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Will we see any future interaction between Starlight Glimmer and Sugar Belle?


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This is just a hunch, but considering the two have a bit of history with each other, will we see any further interactions between Starlight Glimmer and Sugar Belle? 

I ask this because Sugar Belle and Starlight were once well acquainted with one another considering that Sugar Belle lived in Starlight's old village back when Starlight ruled over it with an iron hoof.  And considering that things have been patched up between Starlight and her former fellow village ponies. Not to mention Sugar Belle is now living in Ponyville and thanks to her relationship with Big Mac, she's gotten the most focus of any of the other ponies in Starlight's former village, there is a chance that Starlight and Sugar Belle might bump into each other and start interacting with one another again. 

Do you think we might see some interaction between Starlight and Sugar Belle in the series?

  • Brohoof 1
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18 minutes ago, Venomous said:

I want to see Starlight Glimmer interact more with all of the other ponies she betrayed, not just Sugar Belle. I would like to see Night Glider again for sure.

I'm with you there, That way she can learn more on what makes Cutie Marks special. Or maybe there could be another pony who acts just like her back then before her reformation.

  • Brohoof 2

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I wouldn't mind seeing them interact more often though I think the writers will want Sugar Belle to grow closer to the Apple family given that she and Big Macintosh have become an item with Starlight growing closer to her own circle of friends.


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I wish Starlight should have dealt with these issues with the villagers. They just seem to forgive her so easily with the season finale song. A huge missed opportunity. She could have actually been a more interesting and a better character, and would have made a better story. Redemption isn't easy and earning someone's forgiveness isn't easy or sometimes impossible. If there was a good episode about her dealing with the past villagers, Starlight wouldn't have as much mixed reaction.


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21 minutes ago, Sepul-Coloratura said:

I wish Starlight should have dealt with these issues with the villagers. They just seem to forgive her so easily with the season finale song. A huge missed opportunity. She could have actually been a more interesting and a better character, and would have made a better story. Redemption isn't easy and earning someone's forgiveness isn't easy or sometimes impossible. If there was a good episode about her dealing with the past villagers, Starlight wouldn't have as much mixed reaction.

Sorta can see that both ways. First it was a montage, so we don't know how much work she had to put in to apologising to them before they forgave her...  but on the other hand, the ponies are a really, really forgiving bunch.  In the context of Sunset, you got to see how badly the other students treat her for most of the second movie, and given the much greater amount of time in Pony, its not as if an episode or two of Starlight making things up to the village couldn't have been fitted in (but that said, a lot of the complaints were about this "new" character getting focus episodes at the expense of the mane 6 and CMC, and more episodes would have made that worse).

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7 hours ago, CypherHoof said:

Sorta can see that both ways. First it was a montage, so we don't know how much work she had to put in to apologising to them before they forgave her...  but on the other hand, the ponies are a really, really forgiving bunch.  In the context of Sunset, you got to see how badly the other students treat her for most of the second movie, and given the much greater amount of time in Pony, its not as if an episode or two of Starlight making things up to the village couldn't have been fitted in (but that said, a lot of the complaints were about this "new" character getting focus episodes at the expense of the mane 6 and CMC, and more episodes would have made that worse).

I understand your points but still disagree because

  1. We don't ever get to see it happen. It was presented in the way that was next to almost nothing. And it was a badly cut montage for that matter because we still don't get to see how it happens. She goes to the village, puts down her head with her eyes closed, and they hug. That's it. Too easy. Montage is for things simple and more visual. If her reformation was presented through montages, it should have took more time. Like Fluttershy's training montage that she goes from struggling to being much more stronger. That's storytelling. It didn't work for showing someone asking for forgiveness and convincing that to the audience. It is a very complex and essential part of her changing. Even when they didn't have much time for it, they should have made it like how Luna turned good in episode 1. Or save it for later episodes like Sunset or Discord or still, Luna. I think that's not too much to ask for when the show changes who the main characters are.
  2. I don't think they are that different to humans when it's about forgiveness, but even if they are, think about how Trixie, Gilda, Flim Flam brothers were perceived. Or how Moondancer didn't forgive Twilight for so long. It's not easy to presume because every situation is different. But yes, it is true that they are way nicer than humans so I think they are more forgiving. But just like Discord's reformation, people would think suspiciously when the former enemy only 'says' they have changed. Especially the ones who suffered the most. I don't believe anyone would have bought it that easily. Even for pony standards.
  3. Starlight's mixed reaction isn't because of her being a new main character. It's because she isn't a good character and being a new main character. (Let's not say about certain people who hate things for stupid reasons. They are out of the equation.) It's also clear when we compare her with Sunset Shimmer. Sunset Shimmer is the most loved character in EQG. There is no one who likes EQG but hates Sunset. She is way better than Starlight, one of the reasons is because we actually see people around Sunset Shimmer doesn't buy her reformation. That makes sense. We see her struggle and we also get to see her actually trying hard to be good. Now she learned her lesson and she acts responsibly and formed fond relationships that we deeply empathize. If Starlight was a better character and a more interesting one, people would have screamed for more of her episodes. There are many more reasons, but that is the point I'm making right now.
Edited by Sepul-Coloratura


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5 hours ago, Sepul-Coloratura said:

I understand your points but still disagree because

  1. We don't ever get to see it happen. It was presented in the way that was next to almost nothing. And it was a badly cut montage for that matter because we still don't get to see how it happens. She goes to the village, puts down her head with her eyes closed, and they hug. That's it. Too easy. Montage is for things simple and more visual. If her reformation was presented through montages, it should have took more time. Like Fluttershy's training montage that she goes from struggling to being much more stronger. That's storytelling. It didn't work for showing someone asking for forgiveness and convincing that to the audience. It is a very complex and essential part of her changing. Even when they didn't have much time for it, they should have made it like how Luna turned good in episode 1. Or save it for later episodes like Sunset or Discord or still, Luna. I think that's not too much to ask for when the show changes who the main characters are.

I am not disagreeing - I do think they could have fitted in some episodes of glimglam making it up to the villagers - but as I say, there was a lot of complaints at the time that glimglam was getting too many focus episodes at the time (personally, I sorta agreed, in that glimglam was ONLY present in her focus episodes, and oddly absent in other episodes; in later seasons, we see her as a supportive friend more often, which I think helps her fit in more.  I do like glimglam though, and think trixie is a bad match for her)



2. I don't think they are that different to humans when it's about forgiveness, but even if they are, think about how Trixie, Gilda, Flim Flam brothers were perceived.

I don't think Trixie is unforgiven (after all, Glimglam meets her having a relaxing spa session in S6) - they just don't like her much because of her attitude. In S3, she claimed that she had been a laughing stock after her humiliation by Twilight (which is unsurprising; her S1 show was basically built around her arrogant claims, and those were clearly writing a cheque her horn couldn't cash. Her S6 apology show got a decent audience, though). Gilda is difficult to judge; other than in flashbacks, she is only really in her focus episode (where pinkie gets revenge on her, somehow, because pinkie) and the griffinstone treasure episode (where she is redeemed, but there are only two ponies there). There is no reason to assume they would treat her badly if she went back to ponyville, either before or after the latter episode. Flim and Flam are mostly winners until this year; they are forced to repay the bits they scammed with their friendship 'U',


And have an angry mob run them out of town in the recent special

but wouldn't be surprised to see them running yet another scam in ponyville come S9, with apparently nopony remembering what they did in previous visits....



Or how Moondancer didn't forgive Twilight for so long. 

I am not really impressed by the whole moondancer episode, really. MD really IS a special snowflake; Twi apparently didn't even know MD was HAVING a party, although Spike clearly did; several of her other classmates attended and brought her gifts (and also tried to get Twi to attend, rather unsuccessfully) and were blown off by MD because Twi, specifically, wasn't there. Sooo, i get it - she is an introvert, but feels a special bond to Twi because they are both cut from a similar cloth, and was hoping Twi felt the same way.  But given that Twi *literally* was sent by Celestia to save all of equestria instead, you would think that MD could at least console herself with "but Twi was on an important mission" and "everyone else turned up, and brought me gifts" instead of "Twi didn't do what I was hoping for, so I am going to blow off every other friendly pony and bury myself in study forever".


It's not easy to presume because every situation is different. But yes, it is true that they are way nicer than humans so I think they are more forgiving. But just like Discord's reformation, people would think suspiciously when the former enemy only 'says' they have changed. Especially the ones who suffered the most. I don't believe anyone would have bought it that easily. Even for pony standards.

Ponies are a bit odd that way. They can go from (for example) cowering in fear, while menaced by changelings to trotting along happily with smiles in under a second - nopony seems to be treating Discord badly, and he is at best only partially reformed. Similarly, as soon as Diamond Tiara makes her little speech to her mother and her classmates, she is one of the herd again, despite many seasons of very creative bullying on her part.



3. Starlight's mixed reaction isn't because of her being a new main character. It's because she isn't a good character and being a new main character. (Let's not say about certain people who hate things for stupid reasons. They are out of the equation.)

Its a bit awkward to define "people don't react because of x, except for those who do" really...

I do like Glimglam, as a character; I have a few issues with her frequently resorting to poorly-selected magic, despite it almost always being the wrong choice, and her early treatment (as either the focus character or conspicuously absent) rubbed quite a few fans the wrong way.  It has been suggested she was "white rangered" but it took a bit of research before I got that reference :)


It's also clear when we compare her with Sunset Shimmer. Sunset Shimmer is the most loved character in EQG. There is no one who likes EQG but hates Sunset. She is way better than Starlight, one of the reasons is because we actually see people around Sunset Shimmer doesn't buy her reformation.

I am sure there are, but yeah - Sunshim is about the ONLY unique cast member in the early movies (lets not talk about the waifu thief :D ), and was never a convincing antagonist; nevertheless, she had to build trust from the students she had wronged; it has been suggested (with a fair amount of supporting argument) that she was "overwhelmed" by the influx of magic just as later SciTwi and Gloriosa were; however, as one of the few native unicorns to visit the EqG world, she should have been able to handle that power better than the other two.

The problem with comparing the two reformations though is twofold; it presumes the EqG students are as forgiving as ponies (when they don't seem to be), and is on a completely different timescale; Sunshim was a Diamond Tiara-like bully, then turned into a scary demon who converted the students into a zombie army; she was defeated by Twi and co, and the events of the second movie immediately followed those of the first (by days). GlimGlam was a cult leader who ruled by fear and by magically removing cutie marks; she was overthrown, then a period of some time passed before the events at the end of S5; the villagers rebuilt their lives and moved past it all, then Twi drags a repentent GlimGlam back there to apologise; another entire season passes, and the villagers invite her back to their celebration.  Given they knew where to send the invite though (and the fact there is trade between ponyville and the Village), I suspect they were aware of her progress as Twi's pupil.



That makes sense. We see her struggle and we also get to see her actually trying hard to be good. Now she learned her lesson and she acts responsibly and formed fond relationships that we deeply empathize.

I actually think Sunshim's reformation is closer to Discord's than GlimGlam's though. The disapproval and rejection by, well, everyone else at Canterlot High is balanced by the support and approval of the wondercolts; while that is clearly her focus in "forgotten friendship", it was Trixie that had to point out to her that just NOT being nasty isn't enough - she needs to be actually nice to students other than the wondercolts.

The main problem with Sunshim vs GlimGlam comparisons is that they really only have ONE thing in common - they were added to the mane 6 in the two branches of MLP around the same time.

GlimGlam was talked down from the brink by Twi, and then offered a place as her student. Sunset was Celestia's former pupil who was on the wrong end of one of the Elemental Rainbow Bitchslaps, leaving her literally in a smoking crater, then was guided to be a better person by the wondercolts in Twi's absence. GlimGlam was an enigma to the ponyville ponies (at least at first; given the trade with the Village, presumably gossip would travel in both directions) and as Twi's pupil, they would have no reason to harbor her any ill-will; Sunset had to live with (and live down) her infamy, as she had nowhere to run. Glimglam is introverted and Sunset extroverted, and so it follows that Glimglam is a good supportive character, but Sunset is more of a leader. Even as unicorns, they are wildly different; Glimglam is an accomplished magic user, to the extent she is stronger than her alicorn mentor; Sunset has abandoned her unicorn form, and when returned to it, has to be reminded what her horn is for.  And of course in relation to the conversation topic - Glimglam was responsible for forcing Sugar Belle to bake horrible bran muffins in the Village, and Sunshim won't know or care who Sugar Belle is.



If Starlight was a better character and a more interesting one, people would have screamed for more of her episodes. There are many more reasons, but that is the point I'm making right now.

And indeed, there were people who screamed for more of her episodes. That doesn't mean much in this fandom though; luna/woona had a large fan following after S1, despite having almost no screen time (one quick conversation at the end of S1E02 with celestia, and the thing with the garland in ponyville), as did Derpy (who was very very much a background pony) Minuette (originally called Colgate by the fans) and so forth :)

Edited by CypherHoof

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On 12/8/2018 at 11:01 PM, BrawnyCharger said:

This is just a hunch, but considering the two have a bit of history with each other, will we see any further interactions between Starlight Glimmer and Sugar Belle? 

I ask this because Sugar Belle and Starlight were once well acquainted with one another considering that Sugar Belle lived in Starlight's old village back when Starlight ruled over it with an iron hoof.  And considering that things have been patched up between Starlight and her former fellow village ponies. Not to mention Sugar Belle is now living in Ponyville and thanks to her relationship with Big Mac, she's gotten the most focus of any of the other ponies in Starlight's former village, there is a chance that Starlight and Sugar Belle might bump into each other and start interacting with one another again. 

Do you think we might see some interaction between Starlight and Sugar Belle in the series?

I kind of doubt it. But I'd love to see Applejack interact with her, since we know her brother Big Mac has a crush on her.

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