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Ranking the 19th episodes


Favorite Episode 19  

23 users have voted

  1. 1. Which would be your favorite 19th episode?

    • A Dog and Pony Show by Amy Keating Rogers
    • Putting Your Hoof Down by Merriwether Williams
    • For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils by Dave Polsky
    • The One Where Pinkie Knows by Gillian Berrow
    • The Fault in Our Cutie Marks by Ed Valentine
    • It Isn't the Mane Thing About You by Josh Haber
    • Road to Friendship by Josh Haber
    • Dragon Dropped by Josh Haber

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Now this is personally the batch I was waiting for with two of my top 5 favorite episodes ever here, and the lowest honestly only low because I like the others more. So join us for lots of Rarity, a couple Crusaders, and oddly enough near the end a lot of Haber.

(Warning I'm gonna give long raving responses these first two :P)

1. Road to Friendship- The best Starlight/Trixie dynamic fuelled even more by how much Trixie is developed. The pacing is great with the building frustration leading up to the worst decision Starlight's ever made and I love her for it. Not only is this the turning point for her impulsiveness as she finally made a decision that almost cost her friend, but it also showed the best and worst of her character all at once wonderfully. Couple the entire thing with comedic banter, a cringetastic friendship chant, and once in a life time duet between the two and I can't think of anything better.

2. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils- This was my favorite episode for the longest time until "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" and it all comes down to how relatable it is except I'm not Sweetie in this situation, I'm Rarity and I know exactly what it feels like to not realize your overshadowing a younger sibling. I saw all my younger sisters in Sweetie Belle at that moment and it hit me hard the stress I've put them through to stand out. Sweetie by this episode instantly became my favorite character, like another sister to me. But theres so much more to love about this episode, mostly coming down to the best use of Luna not just as a watcher of dreams, but as a once overshadowed little sister, their dynamic works fantastic. Also I can't forget the nightmarish imagery as well and the best performance Claire's ever given.

3. A Dog and Pony Show- The is just a classic Rarity episode. Suited for Success  added depth to the fashion part of Rarity and this one added depth to her lady-like persona by cranking it up humorously. Her dynamic with the Diamond Dogs is so memorable and the whole third act is non-stop fun.

4. The Fault in Our Cutie Marks- The episode to introduce Gabby and she really is such a delight. It not only is a great challenge for the Crusaders but a unique one as well to take on Gabby's request and really show their team persistence best. Plus Twilight gets a great nerdy moment too.

5. Dragon Dropped- Speaking of Gabby, she has such a nice dynamic with Spike, but I really liked Rarity in this episode too, getting to tackle an implication that always seemed weirdly present but never addressed. Plus I just love when she gets to be over the top.

6. It Isn't the Mane Thing About You- And speaking of over the top this episode is also such a delight mostly for the first half but dips a little until Rarity is inspired again, but Punk Rarity is also wonderful and provides a simple but valuable lesson.

7. The One Where Pinkie Knows- I'd say this episode is just fine fun. I enjoy watching Pinkie not only struggle to keep the secret but also keep her composure during the scavenger hunt. The story's just a little too simple.

8. Putting Your Hoof Down- Like I said this is only down here because I enjoy all the other episodes more, but this is nowhere near the worse episode for me not even in the bottom 20. There's a lot to like about this episode for Iron Will to the acting of New Fluttershy but I won't lie and say the mean spiritedness is a little overwhelming. Still I enjoy it a lot more than others especially for the unique Rarity/Pinkie dynamic with Fluttershy.

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1) For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils - Just like her sister, Sweetie Belle episodes are usually top tier, especially when they involve their relationship, and this one is no exception
2) A Dog and Pony Show - A great Spike and Rarity episode that beings the best in both of them
3) It Isn't the Mane Thing About You - Josh Haber's only good Rarity episode
4) Road to Friendship - Starlight and Trixie's friendship really drive this episode forward
5) The Fault in Our Cutie Marks - I like how it's sort of a stealth Scootaloo episode and Gabby is a treat
6) The One Where Pinkie Knows - Quite possibly the most average of average episodes
7) Putting Your Hoof Down - I don't hate this one like most do, but I can see why some would. Still it was both interesting and....odd seeing a more aggressive Fluttershy, even though she took it too far, and the 3 way dynamic of Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity was fun. It's quite possibly one of Fluttershy's most important episodes

Haven't seen Dragon Dropped(and tbf, I dislike everything I hear about it)

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As well paced as For Whom the Sweetie Bell Tolls is, being a great subtle Christmas Carol style story in the middle with Luna appearing in her dreams with the past, present and possible future, this is not my favorite. 

No, my favorite is actually The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows. While there's no big lesson, it's still a fun episode. For a unique episode, the "lesson" is actually spoken in the first act by Rainbow Dash. "Watching somepony else be surprised with something is almost better than being the one getting the surprise" is what she says in response to Twilight wanting to surprise Shining Armor with stuff from his foalhood. Shining's eight second reaction to his old stuff is so adorkable.

Plus, when Spike asks a nervous Pinkie to tell what's bothering her. Well, with these words and these eyes, "You'll feel so much better once you get it off your chest" Well, even I wouldn't resist confessing my feelings to a face like that.

Spike "you'll feel so much better" S5E19

Heck on my OC's side of things I could very easily make this episode of our lives "The One Where I Tell" in which I officially come out as gay to the Mane 7. Considering that Shining Armor and Cadance are in this episode and in my mind, were the first to realize I have an attraction for males, it seems like Spike's words to Pinkie Pie were also spoken to me to come out and release the burden of hiding my "little secret"

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Some of these episodes are pretty much tied, I loce them equally but for different reasons.

1-3. Road to friendship, It isn't the mane thing about you and for whom the sweetie belle toils- 9\10, really lovable episodes with great comedy intrigue and with the whom sweetie belle toils also a bit dark(with the creepy nightmare luna put SB through). Raritys hair design was amazing and whats not to like about starlight and trixie episodes?

4-5. A dog and pony show and the fault in our cutie marks- 8\10,really fun episodes.

6. The one where pinkie pie knows- 7\10, Its a nice slice of life episode.

Pitting your hoof down and dragon dropped are decent episodes but they are definitely below average episodes(for this show)



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  1. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils (S4) - I could gush about this episode all day. One of my favourites for sure.
  2. It Isn't the Mane Thing About You (S7) - Best Rarity episode hands down.
  3. A Dog and Pony Show (S1) - Great episode. I have a soft spot for it, because this is the only episode I ever caught on live TV.
  4. Road to Friendship (S8) - Really liked this one. Highlights the Starlight/Trixie friendship well.
  5. The Fault in Our Cutie Marks (S6) - Great. Gabby is a fine character.
  6. Putting Your Hoof Down (S2) - I see the issues, but I still liked this one. Iron Will alone makes it worth watching.
  7. Dragon Dropped (S9) - It's...alright. Gabby salvages it.
  8. The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows (S5) - I never really liked this one.
Edited by Cash_In
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At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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Still need to catch up on S9... :sealed: Thought this selection would do worse than it did.

  1. It Isn't the Mane Thing About You
  2. Road to Friendship
  3. The Fault in Our Cutie Marks (Admittedly, a great episode that I'm frankly surprised nobody has voted the best of these yet)
  4. A Dog and Pony Show
  5. The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows
  6. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils (One of the most overrated and disappointing episodes in the series)
  7. Putting Your Hoof Down
Edited by Spider Demon
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1. Road to Friendship – my favorite Starlight & Trixie episode. Fun, adventurous and generally enjoyable. I only wish we saw Saddle Arabia…
2. The One Where Pinkie Knows – I laughed a lot watching this one. It has so many great elements: from the Friends reference in the title to Pinkie Pie literally falling apart and reassembling herself. One of my favorite Pinkie episodes for sure.
3. A Dog and Pony Show – Rarity is so great in this one. Also, I really wish we saw Diamond Dogs again, but it only possible in the comics now. And it’s a pity they never got David Bowie for the 100th episode to voice one of the dogs.
4. It Isn't the Mane Thing About You – another good Rarity episode, where she got to shine as the drama queen, a punk pony and everything in between.
5-8. Putting Your Hoof Down, For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, The Fault in Our Cutie Marks, Dragon Dropped – all decent episodes; not special, but worth rewatching now and again.

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1. A Dog and Pony Show ("NOOOOOO!!!!!")

2. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Tolls (a somewhat overly dour yet touching and unique introspection into Sweetie Belle's relationship with Rarity, and I appreciate the episode's willingness to delve into a brand of psychedelic imagery this show typically refrains from)

3. Road to Friendship (arguably the most effective utilization of Starlight and Trixie in the series)

4. The Fault in Our Cutie Marks (simple but affecting, and manages to salvage a conceptually grating character into something surprisingly tolerable and sympathetic)

5. The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows (thematically shallow but a fun watch)

6. It Isn't the Mane Thing About You (includes several decent moments and I appreciate the more down-to-earth tone, but simultaneously burdened by Josh Haber's typical flaws (clunky overexpository dialogue and repetitive comedy))

7. Putting Your Hoof Down (the interplay between Pinkie and Iron Will is amazing, yet the episode itself is soured by uneven pacing and an uncharasterically uncomfortable atmosphere by FiM standards)

8. Dragon Dropped (as one user on here accurately summarized, it's like the conclusion to an arc that doesn't exist) 

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I’m the only one who picked Dragon Dropped, my favorite and also best Rarity episode. It pits her into the worst possible light without making her out of character or unlikeable. The romantic-not-romantic angle allowed a series-long to be resolved without hiccups. Spike was fantastic. And Gabby’s adorable and funny, as usual.

  1. Dragon Dropped
  2. Road to Friendship: Hilarious and fantastic.
  3. Toils: Sweetie Belle’s most necessary episode and Polsky’s best episode during his run.
  4. Fault in Our Cutie Marks: I enjoy this a bit more than Toils, even though this is subtly better. This episode is a gigantic highlight of Season 6, not only in how Valentine wrote the story, but its conclusion, too.
  5. Mane Thing About You: Some sketchy dialogue aside, it’s a fantastic Rarity episode to a conflict she hadn’t endured yet.
  6. The One: *yawn* Bland, but okay.
  7. A Dog & Pony Show: Rarity’s hilarious, but the moral’s execution undercuts its message. If you’re gonna make a moral of how being ladylike doesn’t mean being a damsel in distress, don’t make the antagonists (all of whom are male) so bumbling stupid.
  8. PYHD: All the problems highlighted from other reviewers (everyone being a ponut, FS’s awful characterization, Iron Will being fully blamed for her own actions, etc.) explain why it’s so awful.

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  1. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils - Like the other two Crusaders/Luna episodes, this one feels like a pretty authentic childlike perspective to me; Sweetie Belle's motivations are immature but not necessarily unsympathetic. I like that, once she understands the big picture, she immediately sets about fixing it. It also has arguably the most significant Luna role, because she and Sweetie share the experience of being overshadowed by their older sisters. And like the other two there's some great nightmare imagery in this. One of my favourites. 
  2. The Fault in Our Cutie Marks - Oh my god it's so cute. Gabby is just the sweetest thing, and then the CMC try so hard to help her, but then she winds up helping them, and it's just the cutest thing in the world. And I like the perspective on cutie marks here - just because griffons can't have cutie marks doesn't mean they can't find a place in the world. 
  3. On the Road to Friendship - This episode is funny, and the song is great. I find Starlight and Trixie's bickering a little exasperating after a while, and Starlight trading Trixie's cart is very questionable, but the idea that they're bickering because the road trip has gotten to them helps with both of those issues, and otherwise it's just so charming. 
  4. A Dog and Pony Show - This episode is funny. 
  5. It Isn't the Mane Thing About You - This is relatively bland but it's sweet and the moral is terrific. Rarity being thrown off by a few changes to her schedule is something I can relate to a lot, and her new look at the end is brilliant. The jokes are weak but the back-to-basics approach here was refreshing at the time, given that this is from my least favourite season. 
  6. Putting Your Hoof Down - This episode doesn't make any sense but I always enjoy watching Fluttershy be a jerk. 
  7. The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows - This has some funny moments but I just can't deal with Pinkie constantly straining to avoid spilling the beans, especially when it seems like the world is out to get her. It just stresses me out to the point that I find this unwatchable. 
  8. Dragon Dropped - Might have been bearable if Rarity didn't seem to miss Spike solely because he does work for her. This feels like it doubles down on all of the worst implications of their relationship, and I think it's the least likable Rarity has ever been, even though her behaviour doesn't seem "out-of-character" otherwise. Watching this made me genuinely wonder if the show wanted me to hate Rarity, because some of the creative choices here are just baffling. 
Edited by AlexanderThrond
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1. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils (One of my favorite Christmas Carol parodies.) 


2. A Dog and Pony Show (A *very* funny episode with a bunch of classic moments & lines.)


3. It Isn't the Mane Thing About You (Another FANTASTIC Rarity episode! I'm seeing a pattern here.)



10 hours ago, Dark Qiviut said:

Road to Friendship: Hilarious and fantastic.


5. 6. 7. Putting Your Hoof Down, The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows, Dragon Dropped: BOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :angry:

Edited by Sparklefan1234
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  1. A Dog and Pony Show : A. The first time I felt the show isn't afraid to just be entertaining. It has a bold cartoonish tone, and it feels clumsy here and there, but overall, a very funny and entertaining episode. I wish MLP had more episodes like these.
  2. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils : A. This episode is the best of three CMCs dream episodes of season 4. It delves into a nightmare which is quite terrifying and extreme, but we also feel the whole magnitude of the situation and the whole experience what Sweetie Belle goes through. All the characters are done right and interestingly.
  3. Putting Your Hoof Down : A-. This doesn't shy away from the ultimate fear that Fluttershy subconsciously has inside. Many people hate this episode because it portrayed Fluttershy too extremely when she's taking advices from Iron Will, but I think it quite fits and it's not out of character. I think more episodes should have dealt with the character's fears and weaknesses more boldly like this, even it seems a little extreme.
  4. The One Where Pinkie Knows : B+. A fun and entertaining episode with a simple premise that fits perfectly with Pinkie Pie.
  5. It Isn't the Mane Thing About You : B+. This feels like an early season episode, but the execution and feel of the episode is like a new one. Another simple premise but it fits the character as well.
  6. Dragon Dropped : B-. It doesn't do anything wrong, but aside from the important lesson and meaningful insights of the character relationships, the execution is not top notch.
  7. The Fault in Our Cutie Marks : B-. Gabby is a likable character, but besides of that, this episode is not that interesting, even Gabby herself.
  8. Road to Friendship : C-. Many people liked this episode, but besides it's starring two of the fandom's favorite characters, I don't see anything quite interesting about this. The plot is about two friends fighting and reconciling, which isn't bad in paper, but the episode turns out to be boring. The conflict should have been more genuine and the character's true redeeming quality should have outshine it.
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  • 1 year later...

1. The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows

2. The Fault In Our Cutie Marks

3. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils

4. It Isn't the Mane Thing About You

5. A Dog and Pony Show

6. Putting Your Hoof Down

7. Road to Friendship

8. Dragon Dropped

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My listing and I love them all :>

  1. The Fault In Our Cutie Marks
  2. It Isn't the Mane Thing About You
  3. The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows
  4. Road to Friendship
  5. Dragon Dropped
  6. Putting Your Hoof Down
  7. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
  8. A Dog and Pony Show





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