Courageous Thunder Dash 7,824 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 This episode was quite entertaining. Boy, who knew Big Mac was a talker when he was younger. I tell ya, telling lies is one of the most covered topics in children's shows, but tbh, this was the best illustration, how a little lie can just keep on growing. Lying your way out of things doesn't work at all. It just makes things worse. Great episode overall. Youtube: Soundcloud: 2nd SoundCloud: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stardust Balance 7,739 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 A couple of things I noted: teenagers are always wrong, Big Mac rocked with the mohawk, teen Big Mac was the best part of the entire episode, loved the bit with Derpy clearly having eye surgery in the hospital, teenager Big Mac's reason for... Slightly older teenage Big Mac no longer talking as much felt a little contrived and nonsensical, and really, Flithy Rich was responsible for everything that happened; consulting doing business with a preteen than the head of the farm. Overall, a fun little episode which I enjoyed. OC: Ask Stardust Balance: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,785 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 (edited) It was alright, not amazing like Viva Las Pegasus, but a solid AJ ep, and one of her better appearances this season as well as one of Rapp's better episodes(both of which were incredibly low bars admittedly), I did like a few of the things they did, like how Big Mac would never shut up as a kid, and the way they actually end up in the hospital is actually funny and a clever way to subvert expectations from the synopsis I'm gonna bet that Episode 24... will be a Map episode that will pair up Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. Because the Map has already sent out Rarity with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy with Applejack this Season. That's Top Bolt pleasebegoodpleasebegoodpleasebegoodpleasebegoodPLEASEBEGOODPLEASEBEGOODPLEASEBEGOODPLEASEBEGOODPLEASEBEGOOD PLEASE BE GOODPLEASE BE GOODPLEASE BE FUCKING GOODFOR THE LOVE OF CHRISTPLEASE DON'T BE FUCKING NEWBIE DASH OR 28 PRANKS LATER Edited October 9, 2016 by Megas 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zantetsuken 364 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 Where the Apple Lies Written by someone who doesn't know how to write I don't know what kind of piece of shit gutter hole they pulled Dave Rapp up from but they can throw him right back in, and I hope they do! This episode is SO FUCKING TERRIBLE it feels like a bad fanfic. Also this one Newbie Dash 3/10 In fact this episode was so horrendously bad I don't even want to count it as canon. Oh geez where to start? Well first off we have Applejack being 100% out of character. She seems to be around her teenage years in this episode and I know teens can be rash decision makers but this is just ridiculous. I love how Applejack had come up with multiple terrible lies, one of which involved someone having a deadly disease that ponies can't even get, tackled Granny Smith to the ground multiple times, tried to keep the terrible lie going, and everyone actually bought it. I love how her brother had to be under a bonesaw before she finally told the truth. She did all this but I have a suggestion, how about Filthy Rich and Granny Smith just talked this issue out instead of this sophisticated business pony listening to two teenagers. OMG THIS SOUNDS SO SIMPLE HOW DID YOU FIGURE THAT OUT!?!?! Well you see, it's a very hi-tech thing we all have called common since and a voice to talk with. I hate hate hate it if there is an episode where the issue could be solved by using simple common since this was even present before the theme. Applejack gave Rich the cider by accident instead of the Zap Apple Jam confident that Applebloom did things right when any competent farmer would have looked into the crate to make sure her customer was getting what he ordered. Applejack could have done this corrected the mistake right there and then, reamed Applebloom out for it after Rich left and the episode could have proceeded as normal. But no lets just go with your inept way of writing a story, then again if i was writing the episode at all I wouldn't have pitched this cancerous idea to begin with, let alone wrote it. Just every single shade of of teribad. 3.3/10 third worst episode of the entire series! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vanillapudding 44 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 (edited) I missed the livestream cos I was sleeping oopsie. Where was Apple Bloom? Like baby Apple Bloom? (I know it might've been kind of annoying shoving in a random baby, but its better than assuming that they're all horrible at taking care of babies and left her up in a crib for the entire episode.) Or is she so much younger that she hadn't been born yet and AJ's parents were secretly still around? But if they were still around then it wouldn't matter if Big Mac or AJ was the heir to Sweet Apple Acres (since it would pass to their parents first), which meant they couldn't be around, not really. Which means Baby Apple Bloom had to already exist. UNLESS she's not really their sister but a cousin O: (ok enough about that) There were a lot of really great small moments in this episode. At the beginning I really connected with AB. She just wanted to do right and make everyone proud and she messed up and wanted to fix it. Spoiled Milk was a glorious little joke - though it did raise quite a few questions regarding pony naming traditions since clearly she changed her name. Also her name might explain her attitude a bit more. Parents have to be really really cruel to name their child Spoiled Milk. Especially in a world where names tend to usually predict where someone's life will go. What did they expect of her - for her to become a garbage pony? Not that that wouldn't be a noble profession, it just doesn't strike me as something most parents want for their baby. And I do question her cutie mark anew - what if she got her cutie mark late. Like waaaay late? Like when Filthy Rich proposed and she realized all she wanted was to raise through the social ranks and become a super important pony? (Cos, yknow, her cutie mark is a diamond ring that looks suspiciously like an engagement ring. Tho not sure what an earth pony would do with that since rings seem to be something reserved for unicorns.) Ah but I'm running off down headcanon paths again. There's just so much fodder for that sort of thinking in this episode. On my expectations: They...were not quite met. Not that this was a bad episode, but when the description said 'put /the whole apple family in the hospital/' I was rather expected, well, the entire family. Like cousins and all of them (via something akin to serving a bunch of baked bads at a family reunion). Now that would have been one helluva lie. In the episode itself I was kind of sad and surprised about different choices they made. Like...when Granny was talkin' like she knew just how Apple Blight would appear if it were a ponyfied disease, I thought for sure she was faking it for AJ because she'd caught on because seriously Granny? You didn't realize that was your grandson there? You just up and decided that red leg with orange hoof was a disease? You trust your grandkids too much dearie. I did love her response to all the 'taking over the farm' talk. 'Yeah after this fat chance to either of you' basically. It looks like she's forgiven them since then and is alright with letting the two of them work it out together. As for Chatty Mc Big Mac...I'm not entirely a fan of what they did to his character here. Listening doesn't mean not talking anymore and that whole twist just didn't feel well handled for me. Don't get me wrong I could buy into it, maybe, if it had been handled differently. Maybe if they flesh out the idea more in the future, I dunno. And now for the hospital: Broken horn. The stallion from Read it and Weep. And Shining Twins. But! There is one egg more important that I spied: Well. Would ya lookit that. Either she tried to get her eyes fixed at some point, or something happened to harm her eyes and perhaps cause her condition. Either way she seemed rather upbeat in the few seconds that she was in the corner of the screen. The nurse on the other hand was rather worried looking. I at least found it quite an interesting little cameo. Edited October 8, 2016 by vanillapudding 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cleverclover 1,526 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 This episode was a delightful surprise, especially given the writer. As an Applejack fan, I was quite satisfied by her backstory here. I could sympathize with her sense of dependability clashing against her sense of honesty, and how she was ultimately driven to continue lying in order to save her family's partnership with the Rich family. Applejack was more than a bit naive here, and she clearly needed to learn a lesson. And if nearly getting your brother's leg hacked off isn't enough motivation never to lie for the rest of your life, I don't know what is. There were a few things that struck me as odd, though. Filthy Rich put a lot of pressure on two teenage ponies who obviously didn't have the final say in the farm's operations. I could understand him being upset, but threatening to pull his business entirely was a bit much. We learned that Spoiled Rich's maiden name was Spoiled Milk, which just makes pony names in Equestria that much more confusing (why is it that some ponies have obvious surnames while others don't? ) And I'm not really sure why we didn't get an appearance from Applejack's parents since Apple Bloom presumably wasn't born yet. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sporemane 546 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 I love this episode! Younger AJ is freaking adorable! This is my favorite episode of the whole season. AJ is best pony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonic5421 425 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 Talk about craziness! I had no idea that Applejack nearly risked the friendship between the Apples and the Riches when she was younger just to disobey Granny Smith and attempt to sell their apple cider to Filthy so he could sell it at Barnyard Bargains, not to mention just how talkative Big Mac was before becoming his more short-and-straight answer self with "Eeyup" and "Nope" with the occasional full sentences when the moment called for it. Granny Smith pretty much had an agreement with Stinkin' Rich that while Sweet Apple Acres handled the cider, he could sell some of their Zap Apple Jam at Barnyard Bargains. Not to mention learning of what Spoiled Rich's name originally was before she married Filthy Rich. This was a very nice episode centered around the Apple Family and their friendship with the Rich Family, and I give it an 8.5/10 as my score. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Foliha 395 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 (edited) This episode reminded me of "I Love Lucy" where Lucy gets herself in trouble and keeps getting in deeper while trying to get out. Those are the kind of lessons that stay with you. (As long as you're not Lucy!) I don't have much sympathy for those who complain about "hype" misleading them about episode content. There's an easy cure... Don't watch hype and previews! Wait and let the episode unfold naturally. Loved the jabber-jaws Big Mac, although I'm pleased that he grew out of it. Some wonderful faces in the episode. Applejack's coughing fit, Granny's grumpy faces, and Big Mac's grumpy faces. I'm a Granny myself, and it was great to see so much of Granny Smith! Edited October 8, 2016 by Foliha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trixie the Great 71 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICED DERPY IN THAT HOSPITAL WITH BADGES ALL OVER HER EYES? A failed surgery might explain the way her eyes look nowadays.... :-o Also, AJ looked so freaking cute back in the day !!! :-P The episode was fine but one thing for sure questioning in my mind was the Apple family parents. Applebloom wasn't there yet so we know she had to come somewhere and that's their parents. Unfortunately, we may actually never get an explanation of them or what happen but I'm ok with that. Base on this episode, we now know that there's adolescent ponies and if I recall from an earlier episode when we saw younger Fluttershy, we can actually assume that she was in fact older than the other 5 based on when she started growing due to her appearance.What really surprised me was Derpy's cameo. We knew she had her wall eye appearance from an animation error behalf of the animators but now we see they made a reason behind it all. Hmmm ! Well maybe Applebloom was just a baby at the time and since no one was really able to take care of a toddler (Granny Smith being too old and AJ and BM too busy taking care of Sweet Apple Acres), they just hired a full time nanny or something like that. Or maybe AJ's parents aren't actually dead. I don't know. I really wish for this all to be cleared up in the future. I'll be waiting for that darn episode with all my patience ! It doesn't matter who you hurt, if you're just proving you're the best. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluttershyfan94 5,742 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 That was great, little Applejack is so cute also it seems that a lot of changes happened at that time Derpy with her blindfold or bandages rather then Big Mac deciding to listen more rather then talk. I feel he went a bit overboard with that though it is admirable to stick with it for that long. Well all in all I enjoyed it. DA: Youtube: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnight Seashell 206 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 Thou shalt not lie.At least we now know how Derpy got her look and the twins from the shining reference.And I really wish they had showed Applejack's parents. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FizzyGreen 909 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 (edited) It was a good episode. Seeing those little ones was interesting and seing how they were just completely different back then amazes me. Honestly, i never thought big mac ever was so articulate. But it's funny seeing him like that. I mean, i always like, when he talks. Though, he has a serious problem now, i mean, he is so much the opposite of his former self. He not only "listens more and talks less" no, he's ONLY listening and almost NEVER talking. Kind of gets me worrying. Other than that, it's interesting to see a few pasts of certain ponies. And i never thought, that Rich was such a nice guy and... how he could love such a bitch... Whatever. Also, interesting but at the same time devastating to see, that derpys handycap was caused by an accident. It ruins that aspect she has to her. Up until now, we thought, she was born that way. Therefore spreading that "Even though, i'm born with a handycap, i still have value." in the fandom. (It's hard for me to summon up derpy) Huh well, whatever. 4/5 It's not that i think it could've been better. It just didn't give me such an "WOW! THIS EPISODE IS AWESOME"-feeling. edit: Why do you hear a peeping noise, if there is no computer in the room or ANYTHING measuring the heart rate of big mac? xD Edited October 8, 2016 by FizzyGreen "You are right Starlight, you are more talented in magic than me. But talent doesn't mean, that you are privileged to have more power. It's the heart! All you need, to have power, is a heart!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ganondorf8 11,385 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 Applejack's constant lying was both hillarious and cringeworthy given that she was constantly making the problem even worse than it already was. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Professional Horse 94 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 (edited) Why are people calling this episode terrible? It was pretty solid and executed the good old "lies spiral out of control"-plot pretty well, not to mention that the climax is Big Mac almost losing his leg, which was hilariously extreme and unexpected. Derpy with bandaged eyes was the worst and the best part. It's one of the saddest things I've seen in this show and it's in the background, just like that depressed yellow horse eating by himself from Twilight Time. What's the next extremely sad thing they're going to hide in the background? I'm gonna bet that Episode 24... will be a Map episode that will pair up Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. Because the Map has already sent out Rarity with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy with Applejack this Season. You're right! The synopsis for the episode reveals that Twi and Dash are the main characters. If you want to read the whole thing, it shouldn't be too difficult to find. Edited October 8, 2016 by Professional Horse "Them nuts do sure smell good." -Granny Smith Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ganondorf8 11,385 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 Why are people calling this episode terrible? It was pretty solid and executed the good old "lies spiral out of control"-plot pretty well, not to mention that the climax is Big Mac almost losing his leg, which was hilariously extreme and unexpected. Derpy with bandaged eyes was the worst and the best part. It's one of the saddest things I've seen in this show and it's in the background, just like that depressed yellow horse eating by himself from Twilight Time. What's the next extremely sad thing they're going to hide in the background? You're right! The synopsis for the episode reveals that Twi and Dash are the main characters. If you want to read the whole thing, it shouldn't be too difficult to find. The only thing I didn't like about the episode was how cringeworthy it got when Applejack's lying got out of control, but at the same time it was also funny because it was like snow. It kept on being piled up one mound after another with no signs of stopping. I also need to watch the episode again to see where Derpy was exactly. I can't believe that I missed seeing her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Professional Horse 94 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 The only thing I didn't like about the episode was how cringeworthy it got when Applejack's lying got out of control, but at the same time it was also funny because it was like snow. It kept on being piled up one mound after another with no signs of stopping. I also need to watch the episode again to see where Derpy was exactly. I can't believe that I missed seeing her. Cringeworthiness (is that a word?) is very typical for this kind of plot, but I understand if you're bothered by it. Cringe isn't for everyone. Derpy is in the hospital, you can see her when AJ is running in the hallways looking for Big Mac (if I remember right). 1 "Them nuts do sure smell good." -Granny Smith Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pony.colin 156 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 Look at that, a pretty good Applejack episode that I actually found enjoyable, because holy heck, she had some actual fleshed out characterization and personality in this episode. Although, they're kind of clutching by using a back-story, but that's still fair way to do it. Lots of nice small little references peppered throughout the background of this episode. But seriously, I really actually enjoyed Applejack having a desire to prove herself and having something at stake here to lose,should she fail. Her actions were having real consequence and motivation to them. I really also loved finally hearing Big Mac talk in complete sentences for once, which also gave him a lot of characterization too, but I still think the transition from him going from being very talkative to being stoic later in his life is still a big gap that hasn't been entirely filled in (Although this episode does help). The 'spiraling out of control lie' plot was standard, but that's okay. The episode was actually pretty good standing on its own here. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CastletonSnob 3,079 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 No wonder Spoiled Rich is so unpleasant. I'd be upset too if my name were Spoiled Milk. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sketchy Tail 206 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 Just saw the episode, and I thought it was good. Didn't live up to my expectations, but it was decent. I noticed a lot of easter eggs while watching it though. The Shining Twins, and even Derpy with bandaged eyes. (maybe that's why her eyes are the way they are today) So, I thought it was alright in general. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Regent 77 October 8, 2016 Share October 8, 2016 (edited) A couple of things I noted: teenagers are always wrong, Big Mac rocked with the mohawk, teen Big Mac was the best part of the entire episode, loved the bit with Derpy clearly having eye surgery in the hospital, teenager Big Mac's reason for... Slightly older teenage Big Mac no longer talking as much felt a little contrived and nonsensical, and really, Flithy Rich was responsible for everything that happened; consulting doing business with a preteen than the head of the farm. Overall, a fun little episode which I enjoyed. Big Mac talks when he has something important to say. When it happens, either you did something very wrong... or he's cross dressing. No wonder Spoiled Rich is so unpleasant. I'd be upset too if my name were Spoiled Milk. I can imagine it being an aristocratic tradition. As for AJ's aprents... it's entirely possible that they're dead - but, I can also imagine other scenarios. I have a hard time coming up with reasons why they're never spoken about, but then, that happened with Twilight and Shining Armor, never mind *her* parents, who are very much likely alive. Since this is a cartoon, and the authors can hand wave away issues like that, literally anything could have happened to AJ's parents. They could be explorers on the other side of the world, or prisoners for a crime they didn't commit, or lost somewhere in Discord's dimension (like the mail pony). Literally anything can explain this, and we'd accept it. Anyway... Decent show. I usually hate cringe-worthy stuff, but I like seeing AJ lie. She's very bad at it. Edited October 8, 2016 by Regent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Mint Pone 2,294 October 9, 2016 Share October 9, 2016 I enjoyed seeing some AJ backstory. Also seeing Derpy with the bandages was strange. I assumed she was born like that but i guess not Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vanillapudding 44 October 9, 2016 Share October 9, 2016 Also, interesting but at the same time devastating to see, that derpys handycap was caused by an accident. It ruins that aspect she has to her. Up until now, we thought, she was born that way. Therefore spreading that "Even though, i'm born with a handycap, i still have value." in the fandom. (It's hard for me to summon up derpy) Huh well, whatever. Sorry to pick on you here specifically, but your comment sums up a lot of what I've been seeing - half of the Derpy talk has been saying 'looks like an accident caused her eyes' and the other half is saying 'looks like she tried to get it fixed at some point.' The truth is they didn't really show more than just some eye bandages - what was going on there could have been literally either of those options or something else entirely (there's many people born with conditions who have to have operations not just to better their condition but sometimes just to maintain their functionality in life), so it's really all headcanon speculation at this point. And...that's probably all it'll ever get to be. But it really opens up avenues for whatever anyone feels fits best. Maybe she was born with her handicap and had to deal with it her whole life, maybe it came about later and she had to deal with being changed from a 'normal' pony to a handicap one. Both stories are deeply invaluable to have. (Though I do admit the 'became handicap later' is more common where I can name at least a few characters kids might know or my generation might have known growing up - about the only 'handicapped at birth' story where the person wasn't the villain I can think of is Quasi Modo and...well, let's just say Disney is the most positive telling of his story, and even then he was lucky to be deemed acceptable to appear in public at the end). Besides all that, Derpy did seem happy throughout her cameo despite her worried-looking nurse. So personally I think that whatever her history is, she's still pretty awesome and upbeat and uniquely Derpy. :3 Basically everything else is just headcanon, so dream the backstory you want. That's what fandoms are for. (And like I said FizzyGreen this wasn't to pick on you. Your post just made me think a bit harder and I felt a need to add to my original comment because of what I've been all over in reaction to the cameo, so your post was kind of just a jumping point to echo on.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lambdadelta 1,462 October 9, 2016 Share October 9, 2016 Holy shit, that Bonesaw, the horror!!!!!! Granny is about to cut Big Mac's leg, wow, good job Hasbro. Are these twins reference to the Shining? We dont have twins character in the show, Hasbro please do it. Seeing Derpy make me sad. Poor girl. Teen Big Mac is really cool. Filthy Rich is a nice pony, unlike his wife... No Applejack's parents, I guess they died before Cutie Mark Chronicle. Average episode, but I usually like flashback story, so it's a 6. Rapp's best episode still Flutter Brutter, his writting is not bad, his comedy is usually cringe-worthy but I dont mind it. David Rapp Top 3 episode: 1.Flutter Brutter (one of the greatest ep of this season) 2. Where the Apple Lies (interesting backstory) 3. Newbie Dash (not bad, I like it more on several watch, definitely not the worst episode) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlbaTross 1,586 October 9, 2016 Share October 9, 2016 I think it's a decent episode. I enjoyed it. It doesn't hold a candle to the season finale, but I guess it was never going to. It just happened to be the one to air right after the season finale...because England. I don't really have much to say about this one other than that I think it's solid. It's not mindblowing or anything and certainly isn't the best of the season or anything IMHO, but it's better than at least a couple of other episodes that will remain nameless. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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