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Who's more evil?

Petite Pirouette

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And what exactly do we know about Discords "species" or how they are genetically wired? For all you know, he could be wired around Chaos, thus his name, or he is the idea of it, thus his name once again. She shows no compassion and it is a joke to believe she would be capable of posessing any, she goes on a menacing Aria about hwo proud she is to be a liar and to be hateful. Discord could have done what he did, becasue again it could be what he was "genetically born to do".

Its a joke she would have any? Why while Discord has? It is more possible for her to have rather than Discord having compassion. The arguement you use for Discord is the same thing... More plausible for changelings than Discord. Yet you deem it okay with Discord not Chrysalis without having any proof for either.
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Its a joke she would have any? Why while Discord has? It is more possible for her to have rather than Discord having compassion. The arguement you use for Discord is the same thing... More plausible for changelings than Discord. Yet you deem it okay with Discord not Chrysalis without having any proof for either.

The other thing is, when the elements were seperated, did discord try to destroy anypony when he was clearly capable? He is seeking self reward, he just doesn't care about the pain he puts others through, which is exactly what they both have in common, but what makes him neutral and her evil, is the fact that, he had what he wanted, the harm to other ponies didnt concern him any more and he didnt have to further it, Chrysalis was vengeful as brought up before, I dont think that she even has the skill or diplomatic charm to be in the type of position Discord is in right now. He knows he is powerless, but he will continue to play his games because he just loves the thought of disharmony.

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Chrysalis is by far the more evil of the pair. While I can respect she was probably harvesting love for the survival of her race, she enjoyed making others suffer, she enjoyed turning the Mane 5, Shining Armor and Celestia against Twilight, and she especially enjoyed the destruction her Changelings wreaked upon Canterlot.


Discord, on the other hand, is little more than a prankster. He does have immense power at his disposal, however his intelligence is rather redacted to that of a class clown. Now, his intention to replace Harmony with Chaos may be evil, but he doesn't actually realize that what he is doing is evil. To him, it's more of a prank on the whole of Equestria. Would you really call a mere prank an evil deed?

First paragraph? While Discord didn't enjoy it?


Both of them might simply have been proud of their abilities.


Do not underestimate his intelligence. To make such plan such research about his enemies would require extremely high intelligence. He sees himself as a prankster and thus to him his actions are only fun. In other words he is delusional. The only reason he became good is because he thought there was something to lose with Fluttershy. His redemption had nothing to do with his evil... Thats why it went wrong.

The other thing is, when the elements were seperated, did discord try to destroy anypony when he was clearly capable? He is seeking self reward, he just doesn't care about the pain he puts others through, which is exactly what they both have in common, but what makes him neutral and her evil, is the fact that, he had what he wanted, the harm to other ponies didnt concern him any more and he didnt have to further it, Chrysalis was vengeful as brought up before, I dont think that she even has the skill or diplomatic charm to be in the type of position Discord is in right now. He knows he is powerless, but he will continue to play his games because he just loves the thought of disharmony.

Discord escaped and returned to do evil. Thats vengeance. And you know very well Chrysalis could have killed Twilight and Cadence? She didn't. She didn't cross that line with Twi when she didn't need to. Edited by nioniosbbbb
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First paragraph? While Discord didn't enjoy it?


Both of them might simply have been proud of their abilities.


Do not underestimate his intelligence. To make such plan such research about his enemies would require extremely high intelligence. He sees himself as a prankster and thus to him his actions are only fun. In other words he is delusional. The only reason he became good is because he thought there was something to lose with Fluttershy. His redemption had nothing to do with his evil... Thats why it went wrong.

Discord escaped and returned to do evil. Thats vengeance. And you know very well Chrysalis could have killed Twilight and Cadence? She didn't... I am really happy she sought vengeance though. She didn't cross that line with Twi when she didn't need to.

Give me a break lmao, she locvked them in an underground dungeon with no food or water, and sent her brainwashed brides maids to hold them in captivity.

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Give me a break lmao, she locvked them in an underground dungeon with no food or water, and sent her brainwashed brides maids to hold them in captivity.

Duh... But she didn't kill them. She didn't need Twilight aware or alive... So whats the bad thing there? They would definately need some water or food. Somebody gave it to Cadence for her to be alive. A brainwashed victim is still in need of food.
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Duh... But she didn't kill them. She didn't need Twilight aware or alive... So whats the bad thing there? They would definately need some water or food. Somebody gave it to Cadence for her to be alive. A brainwashed victim is still in need of food.

Sorry this will jsut have to come to agree to disagree deal here my friend. I just dont see it. Discord got the world he wanted, then he left the ponies to live in it, I dont think Chrys had the same plans.



  • Brohoof 2
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Sorry this will jsut have to come to agree to disagree deal here my friend. I just dont see it. Discord got the world he wanted, then he left the ponies to live in it, I dont think Chrys had the same plans.



Who knows if Discord would have stopped? I certainly don't... Neither do i trust him on that. Neither would you... And you wouldn't risk it. I vertainly don't know where Chrysalis would have stopped.


Hey funny idea... Seen the movie Megamind? Imagine Discord or Chrysalis in it!

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Who knows if Discord would have stopped? I certainly don't... Neither do i trust him on that. Neither would you... And you wouldn't risk it. I vertainly don't know where Chrysalis would have stopped.


Hey funny idea... Seen the movie Megamind? Imagine Discord or Chrysalis in it!

I do admit I would love to see a like, Super Episode, with multiple villans forming elements of dishamrony or something.

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I wonder if Discord needs to cause chaos to survive. Much like how Roger from American Dad needs to be selfish in order to survive.

Wut? American Dad? Never herd of this. Doubt the Discord part tho but not impossible. Maybe forcing the hiding of arcane powers is worse than exerting them. In that notion same thing would happen with any magical creature.

I do admit I would love to see a like, Super Episode, with multiple villans forming elements of dishamrony or something.

Yea but... You didn't answer my question. I for one don't think any of the current villains would ally with them. A new team of villains though? That'd be something new.
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I'll say Queen Chrysalis. I don't think there's anything i can say about it that hasn't already been said. You know, she conquers a kingdom, steals someone's identitiy, locks ponies in a dungeon without food and water, brainwashing, jadda jadda jadda.

I'll also add that while Discord turned the Mane 6 against each other (something that they occasionally do to themselves), Queen Chrysalis turned Twilight's friends, her brother and her mentor against her! Now that's some serious manipulating.

But as much as i like Queen Chrysalis and Discord, King Sombra is more evil than those two.

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Queen Chrysalis because as she stated in  the'This Day Aria' musical number, she and her Changelings have no issues harming anyone be they stallions, mares, or infant foals to feed off them, exactly like the original Changelings from mythology.


Plus, the physical harm she causes is intentional, whereas Discord's is more or less a side effect of him getting his 'lulz'.

  • Brohoof 1
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Chrysalis........Discord, IMO, I wouldn't consider him a villain but more of a "pain in the ass".

He is actually both. However he is a pain in the ass even if not evil.

Queen Chrysalis because as she stated in the'This Day Aria' musical number, she and her Changelings have no issues harming anyone be they stallions, mares, or infant foals to feed off them, exactly like the original Changelings from mythology.


Plus, the physical harm she causes is intentional, whereas Discord's is more or less a side effect of him getting his 'lulz'.

So having a reason for being evil makes you more evil than having none?
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After reading the comics, I have to say King Sombra was a real jackass.



And in a high silk hat just because.


Not only did he take over an empire (probably killing all of Cadence's biological family) and enslave an entire race...


...but he also kidnapped a Crystal Bard and chained it to the floor.  Why?  Because he didn't want to bother reading his own damn books.


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After reading the comics, I have to say King Sombra was a real jackass.



And in a high silk hat just because.


Not only did he take over an empire (probably killing all of Cadence's biological family) and enslave an entire race...


...but he also kidnapped a Crystal Bard and chained it to the floor.  Why?  Because he didn't want to bother reading his own damn books.




*Sees Sombra* *Loses s****


*Sees Pony!Mario and Pony!Luigi* *Loses more s****


Edited by Anti-Villain
  • Brohoof 1
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*comment about Diamond Tiara being worse than both of them*


Really, I think the most evil villain we've had is, indeed, Chrysalis. Including Nightmare Moon, she was simply jealous and spiteful. She had no intentions of physically harming or killing anypony, which I think is a significant fact in showing the extent of which the evil in her made actually allowed; Nightmare Moon was more for severely inconveniencing everyone than outright harming them.


Discord, inconsiderate as he was, has always been more of an anti-villain character than anything. He's not really looking out for either side of the moral code, he's just doing what he finds fun. He's sociopathic and insane, not fully understanding the pain his antics put other ponies through. However, this doesn't truly harm them. Not in any severe ways.


Sombra was probably the worst tyrant of the rulers, ruling over his kingdom with an iron hoof before Celestia and Luna intervened. But at the same time, it's safe to assume he limited his tyrannical insanity to his own land, likely not too heavily intervening in the workings of Equestria in general. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd left all outside the Crystal Empire be.


Chrysalis, however, is a sadistic sociopath. She finds enjoyment and fun in harming the residents that she steals love from, confusing them, watching them wallow in the despair this confusion would cause, laughing as she comes so close to taking down a benevolent duarchy before war could even ensue. She isn't limited to her own kingdom, and while she didn't seem to be a murderer, she was a manipulative brute, feasting on the positive emotions of others not only for nourishment, but for amusement, and finding solace in watching their pain.


Chrysalis is the most evil. And until I learn that Sombra was working his citizens to the bone in order to build a giant mecha that would crush all opposition so he could overthrow neighboring kingdoms that's the argument I'm standing by.

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*comment about Diamond Tiara being worse than both of them*

Really, I think the most evil villain we've had is, indeed, Chrysalis. Including Nightmare Moon, she was simply jealous and spiteful. She had no intentions of physically harming or killing anypony, which I think is a significant fact in showing the extent of which the evil in her made actually allowed; Nightmare Moon was more for severely inconveniencing everyone than outright harming them.

Discord, inconsiderate as he was, has always been more of an anti-villain character than anything. He's not really looking out for either side of the moral code, he's just doing what he finds fun. He's sociopathic and insane, not fully understanding the pain his antics put other ponies through. However, this doesn't truly harm them. Not in any severe ways.

Sombra was probably the worst tyrant of the rulers, ruling over his kingdom with an iron hoof before Celestia and Luna intervened. But at the same time, it's safe to assume he limited his tyrannical insanity to his own land, likely not too heavily intervening in the workings of Equestria in general. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd left all outside the Crystal Empire be.

Chrysalis, however, is a sadistic sociopath. She finds enjoyment and fun in harming the residents that she steals love from, confusing them, watching them wallow in the despair this confusion would cause, laughing as she comes so close to taking down a benevolent duarchy before war could even ensue. She isn't limited to her own kingdom, and while she didn't seem to be a murderer, she was a manipulative brute, feasting on the positive emotions of others not only for nourishment, but for amusement, and finding solace in watching their pain.

Chrysalis is the most evil. And until I learn that Sombra was working his citizens to the bone in order to build a giant mecha that would crush all opposition so he could overthrow neighboring kingdoms that's the argument I'm standing by.

Didn't princess Celestia say that Sombra took over the crystal Empire becayse the Crystal Heart Could gelp him corrupt Equestria?
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