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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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Because I'm Private Pansy, advisor to Commander Hurricane.

Where is the Twilight, where's the Sparkle

Where's dear Fluttershy knocking on the door

Where's the Rainbow Dash that takes me there

Where the real is shattered by a Pinkie Pie

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It's Romulan for "bloodwing". I picked it when I first came back to the internet after a break because I love Star Trek, and a character I was doodling when I was trying to think of a name had blood red tips to his fur/hair/tail - hence bloody wings.

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Way back at Call of Duty: World at War's release, me and my brothers got it for the Wii (don't insult, it was actually better than the 360 version). Anywho, it was like 2:00am and I was making an account and we were being our usual selves and for some reason I found "fizzydawg" absolutely hilarious, and we all did, so I used that. I've used it ever since, either as Fizzypup or Fizzydog or Fizzydog77. Just sort of stuck you know?


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I found a mug my little sister didn't use that had a Scottish emblem with a Unicorn on it, after liking it mockingly I actually took a liking to the mug. And over time it became one of my prized possessions, which I drink coffee or tea out of whenever I do have tea or coffee. So yeah, it's named after my favorite mug; I also use this name in online gaming.

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Thread resurection? Anywho, my name was based off of the background pony Twilight Sky, but when his name was officially released, I changed it to my own OC


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when I was 9 I played Club Penguin and loved American Dragon, so I took Spudnifisent but I ended up spelling it wrong. When I was 10 I became really active on teh internetz and since I'd been using that name for a couple of months I started using it for everything. I still use it now because that was how my online friends recognized me and I couldn't have thought of a different name so I use it till this day :D except for Deviantart, I had an account called Sudnifisent but I didn't like it and I started a new one called CannotBeUnseen.

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Shankveld is a sort of nickname I have.

We were once all eating lunch together, when I told my friends that if a person touches them inappropriately to jab them in the side.

I also added if they were really hardcore they could shank them.

They made a joke about me liking to shank people, when one 'genius' of the group realized shank and lank rhyme. And shankveld was born.

they usually call me Shankie now, but Shankveld is truer to the original nickname. ~

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This Saiko nick of mine has been with me for years and years, it comes from name of main character of a story I wrote like, 5 years ago? It was Aiko at that time, I think, but I added S and Saiko appeared. Then I had to choose nickname for one MMORPG game and I called myself Saiko. I played this game for like 3 years and met many amazing people and they all knew me as Saiko, so it just kinda stayed as another name of mine, this internet one. I have other nicknames too but this one is the most important, the main one

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This Saiko nick of mine has been with me for years and years, it comes from name of main character of a story I wrote like, 5 years ago? It was Aiko at that time, I think, but I added S and Saiko appeared. Then I had to choose nickname for one MMORPG game and I called myself Saiko. I played this game for like 3 years and met many amazing people and they all knew me as Saiko, so it just kinda stayed as another name of mine, this internet one. I have other nicknames too but this one is the most important, the main one


Your username reminds me of Saika in Durarara, it's so cool :D

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If you ever read lackadaisy before, you should know why. I'm a total copy of Freckles. Seriously, It's like I'm him when I read the comix.


So, I usually use him as my avatar/signature, because the comix isn't that well known and Freckle reminds me of myself. Oh, and it's maybe because I'm a furry too. :P


Though I got another username, but it has a bad reputation in the internet, so I'm starting from scratch.

shiet got srs guise

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Regarding my temporary change to Invader Zim Pony for my birthday.

Who doesn't like to think of Gir on their birthday? :P



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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The first time I used Kyreth was when I was making an account for wurm online, its free so it was really hard to get a name that wasn't taken.

I was just trying to think of something that I liked the sound of but wasn't an actual word that someone might have used. I think it came from Kynareth, one of the gods from the elder scrolls games.

I can't make signatures.

Sooo... yeah

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Named it after my gamertag on Xbox Live, Visage Zero, meaning you can't see me cause I'm blended in to the environment.

(I played dead on Call of Duty and Battlefield a lot then)

Signatures are for fillies.

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I got in from a Dillinger Escape Plan CD. I use it for basically everything. It's even my gamertag :D I think it's fitting for me.

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I originally wanted to call myself Fluttershy, but that was either taken or reserved when I signed up. I think I signed up with the name "AMAC" which I use on a couple of other forums, but I wanted something MLP related. After a while I though of Flutterguy and changed my username to that.

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Well mine's not as creative as some of you guys. It's the initials for my name, April Jessica. But it's also the initials of my first favorite pony, so that was a nice coincidence.

Edited by A.J.
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I was originally Discordian and did it cuz I love Discord and the image of him with an accordian is awesome in my mind.


As for this new one, just because I found this picture in my avatar from Slugbox and thought Rarity + Bayonetta = Raronetta was clever. Though I've yet to actually play Bayonetta.

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I've always seen myself as a person who spout random bits of information at the most innapropiate times (normally pokemon, although now mlp has been added to my reprotoure. Spelling isn't one of them though...) and I viewed radios as the same thing, only inanimate, but they spoke other peoples' words, which is a characteristic of mine. I didn't think of this before. It used to be NeverLetGo for an early DeviantArt account with decorative Xs, then ObviouslyNotHere, but I dropped it for ObliviousAbsence, for some reason going the opposite way in meaning. My youtube account has recently become SplitTailedPikachu in memory of a PokeDoll that I used to have as a little kid and when I found out I could change my username on bmgf, it went from inertiaSilenced to inertiaRadio to 137.RADIO. 137 are my magic numbers. If that username was already taken, I suppose I would go back to any of my old ones, but not until I tried 137.RADIOfm.

I guess that's why.


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My name is Sam in real life, and my nick name is the lego man, for liking legos so much.


And its a username on most websites for me (flickr, deviantart)


Another idea was Pielover94, I'm a pie lover, and I was born in '94. ;)


Hope that helped.

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You wanna know how Evilshy got his name? YOU WANNA KNOW HOW EVILSHY GOT HIS FUCKING NAME?? I'm not sure you do, it's a long story and it is CRAZY AS SHIT and will blow your fucking mind like a chick [censored]ing a [censored]'s [censored]. 


You know what happened to the last guy who wanted to hear my story? Well I fucking told him, and he was never the same. You think consequences will never be the same? Well consequences might as well be a fucking Sequoiadendron giganteum for how much its changed in comparison to this asshole who I told my story. What's that? You don't know what a fucking Sequoiadendron giganteum is? Well you better be glad I'm in a good mood otherwise I'd stop talking right the fuck here. A Sequoiadendron giganteum is a giant ass tree that lives for like THOUSANDS OF FUCKING YEARS and hardly changes at all that whole time.


Seriously, this kid was fucked up hardcore. Like his mouth moved up to his forehead and he had an eye on each forearm and he spoke fucking Old Entish for the rest of his life. Takes him a fucking hour to say "hello" now. And he acts like a weeping fucking angel. You look at him, and he STANDS THE FUCK STILL, like you could stab him in the stomach and he wouldn't even move until you move your eyes away to check out his hot sister. I mean, damn.



Whats that? Get back to the subject? Fine. ILL GET BACK TO THE FUCKING SUBJECT. 


So I was in middle school and my friend was like "bitch, let's play runescape" and I was like "what the fuck is runescape" and he told me and I was like "shiiiiiiiiiiit, let's play some fucking runescape."


And don't even fucking laugh, because I know you used to play runescape, too. Fucking everybody used to play runescape. Even if you didn't, you actually did so FUCK YOU!


So I was creating my username for runescape and I tried "pyromonkey" cuz pyro is Latin for fire, and monkeys are cool, and fire is cool and Latin is cool, so "pyromonkey" is like cool^3. That's pronounced "cool cubed". Shit, it even sounds cool, so now it's cool^4, which is pronounced "I'm better than you so go the fuck home". 


But runescape was all like "bitch, that username is taken" so I was kinda mad and put in "pyromonkey77" and runescape said "that name is too long" so i was more mad, so I put in "pyromonk" cuz monks are total badasses, but that was taken too and I was pissed as tits so I tried "pyromonk77" and that shit worked and I was like, fuck yeah. 


I know that was a run on sentence. My sentences will run as much as they fucking want. They're like the Usain Bolt of the literary world.  Deal with it. 


So I played runescape hardcore until the bitches who make it were like "we're going to add a shit ton of new content, but you can only access it if you pay us $5" and back in middle school, $5 was hella bank so I was like "fuck that shit" and played other games. 


Then my email account got a ton of porn spam so I deleted it and started a new email which was "pyromonk77@yahoo.com" but that one got banned cuz I was trolling bitches on yahoo answers so I use a different one now. 


Anyway, I was reading megatokyo back in was good (by that I mean, it actually had stuff other than all this fucking shoujo drama. Man, this manga used to have fucking zombies and faint drunk turtles and actual gaming humor. Now its all relationship stuff. Dont get me wrong, there's nothing bad about romance stories, but that's not what I read megatokyo for. 


What, I'm ranting again? Well fuck you. 


So there was this character called junpei who was a ninja who wanted to become l33t. And he did, so he was now a ninj4. Dude, he was fucking awesome. I had a hoodie that said "ninj4" on it because junpei is that badass.


And my friend wanted me to join gamefaqs. So I did, and I called myself "l33t_ninj4_1337". I now realize this is stupid, but I was 14 when I made it so shut the fuck up. 


Anyway, I've been on gamefaqs since the, and I'm even like the top users of a few boards. I'm like the Finesthour of the golden sun dark dawn board. A strange, somewhat perverted finesthour (dude, sveta is damn sexy. I married her on that board.), but the point is everybody knows and likes me there. So hell yeah. 


Anyway, fast forward a few years, and I become a brony. Fuck yeah. I hear about mlpforums and sign up to get notified or whatever when it actually goes online. And if I remember correctly, it went online shortly after return of harmony, so I was still hardcore fanboying over discorded fluttershy. But "discorded fluttershy" sounds stupid, as does "flutterbitch" or most of the other names I've heard to describe her. 


So I went with "evilshy". Fuck yeah. 


I made a name for myself amongst the RPers, cuz I ain't gonna lie, I'm a pretty good writer, and I like RPing. And my character in my first RP here was named "Evilshy" and was fluttershy's evil twin sister. So I decided to roll with that and make Evilshy my official pony. And in the "ask evilshy" thread, I gave her a backstory and everything. and now I'm just fucking awesome. 




And that is how I got my name. I realize most of this post actually has nothing to do with that, but FUCK YOU. 





Signature now 99% less edgy!

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So, back a few years ago, I guess I disliked my current YouTube username so I had decided to create a new account. I was thinking for a bit what my username should be and came up with "atomic" because at the time I was really interested in chemistry. Obviously, that username was taken, so I typed in some random numbers. There were originally 5 or 6 numbers but that looked weird and I shortened it down to only 4 numbers... And I've used this name pretty much ever since. My alternate is "FictileObelisk" which created only about a month ago. I was trying to make a legitimate name (which I did not intend to use, I don't recall what I actually made it for) that had no numbers and decided to use a random word generator to generate some adjectives. "fictile" was one of the things it came up with and that looked pretty good.


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Well my name is a take on the fictional character toothless (the dragon from how to train your dragon as seen in my profile pic) and brony. = toothlessbrony. I chose it because toothless is awesome and im a brony.

  • Brohoof 1


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