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Has Being a Brony Changed Your Life? How?



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  1. 1. Has becoming a Brony changed your life?

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MLP may have changed you, maybe you just can't see it? Forget about the negatives for a second, and think about the good things that it has brought to you. For me, the biggest thing it has brought me is a great community and new friends. Plus it also helps to uplift my mood when I'm feeling down or depressed.


I understand what you're saying about MLP changing you for the worse, though. It has made me just that slightly more anti-social than I used to be, which is never a good thing in my books. I shudder at the thought of how many hours I have spent on my computer watching MLP episodes, browsing the forums, searching for MLP merch, and everything else that goes hand-in-hand with being an internet nerd and MLP lover. But I never put MLP above other things in my life like friends, work, study, or more active hobbies (e.g. surfing and horse riding). At the end of the day, it's just a show. You shouldn't let it take over your life. Don't blame MLP, it's all down to you how you choose to spend your life.

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The show changed me by introducing me to the fandom, and thus me becoming less judgmental and a better game developer due to all the other bronies having ideas for games I should make. I hast changed!


But thats just my problem. How has MLP made you less jugmental and a better game developer? Its just part of my confusion.


I guess If I were to sum up this whole thing, I DONT GET HOW WATCHING A SHOW ABOUT BOUNCY LITTLE PONIES CAN CHANGE WHO YOOU ARE! Im not saying that it cant, and you are all liars, Im saying, i just dont get it here.

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Well it's made me a little more open to the concept that not all things intended for girls only are terrible piles of Nibbler's dark matter.


I've already ruined my life with Futurama, so MLP FIM hadn't changed anything much for me. XD


Except for the few Futurama and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic crossover fan fictions I've made (my name's Rush there too.) on fimfiction.

Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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The show's happy and innocence and the ability for it to actually be a good cartoon show thats for everyone is why. Now, I don't understand how it could do a drastic change their life. Maybe they are just saying MLP but they really mean both MLP and the Fandom.


Have I changed? Not by much. But I can say joining this fandom was a positive. :)

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The show only gave me one thing:something to be excited at


It might not be a huge or live-flipping change, but I can say FiM and bronies as a whole dragged me away from my usual weekend hustle: playing mmorpg with my friends, for the exchange with countless FiM-related activities (new episodes, foruming, youtube-ing, anything). Other than few new friends and losing old ones, nothing major in my life ever changed.


I'm not that childish to let some cartoon to drag me somewhere :P


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its not as much how the show has changed me as much as it is the community. im not like a completely different person than before but i definitely look at things a tad differently after joining these forums and watching this show

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Being a brony has its ups and down. Yes, the show has consumed my life, and if people did find out I was a brony (non friends) rumors would be spread and it would ruin my (little) popularity (no pun intended). But being a brony has more pros than cons. Now, the show has completely chaned my life. Here is how:

All my life in elementary school my life wasn't great. I didn't know how bad it was till I reflected. In first grade, I was teased constantly for liking a girl (maybe that wasn't bad)

In second grade I had hardly any friends. Everyone thought I was weird (I don't know what I did)

In third grade, I was teased a bit. 4th grade was bad. I don't remember what happened. Oh, that's right, my friend was called bi a few times, a kid named Dan spread a rumor around. I was called gay multiple times (I am straighter than a 180 degree angle). I was bullied a few times.

5th grade was terrible (actually it turned out ok, but the bads cancelled it out)

I got into huge trouble from using the website bebo. There was a girl that I knew who hacked me and took one of my pictures, put a cigar in my mouth with bling stuff on my shirt. I also got in trouble cause when I was mad, posted the F word on a different girls wall (we soon became friends). I was banned from that site. A kid called me a retard and threatened me that his dad was going to come to the school, kick my a** and then come to my house and murder me. I was scared to go to the school for a couple of days.

6th grade was a break. (I thought I was in a good private school, WRONG)

7th grade was bad. There was a kid named Fabian who would insult me and make fun of the things I did. A kid named Cole threatened to beat me up after school with a few friends as back up (just in case I was capable of defending myself and to get a video of it and post it to Facebook).

That was about it.

Now, onto 8th grade (just finished 8th grade)

My friends tried to get me to sit at the rejects section of the table. The Applied Christianity Class (top 25 Christians) treated me like crap. People in my P.E class (only a few people) said to me 'Nobody cares what you say or about you'. A kid named Jake told me to shut the f*** up. This went on for the entire year. Worst things happened, but it is too long say. So I went into depression. I thought of commuting suicide, until I encountered the MLP Video of the song "your gonna go far kid". I then became Hoboken. But still wanted to commit suicide. I then found these forums, signed up, than posted a topic called Wanting to be a pony. This post was like suicide rehab, helped me out of it. A person was kind enough to help me. These forums changed my life. So, now I don't feel like suicide is an option. But now I don't feel that happy anymore. So, this show has changed my life. Hopefully, I can help other people who have any problems. MLP has changed my life. Right now, if I didn't find these forums, I probably would have been dead. Thanks Lauren Faust, your show has helped me out a lot. I love MLP

  • Brohoof 2
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thats a pretty hard story man... i hope you are doing better now. and forget them... jr high is the worst, i just finished it just like you. going into freshman year... maybe they will learn but they are worthless. "having swag" aint gonna get you far in life. anyway, if i can help in any way, msg me.

Edited by Scootabloom
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But thats just my problem. How has MLP made you less jugmental and a better game developer? Its just part of my confusion.


I guess If I were to sum up this whole thing, I DONT GET HOW WATCHING A SHOW ABOUT BOUNCY LITTLE PONIES CAN CHANGE WHO YOOU ARE! Im not saying that it cant, and you are all liars, Im saying, i just dont get it here.


I understand the game developing aspect. It has probably shown him how to improve on plots. If he is talking about the art aspect, totally understand. My brain clicked and I just became a better artist. It was like magic. The magic of friendsship
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thats a pretty hard story man... i hope you are doing better now. and forget those douchebags... jr high is the worst, i just finished it just like you. going into freshman year... maybe they will learn but they are worthless dickheads. "having swag" aint gonna get you far in life. anyway, if i can help in any way, msg me.


Thank you for taking time to read my story. I understand middle school now better before. My advice to any incoming 6th graders, it's a school with mixed hormones. And future 8th graders, if someone insults you. Tell em 'Shut your damn mouth". Yep, they will never think you would ever say that. If they are speechless say "Paybacks a b****".

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I think nearly anyone who says they've been "changed" by MLP is just out there seeking attention and 5 minutes of feeling special.


I don't think my attitude has changed at all. You know, I hardly even watched the show. The cartoon is just childish, but here I am admiring the art style, the community vibe, and some of the characters so.... muh. I'm probably one of the least affected you'll ever know lol.

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Well the show made me very tolerant. I allways disliked things like this. Im really lucky that i made up my mind and started to watch this show. But if you are intrested in my story you can find it in the welcoming plaza.


The show more like helped me not changed me. Yes i mentioned one thing but in overall i hope i will become a happier and better person. :)

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For me it would be that I have found a show that is easy to get into with a huge fan base. For sometime I have always wanted to follow a show with a fan base like this, so I am happy. Not to mention I have read and seen some great things from this show.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Seriously, it got me out of depression, it gave me awesome music, friends that love me and don't judge me for watching a little girls show, it gave me something to do, and inspiration for my drawings.

Edited by Flame Blitz
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My life feels alittle more complete with ponies in my life, My friends really don't seem to mind nor my parents. But i'm a scared of what might happen in school because I became a brony over this summer. Also the community is really nice, and it opened me up to a whole new take on life, BTW I used to be a sort of a jerk before I became a brony.

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It hasn't changed me that much, although I find myself to be a bit happier now. I can see how it would change people though, with it's large community that all share a passion for the same thing. People come here for the ponies, and they stay for the people.


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MLP:FiM helped me realize how much of a bad influence my friends are, and helped me realize in how much of a darker area I am. That's not bad, it's actually good because I treat everypony the same, but I keep more caution onto what influences me and what shouldn't. Also, to become a strong influence to al those around me. MLP Taught me how to make light of the darkest things in life, or the scariest mometns with a smile. It taught me that it's okay to feel left out, you just have to choose where you fit in.


I could go all day with these, but MLP Has help improve a lot of things I might've lost or somewhat decreased.

Edited by Ad Foedera Cresco
  • Brohoof 1

"Ad Foedera Cresco"


"I Gain by Treaty"


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I would most def. say that it has in a way :) Before I became a brony or ever started likng the show I was... I guess you could say overly stressed etc.. Since I have watched the show I have learned some pretty important stuff like looking at things more positively than negative. I have found myself to be happier as well :)

  • Brohoof 2



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Watching this show keeps my anger down like cluttzershy because the show makes me happy, and it pushes over my anger.

"It's just my humble opinion, but it's one that I believe in." -Paramore


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