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gaming What do you Bronies think to this years games?


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This years been brilliant for the average gamer, i keep hearing. Deus EX, Skyrim ,Batman: Arkham City and GoW3 have all 'blessed' our consoles. I actualy think this year was a bit of a droll and i turned out preffering some of the games everyone else seemed to hate on, like Dead Island and Space Marine (God i loved Space Marine). Whereass Skyrim was good ,i got bored of it much quicker than Oblivion. Gears of war 3 campaign was great but i couldent face the certain death of online. But what do the gamers among you ponies think? (Sorry if this has already been done, i had a look around i dont think it has.)


.. I feel like im forgeting something... Call of... Duty? Something like that. Discuss! :lol:


Edit: Mention your favourite game of the year and why if you want!

Edited by BronyPolo138
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Minecraft full release, Pokemon Black and White, the 3DS, Super Mario 3D Land, Kirby Return to Dreamland, Mario Kart 7, Skyrim, this was a damn good year for video games. Lets hope next year will be just as good, after all, it'll be that last! :P


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Terraria was also a big hit. I think this year was a great year for both good and horrible games to appear.

I don't think 2012 will be that good.

"Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works"

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So sad that everyone is forgetting Skyward Sword, best motion controls I have EVER seen.

I might be saying blasthemy, but i never really liked Zelda... *Eeekk*... I havent had chance to see skyward sword yet though and i hear its great! My freinds a massive Zelda fanatic to the point of insanity and he said its one of the best games hes ever played.

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Most of my favourite games this year have been pretty low profile. Except Skyrim of course. Dungeon Defenders was great fun and Lord of the Rings War in the North was amazing.


I might be saying blasthemy, but i never really liked Zelda... *Eeekk*... I havent had chance to see skyward sword yet though and i hear its great! My freinds a massive Zelda fanatic to the point of insanity and he said its one of the best games hes ever played.


I agree, I've been screamed at more than once for not liking Zelda.

I can't make signatures.

Sooo... yeah

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Well, there hasn't really been much to my interest, to be honest. I am very picky and don't seem to like most of what's popular nowadays. And I also lack the funds to afford most of these new fangled games. So the only one I can say is really good (only because it's the only one I've played) is Pokémon Black & White. Although some of the others, such as Skyward Sword, I will probably get eventually and like. And also, Dissidia Duodecim or however you spell it.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
  • Brohoof 1

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Well, there hasn't really been much to my interest, to be honest. I am very picky and don't seem to like most of what's popular nowadays.

Story of my life, right here. It seems that with every passing year mainstream game design moves further and further into a direction that is simply not to my taste.


The only two games to grab - and hold - my attention this year? Disgaea 4 and Forza 4.


Tribes Ascend doesn't count, considering it's still in beta.

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Peggle. It's goddamn addicting.


Other than that, Halo: CEA has that nostalgia factor for me, but the rest of the year was petty meh.


I guess my games of the year would be Super Meat Boy and The Dishwasher Vampire Smile... I know they came out last year, but I didn't buy them until this one, so... yeah.


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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Anyway I'll be fair and hold a small awards show type deal here:


Best Nintendo Wii game goes to Skyword Sword! (I haven't played it yet, but if it's half as good as Windwaker it's amazing so it wins!)


Best PS3 game is Resistance 3. Sure it copies a lot from Half Life (that being the new trend), but hell at least they're coping something good for once!


Best Xbox 360 game goes to Gears of War 3. Don't look at me like that... I had to go for a 360 exclusive and Halo:CEA is disqualified for Nostalgia Steroids!


Best Handheld Game Pokemon Black/White. It's Pokemon... sue me!


Best PC Game Minecraft Okay that was a no brainer. SWTOR would've been close, but I count that as a 2012 release! Serious Sam 3, Hard Reset, Terraria, and The Binding of Issac are honorable mentions!


Best Multiplatform Game goes to Skyrim... barely. Saints Row: The Third was close, but no cigar! You need a bit more Context Saints! Batman Arkham City get's an honorable mention, but the sandbox bucked up the focus of the game. Assassin's Creed 2.75 is disqualified for being an expansion pack! Oh yeah Portal 2 came out too! Unfortunately Portal 2 wasn't quite as good as I thought it was gonna be.


Game I'm Strangely Neutral about is Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3 (they're tied because they're pretty much the same thing) I don't hate them, but I don't particularly like them.


Worst (Popular) Game of The Year would have to be Dead Island... The gameplay was beating down Zombies with blunt objects which should be fun, but it wasn't! The RPG system of the game broke my immersion and was poorly designed, even if ripped from Boarderlands, that game was a terrible RPG (good shooter though, funny too). The worst part was the fact that it focused on Zombie Survival, but did not understand how to do that! Cars can submerge their exhausts and still drive perfectly fine, endgame focused on guns... loud guns! BAD IDEA! Crafting logic was derp... two deodorants = bomb? how? Oh their's electrical wiring and a battery. All I put in was two cans of AXE? Dafuq? Where did this electrical shit come from. Also flame and electricity weapons are just stupid!


Biggest Disappointment Duke Nukem Forever... I don't have to say much do I? Honorable mention goes to Shadows of the Damned... never heard of it. Well it has the maker of RE4, the music guy from Silent Hill, and the crazy Director Suda51 famous for Killer7 and No More Heroes! Such a superstar lineup that just fell flat because no one brought their A game!


Best Moment in Gaming this Year was the Anonymous hacking of Sony! hehe


Game of the Year...


5. Skyward Sword


4. Saints Row: The Third


3. Portal 2


2. Skyrim


1. Minecraft


Last but not least is the Best Game of 2012 prediction. I'm going with Bioshock: Infinite or Diablo III! Though if My Little Pony Fighting is Magic is released next year that might be stiff competition! It looks like quality work! Not too keen on other releases. Silent Hill HD Collection would be disqualified for being an HD re-release, but deserves mention. Halo 4 I think might be coming around? Assassin's Creed 3 can finally compete next year! I think the Wii U was said to launch so there should be a few titles there.

Edited by Colton Manestache
  • Brohoof 2

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Assassin's Creed 2.75 is disqualified for being an expansion pack!

Thank Celestia theres somebody who agrees with me! That series has been taking a decline since the end of the first one in my opinion, though the onlines not bad, id already seen it all in Brotherhood.


Eh... Not sure i agree with the Dead Island rip apart... It was good if you dident mind having no story at all, looking at teribble cutscenes that made no sense and rubishy voice dubbing. If you just wandered around exploring (Better with a freind) you could have some scary fun! The graphics looked good from a distance... Quite a far distance. But the zombies were done really well i think! In fact, i think they just spent all the money on making the zombie models. But yhea... it doesent diserve an award anyhow.

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To be honest, it was far from the best year of gaming for me. Although, I did get my 3DS which finally allowed me to play Pokemon HeartGold. However, it's not a 2011 game in any shape or form so I can't count it.


A fair amount of my money was wasted this year with buying Ocarina of Time 3D. The 3DS surprised me in E3 2010 with a great amount of games that I would love. All that was released in the first 8 months was a remastered port that I should have never wasted my money on.


The Sims 3's Pets was a great Expansion Pack, but the Expansion Pack before it, Generations, (which I thankfully never purchased) was so terrible and such a rip-off that it cancels out Pets in entirety.


Then there's Mario Kart 7. Just about as frustrating as they get. The one kart I wanted the whole time, I still don't have after 1000 coins thanks to it being completely randomized. And I honestly don't have the patience to play through luck-based Grand Prixes to collect 200 coins before the next Kart/Kart piece I get, which likely still wouldn't be what I wanted. So honestly, Mario Kart 7 is a big pain. Horrible item balancing, horrible design choices regarding what makes you lose coins and what doesn't, a terrible coin unlocking system, and a very pathetic character roster to round it all of.


Nintendo, please tell me you can do better on the 3DS than a pathetic remastered port of a game I love and a horribly frustrating Mario Kart. Otherwise I might just have to join those who don't like the system so much. It doesn't help that the games I wanted the system so much for (Animal Crossing and Paper Mario) are the only two E3 2010 titles that keep on getting delayed further and further and still have no release date.


I just got Skyward Sword, though. Hoping it can overshadow this otherwise mediocre year of gaming (for games I play).

Edited by Envy

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I'm not exactly rich, so I really only buy last year's games, which makes it hard for me to judge how good a year's games were.


From what I played of it, Skyrim's glitches really killed part of it for me. Physics glitches, tons of misc. glitches and the fact I got stuck on a main quest and couldn't continue made me give it up. :blush:


Portal 2, while fun, (remember, this is my opinion) didn't really deserve a lot of the attention it got. A lot of the puzzles were way too easy, and Valve's trying to pull a TF2 and slam it with microtransactions hurt it. I got sick of seeing the memes that whenever I see the things people make the jokes about, even if referred to in their natural habitat (in the game) I get annoyed.


A game nobody's else mentioned in this thread but I feel the need to is: Trine 2. Truly an amazing game. Puzzles are great, platforming is great, the scenery is beautiful, so is the music. My only regret is, I never got to play it multiplayer with anyone.


Also, an awesome friend of mine gifted me Sonic Generations. :wub: My experience with the Sonic series is with the old-school games (Sonic 1-3, Knuckles, CD, etc.), and surprisingly, I'm liking it so far.


But in general, at least to me, since I don't play a lot of "mainstream" games, it just seemed like another year for stereotypical modern military FPSes.

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Let's see...


Portal 2. Best game of the year. Also best game for ponies.


Look who Luna found on the moon!


Posted Image


and the star of the show, Chell!


Posted Image


Then also I'd list Bastion as 2nd best game of the year. Don't have any pony pics of it though. But it's a Must-play game. Cheap on Steam, well worth it. Buy it, play it. It's awesome. B)

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I was pretty impressed with Sonic Generations and Portal 2, and I know Skyward Sword will be awesome, just need to get around to buying it.


I was a little disappointed with Skyrim, but I blame that on getting it for 360, I'll have to remember to pick it up for PC at some point.


Oh and of course Minecraft is always awesome, but I've been playing that for so long I don't really think of it as an '11 game. ;)

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I was a little disappointed with Skyrim, but I blame that on getting it for 360, I'll have to remember to pick it up for PC at some point.

People ask me "Why do you hate on skyrim? Its the game of the year!"


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But seriously, Skyrims not that bad i suppose... I just expected a little more than that.

  • Brohoof 2
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I was pretty disappointed by the shooters and RTS games of this year (with the exception of Halo ;))

Other than that I don't really thing anything else was too good or bad.



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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