Buttonmash1973 1,026 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 Another great Spike episode, and Spike got a full song at last. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luminance 2,186 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 Stellar episode! Really love the moral in that don't judge someone based on what they are but what they can do. 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Photon Jet 5,491 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 I'm gonna say this loud and clear! Spike was awesome! He even did what the ponies in the Crystal Empire cannot do! Sorry Twilight and others. I think we've found what Spike's special talent is after befriending a Changeling who is different. Oh, how much he's grown. 9 Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist! 3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810 (The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Odd Ball 231 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 Spike was annoying at first with his ego, but thankfully he got better. Thorax was a great character. I also love his Crystall Hoof form. The way the changelings are born kinda ruins my theory of their being female and child changelings. The song was one of the best in the whole show. I kinda wish they would have expended on how Spike's reputation as hero would have been destroyed because of Throax, like having his fans see Crystal Hoofs as Throax and turn away from Spike. Enjoyable episode overall. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sidral Mundet 1,666 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 When did Spike become awesome?! What I liked: Spike: HOLY COW WAS HE AMAZING! I loved all of his stuff, but especially the line "You don't have to ask," and Cathy's voice was just perfect. And he got a song. Best Spike episode at least since Gauntlet. Thorax: Or Crystal Hoof. Man was he a great character. Good motivation and I loved the comedic double team he pulled with Spike. The Marx brothers would be proud. Shining Armor: He had a real motivation for never trusting a changeling and I liked how he reacted to it. Yeah probably racist but believable. The song: 1) It sounds like it was inspired by Imagine from John Lennon 2) Spike gets a song! The camera work: Man that first cliff shot was really well done. What I didn't like: Starlight and Sunburst: Why were you here? The only things they contributed were exposition anyone else could have delivered. Just so pointless. The Speech: Not the speech itself but that it wraps up literally everything, It would have been nice if say Shining was still a little weary or the guards not completely convinced by hey it's a self contained episode. My Stream: IT KEEPS GLITCHING. I missed the changeling backstory. So yeah Damn that was good, and that's all I really have to say about that. 8 Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyoshi Frost Wolf 41,799 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 After all of the waiting and the mystery of how this episode would go, could it be near perfection? I can safely say, yes, yes it is. This peisode was everything I wanted it to be and even a bit more. While the whole super paranoid thing is something we have seen before as a plot device, it was done perfectly well here because of the changeling, Thorax. He was incredible. his voice was cute and very nice to hear, spike was once again awesome here and we got to see him fumble and then recover from that. It is amazing how much Spike has done this season and I am absolutely loving it. We also now have a whole new doorway opened for the changelings, as they can actually befriend others. This could be setup for the finale, but we will see. And Spike got a SONG! A real one this time and it was fantastic. He has a wonderful voice. XD Honestly, other than perhaps some tiny tiny pacing problems, I don't know if I can say anything bad about this one. This episode could very well be my absolute favorite of the season and easily one of the top in the show. This is one that I will be watching again and again. It was a classic tale of 'don't judge a book by its cover' but also mixed with 'stick up for your friends'. Even the moral aspect was well done here! I don't know about anyone else, but I found this episode to be near perfection and a pinnacle to what this show can done with its runtime. I am so friggin giddy right now. ^_____^ 14 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eggy0 103 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 Ten outta ten. This is my favorite episode since A Canterlot Wedding and Crusaders of the Lost Mark. It's a mix of heartwarming and tearjerking for me, and it also reminds me of HTTYD since both this episode and that movie deal with a main character making friends with a creature of different species that's widely seen as something that needs to be killed on sight. Spike's song really moves me to tears. The ponies do retain their frowns throughout the song, though Starlight ended up going from a frown to a sad face, implying that it reminded her of what she's done in the past and how she wants everypony to accept her as a friend like what Spike and Thorax tried to accomplish. Also, I finally got to see what seems like the home of the Changelings, as well as what baby Changelings look like. We still don't know where their home is located though, but that's besides the point. 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWater627 700 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 I'm sooooo happy with this episode. So much goodness in it~ <3 For one thing: changelings! Haven't had a serious changeling since S2's ender. The cameo doesn't really count. As a fan since S2, I was super happy! And it was basically a befreind a changeling episode too. I wrote a changeling reformation story over 4 years ago and to see it happen in the show made me cry...seriosuly I'm still watery right now. TT_TT *tears of joy* Also, Spike's own song! It was a moving one too. Reminds me of Diamond Tiara's in that respect. I think this will go down as one of Spike's all time best episodes. He showed character that was actually better than all the others. And it wasn't some impossibly perfect character either because he had to work up to it. :idea: So very excited right now. 4 Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Foxy Socks 2,600 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 (edited) I honstly felt like crying this episode. I really like how it shows that even changelings can be nice. I found Thorax a bit like me too. I love his character, shy, timid and kind. He is cute! Edited August 20, 2016 by Namae 6 My OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/foxy-socks-r9861 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SanityNotIncluded 335 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 (edited) Disclaimer: I missed some of the ep due to buffering issues, so I might've missed what everyone is raving about. I really liked the ideas behind this one, but the way it was written came off as forced to me. A huge chunk of the dialogue felt like it was not-very-subtely dumping exposition or explaining how we're supposed to be reacting. Still, Thorax was adorable and I liked the resolution of Changelings feeding from each others' love. Edited August 20, 2016 by SanityNotIncluded 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sketchy Tail 206 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 *squee!* That was so adorable!! I've always loved the Changelings since the royal wedding. The sunshine dance between Cadence and Twilight was also really adorable. The song was also VERY good! haven't had a full Spike song in ages. So yeah, 10/10 for sure! 12 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PoisonClaw 8,166 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 In terms of world-building, this was an excellent episode. We got some insight into Changeling that people have have been theorizing ever since their debut, and It's nice that they're not inherently evil, even if Thorax seems to be implied to be an anomaly among his species. Also, Changelings can not only turn into random objects like rocks (which would be more terrifying in a different context), but apparently follow a loose scale-mass shift, since Thorax was able to turn into Spike, who is half his size. Speaking of Thorax, the guy seriously can't catch a break. All he's ever wanted was to have friends and not be hated for what he is. I felt sorry for him from the teasers alone, seeing him spend most of the episode sad and depressed was heart wrenching. In terms of pacing though... it felt kinda rushed near the end. I know Spike's word carries weight in the Crystal Empire, and he was risking everything to stand up for Thorax, everyone seemed to change their opinion at the drop a hat. Yeah, Twilight standing up for him helped more, but I would have liked if instead of Spike giving into peer pressure and abandoning Thorax, he stood up for him then and there, and the rest of the episode could have been spent getting to know Thorax and prove he's not such a bad guy. Also, I didn't care much for the song. It felt very out of place, and the fact that everyone spent the entire thing scowling at him made me thing they were going to be meta and interrupt him mid-song. Although, a neat touch near the end was Starlight realizing what Spike was talking about, since she was given a second chance despite what she'd done. Overall, I still liked the episode, but feel that it could have been better. Thorax was still the highlight of this episode. I really hope we see him again, even if it's just in the background. 9 MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider NutNow, count up your sins!I do Traditional commissions, by the way! See them HERE! Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Photon Jet 5,491 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 Stellar episode! Really love the moral in that don't judge someone based on what they are but what they can do. So true! It's the inside of somepony that counts. Think more people can learn that lesson in our world? 3 Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist! 3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810 (The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 I got a good chuckle at Spike's disguise when he put on his Afro, but the Rarity doll in the background is hilarious. XD 5 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HighLunarStudios 100 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 wouldn't it have been cooler if Chryslis turned up and Thorax took her down all by him self that would have been awesome Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allen 1,387 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 Spike and the alliance with the changeling named "Thorax", he's friendly however not a threat. Also, near the ending part of this episode, one song has revealed sung by Spike, I hear that first was in F major and ends the note in F! So this is a great episode with the changeling alliance, and took place at the Crystal Empire with Flurry Heart's (second) appearance! "Please be kind to this friendly changeling! He's not that bad and won't harm ponies as promised." ~Allen, to ponies' response with Spike about Thorax 2 Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past. ~Allen The V.I.P., The Legendary Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BastementSparkle 20,328 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 (edited) I already love Thorax. I wanna snuggle that Snugglebug. I really enjoyed this one. I could complain about the pacing or rushed endings, but...Whatever, I enjoyed so much of it I don't care that much. Thorax was a great new character, Spike was awesome and this was easily one of his best episodes, plus he finally get's his own song! Starlight and Sunburst might not have added too much but it was nice to see them again, and Starlight's slight look of guilt during Spike's song was a nice touch. Also, this didn't mess with comic continuity, and didn't try to redeem the ENTIRE Changeling race or anything like that, which I appreciate. They still make great villains, but it's good to acknowledge that the whole race isn't evil. Edited August 20, 2016 by Base 6 Twilight is best pony. Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theonenamedDJ 37 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 Ugh, maybe I am getting too old for this show. Now spike himself was great and I can't say anything bad about the characterization, but the ending seemed so safe, saccharine, and far too optimistic for its own good. Because I'm sure if you sing really, REALLY well and with such LUV and PASSION in your heart you too can solve prejudice and paranoia. Yeah, no. Stick to more personal social problems, like "Stranger than Fanfiction", or light character comedy like "saddle row review" because you are not smart or talented enough for something like this. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mesme Rize 15,687 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 I thought this was a very good episode, with a few errors here and there. But nothing that really breaks the episode for me. Thorax, for me, made Changelings more appealing for me, because ever since 2012, i never really could see the appeal to changelings (except for maybe the hypnosis/mind control headcanon, but that's for another place) Thorax had a personality though and a very cute one at that. During most of the episode, i wanted to hug him, like really badly. Spike is usual self, but he was not annoying as we mostly see him. Many would say, it was wrong of him to not stand before his friend. But the thing is, he had to choose between Thorax and the others. That's tough and both are wrong options. But it all worked out. And i am glad he got a song, which isn't the best, but it's not terrible. Extra points for Twilight having a nerdy moment, with her pen pal quill set. Very good episode. 9 My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777 Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracu98 139 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 alright, I'll start with the positive before I get to the one negative thing that bugged (hehe, "bugged") me about this episode. First off, it's just dang awesome to get some background-informations on the changelings. So there is actually a Kingdom, huh. Now I wonder: Is it a Kingdom like Equestria, with actual buildings and a social structure, or is "Changeling Kingdom" just the name Chrysalis gave to her hive? She's quite into this Queen-thingy, so I think that's actually something she'd do. Also, I loved the short scene where we saw Chrysalis looking for her children. This women is probably the darkest villain in the show, and I love it. I mean...come on. You know it's true. Second off, Thorax. I love the idea of a Changeling who genuily questions his existence and his purpose and tries to find an alternative to being evil. They also thought of a nice twist to make said goal more difficult: His hunger. But as he changes his appearance and enters the Crystal Empire, that hunger seems to be lost. Now, one could say "That's because of Friendship-Reasons, duuuh", but as we see later when Thorax encounters Flurry Heart, this hunger is still there. Does he have an "on/off"-button for this? 'cause if so, I need that. But that's just a small nuisance that, until now, didn't even come into my mind. I liked Thorax, end of story. But I do think that some of his potential is wasted, or at least some of the potential his story had. After Spike sings a song, both his hunger AND the hatred of those who view them as an enemy is gone. Which brings me to the negative point: The song. I mean, what was that? Spike stormed into the throne-room (and is apparently a ninja, since NONE of these 9001 guards noticed him or the changeling), and we can basically feel the tension. We know something big is happening. Spike is going to give these guys some pep-talk, and they'll give the Changeling a chance. And, slowly, they learn to trust him and see that not all Changelings are the same. Well, at least that's what I wished for. But then the lights came on and Spike suddenly started singing. The whole serious and grim mood is gone, and as Spike sings in front of moody and pissed off faces, I can't help but think about how ridicolous he looks. And after that not-so-good-song, suddenly all the hatred is GONE. God knows where it's gone, maybe Thorax ate it and just didn't notice, but...how in the world does that work? Thorax is the member of an evil, sly race that NEEDS to feed on other's love. And yet, a song is all it takes for them to FORGET about these facts? It would've been much better if they didn't get an instant-reformation but instead just gave Thorax a chance, like Discord got one. They'd get to know him, learn about his race, and come to think "Hey, maybe this guy isn't just a f*cking bug-dementor!" But no, bad song it is. As usual, I'm talking more about the negative aspects than the positive ones, but don't get fooled by that: I really liked that episode. It had funny moments and managed to execute an interesting idea very well. But I just hope to see a little more of Thorax (AND A LOT LESS OF STARLIGHT) and don't have to see him falling into the realm of the forgotten. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wind Chaser 4,768 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 Spike having two good episodes this season, that's a new academy record! The timing was definitely very good on this. It's an age-old storyline with many different applications throughout history, but I could see some obvious parallels with the current refugee crisis. When the security of your family, friends, and homeland is at stake, it's understandable to be firm, vigilant, and cautious, but you really have to know how to empathize with those in a genuine struggle and choose your friends wisely. Spike got to be every bit of himself in this episode; a little bit goofy and sometimes full of himself, but overall trustworthy in making the good decision, standing up for what's right, and even teaching Twilight a lesson when she needs it. He's definitely one of Season 6's consistently stronger assets, especially as the Mane 6 have had issues with their character growth. I definitely got some serious Ratatouille vibes from the moral. Not everyone can be a good friend, but a good friend can come from anywhere. As for the new character, I see some definite future potential in this. I could see him being involved in the season finale in some way if it does involve changelings. I see the potential for a three-dimensional storyline involving mistrust and him becoming the greatest weapon the ponies can possibly have against Queen Chrysalis. Especially in the past two seasons, one-shot characters with this much future potential have been pretty rare, so I'd love to see nothing more going forward than for the show staff to seize upon that opportunity. I also like the idea of a single changeling being a part of this plotline rather than Queen Chrysalis herself, and interested fans finally got to see a little more of how the changelings actually operate. This is definitely the most I've had to say about an MLP episode in a while. The rest of the second half of Season 6 has some pretty good ones on the way. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
heavens-champion 1,905 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 Nice to see Chrysalis again. She's not Sombra or Nightmare Moon, but she's pretty close. plus, now they've befriended Thorax, he could be a reliable asset. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cleverclover 1,526 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 I can safely say that this is the first episode I've enjoyed since The Saddle Row Review. Spike has clearly been treated well this season, far better than most of the mane six. His development really shined here, and I'm really glad that he's getting more episodes in which he displays his own friendship lessons that he's learned alongside Twilight and her friends. Between this and Gauntlet of Fire, season 6 has really made up for the disastrous Princess Spike, his only episode last season. In any case, I'm really glad that this season has progressed at least one character. I absolutely loved how Twilight was first to stand up for Spike. That was a particularly touching moment between them that we don't seem to get too much anymore. Also, for the very first time, Starlight had an episode in which her past was not brought up. I guess that's no longer a requirement for her. However, she still hovered around Twilight nearly the entire time, just as she usually does. Overall, I really liked this one, and I honestly wasn't sure I'd say that about another season 6 episode. 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StitchandMLPlover 930 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 I loved this episode! First of all it has perfect or near perfect continuity with Canterlot Wedding and the season 6 opener. Starlight is finally back! They also showed Spike's best qualities like in "Gauntlet of Fire" like his generosity and faithfulness while still having him screw up. They seemed to use all of his pervious character progression towards this episode. I was really surprised Spike got a song! I liked the voice actor for the little changeling too! It was also nice to see the guards treat Spike like their leader in the early scene and have them speak. They made good use of Flurry Heart as well. One of Spike's best episodes! 4 My short independent films about physical disability! http://cripvideoproductions.tumblr.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EQ_Theta 463 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 I'm happy it wasn't Chrysalis who was redeemed in this episode and now I really want to see the new changeling character in future episodes. My only gripe with the episode is the song. It wasn't bad by any means but the with way the scene was set up, I was expecting Spike to put his foot down and talk. Other than that, I'd say this episode was very solid! 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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