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[Humans in Equestria] Your First Action


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Well, I was curious. What would you do first if you were suddenly in Equestria? You start just outside of Ponyville, and are free to do whatever.

Note that Ponies probally haven't seen humans, so they may react negatively at seeing you.

You probally should be getting help from somebody you can trust.

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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(I assume I speak the same language as the ponies.)


I would sneak to the library and try to talk to Twilight. She has the greatest chance not to panic. I would explain my situation and try to get the other ponies to accept me. After all of that, I would proceed to make friends with everypony and hug Twilight.

  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Yeah I would probably do the same thing. I mean if anything they'll probably act the same way they did to Zecora when it comes to humans so i'm not worried. If anything I would look forward to have pinkie pie give me the welcome ceremony. That would put a huge smile on my face and i'm one that doesn't smile often. More than likely I would either help Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres or Fluttershy with animals.

  • Brohoof 1
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Like everyone else i would go to Twi. She would know what to do. idk what i would do from there, probably stay at the library and go meet everypony and stuff. If i was stuck there forever i would see if Twi can turn me into a pony :P . Then again i would be giving up my hands...

And hopefully Lyra doesn't get a hold me. :o

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I have no idea to be honest. I think I'd be so overwhelmed by the fact that I am in Equestria I'd probably be unable to move for a few minutes. Then I'd find a way to the library without being noticed, you know, find a cardboard box and use it to get around. Then I'd go to the library and talk to Twilight. Not because she is best pony, but because all the other ponies would probably start screaming and running away. If i'm lucky I won't receive a face full of magic laser p3w p3w upon walking through the door. Assuming I am lucky, I talk to Twilight and try and find a way back home.

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Logistically If I were suddenly thrust into Equestria as a human I would probably pass out from the change in magical pressure. Think of your magical reserves as a gas held in a balloon. The ambient magic is like a form of atmospheric pressure. When you enter a really low magical area you have to bleed some off or bad things happen. When you enter a higher magical area it feels serene but you essentially have to equalize to it. The sheer change (equestria is FAR more magical) would probably put me right out and actually after I equalized it would be dangerous to return. Of course this would probably deny me the first action unless I wasnt found where I entered. In the latter case I would probably see what I could do and the results of that would determine if I wanted to see twilight or pinkie pie first. I mean pinkie pie could act as quite the bridge to the other ponies.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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I would need someone wise.

You know, Princess Celestia.


Twilight may have a reaction when she seems me sneaking to her, so I'll just go to either Applejack or Fluttershy. They will be the ones you could best trust.


Then, I will ask them if they can get me an appointment with Twilight or Spike.


From there, they could help me contact Princess Celestia. From there I can figure out things.

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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At first look for Pinkie Pie, she'll scream and run away.

Than look for Twillight, she'll scream and run away.

After that look for Applebloom, she'll scream and run away. (Zebra almost pony, but human - completely different creature)

And at the end I will run around Ponyville, and shouting that I'm good guy and dont want to cause any harm to anypony. Hope that it will work, and I wouldnt end up on the moon.


Ah... Finally If I would be accepted in community i'll try to find a work only human can do (or other rather big creature with hands).

Edited by HungryTroll
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(I assume I speak the same language as the ponies.)


I would sneak to the library and try to talk to Twilight. She has the greatest chance not to panic. I would explain my situation and try to get the other ponies to accept me. After all of that, I would proceed to make friends with everypony and hug Twilight.


Probably do the same thing. Execpt..it would be pretty hard to convice twilight that I came from an alternate world. She's one of those ponies that goes by 'if it can't be logically explained, it doesn't exist' But she would be the biggest chance I believe to get everypony not to think i'm a loon.


After going to twlight help her explain to everypony that I'm not a monster, I would befriend Pinkie. Then, I would let her show me round ponyville and meet the rest of the mane 6. I would have to get a job. Probably would be an assistant teacher to Cheerilee (always wanted to teach history).

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One other thing -- I would bemoan that I hadnt gone to the dentist recently(I mean if you had the option, the first thing one would do BEFORE travelling over would be to have a complete physical and proactive dental treatment) -- something tells me dentistry in ponyville for a human would not be very good when the inevitable cavity happens.




As for people wondering about common languages -- yes it would be much harder if you didnt share one, but I think rudimentary communication could come fairly quick -- Twilight is smart and you could point and speak. Plus mathematics is a universal language.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Well, I'm a omnivore species that needs to maintain a balanced diet. Since the lands most likely don't have vitamin tablets and all those compact goodies to make up for my lost meat supply and only sticking to vegetables causes heightened aggression as well as other mental/physical issues-just as sticking exclusively to meat does-I would first choose to not walk into ponyville since my height would be intimidating-I actually think of MLP as little..pretty little compared to humans..maybe the same size as a wolf or a little bigger/little smaller give or take-Twilight and smarter ponies may take the fact I have forward facing eyes as a sign of a predator-which they are..Omnivore species-and my sheer alien appearance wouldn't help much either.


It would be unknown if a human could commit magic in equestria or not, we have a concept of magic in a none magical world so...could be worth a shot. If not a human would probably have advantage in alot of precision required creation. Precision grip, thank you evolution. So, I may simply just bugger off into the everfree forest or build a small hut on the edge of ponyville and become a hermit for the most part. I would practice my art more or take up a secondary, more practical skill such as wood working and hire myself out. Maybe even as a bouncer-considering humans would look so damn scary and they would have no idea what they are capable of and you know...sheer size helps too-


if not that, then its most likely I'll just dwell into the forest and trees, dress up more than I already do-something also alien to ponies-and make myself seem more scary and alien...perhaps a massive cloak or suit...if I can make one-a sort of slenderman deal-and just sneak around, take what I want none violently and hope that I can keep creeping about enough as well as simply scare the lot off by appearance alone to not get hassled. I might even just raid entering wagons...and...sad to say it...probably will have to slaughter applejack cows and such for food when her and her family aren't looking. If by the off chance they figure me out, do actively try to talk to me which dosen't involve terms like "your scary, leave. We don't want you here" then I'll most likely just do whatever they want for shelter and protection...I doubt that would happen though once they understand I've been eating the cows/sheep/chickens ectr.


Diplomacy is fine and all, talking is great. But putting my fate into creatures who are scared of me, have magical powers I don't understand, is at risk of losing their neighbor and live stock to me for food-which is probably the stuff of nightmares to them-and most likely don't understand the concept of the competitive based ecosystem I come from and hence my instincts or way of thinking. They'll most likely just brand me chaotic and evil-like a changeling- and use the spell to banish to the moon or something.


Besides...what am I going to say..."Hey, guys. Mind teleporting me back to the human world, a place with guns that could cut down and tear apart both your magic and guards asunder who also live in a opportunistic state of balance to preserve live and Superior genetic material. Oh, we also eat a large amount of your friends and favorite animals there too" that would be like a twelve foot alien with claws kindly asking even the best of us to send him back to his home where they could destroy our planet from space and teleport our children for to their kitchens. They may very well be good people and not mean harm...but sometimes you just got to take steps to protect yourself from possible manipulators.


So..most likely..number two..creep about and survive. Might not last long with some of the mythical beast but hey...hopefully I can be sneaky enough and so out of place they'll have serious doubts about approaching me or even sure of what they are seeing.



The optimistic version: Feeling good and hopeful, I'll just stroll in town. If I'm going to make contact, might as well be direct. Just stand there, looking around. Don't run after them, don't attack. Don't even get angry at their accusation or fear. Let them approach me, even go limb in my arms and let them feel me if they really need to know I am not armed or deadly. Kindly explain my scenario in as soft a voice I can...I'll be shell shocked obviously from the change of environment but it would just make me more alert after a few minutes to compose myself for the first contact of species. My main worry is that I'll basically be an eldricth abomination...monster looking..eat certain meats...has weird knowledge of things that I could not of possibly been there for-such as the details in the canterlot wedding or the fact that twilight doll was smarty pants- How would they react to that.

  • Brohoof 1

A Head Butt is just a more confrontational meeting of the minds.

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I'd declare myself god over all ponykind and attempt to overthrow they tyrant known as Celestia...


No but I'd most likely go see Twilight first off, as she'd best be able to comprehend who I am and explain me to the other ponies. She'd also be the most interested in me as I'd share my knowledge of Earthly-studies.


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I'll probably hang out in the Evergreen Forest as some hobo...




Ok, I was just kidding... I'd probably just walk through ponyville like, what ya'll lookin at? B)


(Yeah, i'm just this really annoying guy in real life and on the internet...)


*I see this tall guy down the street at night* HOLY OH MAI PALABRA IT'S SLENDER WEGHHDNYWMJMHS


Ok, time to get real... I'd probably do the same thing as the first comment... go meet Twilight and such... and then I'd introduce the internet to everypony... wait, they don't electricity... WHERE DO I GET MAI TV TIME??!!?


*Hangs out in a tree for 5 mins* >.> >.< <.< <.>


Dagnabit... I'll just go see Pinkiepie...


*Walks through the Evergreen Forest* They see me shucklin, shucklin, SHUCKLEMANDOEE <.< <.> >.> >.<


I will witness the power of Dubstep.. *goes into Vinyl's House* /)d^3^b( yeaaahh budddyyy




*Mother walks into my room* What are you doing?


Me: Studying :3


Mother: Studying what? *Walks over to my computer*


Me: ...


Mother: *see's me playing Skyrim with Pony Dragons flying around*


Me: You see, i'm learning about the medieval times....

  • Brohoof 2
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While I'm holding back the urge to see Rainbow Dash. I'd make my way to Fluttershy's place. She's taken care of scary stuff before. Then the second choice would be to go to the Library, while praying I don't see Dash, because I'm a huge Dashie Fan. After that, I'd probably be going to Canterlot Castle to see Celestia, whom I hope would say that I'm to be treated like everypony else. THEN I'd go see the coolest pony ever, Rainbow Dash. The 2nd best in my opinion, Ditzy Doo. And then AJ's place and be ready to help get apples.


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Heh -- people going to celestia, remember this. Celestia has no real interest in trading with other worlds. She just likes her world running as smoothly as possible. Your appearance there is a major potential threat. Are you going to be the only hairless ape that appears in her land? Is celestia going to be over-run? What intentions do you have? You have tons of knowledge you shouldnt have about equestria, are you a spy?


I think if you went to canterlot as a human, you would find out that every castle has a dungeon and that Celestia does have interrogator ponies and with some magical aids they are pretty good at their jobs.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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I don't think Twilight would spazz out upon seeing a human, so I would probably go to her first. Make sure she understands my situation and then slowly work my way into the whole of Ponyville. If not Twilight first then I'd go to Applejack. Though, with her honesty, she would probably tell her friends if asked since she's not the one to lie. At the same time she be the better one at keeping a secret.


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Actually, if you could convince applejack, and she didnt have the whole family posse in town at that moment -- she might be able to bring twilight to YOU rather than you having to walk into ponyville to meet her. This would be tons more discreet.

  • Brohoof 1

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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It depends on exactly where outside Ponyville I am, and who spots me first.


I'd probably do what everyone else would do and go to Twilight, but I'd wait for nightfall to prevent being seen. However, you'd have to approach her right. She might jump and think you're some monster from the Everfree Forest if you just simply knocked on her door and rose up to your full height. Maybe you could follow her and get her attention from within an alley or a bush and lure her in. If that doesn't work, I may have to pick her up and hold her mouth shut while I explain to her what I am, because if you aren't blunt with her, she's going to be either bombarding you with questions or be in too much of a panic to think. In all cases, demand Twilight to write to Celestia on this matter. Celestia, if anypony, would know about humans, if they knew about them at all. Even then, you will need to consult with her anyways on gaining her permission to stay, or if you have to go back.


If Pinkie saw me first, she'd probably also not care what I was if I looked non-threatening enough, but then if she did like me she'd parade me throughout Ponyville and cause a panic herself. I could try to run, but she's going to be wherever I hide anyway, so there wouldn't be much use in fighting it. All you can hope then is if Twilight and her friends can defuse the situation.


If I found myself at or near Sweet Apple Acres, and AJ spotted me, I'm getting the hay out of there as fast as possible and try some other pony later on. AJ's first thought of seeing me near her farm she would think I'm some creature from the Everfree trying to steal her apples, and I really don't want to be anywhere near her bucking legs. (Especially with her height, she would kick in the place that would do me in for good)


If Rarity saw me first, she may think that I actually would be intelligent because I'd be in clothes. And of course, clothes is more of a status thing for ponies, so she might even try to introduce herself and lead me to her boutique to chat and introduce herself politely with her friends if she likes me. However, you'd have to be careful around her. Considering the concept of nudity doesn't apply much to ponies, I'd have to keep her from trying to rip off my clothing to see it for herself.


Fluttershy most likely would flee at the sight of you. No question. Going to her first most likely isn't the best strategy as she probably would flee to her friends and say you're a monster. The only time you should be avoiding her, however, is if she thinks you're a threat to her friends, in which case, she'll get aggressive. And you will loose.


And last, if Rainbow Dash caught you first, she'd probably be aggressive and come straight at you. Outrunning her is out of the question. She's going to catch you, so you might as well be submissive and try to explain after she has you down what you are and what you want. Her trust will be the hardest to win over, so she might just as well hold you as a personal prisoner and bring you to Twilight to see what she makes out of you.


And at all costs, don't let Lyra find you! She is going to tear you to shreds before you could get a word out of your mouth! You see the mint green and the gold eyes, run! Run for your bucking life! :angry:

  • Brohoof 1

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Well, I think that my best course of action would be to visit Zecora first. Since she lives in the everfree forest; she would be the one to find my appearance to be the least frightening. Perhaps the next time she goes to ponyville; I could have her convince the town to not run at the sight of a tall bipedal creature that would come to visit them tomorrow.


And then it will be all hugs and rainbows and parties and random hot make out sessions with Twilight. :P


And then I would wake up in my room. And it turns out Twilight was actually just my pillow.


Dammit. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png


And I really don't want to be anywhere near her bucking legs. (Especially with her height, she would kick in the place that would do me in for good)


*Crosses legs*


I felt that from all the way over here. :blush:


Have you been reading a fic called 'Name's Ellis' recently? (Crossover with the Ellis from Left 4 Dead 2)

Poor Ellis didn't know what hit him in chapter two. :blink:

  • Brohoof 1

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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If I went to Fluttershy's that would not end well, How so? See the spoiler


I would walk up to Fluttershy's house, Knock on the door and she would freak out. Then she would try and make me some sort of pet and call me an Ape always, Since humans are evolved Apes. And that's how that would end, forever Adam the Ape. I actually kinda like the ring to that


I should probably go to Twilight's house. She's not going to freak out (As Much as any other pony). She could convert me into a Pony so i could happily live in Equestria and not be displayed in the Local Ponyville Zoo.

I'm back whoope! img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png 

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Zecora might see you as an invading spirit and cause you all sorts of problems. Even Silvadel in my fanfic has avoided her on purpose, although eventually she might give it a try but she sees that meeting as fraught with danger.


As for Applejack there is ONE other big thing that can work in your favor -- How good are you with animals // dogs? If you can win over Winona then you have a better chance with Applejack. In fact if you are really good with dogs, Winona might be your best bet for first contact -- befriend her, and then see Applejack with Winona at your side -- if you can accomplish that you have a very good chance even in the case where the language was different.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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I would first choose to not walk into ponyville since my height would be intimidating-I actually think of MLP as little..pretty little compared to humans..maybe the same size as a wolf or a little bigger/little smaller give or take


By statements of size within the show, the ponies are about 4 feet tall. But they make much more sense in terms of physics being about 7 inches.

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Well, I would attempt to intelligently and safely establish contact with the ponies, explaining what I am before setting up a residence and business in HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:OK WHO AM I KIDDING, THAT'S NOT WHAT I'D DO!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS WHAT I'D DO!!!!!!


Posted Image

And then I'd probably be chased out of Ponyville by an angry and freaked-out crowd of ponies with torches and pitchforks, but ya know what, it'd be totally worth it! B)

  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Looking at everyone's responses, my gameplan would change really fast.


Applejack is too honestly depend on in this situation, and it's best to not just walk into Ponyville.


Fluttershy is the best bet now.


First I need to set a good first impression- show I'm not hostile.

I'd just walk near her cottage, and do my best to be friends with the animals.

I have a soft spot for animals, actually, so I can never show hostility.


Now if it's Angel, that's a different story. While being kind, I need to show I'm tough and not easy to push around.


After I befriend animals, I can either have fun with that adorable animals until Fluttershy notices me, or have the intelligent animals get Fluttershy to talk to me.


Assuming I don't intimidate her, I'll go about with an appointment with Twilight or Spike, tell ONLY them of earth, and why I know who they are, then grind a way to contact Celestia.


Yes, I need to leave out war, internet, the fact I'm an omnivore, and other things so I dont cause panic.

  • Brohoof 1

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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What i would do? I would think that based on "My Little Dashie" when she got sent to Earth she reverted in age. Sooooo In mh eyes through my journey to Equestria i would age an amount of years. Therefore if i hadnt died in the process i would probablybe very old and unable to really do much other than try and explain to myself that i was seeing ponies because i was hallucinating due to an od on arthritis medication or such.

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