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Ship yourself with a character

Lady Rarity Pony

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kind of weird... but when will the next time I can do something this weird


Marvelous X Celestia or Applejack... I don't know... I'm a pirate... I'll steal Celestia and make Applejack my Apple Pirate Princess... I win

Edited by Captain Marvelous
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SuperTheAwesome X Derpy





Oh, are you? I highly doubt that. You will never be able to stop Nightmare Moon and I. Through subtle machinations, I control not only the government of equestria, but the social norms. With my control of the media, I can bend the public opinion towards anything I want. Coupled with my control of medicine, dissenters will catch mysterious illnesses that have no cure. (see claim a pony thread).


And if you think that's impressive, my lover, nightmare moon, controls the very heavens.

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Still Tom-x-Trixie.


But after reading an amazing and interesting fanfic, here a few more shippings inspired by it.


Tom-Trixie's reflection in the Mirror


Tom-x-Trixie's Clone


Tom-x-Future Trixie


Tom-x-Robot Trixie

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