juri yu mirekerason

Kire hyari yoriherahe nyurahera
Nunnyura unera yurawera nihmerani

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Right now I'm struggling because I've been left by mymother nearly 3 years ago in another country. Because she does not believe me when I say my step dad abused me. And she decided to leave me. She is trying to control my life and to give up on my dreams.


That's rough. it can be hard enough finding what makes you happy without somebody else trying to interfere, especially someone who should be close to you. :( Still, I'm glad you still have others who can make you smile. :)




I find music is an easy way to improve my mood when I'm feeling down. Especially after a hard day of work, the best thing I can do is to put on some calm acoustic music on my drive home. I always end up feeling much better when I finally get home.


Music is food for the soul as they say. Whenever I need inspiration or just something to crank my mind into gear, it's where I turn to.


When I actually create something and get praised for it,that's just the most wonderful feeling.


Getting recognition for your accomplishments is always good, what would they be without it? Just don't let it go to your head. :lol:

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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When life is tough, I like to listen to TheDashDub. Some more things I like to do is play PAC-MAN and not take it too seriously, or after a night of stressful For Glory I can head to 8 Player Smash and battle it out casually. I head to my pantry to eat junk food or head to the shower if I haven't already taken one that day. Meditation is an option that I haven't used in forever and I need to use it more, it's an excellent stress reliever. I may also head to these forums and then vent my problems to my best friend here, then maybe post a little bit on Forum Games. If nothing works, I can always cry or hit the hay.

Pennutoh has a gun

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Getting recognition for your accomplishments is always good, what would they be without it? Just don't let it go to your head. :lol:

Oh,I don't. The joy I feel only lasts 4 hours.then I go back to feeling empty again. The longest time it's ever lasted was a day. Next day,sure enough,I was back to the old me again.

Edited by Gehrman


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@@Hocus Pocus,


I often hear people say things like "You've been playing too many video games" when someone uses them as a basis to their real life, but I say to those people that they are being too quick to judge. Games occasionally still get a reputation of being time wasters or child's play, but I believe they really can help people mentally. Like any form of art, they get the mind thinking. They can open you up to thoughts you might not necessarily have been able to grasp at on your own. They can make you feel accomplished, completing a level or earning that last achievement. They can make you feel proud of your actions, saving the world or helping a desperate civilian in need. They can even bring a man to tears if they've become invested enough.


Just because it's not ground in reality doesn't make the emotional impacts any less significant.

  • Brohoof 1

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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Talking to my closest friends and special someone help me feel good, especially with the things I do for them, and hearing how grateful they are makes me feel happy.


Organizing things from papers or little knick knacks keeps my mentality in a clam state, knowing where everything is and not having to worry what ever happened to them.


Counting my money. I'm that guy that saves a lot of his money in a separate wallet and has another that I take with me every day. Just seeing how much money I accumulated over time gives me good vibes for some reason.


Watching anime/reading manga. I can relate to the characters, and still enjoy the storyline as a whole.


Logging on to the forums. I've noticed myself to be more happy and open since the time I joined this community. The forums has helped me a lot and continues to do so. :)


Video games. It's how immersive each video game I play, and the gameplay gives me something to feel good about whenever I do have a chance of playing.

Edited by Cryathan

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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Youtube, twitch, icecream, good exercise, going out to eat, junk food, pizza, alot of blueberries, singing and dancing when no one is around(poorly/uniquely), then videogames, and imagining myself as an oc of art that I happen to like at a given moment, more recent for that one. Basically anything that excites or relaxes my senses or emotions. Also music and good reading, not the biggest reader though.

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Music, the sun, cleaning my room, exercising and interacting with my snake.


Not that snake.

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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Counting my money. I'm that guy that saves a lot of his money in a separate wallet and has another that I take with me every day. Just seeing how much money I accumulated over time gives me good vibes for some reason.


This kind of reminds me of that quote from the Simpsons:


Homer: "Let me ask you something: does your money cheer you up when you're feeling blue?"

Mr. Burns: "Yes."

Homer: "Okay, bad example..."




Logging on to the forums. I've noticed myself to be more happy and open since the time I joined this community. The forums has helped me a lot and continues to do so.


That makes two of us. :)


Music, the sun, cleaning my room, exercising and interacting with my snake.


Not that snake.



  • Brohoof 1

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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I like to believe that if i hit an emotional nadir, i could eventually overcome it and climb out of it.


So i forcefully depress myself further rather than fighting it. Then i let my worries become old and meaningless, until i can finally rise above them.

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I like to believe that if i hit an emotional nadir, i could eventually overcome it and climb out of it.


So i forcefully depress myself further rather than fighting it. Then i let my worries become old and meaningless, until i can finally rise above them.


Interesting. They do say that time is the greatest healer, so I suppose if you're strong willed you could always choose to accept your grief and tough through it. Better than bottling it up and not coming to terms with how you feel, as many often do.


YouTube and listening to music are a few. Friends help, but not having many doesn't hehe.


You can always find support here when you need it. :twi:

  • Brohoof 1

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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