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Closet Bronies UNITE: Experiences and Discussion


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I used to be a closet brony, not so much anymore though. The only people I hide it from are my family members. If one finds out, they'll all find out... and my Dad would go apeshit if he knew I was into something even remotely feminine.


Anyone else though, I don't care. I'll wear my Princess Luna shirt in public.




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I used to be a closet brony, not so much anymore though. The only people I hide it from are my family members. If one finds out, they'll all find out... and my Dad would go apeshit if he knew I was into something even remotely feminine.


Anyone else though, I don't care. I'll wear my Princess Luna shirt in public.

How do you hide the Princess Luna shirt?


Signature made by PucksterV

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Same boat as a lot of people. I don't let my parents or my work know. My kids love the show, my wife tolerates it.  I enjoy the creativity of making music and blogging in my spare time. So the pony thing is an in-house deal. I've gone to a few local ponycons and of course it's easy to just be yourself there and be with fellow fans. But I do think one of the drawbacks of being a "brony" (having the show be a big part of your life) is that you often can keep your love of it to yourself and withdraw from some of your RL friends. I've got a few long-time friends that likely have an inkling because of my same steam avatar and all the mlp groups i'm a member of on there. But the subject doesn't come up and I think that works for both of us. If it comes up I'll answer truthfully and hope its not weird. I find many RL extended friends and acquaintances facebook posts about day to day life a bit boring and I bet they'd be weirded out by ponies and brony topics on my tumblr. On one hand its living a virtual life but it just feels like a better fit then the alternative and I live it as I want to. . 

  • Brohoof 1

I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM.

Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. 


Check out the  Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music.

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My mom knows I watch the episodes, and doesn't care, but she doesn't know I'm a Brony. I don't think she knows what a Brony is. And yes, I am a closet brony of some sorts.

Edited by Pinkieandsuch

I hate people who are redundant and repeat themselves.- Me

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't tell anyone about me being a brony, I even hide it from some people I only know online (because they hate MLP).

The reason for this is because I don't like being judged by others and I wouldn't be able to live knowing my parents thinking I'm immature and pathetic. 

My parents are very suspicious of what I'm doing online and it's annoying to have no way to prove that I'm not doing anything bad. 

I'm in fear almost constantly when my parents are around when I'm on pony sites because I feel like they want to ask me what I'm up to and I know I will have to lie to them to prevent them from knowing. 

OwO what's this?

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I don't tell anypony unless they ask. I had a hard time telling by parents and they still ban me from getting any "little pony" stuff. :( I really think though a fluttershy plush could help me with depression but they sadly don't realize that.

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I'm an uber closet Brony! Only a handful of my online friends know of my love for Ponies.


That being said, I'm always on the internet on my phone, and I usually bounce back and forth between this site, the MLP wiki, and Derpibooru--even in public or at work!


Whilst I haven't had any nosy, loudmouthed busybody coworkers catch me in the act just yet, I am aware that one slip up away from letting the cat outta the bag...

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I have got this Vinyl t-shirt now, and I wear it sometimes. The only time someone found out I was a brony was when I was at a party, and everyone noticed, and knew what it meant. They were cool with it. At school only one person saw what it was, and asked me if it was a unicorn. I said yes. He was ohke with it. I don't think anyone in my class knows what a brony is or is even aware there is a fandom here. They saw me drawing pony related things A LOT, and they either didn't notice it was a pony, or thought it was kind of cool. They never seem to make the link between me and My Little Pony. (I'm most of the time seen as a vampire at school. >:3) One time, I drew a moon with Nightmare Moon in it, and they asked me what kind of animal it was. I told them it was they Eye Monster. They bought it. ('._.)


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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My mom recently found out that I was a brony... kind-of. I was watching the show with my mom and younger sister. My younger sister was sick, so she basically watched MLP on the couch all day long, and my mom said that she is starting to like the show after being exposed to it for hours on end. She used to never understand how someone could be a brony, but after watching the show, she said she loves the colorful characters and references. My mom even said that Derpy Hooves was her favorite. She then looked at me and asked me what MY favorite pony was, and I was going to say Princess Luna or Vinyl scratch, but I figured that she'd be too suspicious if I knew the names, so I just said "That DJ one." I finally managed to tell her that I know all of the names thanks to watching the show with my little sister, but then my mom told me that she wouldn't judge me if I liked the show.

Tom V.S. Boulder: Who will win?


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  • 5 months later...

I am a closet pegasister. My parents and siblings think that it's creepy for people past the age of seven to like the show, because they think it's a bunch of 40-year-old pedos. So I keep my fandom to myself.  I'm not really a fan of the show, though, I prefer to watch the EQG movies. I just find it more relateable than FiM.

"Your past doesn't define who you are. It just gives you the starting point for who you're going to be." ~ Carolina Church ; Red Vs. Blue


Here's my OC, Platinum Sonnet

This is Blazing Impact, another OC. (Sorry, I know the image is blurry Xl )


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Keep all fanart, animations, music, and gifs in a secure, password-protected, encrypted, hidden folder. Wipe your history every 20 seconds. Never set a ringtone even remotely related to MLP. Keep your wallpaper non-MLP on all your devices. Watch episodes at three in the morning to avoid wandering eyes. Don't set bookmarks or favorites, always paste the URL into a password protected document, also kept in the encrypted folder. Turn down monitor brightness to avoid detection. Never, I repeat, never, buy noticeable merchandise. Pretend you don't understand any references when people make them. Never go on any pony-related sights in public, even if you're alone.


I am definitely a closet Brony, but you wouldn't know it if you saw me. I always keep the show and fandom hidden. I deny any association with it. Hell, I even store all my Brony music on a separate app from the default one on my mobile device, said app is also password-protected. I've had way too many close encounters, luckily [windows key] + [L] is my best friend. I just don't want to be ridiculed or misunderstood, I'd rather not have any Brony friends IRL than risk even the slightest possibility that someone will find out.


"The place where you made your stand never mattered. Only that you were there...and still on your feet." - Stephen King


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I'm fairly closeted(?), only a few people know I watch the show, my brothers, one of my cousins, and my best friends(who also happen to be bronies). My parents are probably aware that I watch the show, though I doubt they care because they already see me as weird(which I actually take pride in :P)


I have one brony shirt that I rarely wear because one of my brothers would flip his shit, but now that he's moved out I can probably wear it more often now.

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  • 11 months later...

I'm 25, joined fandom late 2013, in the closet for it despite already mentioning it a few times. I have no control over irl life it'd seem, and I'm not brave enough to step it up.

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I guess I'm kind of a closet brony because even though my parents certainly know about it from my internet history, they never bring it up and I never bring it up. My brother doesn't know because he is judgmental towards all things pony... he once passed it while flipping through channels and I casually brought up what a brony is in a neutral tone so as not to arouse suspicion. He literally said that the idea of bronies disgusts him. :( I'm not gonna lie, that really hurt. I still haven't told him because I'm afraid of how he would react. I told one person at school about it after he confided in me that he was a brony in the early days of the fandom, but lost interest. He was cool about it, but we haven't really stayed in contact so I have no idea of his whereabouts at the moment.


Just joining a forum community like this one is helping me because I repressed my love of the show for over two years and I finally decided to let it out, you know? I have promised myself that I will open up more about my brony-ness when I move away to college in a couple of weeks. I'm not exactly bringing pony merch or posters, but I'm going to bring it up to my roommate so he won't be caught by surprise if he sees me watching the show. :P Maybe I'll even be able to start a brony club if I meet any other fans.


Signature by Kyoshi

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  • 8 months later...

Wow so many people like this show. I don't think I could every tell anyone that I like this show..... I have low self esteem as it is... It was hard for me to make this account to talk to you guys.... I know you guys don't know who I am and that makes it easier to talk knowing we will never meet I can tell you that im 23, Guy who works in a church and is a christian..... So, did most of you not care what other people thought of you when you started being open about it? How did you respond to another guy/co worker/ Parents/ friends opinions on the show and choices? Did anyone try to de-maculate you about it? I love the show because it takes me away from reality and puts me somewhere happy where friends are always there for you....

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 months later...

My sister is the only person who knows I watch it. I told her a couple of days ago but it's not like it was a surprise or anything; I had talked a lot about MLP and bronies even earlier. As for my other family members, I doubt they'd really have a problem with it, apart from maybe finding it a bit weird. But I'm not really sure if there's any benefit to telling others about me watching the show, it's not like they would care.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @Sparklefan1234

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I've pretty much been a closet brony for the last three years now since I first became a brony. It's just I'm fearing how my parents would react to me being a brony but knowing them they wouldn't take it well. Like they might give up on me or try to ruin my life by mentally breaking me like what they do in the military. It's just I can't trust the unknown as it's too dangerous for myself and my life reputation. :) 


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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I'm fairly open about it I'd say. All my friends know about it, and I'm not really afraid to talk about it anywhere either. It's just my parents. I don't see a reason in telling them which shows I watch, since I don't do it whenever I start watching a new anime, I won't tell them about MLP either, just don't see a point in it.

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I'm very much closed. Nobody, except for my nephew and little brothers now about it.

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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  • 10 months later...

This post needs to be revived! I feel like I’m the only closet brony on this site!

Regardless, I’m literally in a closet as I type this, which should speak for itself. Only people on this website know I’m a brony, and I don’t know when or if I will ever let anyone I know irl know that I am a brony. 

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17 minutes ago, thepissman said:

This post needs to be revived! I feel like I’m the only closet brony on this site!

Regardless, I’m literally in a closet as I type this, which should speak for itself. Only people on this website know I’m a brony, and I don’t know when or if I will ever let anyone I know irl know that I am a brony. 

You’re not the only one. ;) Although my closet door kinda got opened a little bit.

  • Brohoof 2



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5 hours ago, thepissman said:

This post needs to be revived! I feel like I’m the only closet brony on this site!

Regardless, I’m literally in a closet as I type this, which should speak for itself. Only people on this website know I’m a brony, and I don’t know when or if I will ever let anyone I know irl know that I am a brony. 

My family still doesn't know I'm a Brony, so no, you're not alone.  I've attended BronyCAN for four years in a row, and I moderate part time on this site.  It's possible to enjoy being a Brony without getting caught.

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12 hours ago, thepissman said:

This post needs to be revived! I feel like I’m the only closet brony on this site!

Regardless, I’m literally in a closet as I type this, which should speak for itself. Only people on this website know I’m a brony, and I don’t know when or if I will ever let anyone I know irl know that I am a brony. 

Same here man. Don't own any merch, never been to any meet-ups or cons, do everything I can to hide it pretty much. 

If any of my friends or family found out, the pisstaking/mockery would be endless. Especially since they are aware of what this fandom is, and particularly the more infamous aspects of it, as far as I'm aware they actively condemn the fandom as a whole. Naturally, I'm not really planning on revealing my power level anytime soon, haha.

  • Brohoof 1


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