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Free Balloon Day 2019

Lord Valtasar

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It's that day again,:pinkie: are you excited? cause i'm excited, i've never been so excited my whole life.. well.. except last year during free balloon day, or that day Twilight came to ponyvile and.. NEVERMIND THAT! there are Important things to tell you, today is free balloon day, and that means everypony should get a free balloon, but i only have so many hooves, so this task falls upon everypony, so make sure to give one to your friends, DO NOT FAIL:mlp_okiedokieloki: i'm waching you

there is a new balloon badge that you can gift to others,, it will have a limited run so make sure to do it today(we'll make sure it lasts the whole day for all timezones don't worry)
there is also a new balloon:blue_baloon:emote  of a different color,  this one will stay so even those who didn't get the badged balloons can still get one later

happy free balloon day everypony!

  • Brohoof 11
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Wow, another badge! :o

Looks like I'm going to keep my first place as having the most badges. ;)

  • Brohoof 2
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I might be a teensy bit biased, but the new balloon color is the bee's pajamas. :3 :blue_baloon:

Happy Balloon Day to all you wonderful peeps!

If the sad event that your balloon might pop occurs, just remember to repair it like so:


  • Brohoof 4
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I just send in some free balloon today! Enjoy!  Bills will be later send to your house. 

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:balloon:                 :balloon:                                            :balloon:          :balloon:                   :balloon:


                                                 :balloon:                 :balloon:                                       :balloon:



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Hmmm... I don't think I ended up getting a balloon this time around. Oh well. I guess I was a bit too late for it. I'll have to wait for this day to come around next year then.

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Ballooooooooooooooon!!!!!  I is a happy eyebaaaaaaaaallllllllll!!!!!

Much thankies.  *bows*


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