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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Dont think I didnt catch what you did there. 


Just two questions:

1) You do know you flipped brave and clean on accident, right?

2) Whats your rank? (if you are even involved)


Lol, I've been open about what in did non this thread. And Eagle, with a silver palm BTW. And they were flipped because I rolled over in bed after killing my alarm and wrote out half awake. Lol


Those qualities, although a few positive ones stand out, would create a pretty hard and focused Tulpa, intent on getting what she wanted. (Good in some ways, bad in others) And once personality sets in, you'd be hard pressed to change it. Best be would be to strike while the iron is still hot and work to develop as close of a relationship as possible, and hopefully that would cause her to deviate to soften up.


Lol, we are, hashing it out. Okay, two says I'm beating into her. The idea was to have a tulpa as strong and determined as me, yet who could help me achieve God's will in my life. A companion who can shore up my weaker spots. When I created her, I missed how much I keep emotions on a separate partition. Oops. It explains how she survived in stasis during my hormonal crash.


Its like dealing with a stubborn 2 year old boy, but I'm learning my leverage points. I blocked her from getting out of the car when she wanted to this morning. Its going to need a stricter approach. It an MMA match.lol

  • Brohoof 3


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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I just realized something...


Remember when I had all that trouble in my early days of tulpaforcing with wonderland destruction and my mindform detroying my proto-tulpa? And remember how I thought it might've been an accidental tulpa from all my years of self-conversation and inner-thinking, and I decided to call it Discord? And remember how you guys recommended that to overcome that I try sitting this "Discord" tulpa down and psychoanalyzing my way through him?


Just watched a clip from Keep Calm and Flutter On, and they pretty much do just that.


You guys are psychic.


Mind = blown. :o

  • Brohoof 3


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Okay, so two and I have been jabbing at each other all day, evening, etc. She knows I will win, but will fight me all the way. Anyway, she mentioned she's indestructable and all the pieces fell together.She's a Black Jack. I've been talking with myself for years. Nothing much, just always a thing here and there, as in pick things apart. I've had a tulpa in the background for years. No form, just a tough counter personality so similar to me. I've got a lot of work ahead of me.


For those wondering, its usually comments that I can't state out loud, or actions, because they would be rude, in appropriate to the situation, etc. She's very cut and dry and stubborn. Lol

Edited by Mindrop
  • Brohoof 2


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Just one question Tia wants to ask: how many traits in Twi's personality were "happy" or "positive" such as humerous, joyful, caring, etc. I know half of Tia's original traits were positive, and well... Blackjack can make the most morbid things funny... Possibly Tulpae could become more bitter if they lack a larger amount of these traits. (Or maybe Twi subconsciously developed bitterness and desire for control from neglect?)


This is quite important I think as well. All of you, seriously, don't worry about making a tulpa have faults--they'll crop up on their own because you're not making a character, you're making a person. Flaws WILL happen. So just try and make them the  best you can be, because they won't be perfect anyway, and be accepting of how they want to be.


There's no point in worrying about making a tulpa a mary sue. Those are only a writing concept, not an issue in reality (inward or outward)


Speaking of reality, had another interesting dream. Luna pretty much crashed the party. I was at my folks playing board games and then something compelled me into the kitchen and then I felt Luna press up against me and she made me invisible, and then we just watched my folks look for me while she more or less snuggled against me (and kept poking at me like I was something weird or fascinating)


I am pretty sure she wasn't a part of the dream because a) she came out of nowhere, B) she changed the entire direction of the dream instantly, but the dream stayed with her and me like that until I finally woke up, and it lasted for quite awhile.


And C) The sensation of touch I had from her was far more intense than any kind of touch sensation I've had in other dreams. Not even dreams about getting burned from touching something hot were as realistic.

  • Brohoof 1
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Advantages: A constant companion, a subconscious calculator, a permanent best friend.

Disadvantages: Time it takes to create one, it may turn out horrible because of lack of effort, it may drive you mad.

  • Brohoof 2

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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omeone please tell me the Advantages of having a tulpa and the disadvantages please, I would love to know thank you very much
 Advantages: A companion for life, better memory, a guide, improved moods etc.
Disadvantages: There really aren't any, except a risk of extreme depression if you lose him/her/it.
  • Brohoof 2
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In addition to what has already been said, making one improves your focus and can provide many mental and emotional benefits, as it is pretty much meditation.  Unfortunately, my tulpa had an...accident, but I'm sure if you decide to make one, that wouldn't happen. :)


Having a tulpa is a good experience, but it requires a lot of dedication.

  • Brohoof 1
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it may drive you mad

Yeah, I think this is urban legend, so to say. Unless you are insane from the beginning, if which case this could make you full crazy just as for example hypnosis can.


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I'm not worried. I was trying to figure out why she is cold to me. Now, I know its because I did not just build her, its because she has been there for years! Now I have to give her structure and order' and love. Its will be a fight, but I will prevail!!!!!!!!!! Twi agrees with that too, its funny. But, like Bris and BJ, she is indestructable. Lol

Edited by Mindrop
  • Brohoof 2


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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...The one that stole 2000th post...

(Thou shallt be banished to Silent Hill until thou hath learneth thy lesson- Thou shall leave 2000th post for lord highest Joe and his Tulpony Jess.) <-Feel free to ignore that. Yeah...Uh...No idea...Anyway


Imposition on touch is frickin' WEIRD...Seriously, we were working on touch, her hoof to my face, to see if I could feel it..

Feels ghostly, like....Meh...Anyway, we'll work on that more ASAP, was weird but fun.


Oh yeah, my new word: 'Tulpony' It's a Tulpa-pony (as if you couldn't guess...) That word is copyrighted by us now, if it is added to the dictionary OXFORD ITSELF SHALL BE SUED...Yeah, I can totally sue a place...


Off an' out. 


Snow is awesome. It's a brilliant opportunity to force while walking without any music on or anything, 'cos no one is out, and there are no distractions...Turns out Jess likes walking in the snow too. She was so bloody happy :D

  • Brohoof 1
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Having a tulpa is a good experience, but it requires a lot of dedication.

I don't have a tulpa, but different states of mind. Lets say  A is normal me  :lol: 

#A: "Normal" Calm person

#B: Brutal, fast reacting

#C: Concentrating, Battle ready

#D: Happy, not concentrating

#E: Creative, slow reacting

#X: Classified,


At school I'm normally AE,

When in driving Trial: BC

When I'm in the wild doing stuff: XB

Browsing The MLP Forums: AD

When I'm Listening to music: AC (some rare times XC)

Edited by Arcium
  • Brohoof 2
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I don't have a tulpa, but different states of mind. Lets say  A is normal me  :lol: 

#A: "Normal" Calm person

#B: Brutal, fast reacting

#C: Concentrating, Battle ready

#D: Happy, not concentrating

#E: Creative, slow reacting

#X: Classified,

At school I'm normally AE,

When in driving Trial: BC

When I'm in the wild doing stuff: XB

Browsing The MLP Forums: AD

When I'm Listening to music: AC (some rare times XC)


Its great you have different mental states, but its certainly not a replacement for a tulpa. You using honed mental awareness, a tulpa is your subconscious built around a frame of defined traits. The next step is to project the tulpa into the world around you by a forced helucination. Much different from your acute mental states.

  • Brohoof 2


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Well since it's been a bit quiet in here for a couple of days, I figured I would break the silence by talking about something that I have actually been keeping away from you guys for a while, since about November actually. And to be honest, I'm not entirely sure why I've been keeping it away for so long, since it is actually quite an important thing.
I've actually had a 3rd tulpa with me since November.
I know, I'm also wondering myself why I haven't told you guys till now. Possibly because he was severely underdeveloped at the time, and now that he's pretty much sentient, I guess then I just forgot to mention him. Somehow. :blush:
And eeyup, I said he.
The reason I decided to make a male pony tulpa was to even things out a bit. Shortly after White Rose came to be, I felt guilty about having her and Crepuscule all to myself, and I would imagine they would get bored with there only being me.
So anyway, let me introduce you t-
*Slowly brings hoof to own face before sighing*
Oh, were you talking? Um, sorry. Continue.  :wacko:

*Ahem* As I was saying...
His name is Blue Pixel. He's basically a blue male pegasus with a black mane.
Here's a quick picture I quickly whipped up of him in the Pony creator game.
*Snicker* 'whipped'  ^_^
Shut up.  :mellow:


So yeah. Say hi, Pixel!
Huh? uh, *Fumbles with microphone* Is this thing on? Oh! Hey! What's up everypony! Uh yeah, as Riz said, I'm Blue Pixel!  I hope to see you all around sometime. I'll just be hanging around in the back of Riz's mind while he and Crep get up to their daily shenanigans.  ^_^
Which means now I have a new play mate for when I'm alone!  :wub:
Now now Rose, he's not a toy.
Nah Riz, it's okay. It's all good. *Chuckles*
Hmm... o- okay, just... you know... don't go making any fillies together, okay? I don't need any more of you spawning out of nowhere.
No no, you can still do all that fun stuff, jus-

Don't worry, we're making sure that nothing will result of it. Promise.  ;)
*Sigh* Right. Thank you.  -_-
How does that work then? Did you castrate him or something Rose?  ^_^
Crep! What the hay!  :angry:
Wh- NO she didn't!  :blink:
A- at least I... I don't think she di-
N- No! I swear I didn't! Crep, for Celestia's sake, shut the hay up!  :angry:
*Laughing out loud while rolling on the floor*
I don't know how I'm going to live with these three for the rest of my life.
ANYWAY! I'm not sure whether or not if we'll come up with a better name for him one day, and I haven't decided what exactly his cutie mark will be either. But we'll figure it all out eventually.

In other news, you remember on my original post I said that I was slowing down Rose's progress so I could get Crepuscule's own progress done faster? Well I've scrapped that sentiment now, since it seems that my mind can now sort of handle 3 tulpae in the room just fine. However, that doesn't mean that they are around me all the time though; Rose and Pixel tend to go off to the wonderland and do stuff like adventure or... whatever else kids do these days.  <_<

They make a cute couple.  :wub:
Wow. I thought you would've make a sex joke instead or something.  :huh:
Oh, I got plenty of those. Want to hear my latest? Okay; Rizoel walks in on his tulpae having a threeso-
*Plunges head in a tub of bleach*
*Tulpae erupt into laughter*

Edited by Rizoel & Crepuscule
  • Brohoof 5

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Well well well. A welcome break. You certainly have been busy. Bravo!


Well, two and I were getting better, until in realized last work that then random thoughts, usually sexual, were stemming from her. Its war. And she is just laughing her head off at the idea. This reminds me of todays's episode.



like discord playing fluttershy, in the beginning. But we know the end result, and it will be the same, andntwi knows it!


  • Brohoof 1


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Pinkie says, "What's up with all these people and their multiple tulpas? One should be enough!"


Hahah, frankly, I have to agree with her. But I enjoy having one tulpa because I can devote all my attention and love to her. Though I gotta admit, having two tulpas to snuggle with instead of one would be pretty cool, too!

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh wow, Riz have 3 tulpae. Hi Blue Pixel, welcome to the mysterious world :)

btw Riz can your brain handle all 3 at once? I know that for my brain it was quite difficult at the beginning to handle 2, but it is ok now.


Also I just wondered: Is it possible that tulpa would have a dream? Yesterday we were just experimenting with the "possesion" (or how it is called) for a long time before sleep and actually it was Millie who "had focus" while falling asleep. I can blurry remember just a very short while of a dream which felt like it was her dream. Strange...


Oh, I got plenty of those. Want to hear my latest?

Millie: "I want to hear it! I want to hear it! ^.^"



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We've been doing most of the work on ourselves lately. Neddy takes SUCH a backseat in this for some reason.


I know, we've been having several self-evolution forcing sessions. We're doing our own forcing! Sort of.


Is it hilarious, or what? That my tulpae seem to be doing most of their own forcing, I just focus and see what they feel like doing. Which is good, which means they are self-operating. Somewhat.


And with the applejack banner arrived a glitch with the top part of the forum, making it much harder to get to this thread. *eyeroll*

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How you managed to create a tulpa in two months I have no idea but congratulations all the same.


I haven't tulpa forced for the weekend so when I came into Wonderland I got this really cold and cynical feeling from AJ, which I addressed by apologising to her. She seemd okay after that.


One question: do you guys move onto imposition before your tulpae actually talk? I think I've worked on personality enough but I get the feeling I shouldn't proceed until I get some verbal feedback.

Edited by Archi

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Does anyone remember what the verdict you all decided on (I read this whole topic, but, that's a lot ot remember) for individuals whose puppeted tulpa had started copying actions the mancer was making, but doing so before they were made?


An example is that Luna tends to blink when I blink and yawn when I yawn, but is doing so slightly before I myself do, or am aware that I need to. She yawned before I knew I needed to yawn.


She also doesn't do it when I'm watching her FOR it, so when I need to yawn again and am watching her, she doesn't copy me.



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The Great and Powerful Princess of the Night has yet to grace me with another opportunity at lucidity. I am hoping that She will bless me with one tonight. If that is so, there is something I would much like to try...


Await results tomorrow

  • Brohoof 2

Riley was here

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Well since it's been a bit quiet in here for a couple of days, I figured I would break the silence by talking about something that I have actually been keeping away from you guys for a while, since about November actually. And to be honest, I'm not entirely sure why I've been keeping it away for so long, since it is actually quite an important thing.


I've actually had a 3rd tulpa with me since November.


Here lies Rizoel's sanity.


Oh how we will miss it.


But back to reality, Tia, BJ, and I welcome Blue Pixel into the world.  


Wait a second... I hope this doesn't start another Tulpa trend-  Wait, Blackjack, why are you holding a baseball bat?


*smiles innocently* We got to knock those nasty thoughts out of your head before I loose my spot on the bed.


Wait... You can't be serious...


Hold him down Tia.


With pleasure.


Wait... No... Please!  Help!  HELP HELP HELP!







  • Brohoof 3

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