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Warning, there will likely be spoilers in the Episode discussion threads so venture in at your own peril. 

The End in Friend  

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    • Rainbow Dash: "*groans* As soon as we find this amulet, we are DONE with each other!" Rarity: "FINE BY ME!" (I HATE IT! >__<)
    • Rainbow Dash: "Can they…clean up glitter? Ew! It's on my hooves! *shakes hoof; Rarity rolls eyes* Are we done yet?! *groans* This is sooooo boring!" (I dislike it!)
    • Starlight Glimmer *quietly to herself*: "I can see I'm gonna need reinforcements." *teleports* (…meh…)
    • Bufogren *chewing contently*: "Mmmmm… *foams mint* My mouth. Fresh and minty! *noms*" (I like it!)
    • Rainbow Dash: "Uh, that…is…AWESOME!" (I LOVE IT! <3)

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Am I the only one or did they use more horse noises than usually?

An alright episode, slice of life I guess, nothing too fancy if you ask me. It did bring an important lesson, so I'm not really complaining.

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I don't know how Twilight, Starlight and Spike all got in this episode, but now it seems like all the rest of the main cast (Pinkie, Fluttershy and Applejack) are going the right way for being like, underused this season.

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Okay I won't say much as I'm going to be waiting for the official release but I have to at least comment on the thumbnail I saw.


Having Rainbow Dash and Rarity sitting in the Guidance Counselor's office with Starlight.

Yes, that is how you take advantage of a characters position! I am so looking foward next week to see how it all pans out.

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Within the 1st act, Rarity and Rainbow call back to Sonic Rainboom and Rarity Investigates. As far as I'm concerned, this is more proof that the 2 episodes are Rarity and Rainbow Dash focused episodes, making this one the 3rd episode to focus on the two.

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A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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I suspected Spike was involved the moment I saw the claw prints.

This episode was so much better than Non-compete Clause.


For one, it didn't end with them bickering played for laughs.


Edited by Will Guide
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A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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1 hour ago, Starlightglimmerfan19 said:

Hey be happy Starlight was in this episode it means it makes up all the treatment from yakity sax and hearts warming club.  This episode save me from being done with season 8 nice job writers.

Yeah, but what about the rest? Now they're not getting enough attention.

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1 hour ago, Will Guide said:


This episode was so much better than Non-compete Clause.

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For one, it didn't end with them bickering played for laughs.


For reals, I found this to be a reverse Non Compete Clause, the school parts felt incredibly forced and unnecessary an easily the worst part of the episode, and should have just focused on Rarity and Rainbow Dash completely who were the best parts especially in the 3rd act where it actually focuses on them and their strengths. I don’t mind RD and Rarity fighting so much at the beginning as I was expecting it judging by the synopsis and lets face it, despite being friends for 8 seasons the show has done fuck all with them together, with literally only SR and RI; at worst it felt like something that belonged in S1.

This was basically FiM’s Mirror Magic(which isn’t exactly a good thing), namely it would have been much better had it been entirely dedicated to the main concept(Sunset and Starlight becoming friends, RD and Rarity’s friendship) instead of shoehorning an entirely unwanted conflict(Juniper and the School)

This episode was honestly kind of frustrated because the parts I was interested in was something I was interested and turned out good for the most part but it comes at the expense of something greater that I didn’t care much for, and unfortunately all it does is reaffirm my feelings that the school still sucks(or at least squanders its potential) and the students aren’t that well handled

That said I still think there’s a gross amount of hyperbole here

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7 hours ago, Buttaflight said:

Am I the only one or did they use more horse noises than usually?

An alright episode, slice of life I guess, nothing too fancy if you ask me. It did bring an important lesson, so I'm not really complaining.

No I don't think so it's just that Rarities whinny was more noticeable they have some every now and then like the school ponies stomping their hooves.

Some nice moments in this episode and some that felt . . . odd still I'll hold off on saying anything more till its officially premiaired elsewhere to avoid spoiling it for others.

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On 7/11/2018 at 4:35 AM, Jeric said:

I initially thought the same as you, meaning that we just had this type of episode, but this one has subtle differences that make it worth telling. Starlight and Sunburst where childhood friends who grew apart and were reunited. While there was an element of Starlight trying to find common ground through shared interests, she tried to recapture a magic that wasn't exactly there since they both had changed. 

This one may touch on the element of Friends by Association. For years RD and Rares felt like the two were friends only through mutual friendship that anchored their connection together. Rarity Investigates showed that they can play off each other well, but circumstances and not mutual interest had them both in Canterlot at the same time. I can't wait to see more cute moments like Rarity sunscreen booping RD.

They do share several traits in common that most of the other characters don't share. One is RD and Rarity are dreamers. They believe in chasing that one dream that motivates them. I wonder if that could be the moral. 

This would be the second one in the entire series. Shush. :P


I would add to this that unlike Uncommon BondThe End in Friend focuses on respecting the differences that Rarity and Rainbow each have. In the former, Starlight and Sunburst as previous friends were trying to reconnect and find what they both shared as friends. Here, Rarity and Rainbow already to some degree already know the similarities they share, even if they fail to acknowledge them. Its their differences in tastes and hobbies that Rarity and Rainbow struggle respecting and acknowledging from each other.

I would add that this is a very relevant theme now especially in areas like politics, sports or culture in general. Just because you fundamentally disagree or dislike something, doesn't mean you can't respect a person's right and decision to like that particular topic (within standards we set for ourselves of course). Although its not openly stated, this episode equally teaches tolerance of different ideas just as much as it promotes understanding. 

These concepts ultimately in turn reflect the differences that comprise the Young 6, ranging from a nonchalant seemingly detached Gallus, a proud and stubborn Yona, and the seemingly odd Ocellus for example. If season 8 is teaching about promoting diversity, The End in Friend highlights that theme in embracing the diversity of ideas. In a global world as big as ours, this is an especially important lesson that can be tricky to learn.

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I just finished watching the episode and thought it was pretty awesome. It was funny to see how Rarity and Rainbow went about their day, while the class was observing. I think it's more of how we the viewer's interpret the interaction of the characters throughout the episode, or something along those lines. I liked how Rarity and Rainbow brought up multiple moments that happened throughout the seasons. Some of the moments from their hangouts were pretty funny, yet you could truly understand how the other felt. I also liked how Rarity kept wearing her books throughout the entire episode. The glittery moments were pretty funny. I do wonder why some moments there was no glitter, then other moments there were. I also could relate to Rainbow on not wanting glitter on her hooves. I was surprised how Rarity and Rainbow just decided to end their friendship by the end of the first act. I would have said that would happen near the second act, but I guess it was to fit more time in and to help build character development. I liked how Starlight suggested for Rarity and Rainbow to each read each other's similar interest in books. I also liked Starlight's and Twilight's plan to help Rarity and Rainbow working together when things were not going well. The creature they encountered was pretty interesting and it was cool how they worked together to help the creature out. I also liked how they used their personal knowledge of things and skills to help each other out through the adventure. I also liked how there was a secret passageway, that leads back to the school. I liked how Rarity and Rainbow became friends again and I really liked the moral of the episode. All in all, I found this episode to be very enjoyable. I look forward to see what happens next throughout the rest of the season. 

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16 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:

(1) The glittery moments were pretty funny. I do wonder why some moments there was no glitter, then other moments there were. I also could relate to Rainbow on not wanting glitter on her hooves.

(2) I was surprised how Rarity and Rainbow just decided to end their friendship by the end of the first act. I

(3) I liked how Starlight suggested for Rarity and Rainbow to each read each other's similar interest in books

(4) I also liked how there was a secret passageway, that leads back to the school.

1)  I suspect the glitter was not supposed to be falling off them the pony responsible just did a bad jump of glueing it on.

2) Having an entire school following them around and taking notes on every little thing they did probably added to the stress.

3) I felt that was a bad idea myself NEVER read a friends favorite book and then talk about it rarely does that end well unless your tastes are a lot more similar than theirs are. I did like how in the middle of the argument Starlight ran for reinforcements (Twilight is apparently a bad actress).

4) I do wonder who builds secret passages in a school though I mean is that a standard Equestrian building option? "Yes I'd like half a dozen no make it 8 secret passages, 2 hidden rooms and a secret exit into a swamp." For that matter how many more are there in that school?

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I don't like this episode. It feels like "Non Compete-Clause" except that episode at least had some ironically bad moments. This episode is just boringly bad. 

Both episodes have the same problem of exaggerating characters so the story can work, but where "Non-Compete-Clause" took it so far that there was a somewhat ironic enjoyment, this episode only took it far enough to be annoying.

This episode is also extremely boring. The story is really predictable and Rarity and Rainbow Dash don't have very good chemistry. Their arguing isn't witty, or funny, or over the top enough to be funny. They're just uninteresting arguments. I've read fanfictions where Rarity and Rainbow Dash have had better chemistry.

Furthermore, why are Twilight, Starlight, and the students here? They all feel so forced in. And it confuses me that the students are taking notes on ponies with different interests being friends. There's nothing really complex about that. I mean, the student six are filled with creatures with different interests that get along fine.

I do like the weird animal Rarity and Rainbow Dash meet during their journey, but's there's not much here aside from that.

Score: 3/10

I mentioned fanfictions showing Rarity and Rainbow Dash's chemistry better. Well, here's a story with a lot of them arguing, that's actually entertaining:


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What does it mean to be friends? What should one do when encountering opposing ideas? What should one do when their line of reasoning fails to produce results? This episode failed to show how Rarity and Rainbow Dash can complement EACH OTHER as friends. Any two strangers can use their "skills" to solve a puzzle and be impressed by it.


Yesterday I have binged the entire season 07 of Voltron and it once again demonstrated how individuals with different personalities can make a coherent team. These guys and gals don't need to force others into their shoes. It's cause they are spending a lot of time together due to their grand mission and have come to rely on each other to fulfill different tasks/roles. With that come not only tolerance but fondness and understanding. Of course, their mission is not something as spectacularly transcendental as is the spreading of friendship via the vicious divine scourge of stupidity and famine, but I guess being a symbol of hope for the downtrodden inhabitants of the universe is also an acceptable calling. It's funny then that, despite all action, adventure, and anime influences, the Paladins seem to be better friends to each other than anypony relying on the gospel of Harmony. Perhaps instead of "despite" I should have written "because".


Mane 6 are not friends. They are friendly coworkers who tolerate each other's trivial shit cause they are normies with good manners. Any pony stranger with their upbringing would be inclined to treat them the same way as they treat each other, and that's not friendship. It's been how many years since they've met? Three? Four? They still know nothing about each other and they don't bother talking about it either. Oh well, they're not perfect, eh.

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Just saw the End in Friend.

I’d say this one isn’t good. I almost stopped watching, but I’m kinda glad I didn’t.

See, I will say, I think the second half of this one makes it rank abit higher than many other bad episodes. This one’s kinda like the inverse of Fake it till you make it. That one I liked up UNTIL the ending, which completely ruined itand left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Same with the ending of Non Compete. This one in contrast starts awful, but the ending manages to pull it back to where I’m not left with the same hateful feeling in my gut.

Really, I think a lot of the ideas in this one weren’t bad. The problem came in how they executed it. The student 6’s "Meta" questions for instance. Those were mostly all legitimate questions. The kinds of things I’d expect students of friendship to ask. Why would people who have nothing in common hang out?

I actually liked that the school was the trigger for this conflict. I think it makes sense. Rarity and RD really do mostly hang out through mutual aquaintances. But it’s easy to see why this wouldn’t really matter to their lives at all. It’s not something that has a reason to be questioned. Then the school happens. In the school, it’s literally the curriculum to explain and demonstrate this kinda stuff. To field questions from people on subjects such as this. The studnets questioned the status quo and why things are the way they are, and it got Rarity and RD thinking.

Then the ending sequence in the forest happens, and I thought it really picked up. It was fun. The ways their different interests came back in ways that appealed to their partner was sweet. And unlike Flutters in Fake It, I bought their apologies. I believed that they were sorry, and that this whole episode was a mere lapse between two good friends.

What lets this episode down is just how mean the two are at the start. How incapable of compromise they were and their dismissal of the other’s interests. I think one of two things should’ve happened. A. They could’ve gone the Uncommon Bond route, where they experienced more of a creeping, inevitable feeling of sadness as they realized they had nothing in common. Or B. If there was some mitigating factor or situation that justified their dismissiveness somewhat. Something that had them already on edge so they’d have little patience for the others’ nonsense.

Edited by gingerninja666
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I didn't like this episode except for the last part. The idea was good, but the execution was forced. They were dismissive of each other's interests and couldn't compromise at all. The last scenes of the episode were well done though. 

To be honest, I would have liked it more if they had resolved their friendship on their own, instead of needing outside help. Surely they become friends again on their own if they were really friends. Isn't that what true friendship is? Overcoming obstacles together because in the end, you both want to be close to the other and be his/her friend?

Edited by JH24
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7 hours ago, Cwanky said:

I would add to this that unlike Uncommon BondThe End in Friend focuses on respecting the differences that Rarity and Rainbow each have. In the former, Starlight and Sunburst as previous friends were trying to reconnect and find what they both shared as friends. Here, Rarity and Rainbow already to some degree already know the similarities they share, even if they fail to acknowledge them. Its their differences in tastes and hobbies that Rarity and Rainbow struggle respecting and acknowledging from each other.

I would add that this is a very relevant theme now especially in areas like politics, sports or culture in general. Just because you fundamentally disagree or dislike something, doesn't mean you can't respect a person's right and decision to like that particular topic (within standards we set for ourselves of course). Although its not openly stated, this episode equally teaches tolerance of different ideas just as much as it promotes understanding. 

These concepts ultimately in turn reflect the differences that comprise the Young 6, ranging from a nonchalant seemingly detached Gallus, a proud and stubborn Yona, and the seemingly odd Ocellus for example. If season 8 is teaching about promoting diversity, The End in Friend highlights that theme in embracing the diversity of ideas. In a global world as big as ours, this is an especially important lesson that can be tricky to learn.

All of this, and I agree fully with @Will Guide, too. It takes Non-Compete Clause and fixes virtually all of its primary issues.

  1. In NCC, AJ's and Rainbow Dash's egos got in the way of teaching, and they were the primary teachers for their class. Here, Dash and Rarity were subjects for Twilight's class with intention of being her example of how differences in passion don't fracture friendships.
  2. Their argument wasn't petty and perfectly in character. When they insulted each others' interests, they were rightfully angry. Their testiness was down to earth, and the episode treated it as a really big problem; Twilight and Starlight took their fighting seriously to the point of working with Twilight to craft an emergency plan to mend their friendship.

  3. TEiF also takes a bit from MDW's and 28PL's playbook by setting up a search to teach them a lesson. However, rather than using the setup to further humiliate them and beat them down, Twilight, Starlight, and Spike set it up to fix their friendship by using their interests and strengths to find the amulet. They created the mystery to proactively prop them up and help them (and the students) learn a valuable lesson (and stick with it, concluding TEiF on a high note).

Yes, two of the teachers were more so the students than the students themselves. However, the episode crafts it as such that doesn't make them look bad or props the students over them.

  • Brohoof 4

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I guess I confused some people with my post. I’ll just make it clear and say I actually enjoyed the episode quite a bit despite my grievances I expressed earlier 

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I liked this episode a lot, I don't think it stands out as a particularly great episode, but I found it really funny and loved the main interactions on it.

I liked how the plot was set up in Twilight's class, but I didn't like how the whole class joined Rarity and Rainbow Dash to watch and spit out the obvious while they were spending time together.

Rainbow Dash and Rarity were great, their interests and manners clash heavily and I completely bought how they were getting angry at each other. They both showed their most entertaining selves while arguing and trying to do what they like without compromising with each other.

The counseling session was hilarious and the book discussion was also very funny, Starlight showed one of her strengths by acting immediately once she saw how the discussion was escalating.

The last act was probably my favorite act in season 8 so far. I loved how, despite being legitimately upset about each other, Rainbow Dash and Rarity didn't miss the chance to praise one another whenever they used their skills to help their cause, they also showed why Loyalty and Generosity are their respective elements.

Overall it was an episode I enjoyed a lot despite being so predictable. One episode I will surely rewatch just to laugh a bit and relieve some stress.

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Predictable, rushed and felt like a badly executed idea.

The fact that RD and Rarity break up as friends so quickly just due to not finding similarities immediately just feels like a s2/1 thing, which actually applies to many of the later episodes, aside from the obvious student/school.

Seriously, remove the students and the school and it'd fit perfectly into the early slice of life seasons.

(I couldn't analyze this perfectly due to me actually not being able to watch all the way through at first, and barely making it to the end while groaning on the second watch.)

Rating: 4/10 for being genuinely hard to watch as an episode so far down the line.

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I actually really liked this episode. We've hardly ever seen the RariDash pairing, so I really enjoyed seeing it explored here. I mean, the moral of this episode is one that's been explored countless times before, but I just enjoyed the episode for who the writers chose to represent it. Plus the wild goose chase with the blue sparkles, plus that six-eyed swamp monster, was really funny to watch. Overall, I'd give it an 8/10.

  • Brohoof 1


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I think it was an OK episode that got better closer to the end. Although it really feels like a season 1 episode, like the ones where the main characters were bonding for the first time. Not the first such episode this season, by the way. It seems like the creators said “Hey, we don’t have many RariDash episodes, lets self-awaringly make one and shove the school theme in”. And so they did. Rarity and Rainbow Dash can work really well together, but this time the conflict part felt a bit forced.

Two things I also want to point out. They got pretty creative with the creatures over the last seasons. The bad breath / sensitive eared one was quite interesting too. And this is the second episode where they are horribly careless with valuable (and in some cases dangerous) artifacts – storing them like this, letting Spike get close to the gemstones, etc. Not cool.

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