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Big Jim confirmed about the show's target demographic. IT FOR LITTLE GIRLS.


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Source: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2016/10/big-jim-on-making-show-for-little-girls.html

This is Big Jim's breakdown after the trend of negativity in his Twitter. This shows what intentions behind  the show, it is the show for LITTLE GIRLS, even they maintain the show is enjoyable for all genders, all ages, but deep down inside, this show is made for  that solely specific demographic. Even i dont totally agree with him at everything he said, i respect him as a producer of the show (he is kinda like  Quentin Tarantino when come to respond to who criticize his works).


Do you agree with him?

Is is just an excuse for the lacks of effort just like what Critics try to accuse him? Do you find this letter offend you as a brony? 


For me, not a big deal, the show is still enjoyable for me, even i am a boy who loves action, horror, complex, sex, violence and all boy stuffs and hate  stupid girly stuffs, I enjoyed this show immensely, even my Mom scold me about "You are a man, why you watch something like this?", i responded "Just because it is a good show, i watched too many piece of shit called "adult stuffs" nowaday, leave me, mom"


Is it the time i can safely say that i feel proud for watching a Great Girly Show, or i will keep saying to my self "No no no, it not a girly show, it is a normal show just like everything non-female can enjoy, dont treat me like a freak, mom" .

Edited by Lambdadelta
  • Brohoof 7
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Some pandering exists, it might be their primary demographic but they need to cater to more than just them, and it helps explain away some people's problems with new episodes from recognizing the fact its also intended for girls.

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First of all, yes, the show is for little girls. I think no one with a grip on reality ever denied that. The thing is, that when you make a good show for little girls, it becomes a good show for everyone.


I think Jim's frustration is that he gets the brunt of it for things that are not under his control. He gets asked about the plotlines of the show, like he did recently with Where the Apple Lies. Well, that's not his department, is it? Jim is in charge of animating and acting, not writing. He takes the scripts and makes them visual, that's his job, and in that regard, he does it very, very well. If you have issues with the writing, talk to Meghan.

  • Brohoof 13

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That was quite the intense thread earlier where people commented like crazy--I was among those who commented. I always knew that people were passionate about MLP, but I never thought it would come to the kind of thing Big Jim talked about.


This was my first comment regarding the issue on that thread over on EQD.


"You know Big Jim is being very serious when he sends out such a strong, heartfelt message like this. Perhaps now people will start to realize what really goes into making each and every episode, and the emotional turmoil that can come from some of the more seedy aspects of the fandom."

  • Brohoof 4


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First of all, yes, the show is for little girls. I think no one with a grip on reality ever denied that. The thing is, that when you make a good show for little girls, it becomes a good show for everyone.


Well, AS an individual with absolutely no grip on reality,  I for one can't see how it's a show for girls. What's girly about it? That we have multi-colored characters? Steven Universe has literally colorful characters and from what I understand, that show gets downright depressing on a frequent basis. So what, one of the characters is into fashion, which is a predominately female pastime? Well, she IS a female. What you want a female to do? I think the show covers too many directions, has such a wealth of characters that all act & like different things, that we can't pin it down to just one genre or set of expectations. When it comes down to it.  

The show makes me happy. I like being happy.

What, ya want I should be watching "adult programming" where everyone betrays everyone else all the time, because drama sells?

  • Brohoof 4

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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my response is simple: so what?


No one can change the fact that MLP in all of its incarnations was made for little girls. But despite that it has become so much more all the while targeting young girls still.


Harry Potter originally was meant as a young adult novel, yet grew to be much more than that for many. Dr. Seuss originally wrote and drew books for children, yet his works too became far larger, often coded with strong and insightful moral and political messages.


Much like a person, it's not how who or what someone or something was born that makes them or it what they are. It's what's they do with their lives and MLP in its lifetime has done a lot going beyond its boundaries.

  • Brohoof 8
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I think he's completely right, actually. The in-depth discussions we have here about aspects related to the plot and character development in the show are well and good, but we still need to keep in mind that we are, for the most part, not the intended audience of the show. Way back in Season One they already stated that continuity and the like take a back seat to having entertaining episodes, and that the episodes set in different seasons were intentionally aired out of seasonal order to reinforce the fact there's only a loose continuity.


The people who heckle the staff of the show on such points seem to forget that it's not only counterproductive, there's a very good chance otherwise open people who enjoy talking to this peripheral demographic would stop responding to genuine questions because of it.


That said, taking issue with what gets said on 4chan of all places is a bit idiotic. 4chan is and has always been a cesspool. Yes, it is one of the main reasons this show became as successful as it is, but that doesn't mean they're suddenly authorities on the quality of episodes. There is a reason they adopted the phrase 'Internet Hate Machine' with such glee after Anonymous was described that way in some misguided news article in 2007.


In short, I agree with what he says, but he really shouldn't take 4chan seriously.

  • Brohoof 6
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The target demographic is little girls? In other news, water is wet. That doesn't mean, of course, that there's anything wrong with the brony fandom existing.

It's not the fact that we exist, is that a portion of us believe ourselves the authority of the show's quality. Not only that, if we find something that we don't like, we tend to get...... "passionate", when we speak our mind  :dry:

  • Brohoof 3


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Not only that, if we find something that we don't like, we tend to get...... "passionate", when we speak our mind

That, I have noticed. A fair number of bronies try to hold the show to the same quality standards as they would hold adult media, which isn't quite fair. The show is usually high-quality, of course, but I think many of the things bronies complain about can be forgiven.

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Well, AS an individual with absolutely no grip on reality,  I for one can't see how it's a show for girls. What's girly about it? That we have multi-colored characters? Steven Universe has literally colorful characters and from what I understand, that show gets downright depressing on a frequent basis. So what, one of the characters is into fashion, which is a predominately female pastime? Well, she IS a female. What you want a female to do? I think the show covers too many directions, has such a wealth of characters that all act & like different things, that we can't pin it down to just one genre or set of expectations. When it comes down to it.  

The show makes me happy. I like being happy.

What, ya want I should be watching "adult programming" where everyone betrays everyone else all the time, because drama sells?


Just because the target demographic is aimed at young girls, it is explicitly stated that is is still done in a way that everyone can enjoy no matter their gender or age.


Transformers is aimed specifically at a young boys marketplace and yet there are a ton of adults of all genders and young girls alike that enjoy it and celebrate it.


Why can't people just enjoy the show, it's messages and what it stands for instead of trying to hack away at what it is and make it all about themselves and what THEY think it should be. Obviously anyone taking some sort of issues with his statement has an interest in the show, and cares about it in some form or another. Honestly what should it matter if he said the show was aimed at 80 year old grannies, infants still in the womb, horse fanatics or orangutans at the zoo or something... The show has not done a complete 180 and started catering to a different demographic and thus alienating all those who got into it in the first place like oh.. I dunno... *coughs* Teen Titans...


If you love the show than that is that. Not a single comment, remark or speech from anyone on this great blue marble should dissuade you from that in any shape or form. He could have popped out and said the show was for infants and we all had mental issues for liking it, and my response would be the same. Stop making your show so damn good and I will stop watching it.


I agree with everything he said.

  • Brohoof 2


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The show has an intended demographic, but a show's quality can be seen in how everyone who watches it can enjoy it. Quality knows no demographic boundaries. :)

  • Brohoof 7

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Just because the target demographic is aimed at young girls, it is explicitly stated that is is still done in a way that everyone can enjoy no matter their gender or age.


Transformers is aimed specifically at a young boys marketplace and yet there are a ton of adults of all genders and young girls alike that enjoy it and celebrate it.


Why can't people just enjoy the show, it's messages and what it stands for instead of trying to hack away at what it is and make it all about themselves and what THEY think it should be. Obviously anyone taking some sort of issues with his statement has an interest in the show, and cares about it in some form or another. Honestly what should it matter if he said the show was aimed at 80 year old grannies, infants still in the womb, horse fanatics or orangutans at the zoo or something... The show has not done a complete 180 and started catering to a different demographic and thus alienating all those who got into it in the first place like oh.. I dunno... *coughs* Teen Titans...


If you love the show than that is that. Not a single comment, remark or speech from anyone on this great blue marble should dissuade you from that in any shape or form. He could have popped out and said the show was for infants and we all had mental issues for liking it, and my response would be the same. Stop making your show so damn good and I will stop watching it.


I agree with everything he said.

Regardless of sex demographic... Its really Subject matter  I think Jim was talking about. Girls and boys think differently even  though we're all human. So when girls and boys watch FiM they're gonna get something unique out of watching it. 

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This is not exactly headline news.  MLP has always been aimed primarily at young girls and G4 was no exception.  The one thing that made G4 slightly different was that Lauren Faust specifically intended it to be a cartoon that parents could watch with their daughters, without wanting to shoot themselves in the face.  If you go into a project with that intention, it's not surprising that the end result is appreciated by people outside of the original intended audience.


Since the Brony fandom came to light, Hasbro have of course steered the cartoon slightly more towards the older viewers, but have always done so without leaving the target audience behind, which is a good thing, because I dread to think what would become of the cartoon if they decided to aim it purely at the older viewers.

  • Brohoof 8


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Whoa, a show titled My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is aimed primarily at little girls? Who would have thought? I would never have expected this!


What are you getting at? Yeah, it's a little girls' show, and a pretty good one at that. I think we all knew this. 

  • Brohoof 2
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So, a guy whose staff is pouring their hearts into making a quality show is getting angry at people (who aren't the target audience) who are talking down to him and telling him what they're doing has become worse and worse. Meanwhile, they're still watching it, because...they like to suffer? Or maybe they enjoy it?


So yeah, I can understand him. This really mustn't be easy to receive such comments daily, telling you that you suck at your job - which isn't even true most of the time, as he's not even the writer.


*sigh* If I had something to tell him: let the haters hate. You're proud of your work, and you're right to be. You and your staff are awesome, so keep on spreading those messages of love, friendship and tolerance we all love you for. Some people won't like it, but better have a smile on your face than a frown, right? "Come on and smile! :pinkie:  "

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Just focus on making a good, quality show. People will get interested eventually regardless of quality

Edited by T-SPARKS
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Regardless of sex demographic... Its really Subject matter  I think Jim was talking about. Girls and boys think differently even  though we're all human. So when girls and boys watch FiM they're gonna get something unique out of watching it. 


Yeah, so? That is to be expected. That does not change what it is aimed at in the slightest.


The show can be aimed at anything on the face of the earth, and it does not mean that only that particular group will or can like it. The show is made in such a way that it can be open to some interpretation and appeal to many different types of people. That is the genius behind the slow, and exactly why I and many others enjoy it.


People want to make the show something it is not, and when that expectation is not met, they proclaim it is for more than just "little girls". Well guess what... they're right. It is for anyone that loves quality programming. But it still started as an idea and product for young girls and continues to be that no matter how that makes anyone feel. I can't help it that makes someone feel insecure or question their choices in life. It is a damn good show that can appeal to anyone despite it's target demographic and not be limited by it like many programs that have come before.


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Yeah, so? That is to be expected. That does not change what it is aimed at in the slightest.


The show can be aimed at anything on the face of the earth, and it does not mean that only that particular group will or can like it. The show is made in such a way that it can be open to some interpretation and appeal to many different types of people. That is the genius behind the slow, and exactly why I and many others enjoy it.


People want to make the show something it is not, and when that expectation is not met, they proclaim it is for more than just "little girls". Well guess what... they're right. It is for anyone that loves quality programming. But it still started as an idea and product for young girls and continues to be that no matter how that makes anyone feel. I can't help it that makes someone feel insecure or question their choices in life. It is a damn good show that can appeal to anyone despite it's target demographic and not be limited by it like many programs that have come before.

I  do think the show would have been more adventure oriented if Lauren were still around. But the themes of friendship, forgiveness and love wouldn't be absent. Fans complain about things not aligning to their vision. In the past several seasons we have got to see non pony locations such as griffonstone, the dragon's territory and recently the changeling hive(looked as I imagined it would be:wet and disgusting) 


I would say as a fandom we are very fortunate to have people like Jim. Unfortunately the fandom cannot return the favor by being thankful.

  • Brohoof 1
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I  do think the show would have been more adventure oriented if Lauren were still around. But the themes of friendship, forgiveness and love wouldn't be absent. Fans complain about things not aligning to their vision. In the past several seasons we have got to see non pony locations such as griffonstone, the dragon's territory and recently the changeling hive(looked as I imagined it would be:wet and disgusting) 


I would say as a fandom we are very fortunate to have people like Jim. Unfortunately the fandom cannot return the favor by being thankful.


Well it is not that they are ungrateful.. it is they are expecting too much. How many people are in this forum? How many are watching the show? How many attending the conventions? How many with some stake in the show in some way or another?


They invest their time, creativity, money, emotions and many other things into this fandom. It is not unrealistic to expect them to want to see a return in all of that in some form. However, the fact is, the show is made for a certain audience. They have discovered that audience is not as select as they would have imagined. My Little Pony is not a new thing... it has been around for years.... over 30 to be exact.


Bronies have not.


They are a recent addition that came with the iteration of the current generation. MLP has always been a young girls product in all it's forms. And this time was no different.. except the fact it "transcended if you will". Faust was given free reign for the most part to create the show.. and she created the kind of show SHE would have wanted to watch. That sentiment apparently affected a lot more than just her and a bunch of little girls. It created all of this we have today. Since then the show has continue to grow, but never dropped it's target demographic, but it also has not tried to corral them tighter and toss out the rest.


But now you have a lot of people who want to change that way of thinking. They don't want the show to continue along as a show that works for everyone.. with hits and misses just like any other show out there. They want it to change and become "just for them". "No little girls.. you can't watch this show anymore... it is for us and us alone...GTFO, we made this show, we deserve this. We should have final say in where it is going and what should be happening".


They are passionate about the show, I get it. i share it. But it is not just theirs. It is for all of us. And we can't all write it, animate it, and get everything we want no matter how simple that may seem to others... it is impossible. And instead of accepting this, they rant and rage and call the show garbage. They have a right to hate some of the episodes, but did anyone seriously expect they would love every single bit of every single one of them? I have no doubt many of them could write better episodes that they enjoy.. and they do.. it's called fan-fiction. The internet is full of it.

  • Brohoof 4


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The target demographic is little girls? In other news, water is wet. That doesn't mean, of course, that there's anything wrong with the brony fandom existing.

People constantly say it is a family show and not a show for little girls which makes it sound like a show for little girls is bad. And like Jim said here, when the creators call the show for little girls some people take it as an admission that the show is not trying anymore.


But I do not think people should pay much attention to these people. But sadly they can be vocal and apparently had been bothering him on Twitter.

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