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Favorite ruler in mlp?


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Princess Celestia is my favorite ruler. She has always been my favorite! She is beautiful, powerful, rational, and I just adore her design. Yes, I know her and Princess Luna don’t intervene when it’s necessary but I love her nonetheless. I also really like King Sombra. His design is badass and his powers of darkness are way cool.

  • Brohoof 1
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As in best at rulling a colony/kingdom, I might need to think about that for a while. But favourite as a character, I might say Princess Luna. Her personality is amusing and adorable and interesting in some ways. Her design is also something I love.

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Let's pretend that Equestria is technically a Constitutional Monarchy so as far as I am concerned ponies govern themselves. It would be crazy for them not to do so.

Princess Celestia would probably be a favorite ruler.

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Starlight Glimmer back in Our Town. She created that place and its community from the ground up with nothing but persuasive arguments. Sure she did it for the wrong reasons and the ultimate reasoning itself was kind of pathetic, but she was self made both in that and her skills with magic. Nopony else had climbed so far up the ladder without being lent a hoof or knocking others out of their way. She knew the game, and she played it well until Twilight and Co showed up. But even that turned out well for her.


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  • 3 years later...

Queen Chrysalis. Favorite villain, too, partly because she's part of the group that never got reformed and (especially in her interactions with Starlight) showed that sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you can't get through to everyone... 

Oh, and Chrysalis has the coolest design. The other rulers don't even come close in that regard.

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