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Is there too much fandom influence in the show?


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The writers like to acknowledge the fandom on occasion by throwing in little references here and there that they would recognize.


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There's quite a bit of fanon stuff and general references to pop culture sprinkled through out all the seasons. It's definitely become more noticeable/common in the last couple seasons...but it's not overly saturating the show. I for one have enjoyed the little nods to the fandom in the show.

  • Brohoof 1

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Technically, the fandom influence started with Derpy. Whether you think that's too much influence or not, the episode Slice of Life pretty much started playing hopscotch over the line as regards fandom influence. That particular episode aside, the fandom influence probably isn't too bad from a more neutral viewpoint, but for me, I don't really like fandom influence in any show. I want to see the creator's vision brought to life, not written by popular demand. But that's just me.

  • Brohoof 1

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maybe, but I think there's too much pop culture references in the show WAY more than fandom influence.


Let every S7 epsiode be based on a Human in Equestria fic! More serious I also think it's more pop culture than fandom influence.


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The writers like to acknowledge the fandom on occasion by throwing in little references here and there that they would recognize.


the writers have also said that they have been forced to add stuff in, that they didn't want to.


Question that I asked at a con: How much to you take into account the target audience versus the unexpected audience?


Mitch Larson: I don't take you guys into account at all.  I was tasked to write the 100th episode, but I feel it was a mistake

Amy Rodgers: Agreed, and after all guys, you fell in love with the show that we wrote for kids.  why would we change the formula?'


Seems like at least some of the writers fight hard to keep the show on track, even while there are other influences that seek to cater more to us.

Edited by weesh
  • Brohoof 3

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I know a lot of the fandom for some reason hates any kind of references to the fandom itself within the show, but it has NEVER bothered me. They don't go over the top with it, save for Slice of Life which was the whole point, and if they reference the fandom or show the fandom's influence, I don't see the issue. The fandom SAVED this show from a fate of a typical 3 seasons and now season 8 has been announced. So if they reference the ones who kept the show going, fine by me.

  • Brohoof 3


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No, mostly its just references that you don't catch if you aren't in the fandom.



Only with Luna and Trixie getting more attention, both of which still bugs me


Luna getting more attention is natural, Celestia and Cadence just need more attention so it would be more balanced.

I get why Trixie would bother you, its less natural and she is rather one note character, but I kind of like her.

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As long as we never get another Slice of Life, I will be fine. But No Second Prances did bug me with its pointless and distracting fanservice that came out of nowhere. The rest of the episode I did enjoy.

  • Brohoof 1


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As long as we never get another Slice of Life, I will be fine. But No Second Prances did bug me with its pointless and distracting fanservice that came out of nowhere. The rest of the episode I did enjoy.

I dont think it was "straight" "fan service" bronies sometimes just get it in their minds that if two ponies share a moment or a special friendship that its "shipping" or "fan service" NO, No Second Prances is arguably one of the best episodes of the show, and for me probably THE best.... Do you not see that they have a reason to have that common ground, giving each other that chance just expanded the depth of the friendship. Trixies ultimate character change occurred in this episode, she willingly took a risk firing herself from that canon, that Starlight would come and save her... Starlight prior to this, we only have knowledge of her having one other close friend and it was when she was a filly... the friendship is important... one, the kind of references like making Scootaloos chicken car, and Pinkie breaking the fourth wall and what not, I dont see any problem with subtle fandom jokes, as long as it is not pure fan service and that is kind of more along the lines of the 100th episode... which actually I still do enjoy a lot... the fandom was the only suggestion to Vinyl and Octavia liking each other/ being friends, let alone knowing each other.... Trixie and Starlight literally met from a first base, they have never had an opportunity to see one another as a villain, only a new friend.... its not fan servicing its just good content, that actually makes a lot of sense..

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the writers have also said that they have been forced to add stuff in, that they didn't want to.

Question that I asked at a con: How much to you take into account the target audience versus the unexpected audience?


Mitch Larson: I don't take you guys into account at all.  I was tasked to write the 100th episode, but I feel it was a mistake

Amy Rodgers: Agreed, and after all guys, you fell in love with the show that we wrote for kids.  why would we change the formula?'


Seems like at least some of the writers fight hard to keep the show on track, even while there are other influences that seek to cater more to us.

i hate the writers are forced to cater to the fandom and write at near gunpoint. That takes away from the enjoyment of the show, for me, hearing that the writers are forced.

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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No, and I'll never understand some fans hatred for this type of thing, occasional references aren't a big deal, and bringing back popular characters happens in any show, not just MLP. That said...




the writers have also said that they have been forced to add stuff in, that they didn't want to.

Question that I asked at a con: How much to you take into account the target audience versus the unexpected audience?


Mitch Larson: I don't take you guys into account at all.  I was tasked to write the 100th episode, but I feel it was a mistake

Amy Rodgers: Agreed, and after all guys, you fell in love with the show that we wrote for kids.  why would we change the formula?'


Seems like at least some of the writers fight hard to keep the show on track, even while there are other influences that seek to cater more to us.


That's actually really dissapointing to me if true, I felt like Slice of Life was a great "Thanks you" letter to the fandom, it was a ridiculous one-off type episode that mostly served that purpose. I know some people hated it, but for a special one-time thing I appreciated it quite a bit. If they didn't actually want to write it, it loses that...

  • Brohoof 2

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As it was pointed out, most of the writers have gone on record saying they don't and won't cater to the adult fans. Obviously, some episodes do have nods here and there, and some episode concepts are inspired by the adult fandom. Also, some of the fan inspired moments are referenced live by Big Jim and the writers live on Twitter, so throwaway moments are being put in with us in mind by someone.


That said, I think some of the jokes or gags some take as fan references or actual simple self indulgent moments as some of the staff tend to add what they want to see (hence the pop culture references). It's been a calling card of sorts since the beginning, but I do see those being misidentified as fan service. If you even have a lengthy conversation with some of the writers, you find that their knowledge of pop culture is as dense as any self-respecting fan, since many are huge geeks for various IP's.



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No, and I'll never understand some fans hatred for this type of thing, occasional references aren't a big deal, and bringing back popular characters happens in any show, not just MLP. That said...





That's actually really dissapointing to me if true, I felt like Slice of Life was a great "Thanks you" letter to the fandom, it was a ridiculous one-off type episode that mostly served that purpose. I know some people hated it, but for a special one-time thing I appreciated it quite a bit. If they didn't actually want to write it, it loses that...

doing research certainly Backs what he said

According to an interview found on EqD, M.A. Larson originally didn't want to do the episode. The characters had no specific canon so he wasn't sure what to do. Hasbro/The Hub was the original driver for this. M.A. Larson kept telling them it was a bad idea, but they kept pushing it. An "Alt mane 6" episode.

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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As long as we never get another Slice of Life, I will be fine. But No Second Prances did bug me with its pointless and distracting fanservice that came out of nowhere. The rest of the episode I did enjoy.

No 2nd prances was an awesome episode. Season 6 was pretty good, except for that one applejack episode, that didn't make any sense.

I inhale dank memes, and i intend to make a dank signature soon. I also have shyabetes btw. 

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I think the fandom has inspired the writers to work harder at what they do. So in that way, its a good thing the fandom influence them. Another way (IMO) blatant fan servicing is bad. Slice of life was terrible. I dislike when they make the fan servicing obviously. It's fine if it feels natural and not forced. Like in Amending Fences they had Lyra be twilight's friend. That wasn't forced, but it was also playing to fans. Same with showing fan favorite characters in the background. That's not interrupting the story for fan service.

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Well, yes, I really think there could be, at times, too much influence over the show; I mean they did an entire episode about secondary characters, copying and pasting pretty much the idea the fandom is making over each or each character. I'm not saying it's 100% bad, but they should try to create something new, next time

  • Brohoof 1
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Does it exist? Certainly, is it too much? Not at all. I mean if it did, Twilight's Castle wouldn't exist right now because of fan outcry. The creators throw us a bone every now and then but it's not like we dictate the stories and character arcs. I mean shit, read any number of fanfics or webcomics. If we actually had any influence on the direction of the characters and the world, Equestria would be a totalitarian state with the Mane Six doing anything that moves including each other.



That's actually really dissapointing to me if true, I felt like Slice of Life was a great "Thanks you" letter to the fandom, it was a ridiculous one-off type episode that mostly served that purpose. I know some people hated it, but for a special one-time thing I appreciated it quite a bit. If they didn't actually want to write it, it loses that...


I second that. I mean God, that was one of my favorite episodes. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Now I feel like crap for having enjoyed it. 

Fandom influence isn't the show's problem at the moment. 


Crappy writing is the show's problem, and they have that problem in abundance as of season six. 


The writing is awesome. Season Six kicked ass.


. . . . That is all.  :mellow:

  • Brohoof 2
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yes, in fact it's probably part of why mlp has been so lacking in quality recently LOL


they probably feel so pressured or tense b/c of the fandom

Edited by des

nothing i say here is serious.

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