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(Once Apon A time, There were some replies,)

“Wildcard? are you listening to me?” Rarity asks. You are suddenly pulled from your daydream. “I was just telling you that we are going to be heading to canterlot for the fashion show in three days.”

Wildcard looks at Rarity with a slightly confused expression. "Sorry, I was a bit distracted, just a silly thought that came into my mind." He makes a short pause then goes on "Three days is ok for me. I already can't wait for it. Spending time with you in Canterlot will be awesome!"

He blushes when he realises that he may have got a little too exited and was now leaning against his crush, one foreleg wrapped around her. He quickly takes a sip of his Maretini, hoping that this will decrease the awkwardness a bit.


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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Meta's ears picked up at the sound of the crash... he shook his head. He quickly wrote a note to the Princess, put it on her balcony, and flew off. He didn't notice when it landed in the face of a disguised Chrysalis...


He landed at Applejack's barn a few moments later. He sighed when he looked at the damage done. He knocked at the door...

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“Hey, tha’s Cloudsdale, right. The place they make th’ rainbows ‘n such, in a factory er somethin’,” he says, momentarily forgetting his fear of heights, “‘s real pretty lookin’.”

"Yeah, and also my birthplace, but doesn't matter." she said, slowly flying around the beautiful cloud buildings. "There's not many more beautiful places in this world. But we're now flying to one of them."

She speeded up a little, flying through the clouds.

The clouds in front of them uncovered a floating island. It was surrounded by lila clouds, covered in sapphire green grass and colourful flowers. There was also a bridge, under the bridge flew a rainbow river which continued to the edge of the island, makind a rainbowfall. There were also two huge trees, and a red and white striped windmill amid them. The path starting under the windmill led to the pier on the island's edge.

She smiled and looked at Braeburn."Okay. Welcome to the paradise", she said, landing on the pier.

Edited by Suntouched Coco

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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Derpy frowned at the drink, “This looks like the stuff in my momma’s no-no closet...” she took a sip and tilted her head, then made a face, “Can I have the soda now?”



A message From Quick Fix to all Ponies on board the Halberd: “Attention Passangers: The S.S. Halberd has experienced some slight, *Grunt* navigation difficulties, and we have run into Applejack’s barn. The ship has sustained minimal damadge, and the voyage should be able to continue as-planned. Unfortunately... I’ll end up having to fix her up a new barn,” there’s a pause and a heavy sigh, “BUt please do not be alarmed, Sailor Yellow has prepared a nice cake for you, and there is still much fun and music to be had!” Quick sighs, “Oh, Meta, when are you going to get back... Sailor Red, how do these doo-hickies work? You move the stick and it turns the ship?”


Glitch breathed out a relieved sighed, feeling as if he narrowly avoided disaster. "Sure," he said. He turned to the bartender a third time and asked for a Dr. Muffin. The bartender shot his head under the bar and produced a can of the soda. Glitch took it from the bartender's hooves and gave it to Derpy. There was some static over the intercom, and a voice Glitch recognized as Meta's girlfriend rang throughout the ship. She said that the Halberd has accidentally ran into Applejack's barn, but the ship would be able to proceed as planned. How did she miss that? he thought, looking at Derpy. For that matter, how did I miss that? He moved towards the window and tried to get a glance at what had transpired. He could barely get a look at it, but he winced at the damage done to Applejack's barn. Seems that thing gets destroyed on a regular basis, he thought. Glitch tore his eyes away from the window and tried to focus on the party, returning to Derpy and taking another sip of his whiskey.

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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“Umm... I don’t know... Twilight and I were never able to find out. You see, Twilight hatched me from an egg...” he falls silent.


Aura looks at Spike sympathetically. "Oh..." She says softly.


"You poor thing."She says as she got out of the bed she was laying in and hugged Spike. Aura felt bad for the other baby dragon who had probably never even seen his real parents before.


"Dont worry though, I'm sure you'll find out soon enough." She said in effort to comfort Spike.


After the hug Aura let go of him and looked into his emerald eyes. She blushed slightly before she pecked him on the cheek.


"Oh my why did I just do that?!" Aura thought to herself after registering what she had just done. Her body had betrayed her mind and out of instinct she just kissed him on the cheek.


"Im sorry....." Aura apologized blushing.

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The second Volley of Cannon Balls flies at the enemy ship, one of them hitting the Black Heart’s main mast, causing it to split and break, falling down onto her deck. A cheer rises from the pirates around you. “ALL PEGASI TO ME!!” Briny Shouts. “GET YERSELF A GRAPPLE AND FLY THOSE LINES OVER! You two.” She points at you and Daring. “I don’t suppose y’all could give me a lift?” She looks slightly embarrassed at the prospect. “Once we’re across, the real fight starts, And in this case we’ll need all our best swordsponies over there.”



Steel and Daring nodded in understanding. As the other pirates grabbed their hooks, Steel and Daring each grabbed one of Briny's legs. They took to the skies, sailing over the choppy waters between the Mother of Pearl and The Blackheart. 


As the flock/herd/crew of pegasi approached it was clear the enemy was ready for them. All of the Blackeart's crew were armed to the teeth with cutlasses, knives, hooks, even a few flintlocks. Not to mention the unicorns that would no doubt have a few tricks up their sleeves.


"This doesn't look good." Briny said with worry. But Steel saw something else. Even as he drew closer his mind was racing. Digesting and analyzing every subtlety.


"Poor grip, easy to disarm."


"Her side is wide open."


"Cut the rope on the hook."


"From the way he's swinging it, he's never even touched a sword in his life."


All this blasted through his mind at high speed. Surprises and sorties were not his cup of tea. But plain, simple, no holds barred fighting?


"Briny?" Steel said without taking his eye off the deck. "Hold your pegasi until I've killed at least three of them." His voice was calm and commading. "Daring? Take hold of her." He carefully let go of Briny. Who flapped her sole wing to compensate for the lack of lift.


"I'm going in." Steel dive bombed for the deck.


((OOC: I've always wanted to use this!  :D  B)  :lol:))




Only yards from the deck, an earth pony's blade was waiting for Steel. He adjusted his angle of attack to land in a crouching stance a few inches in front the pirate's swing. Steel then swept out with his left wing, knocking the earth pony off his hooves. He came down with his right wing-sabre and silenced his first foe.


Two pirates lunged at him with their own cutlasses. A pegasi mare from his high right, and a unicorn stallion from his low left. Steel struck both of his weapons out in front of him at different angles to parry both of their blows, he then spun around in between them. Cutting with the opposite blades in a twirling, deadly riposte.


Steel spun again, ready for another attack. All the pirates suddenly looked less certain of their chances. As the hooks from the Mother of Pearl's crew latched on to the railings, Steel swiped his blades against each other.




"Listen well, follower's of the Dread Captain. Because the song of my swords will be the last thing you hear." The swordpony lunged forward. He stabbed clean through a pirate too quickly for him to react. Another tried to attack him from behind. Steel raised his other weapon to block and tossed the skewered corpse on to the attacker.


A large earth pony brandished a small anchor, spinning it over his head by a rope tied to his tail. Steel rolled his eyes, took a step forward, and raised his wing up. The anchor went flying into the head of another pirate. The earth pony barely had time to look surprised before Steel cut him down.


Steel's ears perked at the sound of a flintlock cocking. Behind him stood a unicorn mare with four blunderbusses at the ready.


:blink:  "Buck."


:ph34r:  "Exactly!"


Steel ducked and rolled for his life.




He raised himself behind another pirate.




Steel flew as the buccaneer meat shield took the shot for him.




By the skin of his feathers, Steel took cover behind what remained of the mast.




Splinters flew around Steel. Literally, they stuck to the blood on the blades. Steel himself flipped around to the other side and pushed off. He sailed past the shooter and landed behind her in a follow through pose. . . . . the unicorn fell to the deck a moment later.


The battle raged all around Steel. His own crew members joining the fray.


Clashing metal.


Beating wings.


Pounding waves.


Roaring lungs.


It stirred something in Steel. Perhaps it was just the adrenaline but suddenly he thought he finally saw the world like Daring Do did. An adventure.


"All right, ye scurvy albatrosses!" He called to his fellow pegasi. "We got the wind on our side . . . THAT'S ALL WE NEED!" With a unified yell, Steel fought side by side with the crew of the Mother of Pearl.

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Dox couldn't contain his laughter when Chord said it sounded like garbage. When he turned red, it didn't help, either. But when Vinyl had said that it actually sounded good, Dox shut up and stood straight, looking at her, stunned. "Y-you really think so? Well, I guess it is... Chord's always freaking out about how our music sounds, I guess it has kinda rubbed off on the rest of us... But, I've always thought it sounded kinda good." Dox smiles at her.


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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“That sounds fine. But what about those movie tickets you won? It would be a shame for them to go to waste...” Twilight Replies, Doing her best to sound as though she doesn’t really care.

Mal took another look at the tickets, reading the time and date the movie will be shone.

"Oh don't worry, the movie tickets say the movie is scheduled tomorrow slightly after lunch." He replied with a reassuring smile. 

(OOC Dang school work, been really busy.)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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(I have nothing to say)


Bob sighed and looked at the guard and walked away to rejoin the queen who was meeting with celestia he wanted to keep on eye on her but as for Morning star , he wanted him to suffer. He spoke to the guard."Put morning star in a cell make sure he doesn't get out".

Chrysalis smiles when she sees you coming. “Excellent you’re here. Celestia will be arriving shortly, but before she does, I have to do something.” She leans in and kisses you on the lips, but this is nothing like last time, when her kiss seemed to suck all the life out of you, this time, you feel unbelievably energized. Chrysalis breaks away. “I have just given you a portion of my power. I want you to play the part of me in the prisoner exchange.” She transforms into Morning Star. “Think about me, and imagine that you ARE me.” She instructs. You close your eyes and do as you are told. when you open your eyes. you appear to be the Changeling queen. “Excelent.” Chrysalis croons. Now when they cast their sensing spell, they will sense one changeling and one pony, and assume that we really are who we appear to be.”


With Chord's comment, Dox just can't help but burst out in a fit of laughter. The way he turned red didn't help to quiet him, either. Only when Vinyl said she liked it did Dox shut up, stunned. "W-Wait, really?! Wow... Uh, heh, thanks... D Chord here is always a downer when it comes to our music, and it kinda rubbed off on me, I guess, so it... Kinda shocked me when you said it was good. We always expected to have ponies hate our music. But now I kinda wish we had a bigger crowd to practice to right now."

“We’re going to have a bigger crowd soon enough,” Chord says. “Only then it won’t be practice. We need to better if we want to have a chance against The other bands!”

“I could give you some pointers if you want.” Vinyl Offers.


Her ears twitched at a crashing sound far away but this was twenty times more important. She tried to cool herself down. "I'm fine Thunders, but um... well.... are you doing anything later?" she said without taking a breath, looking into his entrancing eyes as if they held all the knowledge in the universe.

Thunder Lane raises an eyebrow. “Thunders? Where did you come up with... Heh, never mind” He gives a little nervous laugh. “Anyway, I’m free today.”


Red escorted Octavia out of the bar, when an idea suddenly popped into his head, "Does Vinyl Scratch still do shows?" He threw a hoof over his face, realizing that he had just mentioned Octavia's ex out loud. Realizing the taboo of this comment, Red braced himself for her response.

She laughed,”Of course Vinyl does concert with her... brash ‘music.’ But honestly, why would you drag me there? That’d be like stabbing your ears out with a needle!”


Horrified, Red Talon dashed straight back to the Apple Family's house.
"Applejack," Red Talon said, nearly out of breath, "That definitely wasn't some Canterlot fancy-pants touring Ponyville, and I'm pretty sure it was a hit-and-run. The ship hit the barn and just flew off. I'm almost certain it was some attack of some sort, as it sounded more like an explosion than an airship crash. There's no way a hit like that could cause that much destruction, too. We need to call the Equestrian Aviation Administration and have them investigate. No use risking our own lives just to figure out what the hay happened. But as for the barn, we're going to need to raise it again."

Meta's ears picked up at the sound of the crash... he shook his head. He quickly wrote a note to the Princess, put it on her balcony, and flew off. He didn't notice when it landed in the face of a disguised Chrysalis...

He landed at Applejack's barn a few moments later. He sighed when he looked at the damage done. He knocked at the door...

Applejack looks at you oddly for a moment. “Really now Sugarcube? It’s a bit early ta be makin’ accusations like that. let's just go out and take a look at that there barn.” She heads for the door. just as she reaches it, there’s a knock. “Now who could that be?” She opens the door.

A masked figure stands there, looking exasperated. “Hello... I am the owner of that ship that floored your barn. I am teaching someone new at piloting. I am sorry... is there anyway that I can make it up to you?”


"Alright then! Lets go!" Sturdy says with a wide grin of determination on his face, releasing the mares hoof softly as he calls out to her "Follow me, and get ready!" his wings flap mightily and he soars towards the Everfree forest, happier than he had ever thought possible to be with with Rainbow Dash... his secret crush and the mare of his dreams; refocusing his face he turns his gaze forward and lowers his horn, all to knowing what lay ahead.

Dash Follows, Keeping pace with you easily. “So, Where are we going exactly?”


He listens closely, then smiles "We just hit some mare's barn, 'parently. It's not our problem, we're stowaways remember? Unless your plan was to bring me up here all along." he laughs jovialy, aware that he was gazing into her eyes just a little bit too much.

“Heheh...” She glances away. “A simple race evolved into this.”


Wildcard looks at Rarity with a slightly confused expression. "Sorry, I was a bit distracted, just a silly thought that came into my mind." He makes a short pause then goes on "Three days is ok for me. I already can't wait for it. Spending time with you in Canterlot will be awesome!"
He blushes when he realises that he may have got a little too exited and was now leaning against his crush, one foreleg wrapped around her. He quickly takes a sip of his Maretini, hoping that this will decrease the awkwardness a bit.

Rarity Beams at you. “I’m glad to see you’re as excited as I am!” She says, rubbing the top of her head against your cheek affectionately. “We are simply going to have the best time!”

~Three Days Later~

“I am simply having the worst time!” Rarity cries. I cannot find my favorite hat, Sweetie Belle isn’t ready, and our train leaves in fifteen minutes! This is The. Worst. Possible. Thing!” she throws herself onto a waiting red velvet fainting couch. “Oh woe is me!”

You stand in the doorway of carousel boutique, having just arrived with all your things, and this is what you find.


"Yeah, and also my birthplace, but doesn't matter." she said, slowly flying around the beautiful cloud buildings. "There's not many more beautiful places in this world. But we're now flying to one of them."
She speeded up a little, flying through the clouds.
The clouds in front of them uncovered a floating island. It was surrounded by lila clouds, covered in sapphire green grass and colourful flowers. There was also a bridge, under the bridge flew a rainbow river which continued to the edge of the island, makind a rainbowfall. There were also two huge trees, and a red and white striped windmill amid them. The path starting under the windmill led to the pier on the island's edge.
She smiled and looked at Braeburn."Okay. Welcome to the paradise", she said, landing on the pier.

He shakily got off onto the floating island. “”Ah always imagined Paradise a bit... closer to th’’ ground,” he comments, looking down, then around, “I sposse it’s okay... but there’s no apple trees... Oh muh gosh,” he says, eyes widening, “Is that uh winch?” He hurried inside the windmill.


Glitch breathed out a relieved sighed, feeling as if he narrowly avoided disaster. "Sure," he said. He turned to the bartender a third time and asked for a Dr. Muffin. The bartender shot his head under the bar and produced a can of the soda. Glitch took it from the bartender's hooves and gave it to Derpy. There was some static over the intercom, and a voice Glitch recognized as Meta's girlfriend rang throughout the ship. She said that the Halberd has accidentally ran into Applejack's barn, but the ship would be able to proceed as planned. How did she miss that? he thought, looking at Derpy. For that matter, how did I miss that? He moved towards the window and tried to get a glance at what had transpired. He could barely get a look at it, but he winced at the damage done to Applejack's barn. Seems that thing gets destroyed on a regular basis, he thought. Glitch tore his eyes away from the window and tried to focus on the party, returning to Derpy and taking another sip of his whiskey.

She took the drink previously given to her, and looked at it. Then she drank the Dr. Muffin about half and dumped the alcohol in it. She sipped that, and grinned, then drank the rest of it. She shook her head, and frowned at the taste, then look around the ship, seeming a bit more surprised.


Aura looks at Spike sympathetically. "Oh..." She says softly.

"You poor thing."She says as she got out of the bed she was laying in and hugged Spike. Aura felt bad for the other baby dragon who had probably never even seen his real parents before.

"Dont worry though, I'm sure you'll find out soon enough." She said in effort to comfort Spike.

After the hug Aura let go of him and looked into his emerald eyes. She blushed slightly before she pecked him on the cheek.

"Oh my why did I just do that?!" Aura thought to herself after registering what she had just done. Her body had betrayed her mind and out of instinct she just kissed him on the cheek.

"Im sorry....." Aura apologized blushing.

Spike is momentarily stunned. “It... It’s not a big deal. To be honest, I’ve never actually thought about it. I’ve always had Twilight taking care of me, so I guess I’ve always thought of her as my mother...” he looks at you strangely. “the... uh, kiss was kind of nice though...”


Steel and Daring nodded in understanding. As the other pirates grabbed their hooks, Steel and Daring each grabbed one of Briny's legs. They took to the skies, sailing over the choppy waters between the Mother of Pearl and The Blackheart.

As the flock/herd/crew of pegasi approached it was clear the enemy was ready for them. All of the Blackeart's crew were armed to the teeth with cutlasses, knives, hooks, even a few flintlocks. Not to mention the unicorns that would no doubt have a few tricks up their sleeves.

"This doesn't look good." Briny said with worry. But Steel saw something else. Even as he drew closer his mind was racing. Digesting and analyzing every subtlety.

"Poor grip, easy to disarm."

"Her side is wide open."

"Cut the rope on the hook."

"From the way he's swinging it, he's never even touched a sword in his life."

All this blasted through his mind at high speed. Surprises and sorties were not his cup of tea. But plain, simple, no holds barred fighting?

"Briny?" Steel said without taking his eye off the deck. "Hold your pegasi until I've killed at least three of them." His voice was calm and commading. "Daring? Take hold of her." He carefully let go of Briny. Who flapped her sole wing to compensate for the lack of lift.

"I'm going in." Steel dive bombed for the deck.

((OOC: I've always wanted to use this! :DB):lol:))

Only yards from the deck, an earth pony's blade was waiting for Steel. He adjusted his angle of attack to land in a crouching stance a few inches in front the pirate's swing. Steel then swept out with his left wing, knocking the earth pony off his hooves. He came down with his right wing-sabre and silenced his first foe.

Two pirates lunged at him with their own cutlasses. A pegasi mare from his high right, and a unicorn stallion from his low left. Steel struck both of his weapons out in front of him at different angles to parry both of their blows, he then spun around in between them. Cutting with the opposite blades in a twirling, deadly riposte.

Steel spun again, ready for another attack. All the pirates suddenly looked less certain of their chances. As the hooks from the Mother of Pearl's crew latched on to the railings, Steel swiped his blades against each other.


"Listen well, follower's of the Dread Captain. Because the song of my swords will be the last thing you hear." The swordpony lunged forward. He stabbed clean through a pirate too quickly for him to react. Another tried to attack him from behind. Steel raised his other weapon to block and tossed the skewered corpse on to the attacker.

A large earth pony brandished a small anchor, spinning it over his head by a rope tied to his tail. Steel rolled his eyes, took a step forward, and raised his wing up. The anchor went flying into the head of another pirate. The earth pony barely had time to look surprised before Steel cut him down.

Steel's ears perked at the sound of a flintlock cocking. Behind him stood a unicorn mare with four blunderbusses at the ready.

:blink: "Buck."

:ph34r: "Exactly!"

Steel ducked and rolled for his life.


He raised himself behind another pirate.


Steel flew as the buccaneer meat shield took the shot for him.


By the skin of his feathers, Steel took cover behind what remained of the mast.


Splinters flew around Steel. Literally, they stuck to the blood on the blades. Steel himself flipped around to the other side and pushed off. He sailed past the shooter and landed behind her in a follow through pose. . . . . the unicorn fell to the deck a moment later.

The battle raged all around Steel. His own crew members joining the fray.

Clashing metal.

Beating wings.

Pounding waves.

Roaring lungs.

It stirred something in Steel. Perhaps it was just the adrenaline but suddenly he thought he finally saw the world like Daring Do did. An adventure.

"All right, ye scurvy albatrosses!" He called to his fellow pegasi. "We got the wind on our side . . . THAT'S ALL WE NEED!" With a unified yell, Steel fought side by side with the crew of the Mother of Pearl.

And that’s when you feel the blade at your throat.

“You have some skill.” A deep voice says. “Perhaps ye’d like ter jump ship and join me crew.” you turn your head just slightly and see the piercing sea green eyes of Captain Pinkbeard. “It'd be a shame ta kill such a skilled swordspony. I might even cry.”

Suddenly a small knife whizzes past the top of pinkbeard’s head, catching his hat and imbedding itself in the wooden railing of the ship. he has no mane. “Get away from him!” Daring Do shouts.

there is a flash of steel, and before you can fully process what’s happened, both you and Daring are being pinned to the deck by one of Pinkbeard’s hooves. “You messed with the hat.” Pinkbeard growls. Nopony Messes with the Hat!” He raises his sword. he’s about to kill daring! Panicing you do the only thing you can think of.

“Your beard looks stupid!” You shout. the entire ship falls silent, as everypony turns to find the fool who dared to insult Captain Pinkbeard.

“Pinkbeard glares at you and you feel yourself withering under his gaze. you realize that this must be ‘The Glare.’
“Colt, ye just made yer last mistake.” He lifts his hoof from Daring, who quickly rolls away. “I’ll be sendin’ ye ta Whoovy Bones’ Locker, along with everypony else who dares to insult me!”

Time seems to slow down as the Captain’s blade swings toward you. you close your eyes to wait for the inevitable... It doesn’t come. you open your eyes to see that Daring has found a discarded sword and is engaging Pinkbeard in swordplay. you stand up and pick up your own weapons, then go to join her.

Mal took another look at the tickets, reading the time and date the movie will be shone.
"Oh don't worry, the movie tickets say the movie is scheduled tomorrow slightly after lunch." He replied with a reassuring smile.
(OOC Dang school work, been really busy.)

Twilight cocks her head. “Really? that’s an odd time for a movie. let me see those.” She takes the tickets and reads the time on them. “Huh. That’s interesting.” She levitates the tickets back over to you. You arrive at the library and you hold the door open for her while she enters, you follow her inside.

  • Brohoof 4

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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He shakily got off onto the floating island. “”Ah always imagined
Paradise a bit... closer to th’’ ground,” he comments, looking down,
then around, “I sposse it’s okay... but there’s no apple trees... Oh muh
gosh,” he says, eyes widening, “Is that uh winch?” He hurried inside
the windmill.

"Uh.. yes, I live here.. " she stared at Braeburn nervously, seeing him scaring away all the birds that lived there. She trotted to him.

The windmill was inside very colourful, full of books, carnivorous plants in pots, nonsencial pictures on the walls and tubes with strange chemical liquids inside. Surprisingly, there was also a lot of clockwork tools and components.

"Do you want.. something to eat? You must be hungry after that flight". She was pretty tired herself. It was a long way, literally on the other side of Equestria.. plus, she tried to be there as soon as possible, plus she carried another pony. She stretched her legs and wings.

Suddenly, she fell on the ground. Her pet cat welcomed her with an attack-jump. "Hi kitty cat.. sorry for being late.." she said as she was patting the cat gently. The cat suspiciously stared at Braeburn, hiding behind fallen Coco.

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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Dox is amazed. "Y-you really would? Oh, that would be AWESOME, Vinyl! I bet it would really help us step up our game against all the other bands in the competition." He sat next to Vinyl. "So, what can you teach us? I mean, it's obvious that you know WAY more about music than us."


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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(I have nothing to say)

She took the drink previously given to her, and looked at it. Then she drank the Dr. Muffin about half and dumped the alcohol in it. She sipped that, and grinned, then drank the rest of it. She shook her head, and frowned at the taste, then look around the ship, seeming a bit more surprised.


Glitch's eyes shrank to the size of atoms. Oh boy, he frightednedly thought. He ran over to Derpy, bumping into a few ponies along the way. "Uh, hey, Derpy," he said, giving her an awkward hug. "Listen, why don't we go..." Glitch looked around the ballroom, trying to find someplace where Derpy wouldn't smash things to pieces in her drunken nature. There was the window on the side of the ship, but Glitch was afraid that she'd destroy that. There was the dance floor, but he was scared Derpy would punch a hole in the ground. Plus, Glitch really didn't want to dance. That left the bar, and Glitch mentally punched himself in the face for thinking of such a stupid idea. "Uh, actually, why don't we stand right here," he said. "And not sit. Just stand here. Absolutely still. Okay?" Glitch blew air out his nostrils. This is not going how I expected it to go, he thought.

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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Dash Follows, Keeping pace with you easily. “So, Where are we going exactly?”


Sturdy grins as he notices the sky blue mare riding his tail closely, almost overtaking him "Of course she is faster than me, lets pick up the pace then..." He flaps his wings mightily and tries to pull forward, not wanting to be overtaken by Rainbow


"About two miles out from Ponyville" Sturdy shouts over the howling wind, looking back at Dash "I have a starting position over here" he points out slightly with his hoof, over the trees "We will start from there" The flight continues for a few more minutes before Sturdy lands in a small clearing in the woods, turning around he looks at the armored Pegasus land behind him.

"Alright we are about to begin" Sturdy says, his voice turning serious and filled with intent "I know of any mare in all of Equestria you are the most capable of doing this, but you still need to be careful" He stretches his wings wide, cracking them 


"Stick close to me, and listen to every word I say" he orders, "I don't mean to sound callous, but many lives have been lost on the first trip through the forest" he smiles at her, speaking softly "we can't have you joining their ranks, now can we?" Reaching into his satchel he pulls out a small brown bag filled with jangling brass clips 

"Now spread your wings soldier, and stand at attention, we need to get those wings armored up" he speaks sternly, but with a smile

Edited by Sturdy Wing
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(I have nothing to say)

Applejack looks at you oddly for a moment. “Really now Sugarcube? It’s a bit early ta be makin’ accusations like that. let's just go out and take a look at that there barn.” She heads for the door. just as she reaches it, there’s a knock. “Now who could that be?” She opens the door.

A masked figure stands there, looking exasperated. “Hello... I am the owner of that ship that floored your barn. I am teaching someone new at piloting. I am sorry... is there anyway that I can make it up to you?”

Red Talon facehoofed at how stupid he felt after he overreacted about the barn. After all, he is rather protective of loved ones, as well as their property. After hearing that it sounded like it was just a novice pilot (he's been in that situation before!), he took a deep breath and calmed down. However, he decided to let Applejack talk with this strange figure. It is her barn, after all.

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Bob smiled and waited for celestia to come, he looked down at his Queen maybe this idea would work on the hive as will.  He smiled evily as he waited on Celestia , he sighed as his mind started to drift off from this non chaotic mission but still if he wanted the queen he'll do it for her.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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(I have nothing to say)



“Heheh...” She glances away. “A simple race evolved into this.”

Animae blushes a little, smiling, rubbing her claws just a little. He wondered how far she would let it evolve further. Her feathers entranced him, and an idea grew in his head, hell everything had worked out so far, so why wouldn't this? So as she glances away in a moment of utter maddness he kisses her clumsily on the cheek.

'The dark lord was stood in front of his throne of lies and deceit and he was playing the violin.
He looked towards them, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Why don't you stay a while and listen as all turns to dust at the hands of my son?" his voice as soft as silk........'

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(I have nothing to say)



Thunder Lane raises an eyebrow. “Thunders? Where did you come up with... Heh, never mind” He gives a little nervous laugh. “Anyway, I’m free today.”

She blushes a little and looks down at her hooves "That's very good" she giggles childishly, wanting to give him a hug. Oh hell why not? She wraps her hooves around him quickly with a squeee then blushes with a muttered 'thankyou' she looked up and began trotting again.

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Spike is momentarily stunned. “It... It’s not a big deal. To be honest, I’ve never actually thought about it. I’ve always had Twilight taking care of me, so I guess I’ve always thought of her as my mother...” he looks at you strangely. “the... uh, kiss was kind of nice though...”


Aura smiled weirdly at the strange look Spike gave her. "Well..." She said awkwardly. "It seems like Twilight did a really good job at raising you." She said trying to avoid talking about the abrupt kiss she had given him. After a few seconds Aura finally asked "Y-you really think that kiss was nice?" She asked nervously. "I mean I didn't mean to but.." she trailed off not knowing how to finish the sentence.


"I really care about you Spike." She says softly, "And even though I just met you and all, I think I-" She was interrupted by the library door opening revealing Twilight and another pony.

Edited by ~Chaotic Harmony~
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(I have nothing to say)


Rarity Beams at you. “I’m glad to see you’re as excited as I am!” She says, rubbing the top of her head against your cheek affectionately. “We are simply going to have the best time!”


~Three Days Later~


“I am simply having the worst time!” Rarity cries. I cannot find my favorite hat, Sweetie Belle isn’t ready, and our train leaves in fifteen minutes! This is The. Worst. Possible. Thing!” she throws herself onto a waiting red velvet fainting couch. “Oh woe is me!”


You stand in the doorway of carousel boutique, having just arrived with all your things, and this is what you find.

Wildcard looks at the scene for a few seconds, confused and unsure what to do in that situation. He knows that there isn't much time left to catch the train and a voice inside him screams "PANIC!" but he tries to keep a cool head. He walks over to the mare and talks to her in a way, that he hopes, would calm her down a bit.

"Shhh...everything's gonna work out just fine, honey. You look gorgeous with or without your hat and I am sure we can still arrive at the station in time." he knees besides her, gently stroking her cheek "Now tell me how I can help you with Sweetie and I am sure we will be able to leave in no time" he adds and kisses her cheek.


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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Surprise laughs. “Silly! How could you get me and Pinkie mixed up? She doesn’t have wings!” she flutters her wings to illustrate her point. “but I Love the idea! I haven’t seen my favorite cousin in a long time! I’d love to hang out with her some more! Add a couple of handsome stallions in the mix... well, that’s even better!” Suddenly, you hear a loud crash. “Ohmygosh what was that?”


'So she is related to Pinkie,' I take note as she mentions Pinkie being her cousin. "Well that's wonderful, I'm glad you-" I'm cut off as a loud crash sounds and I look over to see the apple family barn with a giant chunk out of it and an airship flying away. "Well it looks like the apple family will need some help getting their barn together tomorrow," I tell Surprise.

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And that’s when you feel the blade at your throat. “You have some skill.” A deep voice says. “Perhaps ye’d like ter jump ship and join me crew.” you turn your head just slightly and see the piercing sea green eyes of Captain Pinkbeard. “It'd be a shame ta kill such a skilled swordspony. I might even cry.” Suddenly a small knife whizzes past the top of pinkbeard’s head, catching his hat and imbedding itself in the wooden railing of the ship. he has no mane. “Get away from him!” Daring Do shouts. there is a flash of steel, and before you can fully process what’s happened, both you and Daring are being pinned to the deck by one of Pinkbeard’s hooves. “You messed with the hat.” Pinkbeard growls. Nopony Messes with the Hat!” He raises his sword. he’s about to kill daring! Panicing you do the only thing you can think of. “Your beard looks stupid!” You shout. the entire ship falls silent, as everypony turns to find the fool who dared to insult Captain Pinkbeard. “Pinkbeard glares at you and you feel yourself withering under his gaze. you realize that this must be ‘The Glare.’ “Colt, ye just made yer last mistake.” He lifts his hoof from Daring, who quickly rolls away. “I’ll be sendin’ ye ta Whoovy Bones’ Locker, along with everypony else who dares to insult me!” Time seems to slow down as the Captain’s blade swings toward you. you close your eyes to wait for the inevitable... It doesn’t come. you open your eyes to see that Daring has found a discarded sword and is engaging Pinkbeard in swordplay. you stand up and pick up your own weapons, then go to join her.

The chaos of the previous battle had been ground to a halt, as if the Captain's presence commanded such attention that even war was still before him.


Both crews now starred in rapt attention at the duel before them, silently rooting for their respective champions.


Daring was ferocious and unrelenting, but her technique could use some work. Pinkbeard, on the other hoof, was a monster in more ways than one apparently! He was nearly a head taller than Steels' good friend Fancypants, and twice as heavily muscled. His weapon was a cutlass and a fine one, longer and sharper than what his crew was swinging. Worse yet, he knew what he was doing.


Steel flew over Daring and tried to strike high on the Captain. With a quick twist of his neck, Pinkbeard deflected Steel's blade. Daring tried to go for the opening, but Pinkbeard struck out with his left foreleg in a wide hook. Daring recovered quickly from the Haymaker while Steel came at the Captain from behind. Pinkbeard parried Daring's strike, and to Steel's shock and dismay, actually bucked away his. Steel tried to strike with his other sword, but Pinkbeard spun on his hooves and parried again.


During the brief binding of blades, Pinkbeard pressed upon Steel's strong ((it's the part of the blade near the hilt)) using his superior physical might to bring his blade close to Steel's neck. He then hooked his right foreleg behind Steel's left foreleg and tossed the pegasus back around.


Steel slid on the ground next to Daring. He quickly got to his hooves and assumed his fighting stance, but panted heavily. This was not good. Their foe was both stronger, had longer reach, and was obviously trained.


"You got a plan?" Steel asked the Adventurer Archeologist.


"I dunf know I'm 'aking tis up ash I go." Daring deadpanned around the hilt in her mouth. A thought struck Steel. It was something so obscure that even if the Captain knew about it, there was little chance he knew how to counter it.


"Daring?" Steel said. Once again, not taking his eyes off his opponent. Pinkbeard was now grinning around the hilt of his weapon, confident in the sureness of his victory. "I'm going to try something, I wouldn't call it a plan but-" Pinkbeard advanced. No time to explain, Steel pulled Daring close to him to take her sword.


For one moment, time seemed to stop. Their lips met around the grip of a weapon. Perverse as it seemed to Steel, that felt right. Daring relaxed her jaw a little bit, giving Steel her blessing to take the sword. Steel reached out with his tongue to pull the hilt from Daring's possession. He briefly felt the faint but tantalizing taste of dates, the snack which Daring had been eating. His ear perked up. He didn't have any right to hear this over the crashing waves, groaning riggings, or his own heart pounding in his head, but his was a swordfighter's mind. He knew this sound well, it was the sound of cut air.


Steel tightened his jaw, clenching the hilt tightly in his teeth. Almost reluctantly, Steel pulled his lips from Daring's as Pinkbeard's blade came down upon them like the scythe of Nightmare Moon.


But Steel Accord would not be taken in battle. With nary a turn of his head, Steel blocked the mighty blow; a shower of sparks flared to life as the blades bit into each other. Using the bind, Steel guided the Captain's blade away. Steel then stuck his own wing-sword into the deck and lifted himself upon it. He swung both his hind legs around for a round house buck.


Captain Pinkbeard was sent reeling away, almost loosing his own sword. Steel recovered and landed before the Captain in a new stance. He held the one sword in his mouth, pointing out to his right. His right wing-sword stuck out slightly below it. His left wing was folded almost completely over his back, sticking his left sword out to his right with the other two. This was the battle stance of the ancient pegasi art of Santoryu: Three sword style.


Pinkbeard tried to regain control of the situation. He tried to strike at Steel's left. Steel parried and did a riposte with his right blade. The Captain tried to strike Steel's right, but was blocked and received a cut to the cheek from a downward slice of Steel's center blade. They were light cuts, but Steel grinned at the sight of red drops staining the wood.


"It looks like you can bleed Captain." He said perfectly through the hilt.


"Grrrrr." Pinkbeard growled in indignation.


"Maybe if I get the chance I'll use this fight as an opportunity to give you a shave." Steel chuckled as the sword in his mouth glinted off the sun.


"Arrrrrrrgh!" The Captain, roared and charged. Forgoing all technique to eviscerate the insolent swordpony.


"Dragon TWISTER!" Steel flapped once and shot forward. Corkscrewing toward the Captain like a typhoon of blades.


Steel landed and spun back around in a ready position behind the Captain, who now had several deep cuts in him. Pinkbeard turned slowly, with murder in his eyes. He brought his weapon back for another charge.




The cutlass was roughly wrenched from his jaw. It sailed through the air, gave somepony a buzz cut as it flew by, and dug itself into the remaining mast.


Nursing his mouth, the Captain beheld Daring Do, cracking her whip like she'd been doing it all her life. After a few painful and humiliating lashes, Daring aimed for Pinkbeard's namesake. Violently jerking her head, she forced the Captain to the deck. She flew over and landed behind him with Steel. Lashing out one last time, Daring ensnared Pinkbeard's leg. She twirled in place, actually lifting him from the deck. After three revolutions, Daring loosened the grip and the pirate was sent flying toward the stern. A small explosion of saw dust marking his landing.


Steel and Daring looked into each other's eyes. Steel didn't know what Daring saw in his, but he saw fire. She was like fire. Wild, untamed, and beautiful. They both nodded and moved to finish him off together. As they both approached however, Pinkbeard burst from the haze.


Startlingly, he was standing on his hind legs and had VERY big blunderbuss at the ready that he had hidden under his coat.




Both Steel and Daring froze in place.


"You coward!" Steel yelled. The Captain just smiled.



Edited by Steel Accord
  • Brohoof 2
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(Alrighty! Last replies of the Season! Next time I see you guys, the summer will have begun!)

"Uh.. yes, I live here.. " she stared at Braeburn nervously, seeing him scaring away all the birds that lived there. She trotted to him.
The windmill was inside very colourful, full of books, carnivorous plants in pots, nonsencial pictures on the walls and tubes with strange chemical liquids inside. Surprisingly, there was also a lot of clockwork tools and components.
"Do you want.. something to eat? You must be hungry after that flight". She was pretty tired herself. It was a long way, literally on the other side of Equestria.. plus, she tried to be there as soon as possible, plus she carried another pony. She stretched her legs and wings.
Suddenly, she fell on the ground. Her pet cat welcomed her with an attack-jump. "Hi kitty cat.. sorry for being late.." she said as she was patting the cat gently. The cat suspiciously stared at Braeburn, hiding behind fallen Coco.

Breaburn looked around, then looked at the cat hiding. “Heh, th’ critter don’t seem tah like me much...” He sniffed himself, “Do ah smell funny? Sometimes they do that when I smell funneh.” He sat and watched the cat.

Glitch's eyes shrank to the size of atoms. Oh boy, he frightednedly thought. He ran over to Derpy, bumping into a few ponies along the way. "Uh, hey, Derpy," he said, giving her an awkward hug. "Listen, why don't we go..." Glitch looked around the ballroom, trying to find someplace where Derpy wouldn't smash things to pieces in her drunken nature. There was the window on the side of the ship, but Glitch was afraid that she'd destroy that. There was the dance floor, but he was scared Derpy would punch a hole in the ground. Plus, Glitch really didn't want to dance. That left the bar, and Glitch mentally punched himself in the face for thinking of such a stupid idea. "Uh, actually, why don't we stand right here," he said. "And not sit. Just stand here. Absolutely still. Okay?" Glitch blew air out his nostrils. This is not going how I expected it to go, he thought.

(I have plans for you American) Derpy gave him a weird look, “Why? I’m perfectly capable of sitting.” She sat, lifting her tail out of the way, and wrapping it around herself. “You’re looking at me like I’m going to make the whole ship coming crashing down to the ground. I know I break a lot of things, but... Well, I break a lot of things.” She frowned, thinking. She blinked a few times, and then both eyes pointed forward. “Are you thirsty? I could use another drink...”

Dox is amazed. "Y-you really would? Oh, that would be AWESOME, Vinyl! I bet it would really help us step up our game against all the other bands in the competition." He sat next to Vinyl. "So, what can you teach us? I mean, it's obvious that you know WAY more about music than us."

Vinyl smiles. “Well, first off.” She stands and trots over to D Chord. “You need to fix your attitude. Confidence shows, and your play style has ‘lack of confidence’ written all over it.” She points at Snare. “Look at your drummer. she’s probably the best one out of all of you, and a lot of that comes from the fact that she’s confident in her abilities.”
Snare Beat raises an eyebrow, unsure of how to respond to the complement.

“On the other hoof.” Vinyl says, turning her full attention on Snare. “You’re problem is that you have too much anger and not enough love of the music, It seems to me like you are more interested in having an excuse to hit something as hard as you can than in actually producing a good sound.” Snare Scowls, back in her element.

“And as for you...” Vinyl points at you. “You’re problem isn’t mental. you just need more practice.”

Sturdy grins as he notices the sky blue mare riding his tail closely, almost overtaking him "Of course she is faster than me, lets pick up the pace then..." He flaps his wings mightily and tries to pull forward, not wanting to be overtaken by Rainbow

"About two miles out from Ponyville" Sturdy shouts over the howling wind, looking back at Dash "I have a starting position over here" he points out slightly with his hoof, over the trees "We will start from there" The flight continues for a few more minutes before Sturdy lands in a small clearing in the woods, turning around he looks at the armored Pegasus land behind him.
"Alright we are about to begin" Sturdy says, his voice turning serious and filled with intent "I know of any mare in all of Equestria you are the most capable of doing this, but you still need to be careful" He stretches his wings wide, cracking them

"Stick close to me, and listen to every word I say" he orders, "I don't mean to sound callous, but many lives have been lost on the first trip through the forest" he smiles at her, speaking softly "we can't have you joining their ranks, now can we?" Reaching into his satchel he pulls out a small brown bag filled with jangling brass clips
"Now spread your wings soldier, and stand at attention, we need to get those wings armored up" he speaks sternly, but with a smile

Dash Smirks. “I’ve been in the forest before.” She says. straightening up and spreading her wings. “At least as deep as the old castle.” As you begin putting the armor on her wings, one of your hooves accidentally brushes the exposed base. dash makes a little squeaking noise and flinches away. “Hey, watch where you’re touching mister. I’m spoken for.” you pull back, worried that you may have really offended her, but her smirk is still in place, so you decide that she was joking.

Red Talon facehoofed at how stupid he felt after he overreacted about the barn. After all, he is rather protective of loved ones, as well as their property. After hearing that it sounded like it was just a novice pilot (he's been in that situation before!), he took a deep breath and calmed down. However, he decided to let Applejack talk with this strange figure. It is her barn, after all.

“Well, It’s Mighty Big a’ ya’ ta’ come right down here lickety-split like that. Ah guess we should all head over there so Ah Can assess the damage.” The three of you head over to the barn. The damage is quite severe. The wood is blackened as if by fire. “Dagnabit! I guess that special quick-dry paint we used last time was more ‘unstable and flammable.’ than that sales pony led me to believe, He said it would only react to...” She turns to Meta. “What exactly is that there ship of yours made of?”

Bob smiled and waited for celestia to come, he looked down at his Queen maybe this idea would work on the hive as will. He smiled evily as he waited on Celestia , he sighed as his mind started to drift off from this non chaotic mission but still if he wanted the queen he'll do it for her.

Celestia Arrived not long after in her chariot. along with her was what appeared to be a full complement of royal guards, as well as several large prison wagons, which presumably contained the captured Changelings.

Celestia Steps off of her chariot and steps forward. “Let the queen of the changelings come forth!” she commands. You and Chrysalis Go to meet her in the central clearing.

“Princess!” Chrysalis-as-Morning-Star Cries. “It’s a trick! She’s not the real Chrysalis!”

Celestia looks at the pony she believes to be her friend. “I thought as much. It seemed odd that she would be here in person. however, that changes little, as I had no treachery planned. the Cowardly insect can stay in her tower as long as she wishes. so long as my little pony is returned to me.”


Meanwhile, back at the hive, the real Morning Star regains consciousness, and finds himself in an unfamiliar cell.

She blushes a little and looks down at her hooves "That's very good" she giggles childishly, wanting to give him a hug. Oh hell why not? She wraps her hooves around him quickly with a squeee then blushes with a muttered 'thankyou' she looked up and began trotting again.

“Umm. Okaaay...” Thunderlane looks a tad uncomfortable. “Um, can I ask you something kind of weird? I have a bad habit of jumping to conclusions and making myself look like an idiot... so... umm... are you... Coming on to me? or is it just my imagination?”


Aura smiled weirdly at the strange look Spike gave her. "Well..." She said awkwardly. "It seems like Twilight did a really good job at raising you." She said trying to avoid talking about the abrupt kiss she had given him. After a few seconds Aura finally asked "Y-you really think that kiss was nice?" She asked nervously. "I mean I didn't mean to but.." she trailed off not knowing how to finish the sentence.

"I really care about you Spike." She says softly, "And even though I just met you and all, I think I-" She was interrupted by the library door opening revealing Twilight and another pony.

Twilight and her companion enter the room and see you with Spike. “Oh hey Spike.” Twilight says. “How are you- Oh.” She notices the glare spike is sending at her. “Sorry, I’ll um...” She turns to her companion. “Let’s head upstairs.”

Once the two of them are out of the room, Spike looks back at you. “What were you saying?” He asks.

Wildcard looks at the scene for a few seconds, confused and unsure what to do in that situation. He knows that there isn't much time left to catch the train and a voice inside him screams "PANIC!" but he tries to keep a cool head. He walks over to the mare and talks to her in a way, that he hopes, would calm her down a bit.
"Shhh...everything's gonna work out just fine, honey. You look gorgeous with or without your hat and I am sure we can still arrive at the station in time." he knees besides her, gently stroking her cheek "Now tell me how I can help you with Sweetie and I am sure we will be able to leave in no time" he adds and kisses her cheek.

Rarity takes a deep breath. “Yes, you’re right, of course, I’m sure it will be fine. Sweetie Belle is in her room, and she won’t let me in, she just insists that she’s not ready. perhaps she’ll listen to you.”
You nod and make your way to Sweetie Belle’s room. you knock.
“No! I’m still not ready Rarity!” she calls.
“Sweetie, It’s me.” you call.
“Wildcard?” she asks. “is it just you?”
a moment later, the door opens and you are pulled into the room.
“You have to help me!” Sweetie Squeaks. “I accidently sat on Rarity’s hat and bent all the feathers! I’m trying to fix it but it’s no use!” She holds up a pile of cloth and feathers that may have once been a hat. “If Rarity finds out she’ll be mad at me! you have to help me fix it!”

'So she is related to Pinkie,' I take note as she mentions Pinkie being her cousin. "Well that's wonderful, I'm glad you-" I'm cut off as a loud crash sounds and I look over to see the apple family barn with a giant chunk out of it and an airship flying away. "Well it looks like the apple family will need some help getting their barn together tomorrow," I tell Surprise.

“Yup.” Surprise chirps. “A barn raising sounds like fun! I especially like the ones where it’s a barn DANCE at the same time! You think we should go help out?”

The chaos of the previous battle had been ground to a halt, as if the Captain's presence commanded such attention that even war was still before him.

Both crews now starred in rapt attention at the duel before them, silently rooting for their respective champions.

Daring was ferocious and unrelenting, but her technique could use some work. Pinkbeard, on the other hoof, was a monster in more ways than one apparently! He was nearly a head taller than Steels' good friend Fancypants, and twice as heavily muscled. His weapon was a cutlass and a fine one, longer and sharper than what his crew was swinging. Worse yet, he knew what he was doing.

Steel flew over Daring and tried to strike high on the Captain. With a quick twist of his neck, Pinkbeard deflected Steel's blade. Daring tried to go for the opening, but Pinkbeard struck out with his left foreleg in a wide hook. Daring recovered quickly from the Haymaker while Steel came at the Captain from behind. Pinkbeard parried Daring's strike, and to Steel's shock and dismay, actually bucked away his. Steel tried to strike with his other sword, but Pinkbeard spun on his hooves and parried again.

During the brief binding of blades, Pinkbeard pressed upon Steel's strong ((it's the part of the blade near the hilt)) using his superior physical might to bring his blade close to Steel's neck. He then hooked his right foreleg behind Steel's left foreleg and tossed the pegasus back around.

Steel slid on the ground next to Daring. He quickly got to his hooves and assumed his fighting stance, but panted heavily. This was not good. Their foe was both stronger, had longer reach, and was obviously trained.

"You got a plan?" Steel asked the Adventurer Archeologist.

"I dunf know I'm 'aking tis up ash I go." Daring deadpanned around the hilt in her mouth. A thought struck Steel. It was something so obscure that even if the Captain knew about it, there was little chance he knew how to counter it.

"Daring?" Steel said. Once again, not taking his eyes off his opponent. Pinkbeard was now grinning around the hilt of his weapon, confident in the sureness of his victory. "I'm going to try something, I wouldn't call it a plan but-" Pinkbeard advanced. No time to explain, Steel pulled Daring close to him to take her sword.

For one moment, time seemed to stop. Their lips met around the grip of a weapon. Perverse as it seemed to Steel, that felt right. Daring relaxed her jaw a little bit, giving Steel her blessing to take the sword. Steel reached out with his tongue to pull the hilt from Daring's possession. He briefly felt the faint but tantalizing taste of dates, which Daring had been eating. His ear perked up. He didn't have any right to hear this over the crashing waves, groaning riggings, or his own heart pounding in his head, but his was a swordfighter's mind. He knew this sound well, it was the sound of cut air.

Steel tightened his jaw, clenching the hilt tightly in his teeth. Almost reluctantly, Steel pulled his lips from Daring's as Pinkbeard's blade came down upon them like the scythe of Nightmare Moon.

But Steel Accord would not be taken in battle. With nary a turn of his head, Steel blocked the mighty blow; a shower of sparks flared to life as the blades bit into each other. Using the bind, Steel guided the Captain's blade away. Steel then stuck his own wing-sword into the deck and lifted himself upon it. He swung both his hind legs around for a round house buck.

Captain Pinkbeard was sent reeling away, almost loosing his own sword. Steel recovered and landed before the Captain in a new stance. He held the one sword in his mouth, pointing out to his right. His right wing-sword stuck out slightly below it. His left wing was folded almost completely over his back, sticking his left sword out to his right with the other two. This was the battle stance of the ancient pegasi art of Santoryu: Three sword style.

Pinkbeard tried to regain control of the situation. He tried to strike at Steel's left. Steel parried and did a riposte with his right blade. The Captain tried to strike Steel's right, but was blocked and received a cut to the cheek from a downward slice of Steel's center blade. They were light cuts, but Steel grinned at the sight of red drops staining the wood.

"It looks like you can bleed Captain." He said perfectly through the hilt.

"Grrrrr." Pinkbeard growled in indignation.

"Maybe if I get the chance I'll use this fight as an opportunity to give you a shave." Steel chuckled as the sword in his mouth glinted off the sun.

"Arrrrrrrgh!" The Captain, roared and charged. Forgoing all technique to eviscerate the insolent swordpony.

"Dragon TWISTER!" Steel flapped once and shot forward. Corkscrewing toward the Captain like a typhoon of blades.

Steel landed and spun back around in a ready position behind the Captain, who now had several deep cuts in him. Pinkbeard turned slowly, with murder in his eyes. He brought his weapon back for another charge.


The cutlass was roughly wrenched from his jaw. It sailed through the air, gave somepony a buzz cut as it flew by, and dug itself into the remaining mast.

Nursing his mouth, the Captain beheld Daring Do, cracking her whip like she'd been doing it all her life. After a few painful and humiliating lashes, Daring aimed for Pinkbeard's namesake. Violently jerking her head, she forced the Captain to the deck. She flew over and landed behind him with Steel. Lashing out one last time, Daring ensnared Pinkbeard's leg. She twirled in place, actually lifting him from the deck. After three revolutions, Daring loosened the grip and the pirate was sent flying toward the stern. A small explosion of saw dust marking his landing.

Steel and Daring looked into each other's eyes. Steel didn't know what Daring saw in his, but he saw fire. She was like fire. Wild, untamed, and beautiful. They both nodded and took wing to finish him off together. As they both landed, Pinkbeard burst from the haze.

Startlingly, he was standing on his hind legs and had VERY big blunderbuss at the ready that he had hidden under his coat.


Both Steel and Daring froze in place.

"You coward!" Steel yelled. The Captain just smiled.


(.... I... I would like to take this moment to say... WOW. That has got to be the best post I’ve ever had the honor of replying to. Seriously. Well done.) (*Clap* Well you did give him a bit of freedom here.)
Before you can say “Avast ye landlubbers!” or something equally piratey, Pinkbeard’s crew leaps into action and ties you and the surviving members of the Pearl’s crew up. you find yourself pressed into one of two lines running the length of the black ship’s main deck.

“Now then.” Pink Beard says. “First things First. Everypony who doesn’t want to die raise yer hoof.” He looks surprised when no hooves go up. “Really? all of ye have a death wish?”

“Well, ye do have us tied up at the moment.” one pirate says.

“Ah yes, I almost forgot, very well,if ye don’t want to die, that leaves ye with two options, either ye can join me crew, Or i can find a nice little Island to dump ye on.” he goes up to the first pony in line. “What say you sir? Join, Maroon, or die?”

“I... I’ll join ye sir!” the pirate stammers.

“Good choice. Men! Cut this one loose.” Pinkbeard moved on to the next pirate. “What say you?”

“Join! Join!” the pirate cried.

“I don’t believe ye. Kill ‘Im!”

Pinkbeard continued up the rows extending his offer to each of the captured pirates, some he released, others he killed anyway. there seemed to be no rhyme or reason to it. finally he reached Briney.

“And what say you?”

“I’d rather die!” Briny Spat.

“Marooned it is.” Pinkbeard said, moving on to Captain Deep Blue. “Ye can’t be joinin’ us, being a captain yerself, so I suppose I should just give ye one of the longboats ta captain and leave ye to yer own devices.” He moved on without giving the captain a chance to respond.

“And what say you?” He asked Daring.

Daring’s reply was to tell him that he could go do something very inappropriate. Pinkbeard laughed.

“Ye got spirit. I like that. Maybe I’ll keep ye as a pet.” At long last He moves to stand in front of you.

“And what say you? Join, Maroon, or die?”

  • Brohoof 1

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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He speaks."What is this little runt worth to you, maybe i should keep him and turn him into a drone for my army or best yet maybe i should give him to my changelings and have  them feed of him till he is nothing more then husk". shows that he is serous about his threats. Morningstar looks around."hello princess celestia, any pony"?

Edited by Chaos-Weaver Mr_Bob

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Breaburn looked around, then looked at the cat hiding. “Heh, th’ critter don’t seem tah like me much...” He sniffed himself, “Do ah smell funny? Sometimes they do that when I smell funneh.” He sat and watched the cat.

"I don't think so.." she sat opposite to Braeburn, carresed the cat and picked her up. She carried the cat in her hooves like a baby. "She just needs some time to get used to ponies.."

"Just like me.."

The cat started to play with her mane. Coco smiled. "Her name is Raindrop." she added. The cat watched Braeburn with interest. Coco put Raindrop in Braeburn's hooves without a word. The cat was kinda shocked, gave Coco a "what the hell" look. Coco gave her an ironical grin, got up and brought a basket full of cookies. "As I said before.. I made some cookies."

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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He tries to move but he really can't because of exhaustion, so he tells Pinkie, "Gosh, I can't move... must have been really tired after that day. And you said something about an explosion, what was it? What happened when I was knocked out for like 24 hours? Even when I was in the party I couldn't remember a thing." He waits for Pinkie to tell him the whole story.

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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