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My Little Pony: The Movie (2017) - Reviews/Reactions/Discussion Thread


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Just returned from viewing. I'm sorry pals but I'm going to be in the movie was bad camp. It did have some really good moments (even fantastically great moments) but there were too many low parts. A big problem for me was that a lot of the movie lacked the feeling of the My Little Pony show, and it was if they had landed smack in the middle of a 1980s Don Bluth flick. As my wife put it "It was like they had made some other movie, realized it was bad, and then put familiar My Little Pony characters in to save it."

Some moments I actually completely loved, but without going into much detail (which maybe I'll do tomorrow), I didn't like how so much focus was on the new characters (although I loved Tempest), and the main villain was dull and unfunny. Extremely disappointed to find out it was Liev Schrieber, who I think is amazing. The middle was slow and caused both my wife and a loud gentleman next to me to fall asleep and snore.

I'd give it a B- with some sections dipping down into C- with a few rare gems of A+.


Of course, everything out of Rarity's mouth was fabulous.



Best joke: Hungry. Hungry. Hippos.


Courtesy of @Sparklefan1234

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3 minutes ago, Unlikeable Pony said:

Kind of worried about this movie's financial success; theater was half empty when I went today.

I went to an advance screening of it the other day and only four people counting me were there. i still enjoyed the movie.

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Just now, Crimson Fire said:

I went to an advance screening of it the other day and only four people counting me were there. i still enjoyed the movie.

I enjoyed it too; smiled pretty much the whole time, 8.5/10 (despite a TON of nitpicks about the villains being threats and yet also being so easily defeatable at the climax). That being said, I'm more worried about the movie's financial success at the moment than my personal enjoyment, since (as I think it was good), I really want a sequel.

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Yeah, the critics can eat cake for all I care, I loved the movie, despite some things that could've been improved upon. Tempest Shadow's backstory was a massive letdown, and the Storm King could've been more than just a generic bad guy, but I liked the other new characters more than I expected. Also, the movie had lots of great laughs, especially from Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Even Storm King, and, to my surprise, Grubber gave me some good chuckles. Though the overall feel of the movie was very...traditional, it was still really good for what it was. Also, Sia's end song was pure bliss. :pinkie:


Comet meets the original Comet.

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Other movie first impressions/notes

The short before the movie was really cute. I've only heard of Hanazuki from YouTube ads, but apparently it's made by Dave Polsky. Not sure if if I feel like checking out the show though.

Savage Fluttershy in the beginning is savage. She may not have done much, but she did have some great lines.

Pinkie is so great in this movie. I might be a little biased because best horse, but she stole the show for me. Her relationship with Skystar was really adorable, and her gags were genuinely funny. I know some people weren't fond of the scene where Twilight snapped at her friends, but I just loved how out of all of them, it was Pinkie who told her off. 

Spike is portrayed really well here. I like how even when the others leave Twilight, he still stays with her. This is surprising since at the time of writing it, there weren't as many great Spike episodes. 

Is it just me, or is this movie low-key shipping Rarity and Capper? I can't really get behind it, since Rarity owns a cat. Also is Rarity owning a cat while this anthropomorphic cat walks around a Goofy/Pluto situation? Spike getting jealous was adorable and I kinda wished they kept that arc going.

So.....Where's Shining Armor? Shouldn't he be concerned that his wife got turned to stone?

Tempist to me is kind of  Starlight Glimmer light. Her backstory was partially similar to hers. Which one was handled better is up for debate though.

Storm King has some great lines, but he seems pretty similar to Tirek, down to their designs. Evil Centaur who wants Equestrian magic. His lines however, make him more memorable than Tirek.

Some people were beefed that Starlight didn't do much, but that didn't bother me. She wasn't even established when this movie was announced, let alone when they were writing it. Plus, they probably wanted to make this movie easily accessible to those who don't watch the show, so having too many spoilers for later seasons would get a little alienating. 

The movie does borrow several elements from previous two parters, from the princesses getting captured quickly to a baddie getting reformed, so if you're not a fan of the two parters, chances are you won't like this movie as much. In fact the flaws I mentioned above (wonky pacing, characters not contributing much to the plot), are flaws a lot of the two parters fall into. 

Strorm King's death is probably the darkest death in this whole show. 

The movie does that thing a lot of recent animated films have done: End with a dance number accompanied by a pop song.


I know some of these points may seem like me harping on the movie. Don't worry, I enjoyed it. Most of these points I made are nitpicks that don't affect my overall enjoyment. 

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IDC what biased critics think, I absolutely loved this movie and thought it was perfect for what it needed to be.

10/10 here.

Also I see 2 C scores under rotten... that doesn't make any sense.


Edited by Ryanmahaffe
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2 hours ago, Toon4Thought said:

To add on to that, there's now a consensus that I think sums up the situation pretty dang well:

I was very hopeful that this movie would be the thing to completely break any doubts people still had in the property, but in hindsight this would've been really difficult to pull off, even if the film clearly did what it could to do just that. Ah well, at least a fair number of people liked it, and the audience rating is at 91%.

I wish that could have happened too but people are too narrow minded. I think 'professional" critics dismissing the movie as trash before they even enter the theater speaks volumes on where this IP lies with most people. It doesn't matter what they did, people would have still found an excuse to shit on it. MLP has a stigma and it's one people can't comprehend it breaking so some just blew this film off despite it being perfectly passable. At least that's how I see things. 

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I enjoyed the movie. I think it was worth the price of admission and worth going to see. I don't really understand all the negative reviews its getting. Admittedly, the movie played it safe. I can't really blame the studio for doing that since this is the first major motion picture for the Friendship is Magic franchise. Just like Equestria Girls, I feel like they're testing the waters to see if this is well received. Then, in the sequel we'll see more daring story telling.

First I'd like to point out that my theater was packed. I did go to the most popular theater in town, this was the fourth or fifth showing of the day at 6:50 PM. The crowd was entirely parents and their children, the children themselves were predominantly little girls.I was probably the only Brony there. I had two parents next to me. One was a mother who wouldn't stop heavily sighing every 5 minutes, but she did laugh a number of times. On the other side was a dad who was clearly excited to be there, he annoyingly hummed to the music some times and laughed a lot. Going to children's movies is always an experience to say the least.


Visually, this movie was spectacular. As someone who adores traditional drawing/2 dimensional animation, this was a visual feast for the eyes. The pony's reactions and expressions were all so fantastic, they were so minutely detailed that I just couldn't look away. The entire movie I was giddy with awe on how wonderfully they were animated. Not just the facial animation either, the body movements in general were great. This was easily the strongest aspect of the movie. Seldom do we get to see a high budget 2D film, so this was incredibly refreshing.


Musically, I liked it a lot. Songs were catchy, fun, and well written. But that's Daniel Ingram for you; he's incredibly talented so I'm happy to hear his stuff on the big screen. I really enjoyed the opening number, Tempest's solo and even Sia's song. According to Daniel Ingram, he wrote a song for the intro of the movie, but they replaced it with 'Ponies Got The Beat' at the last second. I'm hoping we get to hear the song at least in an alternate version on the blu ray.

It goes without saying, the voice acting was terrific. The guest stars all did a great job too.


When it comes to the story is where we begin to have some problems. Basically everything was going great then a villain shows up wanting to harness all the magic to rule the world. Really basic stuff. As I said before, clearly they weren't willing to be too daring since this is the first major motion picture for the FiM franchise. I think in the sequel, if it ever happens, will be a lot stronger in this department. I am a bit confused though when it comes to the Hypogrifs. Once they met them, it was sounding like they wanted to turn everyone into Sea Ponies. Perhaps I was just getting the wrong impression? But to me, it kept sounding like they wanted to stay Sea Ponies. Maybe this was just poorly written?


Now going from the plot we break it down further into the characters, which is the main issue of the film. First is Tempest. On the surface, she's a badass and I really liked how sinister she was. She was no nonsense and got things done quickly. But her backstory was just so weak. Ok, she got a scar and lost her horn, then her friends were jerks and didn't like how she had issues with using magic. Really? That's it? I wish there was more too it, and it made her character kind of collapse for me. I feel like her redemption was pretty believable though. Through forgiveness from Twilight she realized the error of her ways. I think her message that 'you're fine just the way you are' was nice.

The Storm King was a lot of fun, I just wish we learned about his motivations other than "I'm evil and I want to rule over everything". The movie wasn't that long, they could've squeezed out another 15 minutes to give him some kind of backstory or explanation. So in the end, he was a bit of a lame villain.

I've seen this from a few other people, but I too believe it felt like the Pirates were converted a little too quickly. They did convey that the Storm King had quite a bit of influence outside of Equestria, but I wish it took more than a song to convert them. I did like how Rarity's kindness and generosity helped change Capper, that seemed a bit more realistic.

Seeing Twilight getting angry like that, failing friendship as she put it, was something we don't usually see with her character, so it was nice to see her character go there.


Overall, I enjoyed the movie a lot. It was a fun experience and I'd really like to see it again. Now that I've seen it, I still don't really understand the negativity surrounding it. I think the messaged was conveyed well in a wonderful looking package. Seeing sites like IGN give it a 3.5 is horrendously unjustified. Some complaints was that it was too violent and some characters caught on fire? What piss poor excuses. Anyone who watches the show knows that this show can get violent.

Regardless, very proud to be a fan of this franchise and I can't wait to see the girls on the big screen again soon! 7.5/10

Edited by takai
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Saw it twice, loved every second of it from the songs to the action to the animation.

The scene with Twilight arguing with her friends is genuinely sad and I feel bad when they thought Twilight was actually dead. Tempest had a decent backstory and the Storm King was a lot of fun. Overall, I think the movie succeeds where other animated movies this year did not. It provides an exciting story of action and adventure with our favorite characters on the big screen, there is nothing about this movie I didn't enjoy after the Princesses were stoned.

In my opinion the movie really becomes amazing after they get to Mount Aris, up until that point I was really enjoying it but wasn't in love yet, but after that, the movie picks up and becomes, in my opinion, a masterpiece, with an amazingly epic song with Tempest.

Speaking of the songs, they are fantastic, with my favorite being Open Up Your Eyes with "I'm the Friend you need" being 2nd. They feel so much more powerful than the usual songs, likely due to the live orchestra.


  • Brohoof 3


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So does anyone else feel it was out of character for Twilight to resort to theft as well as the way she shouted at Pinkie on the beach? Especially given all that they've been through?

25 minutes ago, Ryanmahaffe said:

Saw it twice, loved every second of it from the songs to the action to the animation.

The scene with Twilight arguing with her friends is genuinely sad and I feel bad when they thought Twilight was actually dead. Tempest had a decent backstory and the Storm King was a lot of fun. Overall, I think the movie succeeds where other animated movies this year did not. It provides an exciting story of action and adventure with our favorite characters on the big screen, there is nothing about this movie I didn't enjoy after the Princesses were stoned.

In my opinion the movie really becomes amazing after they get to Mount Aris, up until that point I was really enjoying it but wasn't in love yet, but after that, the movie picks up and becomes, in my opinion, a masterpiece, with an amazingly epic song with Tempest.

Speaking of the songs, they are fantastic, with my favorite being Open Up Your Eyes with "I'm the Friend you need" being 2nd. They feel so much more powerful than the usual songs, likely due to the live orchestra.


Had to laugh at the bolded LOL!

Anyway, would you say this is a masterpiece compared to the likes of the Emoji movie? I do.

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4 minutes ago, Azureth said:

So does anyone else feel it was out of character for Twilight to resort to theft as well as the way she shouted at Pinkie on the beach? Especially given all that they've been through?

Had to laugh at the bolded LOL!

Anyway, would you say this is a masterpiece compared to the likes of the Emoji movie? I do.

As a lover of the series it is a 10/10 for me

Even taking a critical viewpoint it feels like a good old school Disney movie and would be a 9/10


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7 minutes ago, Azureth said:

So does anyone else feel it was out of character for Twilight to resort to theft as well as the way she shouted at Pinkie on the beach? Especially given all that they've been through?

Nope.  Thats in character for her.  She was going through lots of stress and pressure seeing how they are literally Equestrias only hope.  When she found the one thing that could help millions of ponies from enslavement, and was not given permission to use it, of course she was going to try something.  She's not going to give up and fail her mission.  And yelling at pinkie also adds up because again the stress.  That stress turned into anger which resulted in Twilight shouting at Pinkie.  But Twilight immediately regreted what she did, and went into serious depression.  This whole thing is just showing Twilight isn't perfect and has flaws, and that she's not a "mary sue" like some fans think she is.  Even Tara herself said this movie would show how "human" Twilight is.

Edited by caseyastevens
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2 hours ago, Unlikeable Pony said:

Kind of worried about this movie's financial success; theater was half empty when I went today.

For the looks of things, the movie won't be the financial success we hoped for :sunny: . It should become a cult classic though :huh: 


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9 hours ago, Crimson Fire said:

Perhaps they felt that since the Storm King assumed they were all gone, they could hide and not worry about him coming back. And maybe something about starting a new life underwater as Sea Ponies.

Just being Shellfish :D

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The movie is tracking above what it had been predicted. This was never going to be a $100 million grossing domestic hit. It doesn't need to be in order for this movie to be a financial success. This was not an expensive movie to make as far as animated films go. The site I trust most is giving us a projection of around $12 million opening weekend, which is respectable for a movie that was never going to be a critical darling. Unless it absolutely craters in the following weeks, it should make back its budget through domestic alone by the end. It has a better chance of being a financial success for those involved than Blade Runner 2049 does despite much better review scores and a bigger bow because 2049 cost a tremendous amount to make and Pony was cheap.

As for critic reviews and audience scores: Both have great value, neither should concern you personally. Critics are there to tell you the quality of a film with a critical lens. Movies should be judged harsher than many are (looking at you Dunkirk). Audiences should tell me how much I'll enjoy the experience. Neither is more valuable than the other. Audiences by and large, when taken as a group, love trash. Critics are often cynically predisposed against positive messaging and charm. It would be great if Pony was critically loved like it is by audiences, but it is a flawed picture from a detached perspective. How those flaws impact a rating is subjective. Were I not a fan of the franchise and wrapped up in its charm and world, it would have been a 2/4 or 2.5/4 for me.

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So, it's a funny thing--I've been a huge Pony fan for years now, and the franchise is extremely important to me, and yet, I find myself dreading most new episodes, as well as the movie.  I just...tend to expect the worst these days, and I'm not entirely sure why.  The show has proven that it still has the right stuff, but I guess it has been rockier the past couple of seasons, with more ups and downs.  A casual observer would think I'm nuts, and ask why the hell I stick around if I dread new episodes.  I probably am nuts.  It doesn't make much sense, does it?  Why continue to be so involved in this if I don't seem to get much enjoyment from it?  Well, I still do get an enormous amount of enjoyment from the good episodes.  I stick around for the Perfect Pears.  That made me cry.  I still love these characters and their world so much that I want to stick around, even if I don't enjoy all of it.  I also love the community and fan-content aspect.  It's a weird thing, and it's probably impossible to explain to someone who doesn't get it.  Maybe it only makes sense to an autistic nutcase like me.

I almost decided not to see the movie because I was so horrified by the animation change.  I'm not going to re-explain my thoughts on that.  If you're interested in hearing the details, check out my Stop & Talk blog entry entitled, "Why I Might Not See the Movie".  Obviously, I ultimately decided to see it for one simple reason: I had worked very hard to make a highly accurate Equestria Girls Rainbow Dash cosplay to wear to the movie, and I felt I owed it to myself to see that through and wear it.  I did, and I enjoyed that part.

Onto the actual movie.  Alright, so....as usual, my opinion is going to be an extremely unpopular one.  When I expressed my thoughts about the animation change, it became horrifying clear to me that I would be all alone in my opinions about the movie.  Why should this bother me?  Well, I don't know.  It shouldn't.  I have problems.  Honestly, though, I can't help but feel very alone and a bit....well....betrayed by my fellow fans.  This entirely on me, of course.  It's wrong of me to implicate anyone else like that.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and it would be wrong of me to take out my frustration on anyone else for not sharing mine.  I still can't help feeling the way I feel, and I'm sorry.  I'm also sorry for my harsh opinion, and I'm sorry if it offends or upsets anyone.  So, I thought the movie was absolutely horrible.  Abysmal.  I cannot believe what I just watched.  It was unspeakably, shockingly bad.  And I feel even more shocked that I seem to be the only one to feel this way.

I knew it was going to be bad, but I never knew it was going to be that bad.  I cannot find one good thing to say about the movie, and I consider myself to be a very fair reviewer.  I actually consider myself one of the more tame and charitable reviewers of the show.  There wasn't a single redeeming factor about the movie.  Terrible plot, terrible acting, terrible music, and (yes, I still think so) terrible animation.  I felt like the movie was a complete insult, a betrayal to everything Pony.  It's like they jettisoned everything that made the show great.  They just took all of the magic of the show and blew it out the airlock.  I know I have a very biased and unpopular view regarding the animation change (they just don't look like our ponies at all), but disregarding that, everything about the movie was still garbage.  The story was completely goofy--just one ridiculous, over-the-top, stupid, themed adventure after another, with no real depth or development.  The characters felt like overly silly caricatures of themselves, lacking any and all of the dynamic and realistic depth from the show.  It was a non-stop string of cringeworthy jokes and stupid gags with one predictable, idiotic song after another.

I absolutely abhorred the decision to make the movie essentially a standalone feature, excluding and disregarding most of the lore and continuity from the show.  I do, however, understand why they did this.  I assume they wanted to make something that someone who's not a fan or follower of the show could watch, and still enjoy.  This makes sense from a marketing standpoint, and I guess from a critic standpoint as well.  I still hated it.  They've made a rich and detailed lore, and it felt like they just threw it away.  I predicted that Starlight wouldn't even make an appearance, and I was right.  Terrible decision.  (Perhaps I missed her in a cameo.  I saw Trixie.)  I know it needed to be mane 6 focused, but there should have been other characters in there, too.  Starlight should have had a scene or two, and the CMC should have a line or two.  A least a brief, throwaway line.  SOMETHING.  I was shocked and appalled that they didn't even show Ponyville or Twilight's castle ONCE.  No Boutique, no Sweet Apple Acres, no Sugarcube Corner, nothing.  I realize they went for world building, but they should have at least had an exposition scene in Ponyville for Celestia's sake.  No mention of Rarity's fashion empire, no mention of Ranbow being a Wonderbolt.  (Twilight, why were you looking at Rainbow when you said you had ordered clear skies?  That's not her job anymore, remember?  She's a Wonderbolt, now!)  I know the movie was supposed to be fantasy and adventure focused, but I really think there should have been some effort to at least briefly incorporate the professional lives they've all built.  I knew that movie was going to basically jettison the developments and continuity of the show, and...well, I'm not at all happy about it.

But worse than all that stuff, the movie just didn't even feel like FIM.  It didn't even feel like the same franchise.  It was so dopey, and nothing fit in the FIM world.  It was just: "let's see how many old Disney movies we can cram in."  Seriously, we had Aladdin, Peter Pan, and The Little Mermaid, and, I guess, f*ckin Aristocats or something?  Seriously, what the hell was that bipedal, humanoid, smooth talking, like, f*ckin 1920's New York jazz hole cat?  What the HELL was that?!  He didn't belong in the FIM universe at all.  I can't believe they invented all of these new, underdeveloped characters to help stop the villains when they already have an array of fantastic characters with enormous potential to draw from.  Instead of alley cat, pirate birds, and sea ponies, why couldn't they have had, oh, I don't know, let's say, Ember lead the dragons to Canterlot, Thorax lead the changelings to Canterlot, Gilda lead the Griffons to Canterlot, maybe even Prince Rutherford lead the yaks to Canterlot, and then they all charge the Storm King?  (The dopey, stupid, and completely idiotic Storm King...)  Why not give some big screen time to some of the great characters they've developed throughout the show?!  Why not further develop these great characters instead of cramming in these weird, Disney-esque idiots?  Now, I love Disney, but that doesn't mean you can cram it into FIM and expect it to work.

I could go on and on, but there's no point.  I'm sure I've lost all readers by now, anyway.  I really love Pony, but I cannot express enough how much I hated this movie.  I waited so long, and I can't believe that this is what we got.  Even my mom was squirming in the theater seat, thinking, "Oh my god, how long is the piece of crap?!" and she's a much more casual and less critical fan than I am.  This wasn't Pony.  This was an abomination.  Absolute trash.

I apologize again for my unpopular opinion, and my harshness.  I understand how frustrating it can feel when someone hates and dumps on something you love.  I don't wish to upset anyone.  I'm sure most of you will think I'm completely warped and gone right out of my head.  I probably shouldn't have written this.  I probably should have observed the old rule of "if you don't have anything nice say, don't say anything at all."  My only defense is that, for some reason, it makes me feel mildly better to get my opinion out there, probably because I feel betrayed by the writers and filmmakers, and it's therapeutic to vent.  I am entitled to express my opinion, after all.  I'm sorry if it's bothers anyone.

I guess that about wraps it up.  Before I go, I need to do one last thing, and I apologize profusely in advance for this.  Please don't take this too seriously, and if you don't agree, please just ignore me and my extremist fringe opinion.  I just need to do this.  I have to get it out of my system once and for all.




*Catches breath*.  *Ahem*.  Sorry.  Uh...sorry.  Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.  This was my final word on the movie.  I won't subject anyone to any more of my opinions.  I'll just go on from here as if the movie doesn't exist.


Alrighty, folks; I'll see you later this weekend for the normal new episode review. 

Until then.

Edited by Justin_Case001
Edited for typo.
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I saw the film last night and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

For starters the animation in the movie was absolutely gorgeous, especially for being the first 2D animated film released in theaters in a long time.

While not all the songs were amazing, I did enjoy them, especially Open Your Eyes and Time to Be Awesome.

I though that the new characters introduced were a nice addition to the world of the show.

There was some entertaining action sequences that took advantage of the movie's updated animation.

And I have to say that 


Tempest's reformation was handled pretty well all things considered.

I would even say that her's was what Starlight Glimmer's should have been.

The only real issues I had with the film were Fluttershy sadly not getting a lot to do in it, and some of the transitions to different locations feeling really fast.

But besides that I had a great time watching it.

Edited by cmarston1
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I saw the film yesterday. It was the first showing of the day. I think the cinema was about three quarters full, but only with little girls and their mothers. There weren't any bronies there, probably because it was a showing in the middle of the day, when most people are at work.

They actually showed a short before the film. I can't remember the name of it. It wasn't that good, to be honest.

The actual film was really good. It wasn't the best animated film of all time or anything. I don't think people who have never watched the show are going to like it. The songs were great, the celebrity voice actors did really good jobs singing.

There were plenty of popular background pony cameos. DJ PON-3, Lyra, Sweetie Drops, Derpy, Trixie, Cheese Sandwich and Starlight Glimmer all made appearances.

The new characters were interesting, too. The movie focused more on Twilight than the rest of the Mane 6. If you're a Fluttershy fan, you might be disappointed, because she was pretty much useless in this film.

I think I would give it about a 7.5 out of 10. It did feel really weird watching MLP on the big screen, when I am so used to watching it on the television.

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10 hours ago, Justin_Case001 said:

-snip so the quote won't be too long-

hey you shouldn't be so hard on yourself like that it's just a medium for entertainment and if you don't like it that's how you feel. you don't have to get so defensive about it. even if a lot of fans disagree it should still be regarded because it could be some nice feedback for the future. do you think you might have peaked with the series though and not like it anymore?



Silence is a girl's best friend.


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2 hours ago, PinkiePie97 said:


I Went to the 11:15am showing, and even through it was just me and later on a Grandmother and her Granddaughter, I really enjoyed this film.  

I thought everything was done perfectly or at least to the best of their abilities .  

The movie did what it had to do, to not only give us (the fans) something we've been waiting on for years.  But it also gave the causal (non-MLP) audience an opportunity to get know the characters and the world they live in.  Now that last part may be a pet-peeve with some, but you have to understand, if the writing staff just straight up made a movie in the same vain of a regular episode (even a 2-parter), it probably wouldn't be as accepted as it has been overall.

Now, the story was very good! It gave us everything we (as fans) would've expected, plus more.  It was (to me at least) a perfect hybrid of having some episodic elements blended in perfectly with original animated movie story elements.

The Characters were great for what was given to them.  The established VA's took it to another level, and the Celebrity VA's really brought their A game.

Overall this was very good and Enjoyable Film! 10/10 Highly Recommend!


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My opinion, it's basically what I would expect of a movie coming off a series. Like Dragonball Z movies compared to the series. It was good by those standards.

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