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Gem Hunt Part 1


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Good morning community! As you all likely know, Canterlot's premier social gathering, The Grand Galloping Gala, is this Friday. :darling: 


Of course this does put me in a bit of a temps presse as it where in the best of situations, but last night I received a dozen last minute requests so I was wondering of you all would be so kind as to assist me in securing some gems for these clients, as well as help me make my friends dresses magnifique. :please:


Most of the gems I an looking for are not extremely rare, thankfully, but I need a lot. I'd say at least a few hundred. However, I am mostly interested in an extremely rare legendary diamond called Radiant's Hope. It is the piece that will be used on the accessory that ties together Princess Twilight's dress. It requires a massive network of spells to find it. To help you out I have placed several enchanted pickaxes in your saddle bags. If you use them as you are going about your day, particularly when interacting with people, they will help me triangulate the location of the more elusive gems, including the Radiant's Hope Diamond. Again, all you need to do is 'dig' when you see something in writing that you like and it's magic will start working soon after all of you reach 500 total. 

Of course I would generously compensate you for your trouble. If you can successfully give out this many pickaxes in one day, I will gladly share any gem treasure you find as we continue to make this Fashion Week memorable.




  • Brohoof 2
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hzeNmSf.png  Several pickaxe.png Enchanted Pickaxes  QUEST ITEM  have been added to saddlebag.

Y1sHaH4.png New Quest: Gem Hunt Part 1

I dig it. :D 

Thanks Rarity! :mlp_grin:

  • Brohoof 3
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So I can pickaxe anyone posts, no matter how old they are?

I hope I understand the rules. Contribute to this event by giving pickaxes to 500 pieces of content, right? Can I pickaxe many of a single member's content?


Also, you didn't specify a deadline. How much time do i have left? Deadlines are very important when you do these kinds of things.

(Even in-character.)

  • Brohoof 1
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2 hours ago, Totally Spicy BronyNumber 2A said:

I picked more than 500 posts myself!

Were they all from 500 different members or were there some multiple from the same single member?

  • Brohoof 1
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Judging from what has been said so far, the gem hunting has been progressing faster than expected. Rarity will most definitely be pleased with these results.

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