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Have you grown to like the new Starlight Glimmer?


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Honestly..... I didn't like her in the Trixie episode. That irritated me lol. But so far she seems to be... meh. alright. Nothing to be writing home about lol. But I am interested in seeing where it goes. 


Honestly, I would much rather see another Rara episode before I watch another Starlight episode. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Yes and no. I liked her as a villain, liked her more following Re-Mark, and has climbed up in my top-ten characters list of the show.

  • Brohoof 1

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A little, but I mainly felt she was a bit too different. Her personality went a complete 180


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i thought starlight would continue being some nasty jerk to twilight and her friends. but as the season progressed. she learned to step out from her antisocial circle by following twilight's advice

Honestly..... I didn't like her in the Trixie episode. That irritated me lol. But so far she seems to be... meh. alright. Nothing to be writing home about lol. But I am interested in seeing where it goes.


Honestly, I would much rather see another Rara episode before I watch another Starlight episode.

i agree with that you said. the trixie episode felt irritating because twilight didnt even explain how to deal with newmade pals. sigh
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I do like the new Starlight but I feel like she has become very timid and uncertain about herself. Before she was redeemed she was bold and aggressive. Now she has lost a ton of her confidence. I would, however, like to see her interact more with the main six, apart from Twilight. 


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She is still going to take a lot for me to completely warm up to her.

After her series worst character reformation in the Cutie Re-Mark and how she is basically a Sunset Shimmer expy I can't say that I found her to be too terribly interesting.

But I don't hate her anymore and I like her as a tool to develop Twilight's character.


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I... do like her? But I found her to be more interesting when she was still a villain, since her redemption wasn't really handled all that well.


I can excuse a season finale for being a season finale and ending on a happy note, but unlike all the other times where they continued from a season finale in the next season by addressing the points skipped in the last one, such as Twilight being fine with being a princess able to fly after just getting wings in the season 3 finale, but struggling with both in season 4 with Starlight they just... skipped most of it.


Now to be fair, not a lot of people know what Starlight has actually done. Unlike the previously mentioned Trixie, who did what she did in the rather central Ponyville, Starlight had her little brainwash camp in the middle of nowhere. So people not knowing what Starlight had been doing makes sense as really the only people outside of that village who know are the mane 6. However, we should have had an episode where she had to deal with the people from her village, one that goes into a bit more depth than the three second scene from the season finale. We should have seen some closure on her actions there. Perhaps we still can. Making up for the time traveling can be left to the side though, since the only people who even know that happened (which it technically didn't because time travel) are Starlight, Twilight and Spike.


The biggest problem right now is that there's nowhere for Starlight to go. Sure, she's studying friendship under Twilight, but all that means it's that she's mooching of the storyline that is Twilight's to begin with. Starlight needs her own story and her own goals, not re-treading the same road that Twilight already went down.

  • Brohoof 1
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Now to be fair, not a lot of people know what Starlight has actually done. Unlike the previously mentioned Trixie, who did what she did in the rather central Ponyville, Starlight had her little brainwash camp in the middle of nowhere


You're forgetting that the main characters all forgive and accept Starlight, while they hated Trixie and wanted nothing to do with her. 

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You're forgetting that the main characters all forgive and accept Starlight, while they hated Trixie and wanted nothing to do with her. 


Welllll, key element of pony forgiveness is that you apologize. Trixie ran of without ever apologizing after her first appearance and the first time the main characters ever saw her again she immediately set about conquering Ponyville and enslaving everyone. And even when she went around apologizing she did so by showing off, which what people didn't like about her in the first place.


Not to say that No Second Prances wasn't handled terribly (almost every second of it made me cringe), but Trixie kind of does this sort of thing to herself.

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Welllll, key element of pony forgiveness is that you apologize. Trixie ran of without ever apologizing after her first appearance and the first time the main characters ever saw her again she immediately set about conquering Ponyville and enslaving everyone. And even when she went around apologizing she did so by showing off, which what people didn't like about her in the first place.


Not to say that No Second Prances wasn't handled terribly (almost every second of it made me cringe), but Trixie kind of does this sort of thing to herself.


Starlight did far worse than Trixie without being influenced by an evil artifact, she was offered friendship and forgiveness. The main characters treated Trixie like garbage before magical duel, right at the start of it when she arrives to ponyville again, and in the new episode where Twilight doesn't want anything to do with her, and attempts to make Starlight ditch her. The fact is, Twilight forgave her, and now it's like that didn't even happen. So in the new ep, she's putting on an apology tour just to get acceptance from everyone, but Starlight is quickly forgiven for everything she's done.

Edited by CJPony
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I like her more now than she was back then and it shows. In fact, I'm actually looking forward to more episodes that feature her.

  • Brohoof 1

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The funny part is that Starlight did far worse than Trixie without being influenced by an evil artifact. The main characters still treated her like garbage before magical duel, right at the start of it when she arrives to ponyville again, and in the new episode where Twilight doesn't want anything to do with her, and attempts to make Starlight ditch her. The fact is, Twilight forgave her, and now it's like that didn't even happen. So in the new ep, she's putting on an apology tour just to get acceptance from everyone, but Starlight is quickly forgiven for everything she's done. 


Actually the first thing she does in Magical Duel when arriving is antagonize Rarity, so the dislike the moment she arrives is not entirely without reason. But that aside, a noticeable pattern in MLP is that you're generally not forgiven until you say sorry, and after that everything's chocolate chip cookies. So Magic Duel is still pretty consistent.


But yes, Starlight's quick forgiveness is something that could serve to be addressed better. Though I'd like to point to this not being unique, after all Discord was forgiven almost immediately even after he had back-stabbed the entirety of Equestria in favour of Tirek and almost destroyed it in doing so. It's really more No Second Prances that falls short here than Starlight, because Trixie did apologize. Kind of. To Twilight. Before running of and making another show to show off, which people didn't like her for in the first place. So in Trixie's case it's less of a problem with Starlight, and more of a problem with the way Trixie is written.


But this does bring to mind one thing I do like about the current Starlight: Guilt. Most forgiven villains in MLP don't really step back to think about the days they did things wrong, but Starlight does. To the point where she's having trouble making friends because she's deathly terrified of people finding out what she did.

Edited by Keroko
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While I did leave a few posts in, the majority of the off-topic discussion has been hidden. As much as I adore Trixie, this topic isn't about her. It is about Starlight Glimmer, and it's best that we remember that and keep it on topic.


Thank you.

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At this point, it seems apparent that there are two specific requirements for Starlight appearing in episodes: 


1. She must be linked to Twilight in some way. 


2. Her past as a villain must be mentioned. 


Due to the first requirement, I don't think that Starlight has been made a recurring character for anyone's sake but Twilight's, and that she could feasibly become a much more minor character after this season ends (assuming the show doesn't end with it). 


Due to the second requirement, I don't think it's beyond possibility that Starlight could relapse back to evil. Honestly, why isn't she allowed to move forward? Why do her past actions always have to be brought up? The only reason I can think of is because we actually haven't seen the last of Starlight as a villain. 

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The second requirement seems to be part of a redemption story that's currently not really going anywhere, which I think is partially due to the authors being stuck on how to handle her redemption. We've already had a 'dragged down by guilt' version with Luna, Discord told the story of a villain resisting redemption -and also did the relapse- and Sunset Shimmer showed us a heroine faced with the consequences of her actions.


What is there to tell about Starlight's story that hasn't already been told before?

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2. Her past as a villain must be mentioned. 

That's mostly there so they can attempt to keep the episodes self contained, that an audience member who just happens to come across it either out of the blue or in syndication knows what's up with that character. They go about it in the worst possible way but it's not meant to be good from a story telling perceptive, only from a marketing one. 




, I don't think it's beyond possibility that Starlight could relapse back to evil. Honestly, why isn't she allowed to move forward? Why do her past actions always have to be brought up? The only reason I can think of is because we actually haven't seen the last of Starlight as a villain. 


I doubt that she'll become evil again, mostly cause of how the show staff treats her, at least on purpose. She too much their pet. What I expect though is that she'll be manipulated by Chrysalis into joining her, sort of like what went down with Tirek and Discord, only it will be to give a unbelievably hypocritical message that Chrysalis is somehow irredeemable but that Starlight is a freaking saint because of some BS about accepting friendship, at which point Starlight will realize she's been played and go God mode and just solve the problem in less than five seconds. 

  • Brohoof 1

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Definitely, although "grown to like" implies I didn't initially, which isn't really true for me, I never had an issue with her redemption. I think she has definitely made a positive contribution to this season, and all of her episodes thus far has been great, in my opinion. In terms of her character, I am impressed that they have managed to keep some of her previous personality traits, examples include being somewhat manipulative (getting Spike to stall meeting Sunburst in The Crystalling), jumping to the easiest solution as opposed to the best one(casting the talking spell on Big Mac), and being emotionally unstable (her reaction to Trixie saying she only befriended her to get back at Twilight). Overall, I do quite like the "new" Starlight Glimmer, if you like that term.


Credit to @Kyoshi for the signature!

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I doubt that she'll become evil again, mostly cause of how the show staff treats her, at least on purpose. She too much their pet. What I expect though is that she'll be manipulated by Chrysalis into joining her, sort of like what went down with Tirek and Discord, only it will be to give a unbelievably hypocritical message that Chrysalis is somehow irredeemable but that Starlight is a freaking saint because of some BS about accepting friendship, at which point Starlight will realize she's been played and go God mode and just solve the problem in less than five seconds. 

I would be so angry if they went that route. It'd be an even bigger slap in the face than Starlight's rushed redemption in The Cutie Re-Mark.


The second requirement seems to be part of a redemption story that's currently not really going anywhere, which I think is partially due to the authors being stuck on how to handle her redemption. We've already had a 'dragged down by guilt' version with Luna, Discord told the story of a villain resisting redemption -and also did the relapse- and Sunset Shimmer showed us a heroine faced with the consequences of her actions.


What is there to tell about Starlight's story that hasn't already been told before?

That worries me, too. It seems like the writers aren't sure how to use her.

Edited by Silvestra Spooner
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It could also be possible that the season 6 finale will see Starlight get a throne of her own and join the mane 6 and the 7th member. However since we haven't see Starlight interact with anyone but Twilight or Spike in any meaningful manner this season, I have my doubts there. So far, Starlight seems more like a side character for Twilight than a character on her own.

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Since the redemption, I could take or leave Starlight Glimmer. They already blew the chance at giving her an enjoyable journey from evil to good by glancing over it in the S5 finale and time-skipping to the S6 premiere and are continuing to leave potential on the table by not going further with her reformation. However, her roles in the episodes she appeared in were not bad.


What Starlight is really good for is the effect she has on other characters. In "The Crystalling", Spike developed more independence and the ability to act as a Twilight surrogate in her absence, while Sunburst found his inner confidence and Twilight learns to leave her new student to her own devices. Twilight learns this again in "No Second Prances", while Trixie's true nature came out; being someone who just can't get over living a lie. She's like the magic device that gets people to reveal their true selves.

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