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Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee announced for the Switch(as well gen 8 game)


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Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee has been officially announced for the Switch, more or less Gen 1 redone completely

I should also mention that this was not the Pokemon game announced last year, and Gen 8 is in fact set to come out next year


Not gonna lie, as someone who's been really iffy on this franchise for a while, I.....really really want this

Edited by Whomps
  • Brohoof 2
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So the rumors were true, huh? :pout: I won't lie; I've been caught off guard.

This looks pretty cute, but this looks like it will probably serve as a buffer until Generation 8 is announced. Will I play it? To be perfectly honest, probably not. Yeah, it looks neat... but I'm not terribly interested in playing a Pokemon game with only the 1st Gen Pokemon when Generation 8 is just around the corner, not to mention the motion control functionalities which I'm not too keen on.

Thanks, but I'll probably pass.

Edited by The Recherche
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This looks really bad...

Like... I feel E3 2008 levels of bad here. This is a complete and total casualization of Pokemon.

  • Brohoof 1

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When I first saw this trailer, I was like: "what the hell is this?" Honestly, I am VERY disappointed with this trailer and I dont like ANY of these new features :adorkable: the majority of us LOVE the simplicity of Pokemon and this is just throwing it ALL out of the window... 


I personally DO NOT like the idea of throwing the Poke Ball. What if the legendaries have the same low catch rate as they do in the previous games??? :huh: yeah, I'm not gonna waste 20 - 45 mins swinging my joy-con around like an idiot, hoping it'll get caught in the next ball I throw + I am a bit OCD when it comes to Natures / Characteristics / EV's / IV's...


From what every-one's been saying, this is just a spin-off series, similar to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Pokemon Ranger and the like. I hope they're right about that 'cuz if this ISN'T, then it looks like Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon will be THE last Pokemon game I'll play :please:

Edited by SolarFlare13


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I just saw the trailer and I was hyped and I teared up a little. I'm really looking forward to these games. Even if it's not generation 8 and it's a remake of generation 1, this still looks pretty cool. I like how it incorporates Pokemon Go, as well as co-op game play with friends. I do wonder how trading will take place when playing with friends locally or online. This trailer reminds me of when I played Pokemon Yellow when I was younger. I also wonder what the special Pokemon that we receive will be. I would say possibly a generation 8 Pokemon, a new Eeveelution or maybe Gorochu. I might either version or possibly both games. I'm can't wait for this game and generation 8 next year. :) 

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I watched the trailer for Let's Go before seeing the other announcements and almost cried for the direction I thought the series was going. Very glad to see it isn't a main game. I'll have to see some more of the gameplay and see what the story is, but I'm leaning towards not getting it. I haven't played Pokemon GO in a long time, and I don't have any friends to do co-op with, so none of the additional features really appeal to me so far.

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Why so much hate? I liked the trailer, and I'll probably play it. I like how interactive it seems. Do I want gen 8 to be like that? Hell no! But it's something different, so whatever, it seems fun ¦D

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Why are they even rehashing Kanto again? I'm not saying I hate it, but haven't we got enough Gen 1 representing the series over again?

It is simply overrated.

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saw the trailer and im actually hyped. this pokemon game seems really interesting! that and if this is just a remake game, it makes me even more hyped for what gen 8 is going to be



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I knew it was going to be a spin-off game, so I get to say I told you so.

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I uh....I.....I dunno, Krusty, help me out here would ya? 

Yeah, thanks, Krusty. They know the Pokemon Go hype died out a long time ago, right?

  • Brohoof 1

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8 hours ago, SolarFlare13 said:

From what every-one's been saying, this is just a spin-off series, similar to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Pokemon Ranger and the like. I hope they're right about that 'cuz if this ISN'T, then it looks like Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon will be THE last Pokemon game I'll play :please:

GameFreak did say that this isn't the "Core RPG" they announced at last year's E3, and that would be coming out late next year. The problem is, this isn't like your stereotypical spin-off. These games are developed by GameFreak themselves, and very much look like the past core RPGs. So they take the shape and form of a core RPG, but they're horribly dumbed down. If I could find a comparison, Paper Mario Sticker Star would be one. GF has never been in the business of Pokemon spin-offs, this is developed by them, and thus takes time from them, and also comes out in place of what could have been something better like Diamond/Pearl remakes.

Like even if I could past the horrible Generation VI 2.5D graphics (this is the Switch, not the 3DS!), the tiny environments, Kanto a-flipping-gain, and being purely the original 151 Pokemon, I can't really get past the wild Pokemon system being changed from battling to Pokemon GO just throw the Pokeball and hope it catches it nonsense. Basically the whole game is going to be like Safari Zone. It might be even worse, you might only be able to level up Pokemon like in Pokemon GO, which is just horrendous.

And really I can't get past the rest, to be honest. Kanto has already been remade. This approach to the region is so conservative that it looks like it was just Kanto remade with Generation VI style graphics in HD. This is not even anywhere near up to par with the style of Sun/Moon and US/UM where they at least tried to make the environments look more like real environments with actual topography instead of being 2D environments made into 3D. Plus, as I said, the locales are TINY, as seen in the screenshots. This is not a game worthy of being a $60 Switch game. Plain and simple. The Pokemon being only the original 151 is even worse. As I said, this is the third time we're getting a game that explores only Kanto. No longer do they have any excuse to only include the original 151. And at least FR/LG allow for you to get later Pokemon afterward, it looks like these games don't at all. This is asinine.

I've been playing since Pokemon Red back in 1999. I have nostalgia for it, but... That nostalgia has been worn away with GameFreak's constant pandering. Like at this point, the original 151 are no longer even special to me. I now see it as a group of Pokemon with some hits, but also some misses. I'm tired of having the group crammed in my face, there are so many Pokemon I love from later generations. Playing a game where these Pokemon don't exist at all is ridiculous.

Plus, I heard the starter Eevee you get in LGE can't even evolve. I prefer Eevee over Pikachu but who on earth would buy a game where you're forced to play an Eevee that can't even evolve? That is Eevee's whole gimmick! They say the choice to be able to choose Eevee was based off of the rival getting it in Yellow, but guess what? In Yellow the rival's Eevee evolved! Not much thinking went into this...

Edited by Envy
  • Brohoof 2

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This game would literally look at home on the Gamecube in terms of graphical fidelity/ complexity. What's even more disturbing is the fact that both GC Pokemon games (Colosseum & XD Gale of Darkness) have significantly better-looking character models for the humans, and in some instances, even the Pokemon. Same goes for Pokemon Battle Revolution on the Wii. Somebody please enlighten me as to why a brand-spanking new system from Nintendo is churning out graphics typical of games 3 freaking generations prior! WE are talking almost 1½ decades here... This "new" game is quite clearly the very embodiment of laziness. I will not be purchasing it (don't even have a Switch yet as I am waiting for a hardware revision first), but I hope the game will at least run at a nice locked 60 fps to compensate a bit for the lackluster visuals on display.

The scary part is, knowing Gamefreak, I don't think they would just create all new assets for this game to never use em again... Expecting the "real" 2019 Pokemon titles to have largely the same graphics. I hope to God I am proved wrong on this prediction, but I just have that gut feeling.

Also, the co-op and motion control implementation just seem sooo tacked on it is plain insulting... especially as a long time Pokemon fan. And why the bloody hell would they neuter the wild Pokemon battles? Ugh...



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I'm surprised that they decided to do a remake of sorts of Pokémon Yellow but then it's the one version from generation one that hasn't been given any kind of remake barring the ability of your Pokémon following you around--taken from Yellow.


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9 hours ago, Kai-rouken said:

This game would literally look at home on the Gamecube in terms of graphical fidelity/ complexity. What's even more disturbing is the fact that both GC Pokemon games (Colosseum & XD Gale of Darkness) have significantly better-looking character models for the humans, and in some instances, even the Pokemon. Same goes for Pokemon Battle Revolution on the Wii. Somebody please enlighten me as to why a brand-spanking new system from Nintendo is churning out graphics typical of games 3 freaking generations prior! WE are talking almost 1½ decades here... This "new" game is quite clearly the very embodiment of laziness. I will not be purchasing it (don't even have a Switch yet as I am waiting for a hardware revision first), but I hope the game will at least run at a nice locked 60 fps to compensate a bit for the lackluster visuals on display. 

It's interesting because we're both super disappointed in the visuals here, but we both seem to somehow disagree. =P

What do I mean? I don't think these games look like GCN games at all. To me it is clear that they are HD games, and they have great HD lighting, textures, crispness, etc. The problem is that is as far as being up to snuff with other 3D HD games goes for them. The actual style here lags waaayyyy behind those of GCN games. When I think of GCN games I think of Super Mario Sunshine, Zelda Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, etc., etc. The designing that went into this game is an odd phenomenon that seems to have really picked up during the DS era with games like Zelda Phantom Hourglass. They're games designed very much from a 2D framework, with 3D graphics tacked on.

The sad thing is that Pokemon LGPE actually lag behind Sun/Moon and US/UM in this regard. Sure those games weren't anywhere near perfect in this regard, but we actually started to see resemblance of landscapes designed more from a 3D standpoint instead 2D. LGP/E is a return to the style of Generation VI, which is just really horribly outdated on when put on the Switch. To be blunt, these games look like cheap Indie games.

BTW, I never played XD, but I did watch a video of it and I honestly wasn't too impressed. It looked quite 2.5D, itself.

9 hours ago, Kai-rouken said:

The scary part is, knowing Gamefreak, I don't think they would just create all new assets for this game to never use em again... Expecting the "real" 2019 Pokemon titles to have largely the same graphics. I hope to God I am proved wrong on this prediction, but I just have that gut feeling.

I don't expect Breath of the Wild level graphics. However, as I said, Pokemon Sun/Moon and USUM were actually a marked improvement over the Generation VI games. These games look like Generation VI games in HD. I can't imagine GF will follow that for the next core RPG. I guarantee it won't be super impressive, but it will be much better than this archaic 2.5D nonsense.

9 hours ago, Kai-rouken said:

And why the bloody hell would they neuter the wild Pokemon battles? Ugh... 

They're trying hard to appeal to the Pokemon GO crowd. The wild Pokemon system is exactly like in Pokemon GO. It's really bad, and is probably the #1 reason I won't be buying these games. I just feel like playing these games would remind me of playing other dumbed down/limited versions of franchises I love, like Paper Mario Sticker Star and The Sims 4.

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3 hours ago, Envy said:

It's interesting because we're both super disappointed in the visuals here, but we both seem to somehow disagree. =P

What do I mean? I don't think these games look like GCN games at all. To me it is clear that they are HD games, and they have great HD lighting, textures, crispness, etc.

I mean, technically by that logic, someone could claim Wind Waker HD "doesn't look like a GCN game". 

- Oversaturated bloom lighting? Check

- Redone texture work? Check

- Higher native resolution? Check

^Unfortunately, those three things are pretty much the ONLY visual changes made to that particular remake. While I did quite enjoy my time playing through WW HD several years ago, it felt very decidedly like a "brushed up" GCN remaster, as opposed to a proper remake.

In regard to these new Pokemon games, I will admit the game looks very clean, and crisp, but so does the unanimously lambasted Secret of Mana Ps4 remake.

The old GCN and Wii games I mentioned prior may be a little rough around the edges, but if you take the time to look past the blurry resolution, you will see many graphical effects which put this new game to shame. Depth of field, particle effects galore, large expansive stadiums teeming with hundreds of NPC's etc. 

Bottom line, if you were to go back and tell someone in 2004 - 2007 that in over a decade a brand new console Pokemon "spin off" adventure game would look like LGPE, they'd likely slap you upside the head at the perceptible lunacy you'd appear to be spouting.


3 hours ago, Envy said:

The problem is that is as far as being up to snuff with other 3D HD games goes for them. The actual style here lags waaayyyy behind those of GCN games. When I think of GCN games I think of Super Mario Sunshine, Zelda Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, etc., etc. The designing that went into this game is an odd phenomenon that seems to have really picked up during the DS era with games like Zelda Phantom Hourglass. They're games designed very much from a 2D framework, with 3D graphics tacked on.

The sad thing is that Pokemon LGPE actually lag behind Sun/Moon and US/UM in this regard. Sure those games weren't anywhere near perfect in this regard, but we actually started to see resemblance of landscapes designed more from a 3D standpoint instead 2D. LGP/E is a return to the style of Generation VI, which is just really horribly outdated on when put on the Switch. To be blunt, these games look like cheap Indie games.

I definitely agree that the style is atrocious too. A pleasant art style can go a long way. But it seems Gamefreak is absolutely enamored with trying to make Pokemon as sterile and "kid friendly" as possible. Weird thing is, when I was a kid (aka mid to late 80's) we had tons of stuff meant to appeal to children by being "cool" or "badass". Castlevania? Contra? Metroid? Ninja Gaiden? All games meant primarily to attract the kiddies and young teen demographics. Sure, adults could play too and enjoy em just as much, but these games were meant for kids. They were hard (some even brutal in difficulty) and they had style in spades. But you look at "kids' games" nowadays and what do you see? All I honestly see is corporate pandering to children essentially perceiving the demographic as "below" the standards of a normal consumer. 

If I had my way, Pokemon would be going further in the direction of Black/ White; incorporating more mature thematic elements, with a deeper narrative and interesting 3 dimensional characters. But alas, I don't run Gamefreak xD 

I can only assume their adherence to the blocky Gen 6-esque style is to "play it safe" due to potential budgetary constraints. Sun/Moon was indeed the right direction to evolve past the chibi art style, but the 3ds's obscenely dated hardware certainly wasn't doing that vision justice.


3 hours ago, Envy said:

I don't expect Breath of the Wild level graphics. However, as I said, Pokemon Sun/Moon and USUM were actually a marked improvement over the Generation VI games. These games look like Generation VI games in HD. I can't imagine GF will follow that for the next core RPG. I guarantee it won't be super impressive, but it will be much better than this archaic 2.5D nonsense.

They're trying hard to appeal to the Pokemon GO crowd. The wild Pokemon system is exactly like in Pokemon GO. It's really bad, and is probably the #1 reason I won't be buying these games. I just feel like playing these games would remind me of playing other dumbed down/limited versions of franchises I love, like Paper Mario Sticker Star and The Sims 4.

BoTW (from what I have seen) is quite regressive visually speaking. The game looks like a load of fun, but the graphics just scream mid-Ps3/ Xbox 360 release OR current gen Indie title. If the 2019 mainline Pokemon titles are incapable of even reaching that bar, I will be severely disappointed. I suppose it is better to temper my expectations now instead of letting the hype train drive me straight off the rails into a metaphorical abyss xD

Pokemon Go is something I'd never even touch with a 10-foot pole, let alone play it. Perhaps I should adopt a similar attitude toward Pokemon Let's Go as well lol



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I am sensing an endless money pit going on here. So Go is a cash cow, and now we have remakes of gen 1 that look like hi-res 3DS, that will cost 60$ and accessories for it too. So for just one, but who knows what else. Sadly I think Go has entirely gotten to Nintendo's ego. There are ideas I like, playing with a friend is cool and Go implementation is nice but it is overdone here.

The price is too much, that is what breaks it for me. If it was maybe 40$ I would go for it. 

  • Brohoof 1



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Me when Ride Pokemon were announced to replace HMs: They're replacing something that's been a core part of Pokemon since the beginning? Next they'll be getting rid of random encounters.

Also me when Pokemon Let's Go! was announced with overworld Go-esque battles instead of random encounters: .......AH, C'MON! I WAS KIDDING, FOR GOD'S SAKE!

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OK there are both elements of this that I look forward to and not really a fan of.

Starting with what I am not a fan of:

There is only going to be the original 151 and Alolan forms (plus a never before seen Pokemon)

Your starter won't be able to evolve

Things I support:

How it looks, I generally find it to be visually appealing

No HMs,

Return of Pokemon following you

Being able to ride some of the Pokemon following you

Being able to dress up your starter

Hopefully the lack of HMS and following Pokemon will return in Gen 8.

Right now I am waiting to see more of what the game has in store, but I am cautiously optimistic


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Wow, so much negativity for these games.. and a good chunk of it over the graphics. o.O  Which I'd like to say that the graphic's should never make the game.  Sure it can look nice and add some additional depth to the game but otherwise who cares if it's not the fanciest.  Not to mention it's a spin off.  The graphics don't have to be super good for that sake alone.   Nonetheless I find the graphics just fine.

Next you have the issue with it being in Kanto.  I seen a youtube video that honestly, this game is more to cater to the 'other' fans.  Like those who mainly just like the original 151 Pokémon and those who became fans thanks to Pokémon Go.  And again, it's a spin off title, the ones who are fans of the 'core pokemon games' will be getting their game(s) in 2019.

With that being said, I'm actually looking forward to this game.  yes I have some things that are 'concerning' to me.  Including well, removing of 'wild pokemon level grinding unless you got pokeballs for it' and curious as to what happens if you get in a wild battle and you have no pokeballs. :/  Amoung some other things but other than that, it's looking enjoyable.

Oh, as far as the motion controls go, I believe I read they are optional.  as in you can press a button to throw the ball instead of motion controls.

As for Kanto again, I'm fine with it... disappointed you can't go over to johto but *shrug*.  Besides, if you think about it, it's been what... at least 10 years since FireRed and Leaf Green came out.  But *shrug*

I will say, it will be a bit disappointing for like those 4 Pokémon that can evolve further but can't because well it was introduced in later gens.  I mean it could be because of Pokémon Go connection but I hear it's a one way transfer from Go to Let's go.  *shrug*  Guess I'm more confused there.

59 minutes ago, ggg-2 said:

Me when Ride Pokemon were announced to replace HMs: They're replacing something that's been a core part of Pokemon since the beginning? Next they'll be getting rid of random encounters.

I'll be perfectly honest... I disliked HMs.  They made going with your favorite team even harder as you had to make sure they could use all the HMs or swap pokemon out of your party for certain situations.  What also made it worse was the fact that each generation since gen 2 had 3 Water HM moves.  Which was Surf, Waterfall, and either Whirlpool or Dive.  This made it that much more annoying as you either had to have a water Pokémon learn 3 of the 4 moves or have more than 1 water pokemon.  Granted there are some non-water pokemon that can learn surf... but most of them are the 'rattatas'/basic normal types of the game.  And dragon's which were hard to find earlier in the game.

Then, you have the HMs that are used all the time, but suck in battle.  Cut is one of them, Rocksmash another.  And Flash... granted it's defensive but sometimes not even worth it.

Now, don't get me wrong.. I'm *eh* when it comes to Ride Pokémon.  For starters, I dislike your trainer being forced to wear that 'ride' outfit.. which is dumb considering NO OTHER character riding a pokemon wears one.  The most they might have is a helmet.... so why can't we get the same option?  The other reason is because... personally, I prefer it be my own pokemon on my team that helps me get around and what not... like my Charizard on my team... why do I have to summon a completely different one?  I dunno.  But in the end... it is better than the HMs problems imo.



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16 minutes ago, SwitchGuy2018 said:

You ARE aware this game is NOT the next core game, and that this is a side-title, right?

Exactly and that is why I think it should not be priced at $60. $60 seems a bit too much for what appears to be a watered down version of Yellow. There are ideas I definitely like about it, the co-op aspects looks dope, but for now I simply do not like the price point.



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1 minute ago, Kyoshi said:

Exactly and that is why I think it should not be priced at $60. $60 seems a bit too much for what appears to be a watered down version of Yellow. There are ideas I definitely like about it, the co-op aspects looks dope, but for now I simply do not like the price point.

Water down version of yellow?  Well it was confirmed to be a Pokémon Yellow Remake.  And minus the 'Wild Pokémon mechanic' everything else has been upgraded from the 1999 Gameboy game that is Pokémon Yellow.

However, I do see the point on the price tag.  Considering not even the main series 3DS games were  $60... but umm... where does it say the price tag for the games?


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