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Why are you single?


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I'm single just because of my current circumstances. Half of me wants to be in a loving romantic relationship, and the other half of me wants to be by myself, alone and separated from everyone. Neither sides of my personality encourage me to go out of my way to meet people, and I've never really gotten along well with anyone anyway.

Well, that and I get crushes and then lose them every ten minutes or so. >.>

  • Brohoof 3
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I'm single because I don't think that getting a girlfriend in high school is worth the effort since I'll be going to college pretty soon.  

I also do not put myself in enough social situations due to my tendencies to prioritize school work over anything else and because I'm not sure if approaching a stranger and introducing yourself is weird or not (kinda sure that its not though)

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I'm... lonely and let that leak into my personality, I suppose. I despair constantly about being alone... I don't really leave the house, and I don't think I'm very attractive. Aside from that, I'm broke, chronically ill, and despite being what I think of as a nice guy, I just can't find anyone who appreciate me for me. Eh, I got used to it, though.

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Because I don't want my heart to be struck by a sphere of pain ever again... :c I'd rather not risk it and keep the single status my entire life from the last time I got dumped rudely. And I'm bisexual which makes me fear even more...

Edited by ILikeNightmares
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I wear a pair of warm, winter gloves every day in the middle of the hot Texas summer along with a thick, orange mountain jacket that is inflated to the size of modern pillows. I don't know why I do it, but I suppose individuality has become my special talent. 


(maybe they think I'm gay, but I couldn't say. The common introverted, computer-loving, mare-adoring, fanfic-writing Silver III is an easy oversight. plz call)

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On 5/25/2017 at 3:04 AM, jackspedicy said:
On 5/25/2017 at 9:12 AM, Twofer said:

Because I have not slaughtered enough foes to have proven myself worthy to a maiden

k there yandere chan XD



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1 hour ago, Yumekai said:


What? You can't expect the maidens to be flocking to a guy who hasn't driven his enemies before his feet

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I also forgot to add this.

I've never had a crush to my recollection. I've certainly been sexually attracted to women throughout my life and have been looking for a relationship since high school but have never felt what others described as a crush. I've never been attracted to a girl...emotionally I think it is. I think i've always been more on the side of looking for friendship in a relationship rather than this emotional love at first sight concept.

I dont even know if this is normal or people have different definitions of what a crush is but if its an emotional attraction or attachment to someone i've never personally met...na i've never had that.

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I'm single because I don't see a romantic commitment as all that important. Also, I've seen what can go wrong with more times than I can count.

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There's a couple of reasons why but I'll spare the long list and backstory, I just don't think I'm ready for a relationship.  Kinda funny, a part of me does want to be in a relationship but at the same time, I'm hesitant.

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Because nobody likes me.:D 
Because I keep seeing only humans all over the place and the other ponies I saw looked weird and didn't even talk to me. :D 
Because I'm not a double. :D
I think I was just unlucky so far. Let's say, that I'm waiting patiently, there's no need to haste with this. - heh, said the one, who's sitting on forums instead of going to parties and stuff. ^_^ 

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I am single because of being flat-out uncomfortable with relationships. I'm not mentally ready, I look dreadful physically, and my personality is extremely coarse and generally grumpy. 

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Not having an attractive outer look nor an interior (hear the salt in my voice) would probably be the biggest reason but also because I don't know if I could handle being in a relationship. I'm not a romantic, but hopelessly awkward instead. :twi: I'm just a friend-kind of person.

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Mainly because I haven't found the right one yet, however, I'm not really searching. Never really do. If someone walks into my life who I eventually like and vice versa, then neat. But I don't see it happening anytime soon nor do I care too much. 

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Because I'm very sucks in compare to other stallions. Fkng idiot who like romantically bulls ... and writing shippfics. And, I'm totally loser IRL. Seriosly. Depression and existential crisises - my lovely company for the alltime. Mares doesn't like losers without money and you will never attract their attention if you always sitting in your personal world that hidden from the eyes of other people. I am - what I'm talking about. And in my life I has no special pony and have no chances to find her, because I'm too passive for it. I'm never knew what is the thing - love, and now cold and evil as f.

Edited by Sturmponiere
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I've been in a relationship once, but it's just not my thing ay;) Just don't want a relationship atm.

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Let's just say I'm a victim of unfortunate circumstances.

Yup, it's all because of that dang Cotton Eye Joe.  >_>

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