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general Have you ever lost contact with someone awhile back and want to speak to them again but can’t for some reason?


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My childhood friend I don't know man we have I doubt anything in common now. I remember how he looks like I guess I could message him I don't know I kind of feel ashamed of how stupid I was in communication at that time. Eh whatever yo.

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does the dead count


Yeah. Two of my school friends. I had their emails but last and first time I mailed them I got no reply so.... :P

There are also several more people online but it seems to happen so often that I kinda move past it quickly.

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Yeah.  I had a really good friend a long time ago. Then his parents divorced and I never  saw him again.   I never heard anything about him after that, until two years ago when my mom told me he committed suicide. 





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Crazy that I just found this topic the same day I reconnected with someone I lost!

about 3/4 years ago started playing “MyVMK” which is a fan remake of Virtual Magic kingdom that is a sort of friendly MMO RPG (avatar/rooms/earn money/make friends and that’s it) 

anyway, made a friend and we would always leave messages for each other and play together. Almost ended up going to the same concert.

anyway, I stopped playing the game for a while and eventually lost my account and everything. Gained access to my account again recently, like 5 months ago. Saw she’s left some messages for me but last time she’d been Online was a year ago. Left some messages for her. But anyway, she messages for me today! Very happy

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A few of the really good people I knew well in high school and college. I had a chance encounter with an old friend last summer when we were in the same tour group at the Warner Bros. studio. She had just recently moved to Los Angeles.

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I do miss my former BFF/ex-girlfriend. Guess "former BFF" is a bit of an oxymoron... But alas. I still have no clue what happened. I completely and totally respect her right to not have me in her life and I wish her only happiness in whatever she is doing. I just, for various reasons (like several days ago, I was looking back at something else to reference in a new entry), end up looking back on my LJ entries from late high school and early college and then in the process I end up not being able to avoid seeing her comments, and wow. What we had was really something.

I know people drift apart and that's life... but why her? She has to have had her reasons and owes me no explanation ever or anything, but it hurts...

Boy do I hate myself for dwelling on this again.

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Yea unfortunately. I used to have a Skype group from people I met here. And over the years they either stopped talking, changed as human beings, or hated eachother. And now I only talk to like one or two out of the 20 I used to know. I think about it a lot actually.

6 hours ago, Envy said:

I do miss my former BFF/ex-girlfriend. Guess "former BFF" is a bit of an oxymoron... But alas. I still have no clue what happened. I completely and totally respect her right to not have me in her life and I wish her only happiness in whatever she is doing. I just, for various reasons (like several days ago, I was looking back at something else to reference in a new entry), end up looking back on my LJ entries from late high school and early college and then in the process I end up not being able to avoid seeing her comments, and wow. What we had was really something.

I know people drift apart and that's life... but why her? She has to have had her reasons and owes me no explanation ever or anything, but it hurts...

Boy do I hate myself for dwelling on this again.

I know it stings.. I went through something really similar. All you can hope for is that you find a person that has all the good things from that relationship and more. And you will. It just hurts a little. If you ever need to talk please lemme know you can’t vent and I just listen or we can talk back and fourth but I’m here for ya if you need anything!

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There are several people that I haven't spoke to in years, yet I would love to get the chance to speak to them again. That includes several users on this site.

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I only feel uncomfortable if I would meet someone from my past and have to start a conversation, since so much has happened, it is impossible to explain it all without just having to make a completely new friendship to begin with.

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Yeah, with a few online friends. One disappeared suddenly (one of her closer friends thought she ran away with her ex or something, I don't know, it was many years ago), another had a few other friends who didn't like me for some reason and drove me out of the group, and the third is very likely dead at this point, but nobody knows for sure, as far as I can tell.

Edited by Booker
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@Jaxsie (Inactive)

Yeah. I dunno if anyone else remembers Jax, she was smart, witty, wanted to learn Japanese, and she was a really interesting conversation partner. She was also an artist and an author, although I never really followed those. She was a great friend, and she just disappeared. I've tried to track her down but to no avail. :c

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My mom.  She cut contact with me when I came out, before I came out I knew she would act that way when I did.  It's one, if not the main, reason I moved out of her house in the first place.  So I could actually transition.  I had been mentally preparing myself for months to get ready for her reaction to it.  It still hurt, deep down I had hoped that she would eventually come around and still want to be a part of my life.  She's the only person who's been around for all my life and she's been so supportive of me and my hobbies in the past.  I just don't understand why she would act this way when being two-spirit is part of our shared culture.  Though when I mentioned being as such to her, she denied it saying that it was a "leadership thing" or whatever the hell she thought it was.  Whenever I tell that little story to fellow First Nations people, they look at me as if I said the sky's pink with seriousness.  Personally, I think she's just in a state of denial and isn't trying to work it out with anyone because she's very stubborn.  I haven't spoken to her since 2016, though sometimes I pop into her facebook and ask her if she's willing to talk to me again but beyond that nothing.

When I came out, I suggested that she have a talk with the gender therapist I was seeing at the time but she wouldn't have any of it.  It just feels weird not having her in my life anymore.  I never really had much of a support group irl but she had taken up a lot of that circle and I sometimes feel like there's something missing around me these days.  I could just hold out hope that she'll come around to me being trans one of these days but I highly doubt she'll change her mind and it seems a fool's errand to sit around waiting for her to get her head out of her butt.  At least I finally get to transition though and try to live a life that I want to live.

Before I moved out of her house, she was working towards building her own house back on reserve, we had spent a year clearing out a bit of the land she bought and going to the appointments with her to check out house plans was exciting.  I remember us going to this one bagel shop in Sarnia and looking through books, talking about the look of the house, what type of layout we both wanted, etc, for hours.  I had already had a garden planned out in my head and I wanted to make a path going through the woods that were left on her land/ surrounding forest and there was a pond back there too, sure, mosquitos were a problem but I bet it would've been beautiful in the winter(just as long as you wore a safety vest since some people like hunting around where she got her land).  It was going to be a two story house with two bedrooms and a decent sized room for sewing and crafts since she quilts and I sometimes picked at sewing at the time.  We planted two cherry trees in the front yard after the land was leveled.  I even got to plan the windows in the room I was going to be in.  Sometimes I wonder how she's doing, if she'll ever talk to me again.  People sometimes tell me that she's chosen her path and I should just move on but she's my mom, I always thought she would be there for me.

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, flurry said:

Yeah many but I feel like things have changed too much or we weren't good enough friends in the first place.

Yea, I can relate to that.

While I have had friends from the school era, I try to not connect with them anymore, and that's one of the reasons I stay away from Facebook. I once browsed through my IRL friend's Facebook and found all my old school buddies and the entire town with it! Seeing they all grew up, getting bald, having kids, etc. Just isn't my thing!



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1 hour ago, Splashee said:

Yea, I can relate to that.

While I have had friends from the school era, I try to not connect with them anymore, and that's one of the reasons I stay away from Facebook. I once browsed through my IRL friend's Facebook and found all my old school buddies and the entire town with it! Seeing they all grew up, getting bald, having kids, etc. Just isn't my thing!



Ha yeah it's strange seeing how people change like that. But yeah I think you get to the point you want to move on.

Yeah I actually deleted fb for different reasons. Most of the friends on it weren't really my friends at all :toldya:

37 minutes ago, Kujamih said:

Yeah..i always do... But can't.....because i forgot their name...and what we were talking about..... I guess thats the blessing of being stupid....such stress free....

I forgotten people's name before it happens even with former friends. :c 

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The story of my life xD

There's far too many people I don't know where to start. I don't know if most of them are even alive anymore.

For instance, my half sister just cut communication with us when I started college 10 years ago. She moved far away and never ever used her messenger again, let alone her phone.

There are several friends, both childhood friends, highschool friends, college friends and even online friends who slowly dragged away from me as things kept getting upside down. Most probably don't even remember I existed in their lives anyway.

Then there's the friend I helped with the con fiasco. He broke the friendship with me from one day to the other. I really hope he's fine, he lives in the city with most covid cases in our country. Bet he doesn't want to hear a thing about me, though. Maybe is better that way. He minding his own bussiness, being fine and happy, enjoying his fame with the friends he really appreciates. I just hope nopony important to him is missing after the pandemic.

My ex... been 5 years since I ghosted out from her life. Maybe she's married by now. Maybe she made a family. She must be happy. And probably never thinking about me. I simply faded away because she let me know she was happier when I was not around in her life at all. Maybe I was a reminder on how she wasted her best years on a boring nerd when she could have been out there partying and having all sorts of experiences. Maybe I was too much of a smartass without a penny on himself to give her all the pretty things she deserved. She deserved better. She must be doing better. But honestly, I still think about her every morning and before going to bed. Another day missing out on the best person that happened in my life. But she told me I was a mistake all along. 4 years of a mistake. I can't just pop up again anywhere near her domain. Even though I really want to know about her life and make sure she has the best in the world.


What was the topic again? XD

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Yep, been down that road multiple times. I wanna say something to that old Skype pal I haven't seen in three years, but I am consciously aware that what we had was gone a long time ago.

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