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Just told my family I'm a brony

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I've told both of my parents.. my mom thinks it's just another fad among teens. My dad is one of those overprotected parents that doesn't want me to play most rated M games or see R rated movies which would okay if I was younger, but I am 16 years old. So as far as I know, he might even encourage it since he want's me to show the same respectful morals as the show teaches. But like I said, my mom doesn't really care and most likely never will.

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iv'e told everyone i know. my parents think i can't be serious my brother doesn't care at all and my sister just wants to play with the toys on my shelf

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Why does it feel like I have answered this question in like 5+ threads?


Anyways, I've told my friends. One of them was embarrassed because I watch it but now he is a brony himself lol and the rest of my friends doesn't care.


I told my parents too and showed them some fanmade stuff. Dad doesn't care, mom thinks it's pretty cool :)

  • Brohoof 1


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Ok with me it pretty much went like this:


Me: Hello Mother!

Mother: Hello. Whats your screensaver about?

Me: It's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, I like watching it.

Mother: Oh.... I do too.

Me: O_O


I was so surprised I didn't know what to say, she then got me a shirt with DJ Pon-3 on, my two sisters don't really care.. One just teases me (jokingly of course) and the other actually says it looks a lot better than the old ones. They are both in their 20's, and my Father just overall doesn't care. He's quite open-minded. Maybe I can try and get him to watch an episode some day ^_^

Edited by Lanzuis
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When I told my dad, he didn't care. But he was really confused when we went to the store and I bought pony toys.

I told my friend and he says he doesn't care, and not talk about it in his face. (He doesn't know a lot about bronies)


And my Brother. . . . . The first time I watched MLP: FIM was with him because we were playing a game that we always did when we were kids. It was called "who can stand the girly show the longest". . . But look at us now. (well, look at me because my brother isn't on these forums.)

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Well I'm glad your family had a nice reaction to you liking MLP, but honestly, I think sharing this show with others should be less of a big deal then people tend to make it out to be, you know? :huh:


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the ponies just filter into all the other trinkets and dolls and stuff I have, if they noticed, then they don't care

I know my 'sibling' noticed a Pinkie Pie on my deck because it was turned around

unless it has ninja's or is just really bad I won't show them MLP, its easier to get people to watch something bad then good

Can't visit Ponyville? Show up and say you can't!


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I don't think that telling people IRL should be such a big deal dude, most of them just won't care (family or friends).


I told my sister I watch it, and asked her to watch it with me, she initialy had zero to no reaction, it was literaly like:

Me: "So yeah I watch this show about ponies called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, interested?"

Sis: "Does it have subtitles?" (my sis isn't that good in English)

Me: "No, I don't think so, is it really that important?"

Sis: "I don't think I wanna watch it without subtitles, I doubt I'll understand it"

So, she basicilly ignored the fact that I watch a show for little girls, hence my statement above.


I also told my friend I watch it, but he never even heard of the franchise "My Little Pony", so he didn't even give a shit. It went like:

Me: "I found this new show called My Little Pony, it's actually really good"

Friend: "Oh okay, so anyway..."

And then he continued with the convo, as time went on I brought it up now and agian, he didn't understand anything... he also never really gave a shit so...


My other friend however, he took it a little bit more seriously. He was like:

Me: "...My Little Pony: Frien-"

Friend: "YOU WATCH MY LITTLE PONY FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC??" (he said that in a bad way)


After that initial shock, he got interested in the show, he told me he heard about it and about the fandom, and was somewhat bothered by it, but he never really gave the show a chance. So in the end I watched The Return Of Harmony with him when he crashed at my place one night (summer, we were out untill 3 AM, he was too tired to walk home). I think he liked it, he never really told me, not because he wasn't sure, but probably because it was a shock to him.


tl;dr - It really doesn't matter if you tell people IRL about being a brony, familiy or friends, people just don't care what you do online. Unless they are actually interested in the show (or what you do online for that matter), THEN, you should go full-out brony on them.

Edited by RiverBankNut
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Older brother was shocked and "couldn't tell whether to be proud or scared."

Older sister thought it was a bit funny.

Younger brother watches it with me. We make a lot of jokes and compare things to ponies a LOT.

Parents kinda poke fun at me, but, as they say, I "could be watching worse things."

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None of my family no that I'm a brony but I have told my closest friends. They reacted well. They didn't act as if it was big deal or ask to see the show. They just said okay whatever. If you like the show who am I to judge? Know what I'm saying?

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So recently I've been telling my family and parents that I'm a brony.


I first told my mom, who was surprised that I made such a big deal out of it. She had no problem with the idea that MLP:FiM could be a good show, but again, didn't see why it's such a big deal.


I'm kind of still telling my dad. When I initially told him, he just seemed confused. I haven't shown him an episode yet, but he doesn't seem to care.


My older brother had a reaction closer to what I was expecting, but not quite. When I told him I like MLP:FiM, he said, "Now redeem yourself. Show me an episode." I showed him Return of Harmony pt 1, and he kinda understood. Still, he was really bothered by the fact that I'm telling people IRL about it.


Sooo have you all told anypony? What were their reactions? What should I do next about my family? I still have an older sister who's in college (I'm not, by the way) who loves dealing with little girls.


*rolling eyes*


Oh geez!! you are worrying too much!!


What's the deal with you liking the show?


and your family seemed confused because you're not comming out as gay (not saying that you are), but please, I'm reading this and I feel like i'm reading a comming out story, it's just a show, a cartoon!!!


for Celestia, just chill!!! B)


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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all of my friends/family know i watch the show. i didnt and dont make an attempt to tell them about it, they just know from spending enough time around me (seeing my desktops/phone wallpapers, listening to me talk to friends, ect.). none of them seem to care and my parents even supported it and ended up taking me to everfreenw which surprised me a lot :P (my dads not the most open minded person)

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My brother found out by seeing me watch it, he doesn't really care much tho. My mom and dad know but they don't care either. They just don't like to listen to it and want me to watch it upstairs when I do watch it on the TV. My next door neighbor knows because that's where I originally watched the first episode.

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Seems a little unnecessary to me, but I hope it eases some tension about your interest in ponies and you can just go on enjoying them.


Only one person offline knows I watch this show. I imagine the rest would be all "Ah! Ponies! Ugh!" about it, but not really care in the end. We're all pretty strange.

Edited by Cakesplat


Look for it.

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My mom doesn't mind but she's still really curious as to why I watch it. But the bad thing is she's never heard of FIM so she thinks I watch the older gen


My Dad vaguely heard that I watch my little pony, and saw me on MLP forums, but he said nothing about it so he's cool.


My brother. Well, with his belief that he's king of the internet, he thinks that every single Brony, are fat, greasy, 30 year old pedophiles. He's 17 by the way, which is a very immature thing for him to say at that age


My 24 year old sister LOVES horses, we even own a horse that she rides, so I have a feeling she would even be interested in watching MLP :P


My sister's boyfriend. He's really cool, and if I told him I'm sure he would understand

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I recently told my sister and her fiance about my bronyism, and the were polite about it. However, I could tell they were kinda bothered and slightly disgusted about it. Mind you, I didn't tell them that the show was the thing that pulled me out of my depression, which they would probably provide them with more respect for the show.


In any case, I've gotten used to coming out with my bronyism to people, so it doesn't warrant a thread most of the time for me. In time your family won't even give a hoot about you liking a show about ponies.

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I don't mean any offence by this.... But why is "Coming out" as a Brony such a big deal? Its just a show and a fan base for it... its not like coming out as gay or anything... I really don't see why everyone is making a big deal of "Coming out" as a Brony lol Its kinda of melodramatic and silly. I am gay, telling my parents that was a rather big deal, but this? This shouldn't even be something to "come out" as lol Its just a show. Its like me "Coming out" as a TrueBlood fan lol.


Congrats? On it going well anyway


It is such a big deal because people don't like to execpt us. Sure, I Haven't told anyone yet, but that's because I'm afraid of what others would say! (On a diffrent note, because of my fear, could some of you guys and gals brohoof this? I need some people's support if I'm gonna do this thing. Please? ;):blush::(;) ) It's such a big deal because most of us who haven't told anyone yet are afraid of the peoples reactson, maybe even afriad of what they will do with that kind of info. I'm not saying it is a bad thing to be a brony, I'm saying it is a hard thing to be a brony.

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I think my parents have figured out I'm a brony and its kinda something that they really don't care about (which is good for me! ^_^) Also i have a few friends at school who are bronies which is awesome and it gives all of us something to talk about.



^^Click the pic for oc! Full-time Brony, Whovian, artist, Code Lyoko fan, video gamer, Soul Eater fan, Xiaolin Warrior, Alicorn!

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My parents found out I was a Brony after my abusive little brother screamed at me for being a gay sicko. o.o


They don't really care, although Mom still thinks its about sunshine,rainbows, and pretty things.


Dad thinks I'm weird.


My brother doesn't care anymore, he tolerates us.

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Mah brother knows about the show, and finds it funny, but he doesn't know that I like it :P. Mah mom, on the other hand, does know. She didn't understand what mah Applejack background was about at first, then I said "It's My Little Pony....." and she was like "MLP? I loved that when I was a litte girl!" (Apparently, MLP existed in Venezuela :P). She then said that she doesn't see me any different, so she totally respects it.



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I like how instead of judging you immediatly your brother just told you to redeem yourself by showing him an episode, he seems pretty cool.

I never really told anybody, there was no big reaction from my family because one day my sister was all like "do you like my little pony?" and i said ya i have for a while, why? and she just said "huh."

my close friends at school know and if anyone asks i tell them, but i dont really have any reaction stories.

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I don't mean any offence by this.... But why is "Coming out" as a Brony such a big deal? Its just a show and a fan base for it... its not like coming out as gay or anything... I really don't see why everyone is making a big deal of "Coming out" as a Brony lol Its kinda of melodramatic and silly. I am gay, telling my parents that was a rather big deal, but this? This shouldn't even be something to "come out" as lol Its just a show. Its like me "Coming out" as a TrueBlood fan lol.


Congrats? On it going well anyway


I don't think they are talking about it like they're coming out of closet. I think it's more like they used to hide it, and their parents my always have had suspicion so they decided to come out and say what it was. However, that is just my guess based on what I've heard from my brony friends.

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