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Things you don't get why they are popular?


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  • Almost all modern pop music, but K-Pop especially... K-Pop is just bad. All positivity, and no musical value to be had. It's also a very exploitative industry from what I hear.
  • Overwatch. The game mechanically speaking is straight up worse than a lot of what it competed with, but "Blizzard Polish" matters more than a better game at a fundamental mechanical level, right? After all, a game with good design that has a few bugs can't be better than a very basic by the numbers game with no such bugs and more focus on visuals right? I mean look what happened to Gigantic, a REALLY GOOD game, that DARED to compete with OW. It DIED... AND IT WAS A FAR BETTER GAME.
  • Facebook. If only people knew what evil billionaire Zuck and his minions did with your data... Maybe they'd stop using such a predatory site.
  • Most popular YouTube channels. Most of what's popular on YouTube seems to just be braindead and shoddy at best type of content.
  • Rap and Country music both... Oh boy where do I start with these two... To summarize the crux of it, they both have almost no musicality. Also going to mention Dubstep for turning me off to electronic music initially. Dubstep was made fun of back in the day for just how bad it was.
  • Almost everything Marvel (I'll admit the first two Iron Man movies were good and I liked Deadpool). But most everything else is generic, shoddy, and absurdly overhyped (Avengers is the most blatant offender)... Oh and don't even get me started on the fans themselves, particularly the diehard ones...
  • Grand Theft Auto. They are quality games, I just find them personally to be very boring.
  • Mobile games. They ALL suck... Well, Angry Birds was actually not TERRIBLE.. But Flappy Bird? Candy Crush? Terrible is an understatement.


  • Brohoof 1
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14 minutes ago, Angel_Dust said:
  • Almost all modern pop music, but K-Pop especially... K-Pop is just bad. All positivity, and no musical value to be had. It's also a very exploitative industry from what I hear.
  • Overwatch. The game mechanically speaking is straight up worse than a lot of what it competed with, but "Blizzard Polish" matters more than a better game at a fundamental mechanical level, right? After all, a game with good design that has a few bugs can't be better than a very basic by the numbers game with no such bugs and more focus on visuals right? I mean look what happened to Gigantic, a REALLY GOOD game, that DARED to compete with OW. It DIED... AND IT WAS A FAR BETTER GAME.
  • Facebook. If only people knew what evil billionaire Zuck and his minions did with your data... Maybe they'd stop using such a predatory site.
  • Most popular YouTube channels. Most of what's popular on YouTube seems to just be braindead and shoddy at best type of content.
  • Rap and Country music both... Oh boy where do I start with these two... To summarize the crux of it, they both have almost no musicality. Also going to mention Dubstep for turning me off to electronic music initially. Dubstep was made fun of back in the day for just how bad it was.
  • Almost everything Marvel (I'll admit the first two Iron Man movies were good and I liked Deadpool). But most everything else is generic, shoddy, and absurdly overhyped (Avengers is the most blatant offender)... Oh and don't even get me started on the fans themselves, particularly the diehard ones...
  • Grand Theft Auto. They are quality games, I just find them personally to be very boring.
  • Mobile games. They ALL suck... Well, Angry Birds was actually not TERRIBLE.. But Flappy Bird? Candy Crush? Terrible is an understatement.


Tell us what you really think sweetie! :D


Twitter and Facebook - both platforms are useless now and have worn out their charm. They're just plastic banana corporate money making propogandized Rissian hacked booboo icky.

Edited by Mirage


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5 minutes ago, Tao said:

Harry Potter: I never really got into it and the fandom scares the sh*t out of me!

Harry Potter never drew my attention either...sorry Harry peoples...


“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing you have received--only what you have given.”
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TV-14 anime. This one is complicated. I have a huge love/hate relationship with anime in general and that does include some TV-MA stuff as well. Far too often, anime is the victim to countless cliches and one-note characters, things that the Japanese seem to adore for some reason. Incredibly forced humor is another huge issue and these things are no more apparent than in TV-14 shows. Shows like this tend to feel like the equivalent of PG-13 movies of today, where they feel like a PG showing with a sprinkling of more mature seasoning every now and then. Some spoilers for One Piece coming up, but if you have yet to watch the show, you'll most likely forget about these spoilers by the time you even get to them, this is stuff that is well into 700+ episodes.

A great example of this is One Piece, a show that is waaaaaaay too long for its own good. I've recently tried to continue watching it as there are things I like about it and this is around episode 150 or so (out of 900+, fuck), but the forced humor is so grating on my nerves after a while. Nearly every dramatic has to be punctuated with over the top facial expressions and characters yelling or going "EHHHHHHHHH" in shock with their oh so "humorous" shocked faces, often showing every character's face in a row because a show with over 900 episodes really needs this kind of redundancy. It feels like some kind of strange obligation that all TV-14 anime have to make, you can't be TV-14 without having a lot of very PG level humor and expressions. After a while it stops being charming and simply predictable in every regard. Characters like Usopp and Chopper constantly freak out in a "comedic" way in every dramatic situation as if they are gonna die, but we all know they aren't because the show has made it clear that any sort of tension doesn't deserve it.

TV-14 also seems have problems with villains and tone. Again, One Piece is a good example. The show has a massive amount of villains and I actually think there's a lot of great ones, but because of the rating, it feels like most of them can't do shit. Take the Dressrosa arc, an arc I was fairly familiar with as a friend of mine was watching it through at the time. That arc is, I believe, 100+ episodes long and the arc's big baddy, Doflamingo, kills exactly 0 people that aren't in a flashback IIRC. 0. This is a character that had been hyped up as easily one of the most evil characters in that world, arguably more evil than some later villains that are more powerful than he is. He friggin surrounds an entire island with a "birdcage" that slowly is closing and will kill anyone that gets caught by the boundaries. That sounds cool-Nothing happens. The show desperately wants us to feel a sense of urgency and threat from this villain because of all this shit yet I felt bored the entire time. All Doflamingo did was stand there and monologue about how evil he is. Great, so we have an arc of 100+ episodes with a villain that doesn't do anything. Let's also have moments that are supposed to be super dramatic but then piss all over it with more of that forced humor. Yeah, I didn't want any tension either I guess. Once I realized that this is the way with almost every single villain of the show, my desire to watch it diminished drastically. Again, all of this is probably because of the rating. They can barely show anything because they are limited to what the rating allows. So I've developed a complex that if I see TV-14 as the rating in a show, I tend to lose interest rapidly. This isn't just for anime either, PG-13 movies often don't pique my interest anymore as well.

So yeah, that's why I don't get why these types of shows are so popular with people. Sure, there's probably countless other reasons why people like these shows, like I said I do like different aspects of One Piece, but TV-14's often fall into the same traps.

38 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:


I attract all the weirdos...

Why can't I have a resting b*** face like my Mom?

Assuming bitch is the word you used there, if I ever start a band, Resting Bitch Face will be one of the name options.



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Dragon ball z or whatever. Yeah I just don’t get it why it’s still a big thing. My feeling is it’s because the meme is the one reason why it’s still alive..and Naruto... 


Now within SW fandom, I don’t get it why there so many projects involving within the Empire Era.. as if we don’t get enough from it. Don’t get me wrong I like everything about it but enough is enough. I want more around the First Order era! And also maybe a bad guy side for a change when it comes to a series? The resistance/ Republic side is a bit repetitive.



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Pretty much any first-person shooter games. I never saw the appeal in them.

19 hours ago, WWolf said:

Mayor Mike Bloomberg :maud: .

I agree 100%. I'll vote for the Democratic nominee no matter who it is, but I hope to God that it isn't him. It probably won't be, though.

  • Brohoof 2


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2 hours ago, TBD said:

Dragon ball z or whatever. Yeah I just don’t get it why it’s still a big thing.

I'm a die-hard DBZ fan, and even I think it is incredibly cheesy and outdated at this point. :laugh:

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5 hours ago, CopperSpirit said:

I'm a die-hard DBZ fan, and even I think it is incredibly cheesy and outdated at this point. :laugh:

I was like too with Naruto but later lost interested. So I’m surprised it’s still a thing!



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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For me modern music. My mom listens to artists like Soundgarden, Nirvana, 50 cent, big b, and anything else a teenager would listen to in the 90s. My dad and stepmom  listen to new music and I can't understand it, something about it makes it sounds all the same. Maybe the beat or tones? I don't know but older music seems to have more variety.


Tldr modern music, I think it all sounds the same, I like 90s music.

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Tiktok, what is it? do you just post short ironic videos all day? why does everyone love it then? :confused:

  • Brohoof 1

What is life? Is it nothing more than the endless search for a cutie mark? and what is a cutie mark but a constant reminder that we're all only one bugbear attack away from oblivion? And what of the poor hooman? Flank forever blank, destined to an existential swim down the river of life to...

an unknowable destiny?

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Dragon Ball... It's literally just a bunch of muscular men screaming and fighting poorly choreographed fights with intentionally overpowered moves for the entire runtime at this point. I do say though, the memes are good.

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2 hours ago, Derpy Pon-3 said:

Tiktok, what is it? do you just post short ironic videos all day? why does everyone love it then? :confused:

Seems like a modern version of Vine.

I don't have a TikTok, but some do show up on my Twitter feed occasionally. 

I don't understand TikTok either.

  • Brohoof 1




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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rap, football, and... a few other things. Mostly rap and football though. I genuinely don't understand why people like either and I've tried..


On 2/23/2020 at 10:02 AM, TBD said:

Dragon ball z or whatever. Yeah I just don’t get it why it’s still a big thing.


We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we say.

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Those Got Talent shows. Like X Factor or Britain’s Got Talent etc. Those shows are so fake! The one thing that makes the show interesting and it’s already spelled out to you that it’s not real. The amount of actors they throw in there to perform poorly or comment of said actors is just embarrassing. Why do so many people watch it? It’s a terrible show. :dry:

Edited by Flutterstep
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Certain memes... Also this:

On 2/26/2020 at 7:21 PM, Flutterstep said:

Those Got Talent shows. Like X Factor or Britain’s Got Talent etc. Those shows are so fake! The one thing that makes the show interesting and it’s already spelled out to you that it’s not real. The amount of actors they throw in there to perform poorly or comment of said actors is just embarrassing. Why do so many people watch it? It’s a terrible show. :dry:


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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for what I'm about to say but, I don't get how K-pop became so popular :sunbutt:
Even if it's not my taste, I usually know why things are popular even if I don't like or hate it. But k-pop, I just don't get it ! I've been trying to listen and, I didn't like, AT ALL :laugh:
and by listening it I didn't understand what was appealing ! Sorry... :twi:

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@Dustlicious Might we be related? Because all those choices are identical to mine.

Pretty much anything on the charts I can't stand. Capaldi, K-pop, rappers, I can't stand. Marvel bugs me two. 

Also, Frozen. I used to go shopping every day after school with my mother. Every. Single. Bloody. Aisle had those same bug-faced two-dimensional, dim-witted characters staring at me for two years straight.

Can I just say again, what in the name of Celestia is K-pop? Bleh, gross. I'll stick to Beatles and Queen, thank you very much.

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This thread, it’s just a bunch of really bad hot takes from people who think they’re above others who like something they don’t 

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