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What's your pet peeve?

Tom The Diamond

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Due to my PTSD I'm very sensitive to sounds. The sound of eating, cutlery clanking, plate scraping, someone's lips smacking together making wet sounds whilst eating a bit of juicy meat with their mouth open... Someone sucking/licking their fingers after eating with their hands... TALKING WITH THEIR MOUTHES FULL.... OHGAWDJUSTTHINKINGABOUTTHISISMAKINGMEANNOYED.


"The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma."

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- When people don't fully close doors (where there's hardly that little crack of light shining through).

- When people don't take the time to untangle their earphones.

- When I have to use those old, raised-key keyboards.

- When people assume it's alright to grab my iPod or phone and start browsing it.

  • Brohoof 4


You'll be entranced by me ♥

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-when you realize there is no TP in a stall after you've already used the toilet


-people who dont knock on bathroom doors first but just assume its unoccupied and try to open it first (good thing i always lock it!)


-people who sit in the aisle seat on the bus hoping no one will sit next to them, and then when u ask to sit down they make you climb over them to sit in the window seat and act like its your fault for inconveniencing them


-professors who tell you the first day of class after you've bought the book that you don't need to buy the book, and then professors who are irritated when you show up on the first day having not bought the book: you can't win


-when i ask customers "is it debit or credit" and they respond while continuously swiping their card "why isn't it showing up?" and i repeat "is it debit or credit" and they respond "yeah but i don't see anything" and i ask a third time "mam/sir, i need to choose it for you before you swipe your card so the computer can tell the machine wether to show you a debit cash back screen or a credit card signature screen. would you like to use your card as debit or credit today" and THEN they tell me, and act like "oh how inconvenient for them to have to actually listen to what i am asking, and then respond". and the next customer has the same issue. all day long...


-when a customer is talking on the phone for our entire transaction as if i am a machine not a human being. could not be more rude.


-people who think its ok to leave their trash on my register. i am a cashier, not a janitor. and no we do not keep a mini trash can under each register. there is a large one right by the door. have a nice day (asshole).


-when my bf uses all the toothpaste and doesn't tell me, just leaves it in the cabinet


-when i clean the litter box out and the cats instantly decide they have to poop


-people who are always late to everything

Edited by Bunches
  • Brohoof 3

"I read somewhere that 77 per cent of all the mentally ill live in poverty.

Actually, I'm more intrigued by the 23 per cent who are apparently doing quite well for themselves."

-Jerry Garcia


Say hi to me on Gaia, username: SkrinkleAndSkrod

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uneven things. I myself, am a perfectionist. I hate it when things aren't even, or crooked or if something's out of place, it get's really irritating. I'm not a fan of uneven numbers either.

  • Brohoof 1

"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant."

- The Doctor

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- It annoys me to no end when people don't appreciate the bassist in a band. They're more important than you think damnit!

- If people have tangled earphones I get annoyed. I have to untangle them if I see them all messed up.

- It annoys me when people think Metalhead = Satanist. Huurr durrr, piss off.

- Close my door all the way or you will die by hands :).

- When I open the cupboard or fridge and food falls out because someone didn't put them away properly.

Edited by Chill Mists (Chilly)
  • Brohoof 2


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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I really can't stand bugs... They just irritate me to a point that I have to leave the room, or go inside... I also can't stand when people fold things and they aren't even...


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I get annoyed when I twist my feet because I walk weirdly. I also get annoyed when there the Televison is on while I am trying to sleep. I also get annoyed when people leave their damn shopping carts in the middle of the aisle.

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-Immature people (In a bad way and always mature. Ex. The idiot Jocks at my school. They think they're SOOO funny, pssh)

-School (In general)

-When my moms in a bitchy mood

-When people interrupt me like several hundred times

-Seeing anyone get picked on

-Loud,obnoxious, kids (Who obviously was not raised to behave)

-When my plans get ruined

-When no one accepts my apologies

-When people spam me

-When I cannot relax

-When people constantly bug me when I wanna be left alone

-When I am listening to my Ipod and people keep trying to talk to me

-When people are rude and hate me for no reason

-Preps, Jocks, Druggies..

-People who think they have SWAG

And thats all I can think of..

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I'm not a fan of uneven numbers either.


This pretty much sums up all my entire life problems right here. Everything must be even. Must be evenly distributed... Must be evenly divisible by 2... divisible by 4 is even better.

  • Brohoof 2


You'll be entranced by me ♥

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Don't like...

People that see you walking, and they well step in your path for no reason

Being judged by someone

Knowing there is a spider in the room, and it is alive

When people cut in line because they are late for something

When gamestop gives me 15 USD to trade in a new game

The 100's of times random people in the streets of Las Vegas tried to get me a cheap prostitution

When i receive hate messages

When your at a sports game and the guy in front of you is 10 feet tall...

Someone plays loud, bad music while in public transport

Seeing someone get bulled

The loudest thunderstorm at 2:00 AM

When someone doesn't know how to drive and they have a full driver's licence

All the paper work you have to fill out when going to the hospital

i could go on for awhile...


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-I can't stand people touching my feet. I've kicked people in the face for touching my feet. Not on purpose. It's an involuntary spasm. I can't even deal with my dog or cat laying on my feet. If my legs get tangled in a blanket, I usually end up kicking frantically until I'm free. Some sort of foot-claustrophobia or something, perhaps?

-I ride the city bus to work, and I spend that time listening to music and reading. It really irks me when people think it's okay to strike up a conversation by waving at me to take out my earphones. I should carry around a sign that says, "Yes, I work there. I don't wear the uniform because it screams fashion. I would know if this is a good book or not if I didn't have to keep answering your mundane questions. The Kindle is available on Amazon. Go look it up and see for yourself. No, I'm not, in fact, 'toking'. I am using an electronic cigarette to get the nicotine I crave without the cancer. I bought it online. Google it. No, I don't have a lighter. No, I don't have any spare change. No, I'm not interested and you can't have my number."

-When people are impolite, I want to scream. For the love of Celestia, use turn signals when you're driving, say please and thank you, apologize if you bump into someone, hold the door open for the person behind you and keep your feet off the furniture.

-Folks that look at my dog like he's a monster drive me nuts. I just wanna yell, "Yep, my dog is a ferocious beast! You should have seen that squeaky toy he killed! It never stood a chance!" The most he'll do is get a little dog spit on your face from his kisses.


I have a lot more. That's just top tip of the iceberg. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

  • Brohoof 1
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When the toilet stall doors don't close right

When bugs fall in my food

Mosquito bites in random places

When my shoes squeak in the hall

How people are oblivious of my existence during team sports

When people press the whiteboard markers really hard on whiteboards so that they squeak a lot and the ink runs out fast

When people never listen to anything I'm saying

When people carve *insert sexual body part*s on desks

When people think I'm going to let them copy my schoolwork even though they're total assholes towards me and when they get pissed off that I don't let them


Oh, and one that really bothers me is when the light switches are in opposite directions and the lights are off. That bugs me more than it should. I even turn on the light and switch it off in another place just so the switches face the same way..


I could go on for a while.

Edited by cleva
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Dislike List


- Wasps

- Mosquito bites

- People driving more than 20 KM/H under the speed limit on a road with one traffic lane

- Parents who can't control their kids in a restaurant

- Running out of tea! (The. Worst. Possible thing!!!)

- Bad music

- Stubbing a toe


And that should be good enough for now. I try to coexist with wasps at my summer job, but they are just plain mean!


Edit months later:


After driving to college and back the past month, I dont mind the slow drivers as much. No, no no... I have a new target. People who can't properly execute a roundabout! We are getting many of these to replace our intersections and after all these years, we STILL have people who back up everything! I swear, people over 30 in this area should be retested to make sure they can safely use these things!

Edited by Celtore
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I hate it when during a two hour long class it's really cold with the air conditioning on and I didn't bring a jacket to wear.

Another one is when I work slower and everyone else is ahead of me on school work enough to finish early.


Every time at home we leave the light on the porch at night many moths of different kinds would gather around it and we had to shut the front door quickly so they won't get in.


Also trying to beat this game on deviant art and then lose when the boss is almost defeated.

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I hate...


That tingly feeling you get when your nose gets hit with something.


When people repeat themselves even though you already clearly understand their point.


All odd numbers except for those that are divisible by 5.


The raisins in granola cereal. WHY ARE THEY SO HARD!? THEY DON'T EVEN FEEL LIKE RAISINS.


People who get offended by everything somebody says and can't take a joke


When you go to sleep on a hot night, then wake up in the morning, stuck to your bed with sweat. I can't STAND that! Makes me feel so... dirty. D:

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-when someone in my family gets into my room, then leaves the door open when they leave

-when flies/moths fly around my screen at night

-egoistic people

-racist people

-P30p|_3 //|-|0 TyP3 L||<3 T|-|i5



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- Missing the toilet when I take a piss.

- Finding a comfy position in the bed then feeling a crumb underneath me.

- Waiting for debit cards to authorise, hoping they'll work.

- When you take a pee on a train and it goes over a bump.

- Speedy Transition

  • Brohoof 2

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- Spiders

- Hoovers which make a lot of noise

- People who shout when they are on the phone to someone else

- People who don't say please or thank you


- Annoying little 10 year olds who think they are amazing at video games (CoD)(No offense to anyone)

These are just a few :P

  • Brohoof 4


  "Sometimes I wish I could imagine myself 10 years from now, out of college, living life without boundaries.

             But, at the end of the day, it's just a step closer to the future. The future tends to unfold as it should... well, at least I think it does." - Kitty0706


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The little things.


When I can't sleep.

When I get paranoid, thinking bad things will happen to me.

When I see someone stupid post something and I feel the need to counter it but I don't.


When I see one member of any community do something stupid and people think everryone is like him.

Tiny carrots.

Just another background cat. Move along.

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Knowing there is a spider in the room, and it is alive

Now that doesnt bother me, but I just so happen to now be room mates with a peculiar spider who I just cant seem to kill.


And I swear... he's stalking me.


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what annoys me are these constant headaches, i try taking panadol, doesnt go away. try sleep wake up feeling alright and then wham it comes back, really irritating me


I get a similar problem with constant headaches..... My advice.... dont use panadol.... it just doesnt work :( ... try something a little stronger... that should help a bit.... but you get used to it after a while... doesnt bother me much anymore.... But yeah something stronger and try not looking a screens for to long..... If I look at screens for too long it makes the headaches worse, so try giving your eyes a break every now an then..... That tends to work for me...


Made by C.Discord

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-When on the bus to my university and its to the point where people have to start sitting by others it always seems like I'm one of the first to get sat by. You know even with my huge bassoon case and all of my bags.


-How torn up my university's campus is right now, causing lots of detours that waste a lot of time. Of course, this being my first semester.

-Those annoying YouTube commenters who think they're so cool because they're young and don't listen to Justin Bieber (as if anybody on the internet actually likes Justin Bieber? Please.)

- The water faucet in the bathroom where I work. It's automatic and only runs for like two seconds each time. Except when I'm done washing my hands, then it runs for 10 seconds straight.


I'm sure there are other things, but I always forget this kind of thing. So it's amazing I got that many out. =P

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Tiny carrots.


This. All of this. So much of this. Man I hate tiny carrots, I love carrots, and I need nice and big ones, not those pathetic ones you get.


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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