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What do you think about your old posts?

Harmonic Revelations

What do you think about your old posts?  

28 users have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about your old posts?

    • They are pretty much the same as how I post now.
    • They're cringy.
    • I'm proud of them.
    • I'm indifferent but think I've changed since then.
    • They're better than my current posts.
    • I'm displeased with my old posts.
    • It's mixed. Some are good, some are bad.

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This thread is largely aimed at users who have been here for years but anyone can participate if they feel they've changed since their first posts.


Ultimately my question is, how do you feel about your old posts? If you don't have any thoughts about them now, I invite you to dive into the depths of your post history to look at your old stuff.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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I was 18 when I joined in 2015 and I'm almost 24 now, so not a whole lot has changed about the way I type at least. I'm still the same bubbly positive person I was then, just with a tiny bit more real world experience. :bedeyes:

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I used to go on and on and post walls of texts. Eventually I got tired of reading others walls and thought others must feel the same towards mine so now I try to keep things short and too the point. I'll browse others' responses to see if we share the same sentiments in order to brohoof or teacup so as to not make things repetitive. Despite that, this post in of itself shows that I'm a wordy person. Now I just have to keep working on parting what should be separate paragraphs and cutting down my run on sentences.

I believe most of my posts were made in the Debate Symposium and thus are no longer available. Some I'd like to have reviewed from my earlier days to see if I needed to correct any stances and a special few I would have liked to save out of pride in their composition.

My social interactions have hardly changed on this site since I joined just over 7 years ago, but perhaps my old posts could do with a perusal.

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The old posts I made on here back when I was a teenager were definitely a mixed bag. Some of them were fine, others sucked and clearly reflected my immaturity. I'm not trying to brag, but my newer posts are a lot better, a sentiment I'm sure most share when they look at what they wrote on the internet back in the day and compare it to what they write now. 

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It hasn't even been a year for me but I do feel very embarrassed looking back at my older posts. :twismile: But I don't mind because that's all part of growing into the website more as you find your place, you find your layout, you see what makes everypony tick. :D I feel that as I got further into it and made more friends, it made me feel more confident which is what I definitely needed at a very low time in my life when I didn't think I had any friends. :( This confidence comes up in what I post now because I think I've gotten much better with words than I was at the beginning. :mlp_ooh: At the beginning, I was very shy and timid and I think that showed. It's been such a journey which is pretty amazing. :mlp_smug: It's all thanks to all of you! :wub:

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I joined here when I was fourteen and as you could imagine, I made a lot of cringe worthy posts. I've had to go back and edit a lot of them, because some of them are just that bad.

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This doesn’t apply here but I’ve looked back on old dead forums I used to post on as a young teen. I’d look back on some of my old posts and they are cringe af. Zero filter,shady jokes and arguing over dumb stuff lol. I was quite the edgelord as a teen lol.

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I think they're cringe lol

A friend of mine told me that they're not that bad so maybe I'm just biased, but I took a look at some of them recently and aaaa I don't talk like that anymore! I sounded so uptight and serious all the time :adorkable:

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There should be a nostalgia option to the poll. :wau: I don't look at my old posts often, but any time I stumble across one that is at least a few years old, it makes me nostalgic quite a bit. The further back the post, the more nostalgic levels I gain. Sure, in my super early days I might have been a tad cringey because of awkwardness, but that too is something I am nostalgic about simply because I was so new to the show and fandom. Good times.

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I had already matured quite a bit by the time I joined here, so there aren't too many "cringe" posts to look back on as far as I know. Now, if we went to places where I had posts back in the mid 2000s that would be quite different. >.<

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I was in a different mind-set back then, certainly there's a lot I regret but I've learned to be a better person than back then.  I'm not perfect but perfection isn't something I'm interested in striving for since imo, it's a fool's errand.

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  • 2 years later...

I hate a good chunk of them haha. Usually if I see an old thread being bumped, if I've got a different or updated opinion on something, I'll just edit my old response instead of making a new one.

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