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Whats the most trouble you have gotten in school?

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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In elementary school I got 3 "think slips." One for getting angry at some chick and grabbing her hand and shaking it rapidly, once for eating in the bathroom during class, and once for "leaving school without permission" when the teacher even saw me leave the facility.


I've never gotten a detention.

Edited by Twilie Sparkle
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I once fiddled with the school's computer security system so that I could play Mario Kart 64 on the LAN with a buddy. That was considered quite a serious breach of the computer code of ethics, and I got a 90 minute detention after school.


I consider this thread an apt opportunity to complain about our school's Saturday detentions. Yes, the most extreme violation of rules mean you get detention on SATURDAY. 9:00 to 12:00, in uniform, on your weekend. Horrific.

Edited by Flipturn ツ
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When I was a sophomore in high school, I got caught with plagiarizing an essay for my English class. Needless to say, I ended up at the Principals office with only a warning since it was my first (and only) offense. But I ended up getting a 0 on the paper and a talk from my parents so needless to say, I've learned from my mistakes and haven't plagiarized since happy.png.  


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The worst thing I've probably ever done was change the wallpaper of one of our school library's computers. It went against two school rules, but no one really noticed so I slipped by. I've checked it recently and it's still there. Hey, at least there's a penguin on your desktop.


The most trouble I've probably gotten into was when I cut my classmate's hair in the middle of class. Yeah, I was pretty stupid.


I was also pretty close to being dropped from our school's honour roll due to my penmanship. Not really related, but just thought I'd drop it in.

Edited by Bananashy
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 In high school one of my teachers gave out some assignments over break. I said "Jesus Christ" softly, or so I thought. Some people laughed, and my teacher then gave a speech for a few minutes basically  telling us we were all immature and we should grow up. She was pretty upset. The speech was given to the whole class, but I knew it was directed at me sad.png . I felt bad afterward and apologized, but she didn't really seem to accept my apology. I think she said something like "just don't do it again" before walking away.


 I've never been suspended or had detention though, just that one incident. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, my school tried to have me tried in court for something I didn't do, does that count?


It was funny really, the case only laste about five minutes before I was found not guilty, and they brought the entire friggin staff to the courthouse. 

  • Brohoof 1



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Although  I generally stay out of trouble at school besides the occasional detention, I got in a fight in 6th grade with this retarded idiotic kid who thought he was all that because he played football and I played soccer, which is obviously for gays and pussies. Duh. So anyways, I got a 3 day suspension for fighting, while he got a one day in-school suspension (read: no punishment at all). He threw the first punch and I took the fall? Why? His parents donated a large sum of money to the school each year. Figures......

  • Brohoof 1
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The only time I can remember actually getting in trouble was in sixth grade, when one of the teachers caught me and my friends on funnyjunk.com and pretended to call the principal on us with a walkie-talkie :'D He scared me so much I didn't go on funnyjunk again until like, 2011. That was the day I learned what browsing history was, haha.


Same year, my friends and I got into a number of fights with this other group of girls, the "bad girls". The new girl had joined our inner circle, but she was kinda wild so I think she really somehow made enemies out of the other group. So, yeah, that was actually a really fun year :'D


Okay, and this last one isn't really me getting in trouble with the school, but getting in trouble with a very...mentally unhinged teacher that was getting crazier and crazier o.O It's not exactly on topic, but I'm bored and feel like telling this wonderful story anyway, haha.


I was really very good at art and was pretty involved in the school's art community, and one of the art teachers absolutely loved me. I had been in her classes all throughout high school. Since she had helped me so much, I asked her to write a letter of recommendation for me for some scholarships.


She did, gladly. But, she refused to give it to me. She insisted that she mail it off herself, that that's the way she's been doing it for years. However, the registrar absolutely told me that I must hand it in with the applications so I told that to art teacher, who refused and got angry. I tried to go back and forth between them (for some reason the registrar didn't think it was important enough for her to contact the teacher directly), and art teacher got angrier and angrier with me. It got really close to the due date, and I begged to some of my other teachers for a letter of rec literally in tears because I really needed these scholarships and I didn't understand why she was so mad at me. I felt really bad for putting that on them, and none of them were able to write one because there wasn't enough time.


Crazy art teacher then exploded and started calling me all these names, insisted I was being rude, arrogant, stubborn, idiotic. And that I thought I was so talented that the rules didn't apply to me. I had no idea where any of this came from, but it really hurt because I always try my best to be polite, kind and respectful. Eventually I went to the assistant principal (who was also my 10th grade english teacher), and she was amazing and wonderful enough to write the letter for me, in half a day! And then I quickly moved out of crazy art teacher's class and tried my best to avoid her cause she was really scaring me. She really took this whole stupid letter of recommendation mess personally.


Later that year, I went to a gallery opening with my parents and grandparents, and she was there. And she stalked me, then confronted me in front of my family...Everyone's said for years that she was a little unhinged, but man that terrified me. But I think she actually quit teaching the semester right after that whole mess. She must have had some actual mental problems, I think...

Edited by Powderpuff
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i was a very violent kid back in elementary school time i dont like to remember but this is the only time i ever got in trouble in school 

i was one of those kids that if i dont get it my way i got angry so in 5th grade our school had those scholastic book order things and teacher was handing out the books and items to the kid who order that book or item. i ordered a shy kit thing with a fake cellphone that records your voice after the teacher finish handing the stuff out she started class but i just started playing with the cellphone so she took it away i got angry my friend tried to calm me down and i threw my hands around his neck but pulled away when i realized wat i was doing (i didnt choke my friend thank god) the teach got scared and had me go to the principle they call my parent and they said i would have been suspended and later expelled if i choked my friend and they had me see a psychiatrist

i saw the phychiatrist twice for like 30min each instead of going to PE with my class then for some reason after the 2nd session i wasnt called out of PE to see them anymore i guess they figured out wat was wrong with me or something but i still wonder why nothing happen after that like i didnt have to take anger management classes or take meds for my anger or something

well that was the most trouble ive ever been in

im glad the me from bak then is gone

tho i kind of became  a loner after this incident and didn make friends again till high school 

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Worst thing I have done in school, well....


There was this one time I jammed a pencil in a kids arm, luckilly I didn't get expellled, get pressed with charge, or seriously hurt the kid (if I remember all I did was break the skin). In my defense was having a real bad day and that guy kept taking crap, was suspended for close a weak. This happened in middle if I forgot to mention.

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I've been on my final warning in both secondary school (what ya'll call High-school  and college (i believe this would be considered the last two years of high-school, its for the ages 17 & 18)


I was on my final warning in secondary school for running a sweet selling business which apparently took in so much of my lunch money from students that the school criteria was making a loss every lunch. (I had roughly 20 employees and was making approximately an 80% profit) I was told that if i continued then i would be either suspended or expelled.


In college i got put onto my final warning because i took a picture in class of my friend sleeping and a teacher happened to be in the background, 2 years of not even a single verbal warning and i was placed on my final instantly, told to deactivate my Facebook account and told that if i was so much as late to a single lesson for the rest of the year (only like 2 months remained of the year anyway) i would be expelled and wouldn't get my diploma.


I'm now at university (studying at the same place i went to college) and i'm very well behaved :)



Although, to be fair, while it sounds terrible to say i was on my final twice, the reasons for it were incredibly weak, in both cases it wasn't made clear that the actions were against the rules and had i actually been expelled for the actions in either case, i would have contested it fully.

  • Brohoof 1

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I'd post my stories but

A: I got in so much trouble I can't think of when I got it worst

B: I would probably get banned for being inappropriate.


I got in a few fights, stink bombs, taping playboy centerfolds on the overhead screen, smoking in gym class etc etc...

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Oh my god, I was quite the troublemaker, and still am. Back in middle school, I used to get in trouble for spitballs, throwing paper balls at people, throwing basketballs at people, tripping kids any chance I got, I always started a "keepaway," and I nailed a kid right in the nose with a volleyball during PE. Some things I didn't get in trouble for was touching my 8th grade teachers butt(she was so finee), and used that "sorry I was stretching and didn't see you" excuse, hahaha. Best part was she was going around grading our workbooks and she bent over and her behind was like really close on my right side so I told my frined behind me "dude, check this out." In high school(currently in sophomore year) I got in trouble for making fun of kids who coudn't read very well and for majorly burning people who couldn't pronounce a simple word right. I still haven't gotten in trouble for doing simple parkour around the school. My friends did some stupid stuff too. BTW this was all in a catholic school. How's that for a catholic school student?

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Im being serious when I type this because it is ridiculous. I once got the police called because I went to the office and asked to vent. I was also in 4th grade....

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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When I was in Elementary school, every evening I used to play on the schools' field, which was separated by the local river by a small wall. One day, a group of boys were playing football, then a boy's shoe fell off. They started kicking it around, and so I joined in. then they started throwing it, and somehow I got it, and threw it over the wall into the river. Sploosh. 

The next day, everyone was talking about it.

Also, I once got in big trouble for insulting somebody really badly after they got me angry.

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The most trouble I got into at school was in, 5th grade. When this kid kept picking on me, calling me names, then one day.. I tapped him on the shoulder during recess. Then he turned around, and I knocked him out with a punch.


I pretty much, got suspended for that.

  • Brohoof 1
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I got "Homework" detentions in middle school, and that was about it....or and telling my mom's cousin, who was my reading teacher that and I quote "You name me a job that has you take work home with you and do it off the clock, and then I'll do my homework." 


I was considered a "9-5" student. 

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No, not really. Because I never got caught.

Since I've always been the quiet, smart one, I was and still am able to get away with a lot of stuff. Last year I pretended to go to Band practice for half an hour. Unfortunately, another kid in my class was in band, too, and knew it was cancelled. So, the teacher went all nuts on me. I didn't get any consequences though. XD

I did all sorts of crap at my school, and it's all pretty easy to get away with. 

"Who threw that piece of paper?"

"Certainly wasn't her"

And then the person next to me would be in for it. Hopefully they'd be my mortal enemy. Good times... XD


~Sig by Kyoshi. ;)

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I got in shit with the principal for playing Quake 3 in the computer lab once in junior high *shrugs*.


Other than that, I tried to fight this one kid in like, 1st grade or something this one time. It was all talk, but I guess something he was doing set me off, and I got a talk from the principal plus the obligatory phone call home.


I think I also got in trouble once for saying mentioning "penis" in a casual conversation this one time in early grade school. My parents and I still laugh about that today xD


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I was basically expelled my 5th grade year, Well, sort of. There was only one month left anyways and they decided to have a teacher type person come to my house for teaching stuff. I got into a lot of fights that year which was the reason why.


Luckily, they put me into the special education program that same year and they put that in full force the following years. I will be honest, I would have stood no chance without it, due to many different factors.



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When I was in 7th grade I was nearly arrested when someone spread a rumor that I was going to blow up the school. In 8th grade it nearly happened again when someone lied that I was going to bring a weapon to school.

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I had a nuclear meltdown and swore a lot. I almost got EXPELLED!


Luckily, I had to spend the rest of the semester in detention. :| eeyup!

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