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spoiler Four new characters revealed!

Golden Star

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They released a 5th character

edit: oh apparently I was slow, and its already 6 now lol.

so we see 6 new characters..2/6 are male. seriously?  getting tired of this and the royalty characters...

I know it shouldn't be a big deal but c'mon now, mlp is no longer targeting  little girls.

Princesses= Targetting a male demo?

Inferior ratio of males = marketting to males?

Edited by Lil Pip
  • Brohoof 1
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  Look. Guys. Guys, look. Look, guys. Guys! Look!

   It's a cat. Being played by a black guy. Who's also dressed up like some snazzy singing street tough. I don't know if this has been brought up yet before, but clearly it hasn't been enough to where peeps isn't just ragin' up a storm of ...oh I don't know, proportions that need a king to manage it or something. I can just taste the fact that he's just going to be the token black annoying comedy relief, mark my words there. But that's not the worst. Guys. GUYS, LOOK!



   Why not just pair him with the rapping dog from the animated Titanic movies? Have we learned nothing!!!


  Moving on.  


   I will grant that I'm glad to see their expanding the world a bit. That's rather neat. Just... do hope we don't get just one character tossed in to act as stereotypical member of that species like, oh I don't know, Discord as the only Draconequus. Glad to see flutterponies are coming back with Skystar. Or skylark, or Keytar or whatever the blazes she is. Pretty yes, but its not like we need yet even more pastel prettiness in this world.


   Then, of course, in a clear attempt to counter said pretty-pretty princess fluffybottoms we got Mister Giant in black armor. Oh, like we haven't seen some big thuggish villain before in black, gothic armor. Literally any of you fans could have come up with characters like these and they wouldn't be any more outlandish. There's world expanding, then there's just a blinding whirlwind tour around lands we haven't seen before, then just ignoring it all after the movie. Because every franchise's movie gets ignored by the shows continuity.  Why don't I write a letter to the company offering them my Ooze Pony, cyborg or Hydra, huh? Nothing I could come up with would surpass the levels of crazy their dishing out here.


   Not that I'm saying that's a bad thing. Creativy is something that is always good in my book. Something I'm constantly telling myself right now as I type this.


    Then there's Tempest Shadow. Because having a character covered in scars, broken limbs & wartorn bodily effects is exactly how you need to market to a childrens' audience. Remember kids! Life just keeps beating you down until you become a constantly angry and spiteful character! Hate everyone for what life has done to you kids! Such a transparent ploy from hasbro. Oh gee, the fandom keeps making gothic, edgy, spiteful, warlike characters? Gosh, that must be what they want so let's PUT 'ER IN!   But that's not what gets me the worst about Tempest Shadow. One. Little. Question.

    WHY AM I INSTANTLY IN LOVE WITH HER?!!?     AUGH!   Curse my inability to resist a good Mayadere!




    That's what worries me the most about this. I want this movie to succeed. This fandom means alot to me. It's a world I cherish, that instills hope & love into me which are emotions I've not had very much practice in engendering into myself. This movie keeps throwing in more new characters, more new questions to raise, all in an attempt to draw an audience. The more ingredients you add to a stew... the more you stretch the flavor. The more hype I see for this project the more worried I get for it.

         ...I'm scared.  There's just too much to go into this. I ...I mean... it's...


     A CAT RAPPER?!!?  *randomly fires a revolver into the air*


^ Amazing post 10/10


(wish I could upvote this 9,001 times)

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I've got my doubs about Capper. It is "My Little Pony". I've they don't make him interresting, that would really suck. I hope he is a secondary antagonist, because that would be pretty awesome.






Then I hope Scorpan comes in too

my little pony is just the bloody brand name

We have donkeys, humans, centaur, minotaur, Cerberus, orthros, griffons, cockatrice, Draconequus,dragons, sirens, Timberwolves, breezies, slingtails, Diamond Dogs, Sea serpents, manticores, zebra-

The world isn't just for ponies

  • Brohoof 1

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Can we all agree that Capper is weird? Really didn't expect to see a furry OC in the movie. I hope he has a decent personality to make up for his bizarre appearance.


I guess Captain Celeano and Capper are pirates, who will take the Mane 6 to the seapony kingdom (hopefully called Aquastria, heh), where the queen and the princess live. Storm king will be a villain and Tempest will be his henchhorse.


It's odd to see them revealing the celebrity characters before a teaser or anything. I guess they want to build up hype this way. Have other movies promoted themselves like this?

  • Brohoof 1

"Them nuts do sure smell good." -Granny Smith

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Can we all agree that Capper is weird? Really didn't expect to see a furry OC in the movie. I hope he has a decent personality to make up for his bizarre appearance.


I guess Captain Celeano and Capper are pirates, who will take the Mane 6 to the seapony kingdom (hopefully called Aquastria, heh), where the queen and the princess live. Storm king will be a villain and Tempest will be his henchhorse.


It's odd to see them revealing the celebrity characters before a teaser or anything. I guess they want to build up hype this way. Have other movies promoted themselves like this?

I will not agree to that. He belongs in the movie more than edgelord oc, Tempest Shadow does. (Which Sombra did better, anyway)

I love how people aren't even giving Capper a bloody chance. Just like Sunset Shimmer in the first movie, yet look how awesome she turned out.

  • Brohoof 2

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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They released a 5th character

edit: oh apparently I was slow, and its already 6 now lol.

Princesses= Targetting a male demo?

Inferior ratio of males = marketting to males?

i'm just saying there should be some equal ratio and an character that is not from the royal (for once) especially since mlp is now in a big motion picture. and knowing how movie works if they want to bring huge audiences (brony or not) you gonna have to have fair amount of male character. I know it sound redundant but that movie for ya.

Edited by Satrox



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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I will not agree to that. He belongs in the movie more than edgelord oc, Tempest Shadow does. (Which Sombra did better, anyway)

I love how people aren't even giving Capper a bloody chance. Just like Sunset Shimmer in the first movie, yet look how awesome she turned out.

I'm giving him a chance. He just looks weird. Not completely out of place, but he really looks a lot like a furry OC: an anthropomorphic, clothed cat walking on two legs. Sure, we had the diamond dogs, but they had some features that made them different and unique, such as a gorilla-like walking style. Capper's just a humanized cat.


Others say Tempest is edgy, but I like purple too much to hate her. Also that armour looks neat as heck.

"Them nuts do sure smell good." -Granny Smith

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@@Professional Horse,    Well, ponies are anthropomorphic in the sense they talk, act & live like humans in almost every way. They even wear clothes on occasion, its just more of an option than a cultural need. In fact, the only thing I see separating them from humanity is their brighter colors & that they walk on four instead of two. Honestly, that doesn't really bother me all that much about him.

   Though I can't see how people are calling Capper a pirate. He's just wearing a red coat with a patch & high collar. If anything, that seems more like the street tough archetype. Like he's the sort of big city, back alley  informant that knows where to charter a ship for places nopony else asks for.


  And I am inexplicably falling for Ol T.S. In my book at least, she ain't edgy till we know her backstory. Your allowed to look that way if life has just been handing you lemons. ( Though how the BUCK you manage to break a horn like that.....)

  • Brohoof 2

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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my little pony is just the bloody brand name

We have donkeys, humans, centaur, minotaur, Cerberus, orthros, griffons, cockatrice, Draconequus,dragons, sirens, Timberwolves, breezies, slingtails, Diamond Dogs, Sea serpents, manticores, zebra-

The world isn't just for ponies

No, I know that, but humans don't live in the world of Equestria. and most of them have relations with horses or are myfical creatures and not just a cat, who looked for me more like an OC.

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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I will not agree to that. He belongs in the movie more than edgelord oc, Tempest Shadow does. (Which Sombra did better, anyway)

I love how people aren't even giving Capper a bloody chance.

Isn't it a teeny tiny bit hypocritical of you to expect other people to give Capper a chance, when you won't do the same for Tempest? 


so we see 6 new characters..2/6 are male. seriously?  getting tired of this and the royalty characters...

I know it shouldn't be a big deal but c'mon now, mlp is no longer targeting  little girls.

Yes, it is.

  • Brohoof 3
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I will not agree to that. He belongs in the movie more than edgelord oc, Tempest Shadow does. (Which Sombra did better, anyway)

I love how people aren't even giving Capper a bloody chance. Just like Sunset Shimmer in the first movie, yet look how awesome she turned out.


How do you figure? She may be an edgelord, but she is still a PONY vs. Capper who looks like he walked out of a bad 90's cartoon show. I mean seriously... all the cartoon cat jokes popping up and no one is even having to try, that is how tired his design is. He is not original looking... he actually looks like some forgotten character that popped up in after school specials to tell you not to do drugs or be cool and stay in school or something.


I'll be fair, maybe he will be the best part of the film... only time will tell... but at first glance, with no story to go on and just speculation, he looks ridiculous and woefully out of place. I get they are leaving Equestria, and going to see new creatures and places... but couldn't they have come up with something more visually fascinating than a Swat Kats extra? All sorts of mythical beasts to plum from history, or even to outright invent their own... and instead we get a more modern Snagglepuss. What's next... Yogi Bear with an eyepatch instead of a pork pie hat?


Also, as someone stated, by all appearances he is basically an anthro.. which is slowly approaching Human territory, which were also in G1. How long after we get Heathcliff will Bobby and Judy join the show because "hoomuns" make things better!


Like I said, for all I know he may be awesome in the film, and if he is, great! Everyone here can eat crow.... but at first glance and with just a glance.. all many can do is "wut?"


~No profound statement needed~

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I gotta say thought, while I still like Capper's design in any case, I admit he feels a bit out of place for this series, especially if compared to all the other new characters of the movie: Novo and Skystars are Seaponies, Storm King is like someone pointed before a VERY obscure G1 character that has been brought back and redesigned (in very better anyway) for the G4, Tempest Shadow is a Unicorn with a broken horn, Songbird Serenade is a pegasus and Celaeno is an Harpie with the humans parts replaced by bird parts (parrot to be precised). But Capper is just... an anthropomorphic cat.... while we had the diamond dogs in past which were anthropomorphic dogs, they still were adapted to theven feeling of the show, but Capper is a 100% anthropomorphic cat. I still like his design anyway but I can see why people are upset about him.

Edited by Sly
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but I can see why people are upset about him.



I don't think they are upset so much as bewildered. I mean for all we know he could be a lot more interesting than first glance... but wow.. what an awful first impression he is giving. I as of this moment feel he is a wasted design unless they do have him as some sort of cat-uar or something with his legs being hidden off screen. It is like Hasbro saw all these other companies with their own anthro cat characters and decided MLP needed one to so they would fit in or something. My biggest fear is that he will be all "hip and jive" talking in an effort to have him "relate" to the audience... because some 80 year old executives in a board room think that is what appeals to kids these days.


~No profound statement needed~

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 Uhh....uhm... something I just noticed.... Storm King & Tempest Storm? Did... did a yeti give birth to a unicorn?!!? GEEZ! No wonder she's all mauled-up & mean looking! Can't imagine that being a healthy childhood for a foal!!


  Aaaanyways, further speculation.

   Just looked up Taye Diggs's filmography. He's quite the accomplished actor in everything from stage to TV shows to movies and every genre I can think of. He's even written a few of his own childrens' books! I fully trust him to give a good showing in this! His character...ehh... But one thing I've noticed. Since, you know, I kind of believe every actor gets a little bit typecast. One role Mr.Diggs does seem to come back to time & time again... is the Romantic Interest.

   Hmm. And he's playing a character with a snazzy pompadour, styling jacket & confident smile. Hmmm... Shall we see him hitting on our favored mares? A bit of Cat to Horse interactions going on here, hmm?


   I'm sure the moviemakers know what their doing. Only time will tell after all. My only qualm with C- sigh, Capper is that horrible, terrible name.

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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 Uhh....uhm... something I just noticed.... Storm King & Tempest Storm? Did... did a yeti give birth to a unicorn?!!? GEEZ! No wonder she's all mauled-up & mean looking! Can't imagine that being a healthy childhood for a foal!!


  Aaaanyways, further speculation.

   Just looked up Taye Diggs's filmography. He's quite the accomplished actor in everything from stage to TV shows to movies and every genre I can think of. He's even written a few of his own childrens' books! I fully trust him to give a good showing in this! His character...ehh... But one thing I've noticed. Since, you know, I kind of believe every actor gets a little bit typecast. One role Mr.Diggs does seem to come back to time & time again... is the Romantic Interest.

   Hmm. And he's playing a character with a snazzy pompadour, styling jacket & confident smile. Hmmm... Shall we see him hitting on our favored mares? A bit of Cat to Horse interactions going on here, hmm?


   I'm sure the moviemakers know what their doing. Only time will tell after all. My only qualm with C- sigh, Capper is that horrible, terrible name.

It's Tempest SHADOW. I miss wrote her name

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It's Tempest SHADOW. I miss wrote her name

 Dangit! Me too! I just realized that! But still! Tempests ARE a type of storm after all!

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Isn't it a teeny tiny bit hypocritical of you to expect other people to give Capper a chance, when you won't do the same for Tempest? 


Yes, it is.

Ah well then, I rest my case.

even though i think there shouldn't be any competition but okay. 



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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I'M SO EXCITED! :pinkie::yay:  The new character are going to be awesome! I can't wait to see what their purpose is for!

Update!! There is now a fifth character!! EEP!
  • Brohoof 1



"Dream big and work hard! As long as you try, you're successful." :lol:

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Aside the dumb phrase above (which has a point anyway), by seeing this casual comparison side by side, I think I changed my mind: excluding the fact one is a cat and the other a dog and that Capper's ears are more defined (justified by the fact he will be in the Movie), their style is.... practically the same...


Wouldn't be surprised if the authors will say in an interview that they based his design specifically from the Diamond Dogs.

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