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Has Any Pony been to Any Convention?

Ethan Pow

How often do you goto a convention of ANY type  

66 users have voted

  1. 1. How often do you goto a convention of ANY type

    • Never have and most likely Never will
    • Once a year (Or even I have a chance I will go)
    • 2-3 Times a year
    • 4-6 Times a year
    • 7+ Times a year

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I've never been to a Con of any kind before. Neither has my husband. We are going to MLP-MSP this year, as a birthday gift for me, but I am so terrified and yet excited....Nervoucited  as Pinkie would put it. I've even had dreams and nightmares about it. As June approaches, I am freaking out more (whether it's pure excitement or fear)....

  • Brohoof 1

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I have never been to a convention BUT.... I'm going to the one and only BRONYCON this year :))))) I'm soooo excited to go hopfully i get to meet forum members there.

  • Brohoof 2


                                            signature by Night Sky

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So far I've been to:

Further Confusion (2012/2013/2014)

Fanime (2012/2013)

Califur (2013)

Anthrocon (2012)

Sac Brony Expo (2013)

BABSCon (2014)


I usually try to hit up three a year.

  • Brohoof 1

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Some bronies are furries. Some furries are bronies. Deal with it!

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I've been to one convention. Midwestria in 2012. I want to go to another one but sadly, no cool ones ever pop up in Illinois

Yeah we're lacking in pony ones but there's quite a lot of conventions in general ,especially in Rosemount. And Anime Central is pretty cool. B)

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Conventions are a weird mix of amazing fun and agonizing stress.  Over the years I've been to...


- E3 (Los Angeles) as a press intern/guest for GameSpy.  I got to meet Vin Diesel, Tom Clancy and Will.I.Am.  I also had to wrestle with various IT and scheduling crap that made it a huge headache.


- The Grande Masquerade (New Orleans) as an attendee to CCP's short-lived World of Darkness fanfest.  It narrowly beat out BronyCon as the best convention experience I've had, and was fairly painless.  It wasn't cheap, though...tickets were $700.


- Comicon (Philadelphia) as an attendee.  I cosplayed as Agent 47.  It was hot and crowded, but not bad.


- Bronycon '13 as an attendee.  The Bar Trot and Bronypalooza were definitely the most fun parts.  I cosplayed as Magnum (Rarity's dad) and a Shadowbolt.  The horrifying 3 hour registration line was the opposite of fun.  They better fix that shit this year.

Edited by NLR Information Minister
  • Brohoof 1



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

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I've been to Otakon in Baltimore's Inner Harbor for the past three years with friends from College. I generally really don't like extremely crowded and loud places, (Quite a happy underexaggerated thing there... oh yes.) but as someone once said, Friendship is Magic, so I went with them, and had a hella-blast every time.




I'd love to go to Bronycon too, but I don't know anyone, and it would just be a pile of awkward and me hiding in a corner and climbing up the sides of buildings because reasons and/or screw it as applicable. .. and such.


Can't exactly just pull someone aside and say "Hey, drop everything you're doing and let's go to Bronycon together! .. Oh and who the hell are you."

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First ever convention was Bricvention in Melbourne, (which was a Lego convention), PonyCon AU in Sydney (pretty self explanatory), and ComicCon, (pretty much also self explanatory) to me, it is when you've been to one, you've been to them all. I found it quite boring, merchandise was overpriced and way too crowded, didn't get to hang out with my friends much either.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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I'm headed to AX, bronycon this year. Oh this will be fun, I enjoy socializing.

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I've been to my share. Wizard world Philly and Anime Expo NY in 2002, twice to New York Comic Con, Otakon in 2009, four times to Anime Expo, Connecticon each of the last two years, and Castle Point Anime Convention this past year.


Will also add Big Apple Ponycon to the list in a few weeks, my first Brony convention.


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My first convention is SacAnimeWinter 2010. Per a year I go to SacAnime Winter and Summer, Animation on Display though I probably won't go to that one anymore after this year, FanimeCon, and at least one pony convention if I get a chance to go. I went to EquestriaLA last year and BABSCon this year. I went to a small high school convention in 2010 and I went to KinYoobi only once in 2012

My cider brings all the ponies to the yard and they're like its better than yours, damn right it's better than yours. I can teach you, but I have to charge


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I've been going to conventions since '06, ranging from one to five a year.  Most of them are anime-themed, but on occasion, there have been comic-themed, sci-fi-themed, and "overall-geek"-themed.  As for a MLP-themed... not yet.  I'd like to go to EverFree Northwest, but that's not going to be happening this year.

B):lol::P:D;):huh::muffins::umad: :comeatus:


Gimme some time to come up with something new, okay?  MUCH LOVES!!!

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Only two, both of which were BronyCon. My first convention was the one in 2012, which is also where I found this place when I was looking for a brony forum on which I could share stories and pictures from it. The second was of course last year's BronyCon, which was no less incredible, but was an experience all its own. The first time I went I knew nobody, but last year I was meeting with several forum members and spent most of my time in their company. It was amazing.


I'll be returning this year. Hope to see a bunch more of you this time. ^^


Kyoshi made this ^^



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I've been to BronyCon and I'm going again this year. Should be fun! One day I kind of want to go to Anime North if I ever have any friends wanting to go along with me.



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I love going to pop culture / video game / anime etc cons. Megacon was the last one I went to and Dragon*con is next on the list ^.^ 


It's mostly just because I loooOOOOoOOOOoove to cosplay :D


I'm most likely to be going to DragonCon this year in Atlanta <3


And guess who I'll be?








Yes, I will be making my own Twilight Sparkle outfit (Hopefully that goes well) if I go.


Hey! I'll be there too!! :D Come say hi to the steampunk Tinkerbell :3 

  • Brohoof 1
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Never been to a convention in my life. :( I live close to San Diego, where Comic-Con will be held and it's a bummer because the tickets were sold out in a few days after. Been wanting to go every year but there's never really a chance. 


However, at the moment I'm currently in early stages of planning on going to Dallas for Nightmare Nights Con.  My boyfriend is going there as well, so we'll be meeting up. It's a long ways to go but having to plan this right now is perfect timing. I hope to go!

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Never have gone to any sort of convention :(. Have begged my mother to let me go with my sister and her fiance but she says it is to far of a travel for me every time. The last one she wen't to was ramen con and got my favorite main 6 pony jacket (rainbow dash) so jelly :P.


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In recent years I've been going to at least two conventions annually.  Last year I went to Bronycon in Baltimore and Retrocon which is a mini convention held in suburban Philadelphia.  It encompasses virtually all of animation, fantasy, and sci-fi dating back to the 60s but with a heavy emphasis on things like GI Joe, Transformers, and Ghostbusters. 


This year I am going to Botcon, a Transformers convention, as well as Bronycon once again.  :)

  • Brohoof 1
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I usually go to Wizard World Chicago every year. It's a blast! Lots of great cosplayers and booths. It's also nice that there's more pony stuff starting to appear. This year, if I go, I'm thinking of wearing one of my horror costumes. Can't decide which, though. My Michael Myers costume is more impressive, but my Part III Jason Voorhees costume isn't as warm, and I look better in it. Decisions Decisions....


I also go to Paleofest at the Burpee Museum in Rockford, Illinois sometimes. It's always great to hear lectures from paleontologists about their latest discoveries. I didn't go this year, though, because it was mostly about Cenozoic fauna and I'm more into Mesozoic fauna.

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