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all-time favorite moments from the show


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I'm finishing up my rewatch of season 1. At the end of the Grand Galloping Gala, when everyone is running from the chaos, Rarity drops her glass slipper. Pinkie Pie is like "Hey Rarity! Now you're sure to find your prince!"

And Rarity shrieks, runs over and smashes the slipper.


Also good is when Fluttershy chases a crowd of animals into the palace, screaming "I'm going to make you LOVEEE MEEEE!!!"

Anyone else have any favorite moments?

  • Brohoof 3
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Favorite Moment Per Season:

Season 1

  • Spike gagging in "The Ticket Master" 

Every scene in "The Best Night Ever" featuring Fluttershy

Season 2

  • The entirety of "Sisterhooves Social"
  • The entirety of "Read It and Weep"
  • "A Canterlot Wedding: Part 2"

Season 3

  • Twilight falling down the stairs in "The Crystal Empire: Part 2"
  • Pinkie G1 face from "Too Many Pinkie Pies"
  • The entirety of "Sleepless in Ponyville"

Season 4

  • Twilight trying (and failing) to fly in "Princess Twilight Sparkle: Part 1"
  • Twilight and Rainbow fangirling out in "Daring Don't"
  • Rainbow Dash visiting Scootaloo in "Flight To The Finish"
  • The entirety of "For Whom The Sweetie  Belle Toils"
  • The last 5 minutes of "Testing, Testing, 1,2,3"
  • Every scene in "Twilight's Kingdom"

Season 5

  • Starlight Glimmer Rage face in "The Cutie Map: Part 2"
  • The entirety of "The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone"
  • Agent Sweetie Drops in "Slice of Life"
  • The entirety of "Crusaders of The Lost Mark"
  • The entirety of "The Mane Attraction"

Season 6

  • The cutaways in "The Saddle Row Review"
  • The entirety of "Gauntlet of Fire"
  • Scroogelight Glimmer in "A Hearth's Warming Tale"
  • The entirety of "Stranger Than Fanfiction"
  • Spike's musical in "The Times They Are A Changeling"
  • The entirety of "Top Bolt"

Season 7

  • Predator handshake in "Celestial Advice"
  • The return of Ragelight Glimmer in "All Bottled Up"
  • The ending of "Forever Filly"
  • Every scene of "Parental Glideance"
  • The entirety of "A Royal Problem"
  • The entirety of "The Perfect Pear"

Season 8

  • Goth Starlight Glimmer in "The Parent Map"
  • The entirety of "The Break-Up Breakdown"
  • Spike gets wings from "Molt Down"
  • Gallus' backstory in "The Hearth's Warming Club"
  • The entirety of "On The Road to Friendship"


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"Work Hard! In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent."
- Pete Docter 

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If I look at music and beauty it would be Chryssie being defeated.

If it would depend on humour, it would be Evil Enchantress by Fluttershy or Return of Harmony.

Maybe it will be Twilight getting her wings, or Grandpear seeing apologize and looking at the tree. Idk.

Edited by Hierok
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If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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As a loyal Starlight fan, I would put all Starlight episode on prior, but episode I especially liked were:

-> No second prances

-> Every little thing She does

-> E25-26 of S6

-> The Uncommon Bold

I had bolded up one episode, because the action was so hilarious and literal taken, that I had been laughing for the most of episode. :mlp_please: But enough of craziness, it's just my opinion.

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My favourite moments would include when Twilight became an alicorn, the Equestria Games finally happening, the battle between Twilight and Lord Tirek, and the appearance of the Dazzlings--in their siren forms--during part two of Shadow Play.

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There are so many it's hard to pick. I'll just name a few:

  • The moment in Amending Fences when Twilight realizes she was a terrible friend.
  • Fluttershy cheering for Rainbow Dash in Sonic Rainboom.
  • Twilight vs Tirek battle.
  • The moment when Discord says "Well played, Fluttershy".
  • Ponyville citizens vs Tantabus.
  • The entire Slice of Life episode.
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  On 2018-09-03 at 2:05 AM, bigbertha said:

Twilight's "HI GIRLS" scene from "Lesson Zero"




  • Any Brightbutter moment in the Perfect Pear
  • Braeburn's introduction
  • "yay" "LOUDER!!!!!" *inhale* "yay"
  • Dr Whooves and Derpy's scenes in Slice of Life
  • The ending of Hard to Say Anything, where Feather Bangs reveals he's insecure. (idk something about it was really nice, I loved that they made him out to actually be a nice guy and not one-dimensional)
  • Rainbow Dash and Quibble Pants on the wooden bridge
  • Pretty much all the interview portions of The Saddle Row Review
  • Brohoof 1
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- Lesson Zero: the RM5 burst into the Golden Oak Library thinking Celestia is truly going to take Twilight away and Celestia plays along to hear them out.

- Family Appreciation Day: Granny finishing the Ponyville foundation story.

- Sleepless in Ponyville: Scootaloo confessing her fears and wishes to Rainbow Dash.

- Simple Ways: the whole Apple Jewel scene.

- Do Princess Dream of Magic Sheep: Luna's "I do" and absorbing back the Tantabus.

- Brotherhooves Social: Big Mac's speech and Apple Bloom's reaction and answer.

- Crusaders of the Lost Mark: Everything from the moment 'Pony I Want to Be' reprise finishes until the episode ends.

- The Mane Attraction: 'The Magic Inside'.

- The Cutie Re-Mark: Starlight accepting Twilight's opportunity to start over.

- No Second Prances: The scenes in which Starlight meets Trixie and introduces her to Twilight.

- Honest Apple: AJ finally understanding how she hurt everyone and apologizing to Rarity with tears in her eyes.

- The Perfect Pear: 'You're in My Head Like a Catchy Song' full scene and Bright Mac's proposal.

- Campfire Tales: Mistmane sacrificing her physical beauty to restore the town and her old friend.

- Once Upon a Zeppelin: Cadance's talk with Twilight after she missed the meteor shower.

- The Maud Couple: Pinkie offers her apologies to Mud Briar and he gladly accepts.

- Horse Play: Celestia prancing like a little filly full of joy.

What a great thread, I'm sure I'll be back when I remember some more...

Edited by DonMaguz
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Why not? :)

Season 1: Twilight takes over organizational roles to clean up winter. This moment here helps set up Twilight's character from this day forward.

Season 2: The beginning of The Smile Song. Not only does it start with such an upbeat jingle, but Pinkie's happy prance sets up the conflict. With one little shot, the audience gets who Pinkie is and what she loves to do.

Season 3: As AJ looks out the window, two shooting stars pass. That one shot confirms the death of AJ's parents, but that one scene also includes Granny stating how the reunion may be smaller next time. With everything, it signals to AJ how she wants to make this reunion the best it can be.

Season 4: Ponyville helps Rainbow Dash study for the WB exam. In a complete antithsis of Mare Do Well and 28PL later on, Ponyville comes together when one of their most famous is at her most stressed. Really shows how tight their community is.

Season 5: The CMCs check up on Diamond Tiara following the vote. Can you blame the CMCs for having the idea of saying good riddance or she got what she deserved to a filly who blackmailed them, mocked Scoot for her disability, shoved her cutie mark to AB's face, and so forth? Of course not. But the CMCs never did that. Acknowledging her cruelty, thy still checked up on her and were worried about her well-being. Watching Spoiled emotionally abuse her hurt made them feel horrible for her.

Season 6: Spike stands up for Thorax. Ever since Sombra's defeat, Spike has been a nationwide celebrity, including a dedicated statue. When a changeling shows up and everyone at high alert, he befriends him and willingly sacrificed his reputation because he refuse to let his friends' racism towards changelings affect which friends he chooses.

Season 7: Big Mac asks Burnt Oak to hear more of his dad's stories. BM rarely talks, so when he does, you listen. Bright Mac died when he was young, so hearing stories of him from those he knew are very important to him. Little details like these really shape up TPP to be the franchise's best episode.

Season 8: Spoiler for A Rockhoof and a Hard Place:

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"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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I'd have to say when the Cutie Mark Crusaders finally got their cutie marks. I actually wasn't spoiled on it, allowing it to be all the more heart warming.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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I could go on for a while about this. 

"The Cutie Mark Chronicles" - Applejack's story.

"Party of One" - Pinkie going through all of the reasons her friends couldn't attend. The Spike interview. The scene where she loses her grip on reality. 

"The Best Night Ever" - All of it, but especially the ending. 

"Lesson Zero" - Twilight going crazy. So, all of it.  

"Sisterhooves Social" - The titular event.

"May the Best Pet Win!" - Rainbow whistling, "Dun dun dun!", "Pause for dramatic effect"

"The Last Roundup" - Chimicherrychanga. The action scene. The ending. 

"Read It and Weep" - All of the Daring Do scenes. 

"A Friend in Deed" - The song. 

"Hurricane Fluttershy" - Fluttershy finally getting over her fears to fly in the tornado. 

"A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2" - This Day Aria

"Sleepless in Ponyville" - Luna comforts Scootaloo.

"Wonderbolts Academy" - Rainbow hands in her badge.

"Spike at Your Service" - Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash talk about how... "helpful" Spike has been.

"Rarity Takes Manehattan" - The song. The ending. 

"Pinkie Pride" - The goof-off. 

"Equestria Games" - Cadance waves to Twilight. Cadance bows to Spike.

"Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2" - Twilight forgives Discord. "What's the princess of friendship without her friends?"

"The Cutie Map - Part 2" - As dark as it is, the scene where the mane six are locked up. 

"Bloom & Gloom" - Apple Bloom sees that Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle have the same fears as her. 

"Slice of Life" - Luna and Celestia arguing at the wedding. Secret Agent Sweetie Drops. 

"Party Pooped" - The mane six barely keeping it together before the yaks arrive. 

"Rarity Investigates!" - All of it.

"Brotherhooves Social" - The ending.

"Crusaders of the Lost Mark" - The CMC get their cutie marks. 

"The Crystalling - Part 2" - Sunburst comes through with the spell to fix the Crystal Heart. 

"Newbie Dash" - Rainbow declares she's happy to clean up, because she's a Wonderbolt.

"The Saddle Row Review" - Pinkie shirking the bill. Twilight's sweeping song. Twilight begging to organize the clothes. 

"The Times They Are a Changeling" - Spike apologizes to Thorax and decides to stand up for him. (though not the song after)

"The Fault in Our Cutie Marks" - Gabby reveals that she pretended to get a cutie mark so the CMC would feel better. 

"Top Bolt" - Vapour Trail and Sky Stinger finally talk to each other. Both of the Angel Wings scenes. 

"To Where and Back Again - Part 2" - Starlight gets over her self-doubt and confronts Chrysalis.

"A Flurry of Emotions" - Pretty much everything with Flurry Heart in Twilight's castle. 

"The Perfect Pear" - Big Mac asks Burnt Oak if they could come again for more stories. Grand Pear returns to Sweet Apple Acres to make amends. 

"Horse Play" - Celestia prancing giddily about Twilight casting her. "It is time for a new day in Equestria." Pinkie buying contraband fireworks. 

"The Hearth's Warming Club" - The ending (no spoilers). 

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When Twilight gets her wings. I think I was one of the few people on earth who didn't have that moment ruined by spoilers, so when it happened it absolutely blew me away! 

Also, the moment the CMC get their Cutie Marks. I loved that whole episode, and then the great moment came and it was better than I ever hoped it would be. 

Twilight losing it in Lesson Zero was pretty great too. It was the first episode I ever saw, and the one that got me into MLP. 

These three episodes are still my top three of the series, for these reasons and so many more. 

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The CMCs finally getting their cutie marks in season 5 is my favorite moment in the show, undeniably! I re-watched that episode so many times, and every single time it triggered my emotions - I was so happy for them, and I couldn't wait to see what they would do next! The first few times I saw it I was in tears, literally! Don't judge me, it's natural for a human being to do those things in that context.

Edited by EpicEnergy
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*totally not up to any shenanigans* :ithastolookpretty:

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  1. Pinkie Pie and her friends jumping over rooftops.image.thumb.png.f35890f602a7acd1bcc7f177be02a3d1.png
  2. Spike screeching like Godzilla.image.thumb.png.d8a9463b404d9b53b07287bc542880fd.png
  3. Sonic rainboom.image.thumb.png.c5a762b759783b9d940122c8b24c81ee.png
  4. Diamond Dogs pulling the cart.image.thumb.png.411aac9d1812e554cf6850c9b8f03228.png
  5. Applejack's silhouette with her theme music after stopping the stampede.image.thumb.png.0965cd66bd3ef35395904e9237dbf685.png 
  6. Twilight freaking out and saying "Clock is ticking!"image.thumb.png.4201ce9c7315a4657de15a2c2725810a.png 
  7. Yay.image.thumb.png.7cac9ec7cfc7bf0cb8295ef972fb70d5.png
  8. Applejack's face after she pulled a whole tree inside the house.image.thumb.png.bbade5ca3efd14ac54b18b6c7e40ce16.png
  9. Applejack and Rainbow Dash running together.image.thumb.png.3e1857f807662a1548429ddd2eac799e.png
  10. Twilight remembering getting her cutie mark.image.thumb.png.daab3690370d803945d90e44905ef31d.png
  11. Chicken Pinkieimage.thumb.png.539515199559f913a73b4f2b7c17f45c.png
  12. Baby Cakes calling Pinkie Pie in their sleep.image.thumb.png.727c214dbbb94665550bc872a0ea143f.png
  13. CMC shipping Chee-Macimage.thumb.png.ba89c22c6ef70be28a79855eaca25169.png
  14. Fluttershy's training montageimage.thumb.png.ac36ce0bc3733404c3ebdcdd7c6ce236.png
  15. Rarity using the accent.image.thumb.png.3c262d934476fa273f9ba9642d7ace29.png
  16. And I'll whisper, "No."image.thumb.png.8e696ce5bd5c7e1fdbe29185f8b49da0.png
  17. Rainbow Dash flies with tank holding hands.image.thumb.png.82b5fccc8b53e4d411f8ab2bcfc66f00.png
  18. Mexican snakeimage.thumb.png.f7f2ad668cfe7ea766a5e966cefa91d4.png
  19. Gilda remembering how being Rainbow Dash's friend is. image.thumb.png.92597b2b0303de41c43b85162226578c.png
  20.   Reveal hidden contents
  21.   Reveal hidden contents
  22. Big Mac and Applebloom staring at sunset.image.thumb.png.759b66e736fd846674c1f9596f9c8bd1.png
  23. Ra-ra's cutie mark shines.image.thumb.png.90e7454f3d30e1f7b0c071d4066db536.png
  24. Fluttershy trying to be chaoticimage.thumb.png.2ea0f6f146c060cce338b85800ceb21b.png
  25. "Once upon a time, in a magical land in Equestria..."image.thumb.png.3d25a5cf626dffcdce510aa9834717af.png
Edited by Sepul-Coloratura


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