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mega thread How are you feeling?

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Smooth and mellow I couldn't ask for anything else tonight.


Cool autumn nite, got a small bonfire going and listening to music/stargazing. Ah those small simple things in life.

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Kitty kitty come

Why don't you want your cat treat

Now don't be like that



Anxious. I suspect I may have offended someone deeply entirely by accident within my first few days on this account. Go me.


If you suspect it, just ask them. It is never to late to apologize and it may be you are completely wrong and just tormenting yourself for no reason.



I feel anxious and depressed.


No reason to frown

have a sad crease on the face

turn it upside down

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I'm feeling pretty excited.  The program I use to record video games is finally working and I'm getting the hang of it.  I'm trying to get into the habit of turning it on whenever I play a game now but I've been pretty much playing Skyrim lately.  I want to start new games on different games and record everything.  I wish I knew how to make gifs, I'd probably be making gifs of everything.

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That feeling whenever you really start to like someone but then you realize that patience is so important.

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I'm feeling refreshed this morning, and eager to get some things done before the work week starts. :)

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Really pissed off. We think my boyfriend's dog got stolen on Friday night. She went outside for like 5 minutes, my boyfriend went to look for her and she had disappeared. She ended up 3 miles away. She couldn't/wouldn't have walked that far on her own :/ He was also looking for her so would have seen her walking there.


Luckily, my boyfriend posted her photo on our town's Facebook page and some woman found her and seen my boyfriend's post.


I'm just so pissed off and upset that somebody would do that.

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Kind of pissed off. I was supposed to be off of work today but we're on storm cleanup and maintenance duties apparently. At least it's easy work today since it's mostly just pipe surveys.





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Got on the forums all depressed about not knowing how to celebrate Hallow's Eve, but have since moved onto an incredibly intense hunger for candy.

Like if you were to come up to me right now and ask me for anything short of murder in exchange for candy. I would obey without question.

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Kind of anxious to be honest and rather lonely but that's nothing new...


It was a nice weekend though I'm thankful for that.

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I recently nearly pulled several muscles in my body, and I nearly felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

Plus I'm still shaking.

My reason for feeling this way is private and I'd rather not discuss it with anyone on this thread.

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Kind of bored, and a little angry/upset.


Apparently, some jerks went up to my neighbor, and said that her dog was "their dog", just because it looked like it.

I don't even... what is wrong with some people? HOW can someone be THAT poorly educated to think that just because something looks like something that they own/have owned, it's automatically their's, even though it technically, and, legally, isn't. Does it belong to someone else? Does it look like it belongs to someone else? Is it on their property? Do they own the dog? Wait, no, do they legally OWN/have paid for the dog? Common sense tells us, if you answer yes to all those questions, it's obviously their dog, and NOT yours. Yet they thought it was "their dog" anyway.  :dry:


Ugh, the nerve of some people.  :eww:

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