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mega thread Your Favorite Episode?

AppleShy Sparkle

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not necessarily my favourite episode, but if there was one episode that got me hooked onto the show it was Sleepless in Ponyville. One of those powerful, multi-layered stories with a relatable conflict and a wonderful emotional pay-off.

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1) Putting Your Hoof Down - It's fun to see Fluttershy become a bully. I also thought Iron Will was a pretty funny character. "He's not a monster, he's a minotaur!"


2) Sleepless in Ponyville - I loved this episode because of Scootaloo. It reminded me of when I was little. My cousins and I would watch scary movies and sometimes I'd be too scared to go to sleep. It was also kind of sweet to see Rainbow Dash take Scootaloo under her wing. It was one of those "Aw" moments for me.

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My favorite is "Crusaders of the Lost Mark." The singing in that episode was done really well (So well in fact that I keep listening to it) Second it gave Diamond Tiara a redeeming feature, and made her a little bit more likable. Third the Crusaders getting their cutie mark was really nice touch, and them figuring out what they will now do with their lives.

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Probably Pinkie Apple Pie!!!! I mean, its amazing, and it has my FAVOURITE SONG in all of the series. I love how it shows that even the apple family have their bad sides, but it doesnt make them any less happy or AMAZING! and ahhhh it just makes me smile every time I watch it. More recently, I think The Mane Attraction has become another one of my favourites <3



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  • 2 weeks later...

A Dog and Pony Show, no doubt.  I really love the twist on the "damsel in distress" plot line. Also the way Rarity complains to the diamond dogs right at the beginning makes me laugh like mad EVERY SINGLE TIME! Not to mention the insight you get into the way the rest of the mane six think about each other. 

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My No. 1 favourite episode used to be Feeling Pinkie Keen. I have no idea why, but watching it over and over again kinda makes me like the episode even more for some reason. Pinkie Sense? That was the most interesting part.


Now, after seeing Twilight's Kingdom: Part 2, that easily beat Feeling Pinkie Keen. Nothing better than some Dragon Ball Z fight scenes in one of the most innocent kid's cartoons ever made. It's the best way to end a season - with a BANG! I also like how the Mane 6 unleashed their Rainbow Power. It was a pretty unique was of stopping evil for them. It kinda reminded me of the Pokemon Mega Evolutions. I love it! Easily the best cartoon episode of ALL TIME of you ask me.  :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

My favorite episode has to be "Hurricane Fluttershy" purely because, to me, its relate-able - where i was the same kind of shy, when i was younger... anyway, it literally brought tears to my eyes.


I am yet to finish season 5 , so, it may yet change..(but i doubt it  ;) )



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It used to be Rarity Takes Manehattan,  but it's been overtaken by Crusaders of the Lost Mark for me. The plot is great, the songs are catchy, Diamond Tiara's reformation actually felt well-executed, the CMC get their cutie marks.. I can easily say it's my favorite as of now.

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Either Crusaders of the Lost Mark, or the Cutie Map (parts 1 and 2). I love the songs in COTLM, and aaaah I could go into paragraphs of why I liked the episode! I love the Cutie Map because of Starlight Glimmer and the town of equality, I liked how it played out.


Notable mentions include One Bad Apple, Bats!, and the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.

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It's between The Mane Attraction and Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 for my favorite episode, though this doesn't mean I don't enjoy the other episodes any less.

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