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music Pop music scientifically proven to suck


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So basically, a team got a bunch of pop music from 1995 to 2010, broke the songs apart and analyzed them. They found that since 1995, pop music has decreased in pitch range (meaning there is less melodic variety, and less difference between notes in songs. Seriously, listen to Taylor Swift, she only sings like 5 different pitches in any given song.) and timbre, which is harder to explain (it's basically the "color" or "flavor" of a sound; it's what makes two different instruments sound different, even when they're playing the same exact note).




tl;dr: modern pop music has been scientifically proven to all sound the same and be musically boring ;)

(seriously, though, read the articles)

  • Brohoof 30
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science wins again! and now i have more evidence to use against people to show them that their music sucks


Yep, will be using this and showing it to a lot of friends.


Good thing I stopped listening to pop music years ago ;P

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When are people going to realize that "original" does not always equal "good", and "unoriginal" does not always equal "bad"?


Something could definitely be said against a band that clearly does not know how to play instruments on their recordings, but musical taste is all a matter of preference. All this study does is give people with a personal vendetta against a certain genre fake "justification" for their taste.


I don't listen to modern pop music, outside of what is produced by the brony music community, but it's not because I feel it is "bad" music. It's just that the lyrics typically don't appeal to me, and the singers have voices that tend to annoy me. But that's just me; I don't begrudge anyone who could enjoy those types of songs, because they don't hear and perceive things the way I do.


tl;dr: Opinions, people. Yours aren't better than anyone else's in the matter.

  • Brohoof 4
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lol why do people listen to pop?


This is proof that people these days have no musical taste. Why would you listen to something that sounds exactly the same as another song, which sounds exactly the same as another.


They're all about the same thing, cheesy love.


At least listen to something meaningful.

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When are people going to realize that "original" does not always equal "good", and "unoriginal" does not always equal "bad"?


Something could definitely be said against a band that clearly does not know how to play instruments on their recordings, but musical taste is all a matter of preference. All this study does is give people with a personal vendetta against a certain genre fake "justification" for their taste.


I don't listen to modern pop music, outside of what is produced by the brony music community, but it's not because I feel it is "bad" music. It's just that the lyrics typically don't appeal to me, and the singers have voices that tend to annoy me. But that's just me; I don't begrudge anyone who could enjoy those types of songs, because they don't hear and perceive things the way I do.


tl;dr: Opinions, people. Yours aren't better than anyone else's in the matter.


Quiet, fool. Science trumps you. Science knows all and sees all. Science has spoken, and you would do well to listen. Do not defy the Science.

  • Brohoof 2
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I could argue that simple doesn't equal bad, and complex doesn't equal good. Of course when it comes to radio I stick to the Country station, so I don't have much frame of reference.

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As much as I hate pop, I must say something: simple =/= bad.

A shit ton of bands play simple music, but the simplicity only goes to compliment the ideas expressed in their lyrics, or to create a nice atmosphere. Pop doesn't necessarily do this ALL THE TIME (as the simple bands I like are not pop), but that doesn't mean that there aren't any good pop bands.





  • Brohoof 1
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As much as I hate pop, I must say something: simple =/= bad.

A shit ton of bands play simple music, but the simplicity only goes to compliment the ideas expressed in their lyrics, or to create a nice atmosphere. Pop doesn't necessarily do this ALL THE TIME (as the simple bands I like are not pop), but that doesn't mean that there aren't any good pop bands.







That's called "three cords and the truth".

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Completely agree with this. I go to a school where basically everyone listens to generic pop music, and when I played Led Zeppelin in my english class, no one even knew who they were :(


On another note, this just furthers the point of the first post, it is the Axis of Awesome playing loads of famous pop songs using the same four chords, it just further proves how much it sucks:


  • Brohoof 3
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I personally love Classical music as it's REALLY good for when you're writing poetry, drawing, or anything like that, or Relaxing ;) , but seriously... Everytime I go onto the radio, all of the Mainstream music sounds the same!


1. Deep base




5.Computer altered Singers

6.Same concept, Ex: Sex, Drugs, Money, Disrespect for women.


:huh: I'll stick to my music and let them have theirs, but they be missin' out!

  • Brohoof 1
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makes me lol quite a bit. I am a child of the 80's and listened to alot of pop back then. I think the Justin Biebers of today are talentless hacks...but then I am sure people said that about ABC when I was listening to them so who am I to preach?

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I have no idea you can 'science'd something called personal taste and judge others because someone in a lab suit says that their favourite music sucks


But it's a good read nonetheless

  • Brohoof 2
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Pop music is a joke nowadays and the scientists got it right. It's awful music for people who have bad taste. TBH, same goes with dubstep and hip-hop. Both genres sound the same.


I listen to classic rock and it happens to be my absolute favorite genre. Not because I grew up listening to it, it's because those musicians had the talent, the ambition, the creativity and the effort to make great music that gets people glued to it. It is sad that the young generation don't know what real music is. If they give the classic rock genre a try, it would change their minds.

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I know that there has some substance to pop music... But where exactly, I haven't a clue. It just appeals to the lowest common denominator, the force fed masses. It's extremely repetitive, does not contain good lyrical content, and worst of all, focuses on being catchy and "sing-along-y" instead of on being, well, musical. It exists for no other purpose than to be sold, it has no artistic drive behind it. Oh sure, you'll hear some people share their "inspiring stories" on how they came up with such "amazing music." If they were so driven and inspired, perhaps they should have set the bar a bit higher. If you have true talent and the determination, you would show it by not making pop music.


Ugh, I know, I know, personal preference. If you enjoy the works of these people, that's all well and good, glad you do. But please, don't group it together with other forms of music, it really doesn't deserve to be included.

Edited by Abstract
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Science prevails again! Down with pop garbage, up with the metal!


Seriously, these articles are perfect. I really need this to prove to my peers!

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Hmmph, well who would of thought that there was a scientific way to prove that. Don't see how it was necessary though, seeing how both MTV and Disney cornered that music market with their third rate acts. Next on my list is Hip-hop

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