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gaming Xbox games!

Red Brick

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Edited by Red Brick



T w i l i g h t S p a r k l e i s B E S T P O N Y ! ! !

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My favorite Xbox game is probably the original Fable, even though it's terrible restricted and short. My favorite 360 game is Blue Dragon; it's a really odd game to be honest but it has a nice charm to it.


I don't have many 360 games though and I'm not a huge fan of fps games

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Halo 2!!!! I only have the older Xbox, so yah... thats just about the only good game for it (lol). Altho Halo is an Xbox exclusive and many games are for other platforms other than just xbox, so youre talking about games that are compatible with an Xbox 360 and not just Xbox exclusive right?

This is a signature.

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favorite game: l4d2

i really like playing with friends, screaming when the witch is coming, being killed by the tank, insult my friend cuz he didn't heal me.. stuff like that..

Edited by xh1ntkz
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Halo 2!!!! I only have the older Xbox, so yah... thats just about the only good game for it (lol). Altho Halo is an Xbox exclusive and many games are for other platforms other than just xbox, so youre talking about games that are compatible with an Xbox 360 and not just Xbox exclusive right?


:wacko: Yes, I was talking about the games compatible for Xbox 360. Everypony can talk about the older Xbox games here if they wish!


My older bro and I used to play Halo 1 and Halo 2 on an old Xbox almost 10 years back until we continue play the Halo series on the newer Xbox since back in the holiday season nearly 5 years ago. :)


favorite game: l4d2

i really like playing with friends, screaming when the witch is coming, being killed by the tank, insult my friend cuz he didn't heal me.. stuff like that..


Oh yeah, my bro and I used to play L4D sometimes but as of last year, we never played it often lately...



T w i l i g h t S p a r k l e i s B E S T P O N Y ! ! !

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Well I don't have much Xbox games.


But I own these


Super Meat Boy

End of Days







yup I mostly play cod on my xbox.


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I'm grouping whole series' together, I can't pick some favorites out of a series :3


Original Xbox (I had one for about a month):

Halo (CE and 2)


Xbox 360:

Halo (3, ODST, and Reach)

Mass Effect (all 3)

Fallout 3 and New Vegas

Red Dead Redemption

Battlefield 3

Elder Scrolls (Skyrim and Oblivion)

Minecraft (PC is better!)

Edited by Twilie'Zorah
  • Brohoof 1



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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okey then lets get started

in no perticular order

  • Mass Effect ( the first one and only the first one)
  • Bladestorm - it like Dynasty Warriors but you can lead entire squads of men and its based aroung the 100 year war, this is my fav game i literaly deleted my 76 hour game just to restart for fun.
  • Alpha Protocol - an Espionage RPG, even tho it has that half assed Obsidian charmits still a great game
  • Deus Ex Human Revolution- this is my game of the decade so far (at least until thief 4)
  • Call of Juarez bound in blood- Old Western FPS....nuf said
  • Dark Souls- people who bitch about this game have never heard of organic difficulty
  • Divinity 2- great game great music and you can turn into a dragon A DRAGON.
  • The Orange Box- portal, half life 2, TF2
these are the games that i highly recomend and i would never bring my new Xbox to suffer by putting CoD in the disc tray

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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1. Skyrim

2. Minecraft

3. The orange box

4. Aliens Vs predator

5. Grand theft auto IV

6. Assassin's creed

7. Oblivion

8. Halo 3

9. Portal 2

10. LOTR:Conquest

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Gears of War1


Gears of War 2


Gears of War 3


*Soon to be Gears of War: Judgement*


Soul Calibur 4


Super Streetfighter IV




Fallout 3


Can't seem to think of anymore.

Edited by Kirby


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I love the gears of war series, mass effect & most of all HALO :D

I own 2 cd games but I dont really like them :C Borderlands was great but im bored. I like playing brink though :D


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Mine are, Alphabetically,



Call of Duty:Black Ops


Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 3


Duke Nuken 3D


Fallout:New Vegas


Grand Theft Auto 4+all DLC Games


Halo Reach




Soul Calibur 4


The Orange Box


That's all I have Currently but I might get more games. Hoping to get Portal 2 soon.

  • Brohoof 1
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10 favorite OG Xbox, and 360 games.

1. Halo: CE

2. Elder Scrolls Morrowind (Though I now prefer the PC version)

3. Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic (Prefer PC version, once again)

4. Mass Effect 2

5. Halo 3

6. Call of Duty 4

7. Fusion Frenzy

8. Fallout 3

9. Mass Effect

10. Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Edited by Veiled Enigma


"Pain Is our Teacher.
Fear Is our Motivation
Sadness Is our Neglect.
If you take those away, all you have left is a boring life."
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my favorite video games... now this is hard to say. i have so many, these are in no particular order


1. Grand theft Auto Series. honestly they are just fun all the time.


2. any of the Elder scrolls games, just being able to create your own character and do any thing that's what i like


3.Kingdom Hearts has such great gameplay and storyline.


4. Minecraft, when i first picked it up i never thought how much i would love to play that game...


5. Halo i have loved pretty much every single halo game there has been made.


6. Call of Duty. this game had such a good story in my thoughts i loved it didnt like the 3rd that much though.


7. Mass Effect i never really got in to the first but the 2nd hooked me then i knew i had to play and understand them all.


8.Gears of War this game series was awesome! even though i wasnt good at the first right away it become one of my favorites.


9. Fall Out 3 I like this game because it was on of the first i had ever played and owned on my 360


10. Forza Motorsport 3/4 i love this game cause it allows me to own every car i could want and just have fun doing anything and everything with them thats my list...


XBL: Medewu2 Steam: Hezakiah5




Amelia Monicle

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My favorite games in no order

1 Dark souls

2 Mass effect 1 (mako bits drive me insane)

3 all halos

4 fallout 3 & nv

5 dragon age origins

6 battlefield 3

7 deadspace 1 & 2

8 Avp

Im more of a rpg person

Edited by zRevenantz
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...in no order...


2-Fruit Ninja for kinect... lol its so great, mindless, and a blast to play drunk with friends, provided you are of legal drinking age of course! ;)


4-Fallout 3

5-Star Ocean: The Last Hope


7-Left for Dead

8-The Fable games


Edited by Bunches

"I read somewhere that 77 per cent of all the mentally ill live in poverty.

Actually, I'm more intrigued by the 23 per cent who are apparently doing quite well for themselves."

-Jerry Garcia


Say hi to me on Gaia, username: SkrinkleAndSkrod

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Halo: CE (NOT Anniversary, the real original)

Halo 2

Metro 2033


I'll think of more soon. I really love those games, especially the Halo games.

  • Brohoof 1


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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I like all sorts of 360 games, but my all time favorite has to be Halo 3. I played that game for so many hours with my friends. When I finally got my 50 it felt like magic. Reach was okay, but unfortunately my friends never played it and kept on with halo 3. When I heard how Halo 4 was going to be like, I was pissed. I can't believe they want it to become a CoD clone. They took away the fun part of Halo 3 multiplayer which is contesting parts of maps.



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  • 3 months later...

Battlefield 3 would be my top. Than...


-Command and Conquer red alert 3

-Saints row 3

-Assassins creed 3/brotherhood

-Midnight Club LA


-SA and SA2. I have more, but I don't play them enough to remember them  :lol:

Edited by Retro_Derpy


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  • 5 years later...

I had a lot of fun with Rainbow Six 3 and Battlefront 2.

Edited by Cash_In

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The orignal Xbox had some pretty underrated gems like Crimson Skies, Jade Empire and Mech Assault. It was especially great for some Sega gems though like Panzer Dragoon Orta, Jet Set Radio Future, GunValkyrie, and Shenmue II

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