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Paradox nods as Vinyl does her assesment of the others. 'Yeah, Chord can be a bit of a downer, and Snare is always kinda... Snarky, I guess.' When she got to him, he pulled a fake suprise face and gasp, saying, "Not even!" He then chuckles and says, "Yeah, I know much more practice is needed. And it's kinda sad that I'm the one who does most of the practicing out of anypony here. I mean, not including you, Vin', you probably never need practice. You're just so... Perfect, in everything you do."


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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(Alrighty! Last replies of the Season! Next time I see you guys, the summer will have begun!)


(I have plans for you American) Derpy gave him a weird look, “Why? I’m perfectly capable of sitting.” She sat, lifting her tail out of the way, and wrapping it around herself. “You’re looking at me like I’m going to make the whole ship coming crashing down to the ground. I know I break a lot of things, but... Well, I break a lot of things.” She frowned, thinking. She blinked a few times, and then both eyes pointed forward. “Are you thirsty? I could use another drink...”


(In the words of the immortal Nathan Drake, ah crap.)


Glitch panicked. "Uh, I'm not very thirsty right now, Derpy. Besides, it's... uh..." His eyes darted around the ballroom, trying to come up with a lie convincing enough to stop Derpy from drinking. The first thing he saw was a clock on the wall that read 7:00. He frantically looked around for something else, his eyes resting on a couple kissing. Glitch had a eureka moment and returned his eyes to Derpy. "It's, uh, kissing time!" Glitch then planted his lips firmly on Derpy's, suppressing any protest from her and hoping it would stall her enough to make her forget about the drinks.

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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(Alrighty! Last replies of the Season! Next time I see you guys, the summer will have begun!)



“Umm. Okaaay...” Thunderlane looks a tad uncomfortable. “Um, can I ask you something kind of weird? I have a bad habit of jumping to conclusions and making myself look like an idiot... so... umm... are you... Coming on to me? or is it just my imagination"

"Coming onto you? What's that mean?" she said seriously. "I uh... think you're cute if that's what you meant" she says blushing quite a lot. She trots beside him, giving him time to mull over her feelings as they walk. She contemplated many things, like what his lips would feel like when they kissed...... no she couldn't think like that.

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After seeing Twilight and her companion go upstairs she looked at Spike. "Well..." Aura says a bit nervously. Since it seemed he already had feelings for someone else Aura was unsure if Spike would feel the same she did for him. "I know I said I liked you, but...." She pauses and looks at the floor for a second. The ice dragon then looks back up after contemplating something. "...I think I like-like you." She confesses as her face glows scarlet.

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(.... I... I would like to take this moment to say... WOW. That has got to be the best post I’ve ever had the honor of replying to. Seriously. Well done.) (*Clap* Well you did give him a bit of freedom here.) Before you can say “Avast ye landlubbers!” or something equally piratey, Pinkbeard’s crew leaps into action and ties you and the surviving members of the Pearl’s crew up. you find yourself pressed into one of two lines running the length of the black ship’s main deck. “Now then.” Pink Beard says. “First things First. Everypony who doesn’t want to die raise yer hoof.” He looks surprised when no hooves go up. “Really? all of ye have a death wish?” “Well, ye do have us tied up at the moment.” one pirate says. “Ah yes, I almost forgot, very well,if ye don’t want to die, that leaves ye with two options, either ye can join me crew, Or i can find a nice little Island to dump ye on.” he goes up to the first pony in line. “What say you sir? Join, Maroon, or die?” “I... I’ll join ye sir!” the pirate stammers. “Good choice. Men! Cut this one loose.” Pinkbeard moved on to the next pirate. “What say you?” “Join! Join!” the pirate cried. “I don’t believe ye. Kill ‘Im!” Pinkbeard continued up the rows extending his offer to each of the captured pirates, some he released, others he killed anyway. there seemed to be no rhyme or reason to it. finally he reached Briney. “And what say you?” “I’d rather die!” Briny Spat. “Marooned it is.” Pinkbeard said, moving on to Captain Deep Blue. “Ye can’t be joinin’ us, being a captain yerself, so I suppose I should just give ye one of the longboats ta captain and leave ye to yer own devices.” He moved on without giving the captain a chance to respond. “And what say you?” He asked Daring. Daring’s reply was to tell him that he could go do something very inappropriate. Pinkbeard laughed. “Ye got spirit. I like that. Maybe I’ll keep ye as a pet.” At long last He moves to stand in front of you. “And what say you? Join, Maroon, or die?”

((OOC: Fixed it!))



Steel stared in revulsion at the Captain, he was everything Steel hated in the world. Narcissistic, barbaric, and pointlessly cruel. He felt a powerful urge to spit right in the Captain's face, or better yet his beard.


But what about Daring? 


Steel's eyes drifted to the mare he had fought beside. She was struggling against her own bindings. Steel could see the rope burn beginning to bruise and cut her. He wanted to tell her to stop, but why? She had all the right in the world to struggle. If the Captain was going to keep her alive, it was going to be as an amusing distraction until he got bored with her.


Then again, what could Steel do? He had to get free, get a weapon, kill Pinkbeard and free Briny, Deep Blue, and the rest of the crew. (That was left anyway.)


Steel turned to Daring. She looked back at him, a grin sneaking to the edge of her mouth. As if se was silently asking Steel.


"What next?"


Adventurous, fierce, unstoppable. Even bound and at the mercy of the Dread Captain, Daring Do was ready to take on the world. The fire in her eyes had not gone out. Steel wondered if they ever truly did, if perhaps it was always there and he was only seeing it now. That perhaps she was letting him see her true self. That perhaps Steel had . . . inspired her.


Steel returned her fiery gaze with a resigned grimace. Daring raised an eyebrow in uncertainty and another emotion creeping on to her features that he thought he would never see . . . fear. The fire in her eyes flickered.


Steel turned back towards Captain Pinkbeard, locked eyes with him, clenched his teeth . . . and sighed as he let his head fall.




"YOU TRAITOR!" Briny cursed. "I hope Squirkthulu drags your soul to to his underwater city in Hell and-"


"Somepony shut her up!" Pinkbeard commanded. One of the pirates gagged Briny as she continued to damn Steel and the other pirates who turned.


Steel was released from his bindings. He stood before Pinkbeard, his head still not raised. "That's a good colt." He patted Steel on the head like a child. Steel quivered with fury but said nothing. "I even know what position ye will be on me ship." Pinkbeard nodded to one of his crew. With the flash of a unicorn's horn, Steel's sheathed sabers floated to him and strapped themselves around his barrel. "Ye will be The Blackheart's swordpony. Every crew has somepony who is the best at putting holes in others." The rest of the crew chuckled at their Captain's condescending humor. "Way Ah see it!" Pinkbeard began to march around Steel. "You are almost like the Princess'es Maaaaaster Swordpony." The Captain mocked again. 


Briny's curse was coming to fruition. Steel could feel his heart plummeting beneath the deck, below the waves, sinking into the black abyss. What did it was not that the Captain had given Steel a position that was a twisted parody of the title he'd dreamed to claim, it was Daring's eyes. Steel could not bear to even glance back at her as the pirates around him howled in laughter. Yet he could still feel the heat of her judgment upon his back.


"Yer first task as one of me crew, Mr. Accord . . ." Pinkbeard began. "Is to throw the miserable excuse for a Captain overboard!" Most of the crew cheered. The one's the used to call him Captain either looked away in shame, watched in horror, or awkwardly cheered along.


Steel slowly walked to the older pegasus. Deep Blue just starred at Steel with the face of the disappointed father he was. He spread his wings, flapped twice to land on the dingy hanging behind him. 


Steel walked to the rope pulley to lower the Captain's diminutive vessel. 


"If I don't do this, Captain. Daring will die." The wise old Captain just smiled bitterly at Steel.




Perhaps he meant it as a compliment. But Steel still felt rotten to his core. He began to lower the Captain to the water below.



"Wait!" Captain Pinkbeard called out. "I have an even better idea." He smiled wide, his blackened and crooked teeth a shocking contrast to the bright pink of his beard.


"Cut the ropes. Ye be arr swordpony aye?" His tone was dripping with contention.


Steel had had enough. He drew both of his weapons and turned toward Pinkbeard.


"Ah ah ah." Pinkbeard waved his hoof like a scolding parent. "Any funny business and I may have to change my rule about keepin' pets." His black grin was ear to ear.


Steel turned back to Captain Deep Blue. The old stallion looked prouder and stronger in this small boat than Pinkbeard did aboard a mighty battleship. He looked Steel straight in the eye.


"Protect my daughter." His final command. His eyes then drifted to Briny and he smiled warmly. She was shouting behind the gag. "I'm so proud of you." He whispered louder than the pirates shouted. Captain Deep Blue looked once again to Steel, his eyes had lost the intensity of command. He simply nodded.


The pirates grew louder around Steel.


"Do it!"


"Cut the ropes!"


"Too long!"


Steel raised his shaking wings. The noise grew into a great din.


Briny got the gag out of her mouth at last.


"Steel, don't! Please!"


Steel began to lower his blades. The pirates groaned and yelled in protest.


Pinkbeard cleared his throat. Steel's head shot around to see Pinkbeard adjusting the blunderbuss hanging off his side; inching it's barrel close to Daring.


Steel raised his weapons again and the pirates roared with renewed vigor.


Pinkbeard grinned.


Deep Blue relaxed.


Daring stared.


The pirate's chants grew to a crescendo.




The dingy splashed in the sea below, Captain Deep Blue flapped his wings to keep from stumbling over. The pirates cheered and laughed at his humiliation.


"Good job." Pinkbeard whispered into Steel's ear. "Welcome to the Blackheart, Mr. Accooooord." He drawled.


Steel shivered. Pinkbeard's breathe was as blood curdling as his words. He felt as if something diseased had slithered into his soul through his ear.


Steel looked around, trying to find any familiar face that wasn't damning him. Then he found Daring again. The fire in her eyes was gone. In it's place was not anger, but perhaps worse . . . . disappointment.


"Captain!" Pinkbeard turned to regard a green unicorn with a peg where his horn should be. "What should we do with her?" He pointed to the Mother of Pearl. 


"What else would we do with such a fine vessel Mr. Hex? TAKE HER A PRIZE!" He commanded.


Briny watched as her home was raided and pilfered, only to raise Pinkbeard's flag as her beloved father drifted away upon the tides. 


"Take the maroonees and lock 'em in the brig!" Pinkbeard commanded. "As for this little bird." He indicated Daring. "Put 'er in the bird cage."


Briny was dragged away, along with the rest of the still loyal and alive crew. Daring was escorted right in front of Steel. There eyes met, but whatever she saw in him before, Steel knew she didn't see it now.


The crew went about their business and Pinkbeard seemed to dissapear entirely. Leaving Steel alone on the deck.


His swords clattered beside him and Steel fell to his knees. He looked skyward, praying Princess Celestia would offer some salvation. But beneath the dark canopy of The Blackheart's sails, it felt like he was looking at the sun from the bottom of a well. 


He could see the sun, but he didn't feel it's rays. He felt numb. Nothing was real anymore. Not the wind on his face, nor the spray of the sea . . . not the warmth of Celestia's sun



Steel now knew that every story about this ship was true.


It had black sails.


Was Captained by a stallion so evil, that Tartarus itself spat him back out.


 . . . And was crewed by the damned.


~Later that night~


Steel was eating in the galley with some of the other crew. The silverware was nice, but the spread was terrible. Moldy fruit in a gold bowl. Rum. Tac-bread muffins on a silver platter. Rum. Something Steel swore he saw move. And rum. 


One of the pirates raised a cup. 


"Toast!" He called. "To the Dread Captain, Pinkbeard! May he always be . . . be . . . winning!" When he finally settled on a word choice, a hearty cheer rose. Steel sat quietly and gulped down his dirty water like a shot glass. "Hey!" He nudged Steel. "You didn't toast to the Captain."


"The fact that he's just as likely to kill me as anypony else on this ship doesn't exactly instill a great deal of loyalty in me." The earth pony pirate laughed.


"He may kill YOU swordpony, yer good but the Captain can always find a better fighter. He only kills when he wants to make a point of who's in charge." Steel turned to regard the particularly patriotic pirate. 


"He kills because he can. My life, your life, one life, ten! It doesn't make a difference to Pinkbeard. He only lives by two rules. What a pony CAN do. And what a pony CAN'T do. He CAN . . . kill all us in our sleep, if he wanted to." Steel let that lingered as he looked to the faces of the other pirates listening. All of them shuffling uncomfortably at the truth in Steel's words. " . . . But he can't sail a ship by himself. Nor feed his twisted power complex." The earth pony got up from his seat and stood behind Steel.


"That fancy talk sounds like fightin' words!" He declared. Steel sighed, got up, and turned to face his challenger. 


"You think this wise?" He asked in a bored tone. "Crossing blades with me?" He put a hoof to his chest.


"Who said anything about blades?" The earth pony's head dipped toward his side. He grinned around the handle of a primed flintlock pistol . . . but his grinned disappeared as it caught on the edge of his pocket. He struggled pitifully to free his weapon while Steel rolled his eyes and smoothly drew his right sword. The pirate finally freed his gun and brought it up to shoot. But before he could so much as blink, his weapon was sent flying across the galley. If anypony wasn't paying attention to the two stallions, they were now.


"That, is a coward's weapon." Steel admonished with his blade between his adversary's eyes. "I'd prefer if you killed me with a sword." Steel released his grip on his weapon, spun it around, and presented it hilt first to the pirate. "Take mine." The pirate eyed the sword cautiously. Trying to see if Steel was pulling some trick. Still, it was a weapon and it would leave Steel unarmed as he was only carrying this one at the moment. He took the hilt in his mouth and took a step back. Steel didn't flinch. The pirate lunged at Steel.


Steel slipped his wing under the silver platter.




Baked bads flew everywhere as the dented tray fell to the floor. His head shaking, the pirate could do nothing as Steel grabbed his head and slammed it on the table, sword still in his mouth. Steel then put his other hoof on the false edge of his sword, pressing the blade down on the pirate's outstretched leg.


"Narrrr!" He screamed around the hilt. He tried to let go of the weapon, but Steel's hoof over his head kept his jaw closed.


"LOOK AT THEM!" Steel commanded. "Look at your fellows. See how none come to your aid? THAT is the rule of Pinkbeard! None of us are safe! So no one cares if you live or die!" Steel released his captive's head, and pushed him to the floor. His sword lying halfway off the table, Steel slapped the flat with his wing, causing it to flip into the air. Steel's right wing snapped open to catch the weapon and slide it back into it's scabbard. "Lucky for you, I don't care either." Steel then left the pirates to their drinking.


He ventured out into the moonlit deck. Naval vessels always had somepony on watch, but of course these were pirates. Steel's eyes turned skyward again. The moon was almost as bright as the sun had been and it shown clearer. If Celestia had forsaken him, maybe Luna would find pity upon Steel Accord. 


But it was not gods he was looking for, it was an angel. In the shadow of the crow's nest, Steel saw it. A crude, rusted cage swaying in the wind. Taking wing, Steel flew to the crossbeams of the sails.


"Daring?" He whispered to the cage. "Daring are you? . . ." To Steel's surprise, the cage was empty. The door was open even, and something that looked like a pick was hanging from the loc-




Steel was tackled from behind. Before he knew what was happening, he was pinned to the mast by a foreleg across his throat.


"Daring wait! Ack!" Steel choked.


"For what?" Come to kill me under Pinkbeard's orders?" She accused.


"Needed . . . ack . . . to save you!" Steel was now struggling to breathe.


"I don't need you! I don't need anypony! Hear me?!" She punctuated her statements by slamming Steel with further force. Steel weakly reached up to where the crab in the cavern had pinched his nose. The wound had all but healed but the memory of it flashed through Daring's mind. She remembered the well meaning, but clumsy stallion.


With a shake of her head, she released Steel. Coughing and gasping, Steel quickly flapped up to the Crow's nest to be joined by Daring.


"Did you . . ." Steel gasped again. "Did you really think I was going to kill you?" He asked Daring with her back to him. 


"I thought somepony was going to. I didn't plan to just sit there and let them. Still doesn't explain what you're doing here though." She still had not turned to look at him. Steel finally got his throat clear and rose to his hooves.


" . . . I wanted to thank you." Her ears visibly perked but she still didn't look at him. "For inviting me on this adventure. I wish things could have gone so much better. But I still don't regret coming with you." She slowly started to turn her head.


"You could have said you wanted to be marooned." She pointed out dryly.


"Then I would be in a cage below deck instead of up here with you. Even now I'm just as much a prisoner as you. I'm only alive as long as I act the part." He responded. "Please understand. About the Captain, I didn't mean to . . ."


"Steel." Daring interrupted. "That wasn't your fault. The only one to blame for the Captain is Pinkbeard." She affirmed still not facing him.


"I just didn't know what else to do!" Steel rationalized. "I'm not a great flyer. You saw what happens when I try to negotiate. I can't even pick a lock, Daring. Apart from story craft, my talent begins and ends at the point of a sword. Yeah sure it's cool and all, but what happens when you have a problem that can't be removed through a show of force?!" Daring turned slightly to see him in profile.


"Remember what I said before? On the Mother of Pearl?" She asked.


"That I'm useless and more of a hinderance than a help?"


"No! I mean . . . yes but." Daring facehoofed. "Sweet Celestia you're tough on yourself!"


"Sorry." Steel admitted. Proving her point.


"What I meant was . . ." Daring turned to him fully now, the moon glowing behind her. "I said I was glad to have you by my side. I meant it then." She started to close the distance between them. "And I mean it now." Steel smiled for what felt like the first time in a long while. Daring and him just shared a peaceful moment with the moon behind them. "You know." Daring chuckled. "That was a pretty smooth way to steal a first kiss." She teased.


"I assure you, my lady. My intentions were pure." Steel put a hoof to his chest and bowed his head. "Were I had time to explain, I would have merely asked for the sword." Daring prodded him with a hoof.


"Yeah speaking of which, WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?!" She playfully punched him to emphasize her words. "I mean, I've seem some swordponies in my time. Even shot one that was all style and no substance, but you fight like 10 stallions!" Daring's eyes blazed with the same curiosity and wonder the drove her to delve into dungeons and drove Steel crazy.


"We all have our special talents." Steel took a step back and drew his sword with his wing.


He began to go through some forms as he spoke. "Technique, timing, flow, balance. These are the elements that good writers use to tell stories. I am named for treating the pen and sword in equal accord. And just as the imagination is limitless, so too are the possibilities of the sword." Steel finished his form and smiled as he saw the sparks of fire return to Daring's eyes. Yet another emotion made itself apparent upon her features. Steel dared to think it could be . . . admiration.


"Thirteen ponies on the dead mare's chest.


Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum." Sang a drunken new voice. Daring and Steel peeked over the edge of the crow's nest. A very drunk pegasus mare was clumsily rising to them.


"All right this time, I DO have an idea!" Steel whispered.


"I'm listening." Daring whispered back.


"And this time I'll ask for your weapon. Give me your whip." Daring did so.


"Sorry." Before Daring could ask why she was pinned against the mast and tied up with her own whip.


"Hey! What the He- MPH!" Steel shoved a tac-bread muffin in her mouth. "I'msorry.I'msorry.I'msorry." He rapid fire apologized just before the drunken pegasus hovered up behind them.


"Drink with Discord and be done with the rest.


Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum." She sang.


Steel drew his sword and started to wave it around in exaggerated manners. 


"Let that be a lesson to ye! I see you tryin' to escape again and I'll blacken those pretty eyes o' yours!" He faux threatened.


"You . . . you tell 'em what 'fer!"




"Charming." Steel thought to himself. "Don't worry about this one. I got it all under control." Steel assured the inebriated look out. She saluted and managed to clonk herself in the head with the motion. 


"Yes sir!" She responded as she sputtered away. Once she was gone, Steel removed the tac bread from Daring's mouth.


"Plegh!" Daring spat as much of the taste away as she could. "How do they live off this stuff? All right Steel, untie me." Steel grimaced nervously. "This . . . is the part you are not going to like." Daring's tale twitched.


"Steeeeeeel." She began.


"I'm really sorry about this one." He put the muffin back in her mouth. "The pirates have to think you're not gonna be a problem. As soon as I talk to Briny, I'll come back and free you. Then we can kick ass together again! Sound good?" He smiled weakly. (SQUEE.)


"Mmmph! Arruugh! Guuuung!" 


"Something tells me I'm glad I wasn't able to understand that." Steel grabbed one of her forehooves and kissed it lightly. "I'm sorry." He galloped to the edge of the crow's nest and looked back one last time. The fire in Daring's eyes had fully returned. Steel now saw . . . annoyance. He couldn't blame her considering the circumstance. "I did mean it before. You really do have pretty eyes." With that, he dove for the deck.


* * *


Steel opened the door to the brig. It smelled of filth, vermin, and death. He passed the rows of prisoners. Those that were awake beheld him with pure hatred.


"Looks like the turn coat has come to pay us a visit." One mocked. Something sticky struck Steel in the face. Wiping it away with his hoof, he realized he'd been spat upon. He couldn't blame them for their hate. At the end of the hall was a cell with one occupant. She sat with her back to him, bouncing a ball against the back wall.


"Briny? . . . Briny?!" No response. "Briny . . . I know I'm the last pony you want to talk to right now. But your father asked me to protect you." She continued to bounce her toy as if no one was there. "I'm going to disobey him." Her left ear twitched about a centimeter. "What I ask could put you in danger, but I have to know." He leaned against her cell. "Does Pinkbeard have a weakness? What's he after? What does he hold dear? Cursed trinket, lost lover, pet monkey, ANYTHING we could use against him?" He pleaded for Briny to answer.

Edited by Steel Accord
  • Brohoof 2
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Dash Smirks. “I’ve been in the forest before.” She says. straightening up and spreading her wings. “At least as deep as the old castle.” As you begin putting the armor on her wings, one of your hooves accidentally brushes the exposed base. dash makes a little squeaking noise and flinches away. “Hey, watch where you’re touching mister. I’m spoken for.” you pull back, worried that you may have really offended her, but her smirk is still in place, so you decide that she was joking.




Sturdy raises a curious eyebrow "You have been to the old castle within the forest" he chuckles, clearly impressed "Then it seems I was correct in picking you as my mare" he says, matter of factly, still lining Dashes wings with the tense, brass plates "Mare for combat patrol that is" he says with a sly grin. Sturdy Wing continues to plate the pegasus's wings with braces before finishing with a smile and moving to connect the armor with the base connector at the base of her wing. She jolts and Sturdy leaps back slightly, surprised with her reaction "Oh hush Speedy, you know I was just getting your armor on" he grins wide, turning around once assured that her plates we secured "If I had any intention of making a move, it would be far more direct" He says with a smirk, flaring his wings out proudly, strongly, the individual plates shining in the sun.


He approaches the radiant mare once again, this time examining her Kirram, the mighty blade atop her head, searching every inch of it he sighs contentedly, brushing her mane out of her face and smiling. "Well misses Dash" he stands up tall "It looks like we are ready" he grins excitedly, confidently, and extends a hoof for a hoof bump before getting into a flight takeoff position. "Remember, follow me, and do as I say" 

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(Alrighty! Last replies of the Season! Next time I see you guys, the summer will have begun!)

Rarity takes a deep breath. “Yes, you’re right, of course, I’m sure it will be fine. Sweetie Belle is in her room, and she won’t let me in, she just insists that she’s not ready. perhaps she’ll listen to you.”

You nod and make your way to Sweetie Belle’s room. you knock.

“No! I’m still not ready Rarity!” she calls.

“Sweetie, It’s me.” you call.

“Wildcard?” she asks. “is it just you?”


a moment later, the door opens and you are pulled into the room.

“You have to help me!” Sweetie Squeaks. “I accidently sat on Rarity’s hat and bent all the feathers! I’m trying to fix it but it’s no use!” She holds up a pile of cloth and feathers that may have once been a hat. “If Rarity finds out she’ll be mad at me! you have to help me fix it!”

Wildcard tilts his head sidewards and makes a face as he looks at what is left of the hat.

"Uhm...Maybe it's best if we tell your sister what has happened..." the pegasus suggests, but a look at Sweetie's sad face is enough to make him try to solve the problem differently.

He spreads his wings and sighs deeply, before tearing out a pile of his own feathers with his mouth which is more difficult and painful than he expected it to be.

"See what you can do with them, and if you don't succed...we are telling Rarity that I was the one who sat on the hat, ok?" he says with a slight smile on his face.

Edited by Wildcard


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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(OOC: I have a question. I want to use my ponysona/OC is that ok? Cuz  I am not sure if I should because he is very DBZ inspired and has alot of special abilities. I am unsure if that would be alright in this particular roleplay thread. Please and thank you for whatever response you give me.)

Edited by JesstroidPrime


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Twilight and her companion enter the room and see you with Spike. “Oh hey Spike.” Twilight says. “How are you- Oh.” She notices the glare spike is sending at her. “Sorry, I’ll um...” She turns to her companion. “Let’s head upstairs.”


Mal follows Twilight up they stairs. "Do you know was with Spike? I didn't know there was another dragon in Ponyville." 

As they arrived upstairs Mal took a seat and looked through several books on a bookshelf as he waited for Twilight's answer.

'A new dragon, this might be interesting.'

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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“Yup.” Surprise chirps. “A barn raising sounds like fun! I especially like the ones where it’s a barn DANCE at the same time! You think we should go help out?”



 I smile at Surprise's enthusiasm. "If you want to sure, but that won't be until morning and I would be ashamed of myself if I took a beautiful mare like you on a date and then forgot  to walk you home," I tell her. "Where exactly do you live?" I ask, realizing that I have no idea where she is staying.

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Jesse was walking. He was just enjoying the day, happy the weren't any dastardly villains about. He had a smile on his face. He saw the wonderbolt Pegasus Spitfire flying in the air. Jesse had heard of this mare. She was a high class Equestrian flyer. It was so funny that he was an earth pony, et you could fly too. However he wasn't feeling like flying today. He goes up to Spitfire. "Hi there Spitfire. You are an amazing flier. It is amazing seeing you go. So uh...well, wanna grab a bite somewhere? Like a date?" Jesse asked nervously.


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Says some stuff...


Meta looks at the remains of the barn. He lets out a growl, and then turns to Applejack. "The ship? Wood with a steel-adamantine frame... as well as some extra steel and hyperenergized crystals for... defense purposes." He shook his head. "The ship took me twenty years to build..." He looked at the barn for a moment more, then turned to Applejack. "It seems I owe you an apology..." He dug in his bag for a bit, took out a burlap bag, did some quick calculations, adding and taking out bits, and then gave it to her. "This should cover the barn, for supplies and the value of the items held inside. And, if you want any help with the barn, I'm sure that it will give me and the Sailors something to do over the weekend." He bows. "I am sorry, my friends, but I cannot linger here... let me offer you an invitation to the... ball, dance, gala, party, whatever it is- going on in my ship, as an immediate repayment."


(+2 members!)

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Meta looks at the remains of the barn. He lets out a growl, and then turns to Applejack. "The ship? Wood with a steel-adamantine frame... as well as some extra steel and hyperenergized crystals for... defense purposes." He shook his head. "The ship took me twenty years to build..." He looked at the barn for a moment more, then turned to Applejack. "It seems I owe you an apology..." He dug in his bag for a bit, took out a burlap bag, did some quick calculations, adding and taking out bits, and then gave it to her. "This should cover the barn, for supplies and the value of the items held inside. And, if you want any help with the barn, I'm sure that it will give me and the Sailors something to do over the weekend." He bows. "I am sorry, my friends, but I cannot linger here... let me offer you an invitation to the... ball, dance, gala, party, whatever it is- going on in my ship, as an immediate repayment."


(+2 members!)


Red Talon stood there, and after a little bit of thinking to himself, he thought what the heck, why not enjoy a gala/dance/party/whatever the hay it is on Meta's ship.

"Applejack," Red Talon said, "what do you think? Do you wanna join Meta's party on his airship?"

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh My, Holy Cow. This took way too long to get through. Thank you all for your patience.


Animae blushes a little, smiling, rubbing her claws just a little. He wondered how far she would let it evolve further. Her feathers entranced him, and an idea grew in his head, hell everything had worked out so far, so why wouldn't this? So as she glances away in a moment of utter maddness he kisses her clumsily on the cheek.

Suddenly and with great force Gilda pushes you away. “Dude! What the hay!” She grabs you by the scruff of your neck. “Listen, Bucko, you do NOT, EVER... Move faster than me!”
She pulls you into an embrace and gives you a (literal) peck on the cheek.


He speaks,"What is this little runt worth to you? Maybe I should keep him and turn him into a drone for my army, or best yet, maybe I should give him to my changelings and have them feed off of him till he is nothing more than a husk". This shows that he is serious about his threats. Morningstar looks around."Hello? Princess Celestia? Anypony?”

Celestia glares at you.
Then, in the back of your mind, you hear the voice of Chrysalis. ‘Don’t over sell it you moron, She already knows you aren’t me. Do you want to be destroyed?’ You wonder how she is able to communicate with you like this. ‘It comes with the powers I gave you, it’s a piece of the psychic connection that all changelings share.’ Did she just read your mind? ‘Yes I did, now focus!’
(I love this post!)


"I don't think so.." she sat opposite to Braeburn, carresed the cat and picked her up. She carried the cat in her hooves like a baby. "She just needs some time to get used to ponies.."
"Just like me.."
The cat started to play with her mane. Coco smiled. "Her name is Raindrop." she added. The cat watched Braeburn with interest. Coco put Raindrop in Braeburn's hooves without a word. The cat was kinda shocked, gave Coco a "what the hell" look. Coco gave her an ironical grin, got up and brought a basket full of cookies. "As I said before.. I made some cookies."

“Er, uhh, thank yuh kindly. Huh, raindrop... We don’t have a lotta cats where I live. Most th’ time, th’ ones we got aren’t ever ‘round tuh mess with,” he says. He carefully takes a hoof and strokes the cat, all the way down the back and tail, and repeats it again, as if he’s afraid he’d hurt her. “I’m ‘fraid I gotta confession. I don’t much like leavin’ town, but yer home... it’s uh nice place.” He blushed, still very focused on the cat.


He tries to move but he really can't because of exhaustion, so he tells Pinkie, "Gosh, I can't move... must have been really tired after that day. And you said something about an explosion, what was it? What happened when I was knocked out for like 24 hours? Even when I was in the party I couldn't remember a thing." He waits for Pinkie to tell him the whole story.

“Oh, yeah, so, you fell asleep, and I carried you up here! Sorry about the bumps on your head by the way, I accidently dropped you down the stairs a few times. Anyway, I had you about halfway up when Applejack’s barn exploded, something about the special paint she used reacting badly with the metal on the airship that crashed into it. Oh yeah. An airship crashed into Applejack’s Barn. I probably should have said that part first.”


Paradox nods as Vinyl does her assesment of the others. 'Yeah, Chord can be a bit of a downer, and Snare is always kinda... Snarky, I guess.' When she got to him, he pulled a fake suprise face and gasp, saying, "Not even!" He then chuckles and says, "Yeah, I know much more practice is needed. And it's kinda sad that I'm the one who does most of the practicing out of anypony here. I mean, not including you, Vin', you probably never need practice. You're just so... Perfect, in everything you do."

Vinyl looks at you for a moment, then lets out a bark of laughter. “Pfft!! Yeaaah, No. Talent is never a substitute for hard work. When I was starting out I sounded even worse than you do now. If I’m perfect (which I’m not) Then it’s only because of practice.” She puts a hoof on your shoulder. “I’m going to be honest; you really do sound green, but I can see potential in all of you. Keep pushing yourselves, and you may be the next big thing.”


(In the words of the immortal Nathan Drake, ah crap.)

Glitch panicked. "Uh, I'm not very thirsty right now, Derpy. Besides, it's... uh..." His eyes darted around the ballroom, trying to come up with a lie convincing enough to stop Derpy from drinking. The first thing he saw was a clock on the wall that read 7:00. He frantically looked around for something else, his eyes resting on a couple kissing. Glitch had a eureka moment and returned his eyes to Derpy. "It's, uh, kissing time!" Glitch then planted his lips firmly on Derpy's, suppressing any protest from her and hoping it would stall her enough to make her forget about the drinks.

Derpy blushed, and wrapped her arms around him. It was noticeably different, in that she wasn't crushing his back, and she was kissing him like a normal mare, instead of like... Well, Derpy. She fluttered her wings nervously and broke the kiss, studying him. She smiled slowly and closed her eyes, and when she opened them, they were cross eyed again. The bartender must've watered down her drink. A lot. It seemed Derpy was normal again, “Hey, that was the funnest Dr. Muffin I ever had. Things looked so weird! And other things came into my head, and they were romanticy, and I almost, almost, got the secret to walking in a really, really straight line. How do you do that again?”

"Coming onto you? What's that mean?" she said seriously. "I uh... think you're cute if that's what you meant" she says blushing quite a lot. She trots beside him, giving him time to mull over her feelings as they walk. She contemplated many things, like what his lips would feel like when they kissed...... no she couldn't think like that.

“Okay, so you want to go get dinner sometime?” He blushes nervously. “Like, A date? I mean it doesn’t HAVE to be a date if you don’t want it to be, we could just hang out as friends. I’d be okay with that if that was what you wanted... I mean... I’m going to be quiet now.”


After seeing Twilight and her companion go upstairs she looked at Spike. "Well..." Aura says a bit nervously. Since it seemed he already had feelings for someone else Aura was unsure if Spike would feel the same she did for him. "I know I said I liked you, but...." She pauses and looks at the floor for a second. The ice dragon then looks back up after contemplating something. "...I think I like-like you." She confesses as her face glows scarlet.

“Oh.” Spike puts his claws behind his back and rocks back and forth on his heels. “Um... That is... I Kind of have this thing for-” Suddenly his face hardens. “No! She doesn't care about me! She’s with that Joker Card or whatever his name is!” A second later He wraps you in a hug and plants a kiss on your cheek. “I’m willing to at least give it a try.”


-Stuff Happened.-

(for the record, next time stop at the point where Daring is about to start talking, I’m allowing it this time because you had her say basically the same things I would have had her say.)
(also, I’m going with your ORIGINAL post, because I already had this written out and I don’t feel like changing it.)

When you finally get a response, it comes not from Briny, but from Jolly Roger.
“She has nothing to say to you.” The large pony growls. “Do ye have any Idea what ye’ve done ta’ her? She already lost her mum, but now her father, and her home in one swoop. If there weren’t these bars between us, I’d kill ye meself.”

It is at this point that Briney finally speaks. “No, Jolly.” her voice sounds hollow. “He done what was right by him. Ye can’t ask for more than that. However.” She looks directly into your eyes, and you see fire there. “When next we meet, I will do what’s right by me as well, and take my revenge.”

“That may not be necessary.” Says a voice from the doorway. everypony turns to see a muted blue unicorn with a dark mane.

“Turner!” Briny gasps. “We thought you went down with the ship!”

“Well. I didn’t.” Page replies. “And I’m not the only one.” Page steps to the side, to reveal Captain Deep Blue standing behind him.

The captain smiles at his daughter. “I’m so proud of you. I now know that you will make a great captain when the time comes.”

“DAD!” Briny cries. throwing herself into the bars of her cell with a ‘clang.’ “You’re alive! but how?”

“Shh!” The captain puts a hoof to his mouth. “We are still on an enemy vessel, we don’t want to be caught.” He then waves a hoof toward Page. “As to how I survived, best let him explain.”

Page nods and steps forward. “See I got bored waiting around for the battle to get over, so I used my unicorn magic to break out of my cell to see if there was anything I could do to help. Good thing too, I got up on deck just in time to see Captain Blue here walking the plank. Using my unicorn magic again, I managed to teleported the captain onto the Mother of Pearl just before he hit the water, which isn’t an easy thing, teleporting something as complex as a pony that’s moving that fast, let me tell ya.. Everyone thought for sure he was dead because they heard the splash of that shackle thing hitting the water. Anyway, after that it was simple enough for the two of us to take one of the longboats from the other side of the ship and manage to get away from the ship just before Pinkbeard shot her down.”

“Wow. That’s quite a tale.” Sea Salt notes.

“Indeed. We all owe you a debt Mr. Turner.” Briny says.

“Please, call me Page.”

Captain Blue claps his hooves together. “Right then. Gents, I believe we have some plans to make.”


Sturdy raises a curious eyebrow "You have been to the old castle within the forest" he chuckles, clearly impressed "Then it seems I was correct in picking you as my mare" he says, matter of factly, still lining Dashes wings with the tense, brass plates "Mare for combat patrol that is" he says with a sly grin. Sturdy Wing continues to plate the pegasus's wings with braces before finishing with a smile and moving to connect the armor with the base connector at the base of her wing. She jolts and Sturdy leaps back slightly, surprised with her reaction "Oh hush Speedy, you know I was just getting your armor on" he grins wide, turning around once assured that her plates we secured "If I had any intention of making a move, it would be far more direct" He says with a smirk, flaring his wings out proudly, strongly, the individual plates shining in the sun.

He approaches the radiant mare once again, this time examining her Kirram, the mighty blade atop her head, searching every inch of it he sighs contentedly, brushing her mane out of her face and smiling. "Well misses Dash" he stands up tall "It looks like we are ready" he grins excitedly, confidently, and extends a hoof for a hoof bump before getting into a flight takeoff position. "Remember, follow me, and do as I say"

Dash bumps your offered hoof. “Yeah, Let’s do this.”

The two of you take of. Dash zooms ahead, just as you begin to wonder if she might leave you behind, she pulls into a wide backward loop that brings her back behind you. “So where to?” She asks, pulling even with you again.


Wildcard tilts his head sidewards and makes a face as he looks at what is left of the hat.
"Uhm...Maybe it's best if we tell your sister what has happened..." the pegasus suggests, but a look at Sweetie's sad face is enough to make him try to solve the problem differently.
He spreads his wings and sighs deeply, before tearing out a pile of his own feathers with his mouth which is more difficult and painful than he expected it to be.
"See what you can do with them, and if you don't succed...we are telling Rarity that I was the one who sat on the hat, ok?" he says with a slight smile on his face.

Sweetie Belle throws her forehooves around your neck. “Oh thank you! you’re so nice! “ She beams up at you “Let’s do our best!”

Five minutes later, you have arrived at something that you are both quite proud of. you both go down to meet Rarity.
“There you are! Finally! Are you all ready to go?”

“Yep!” Sweetie belle says. “Also, I found your hat!” Sweetie proudly reveals the result of your hard work.

Rarity examines it. “It looks... Different.”

Sweetie Belle looks away. “well, I made a few adjustments...”

“And where did you get these feathers?” Rarity looks up at you. “oh, I see.” She takes the hat and places it on her head. “I love it! It looks even better than before!” she says.

Somehow you doubt that, but you appreciate the gesture nonetheless.

“Now come along! we have a train to catch.” Rarity says, “Card, Be a dear and get my luggage for me.”

you look over to see a small cart piled high with bags and suitcases of various sizes. you probably should have seen this coming...


Mal follows Twilight up they stairs. "Do you know was with Spike? I didn't know there was another dragon in Ponyville."
As they arrived upstairs Mal took a seat and looked through several books on a bookshelf as he waited for Twilight's answer.
'A new dragon, this might be interesting.'

“There isn’t another Dragon in Ponyville! Hay, I didn’t even know there were any other baby dragons in Equestria! She was probably passing through. It makes sense that Spike would gravitate towards her, he’s never met a female of his own kind before, only male Dragons go on the migration.” Twilight Replies. She thinks for a moment. “Actually, this might be a good time to do some research on dragon courting rituals!” she says. which basically translates to ‘Let’s go spy on them.’


I smile at Surprise's enthusiasm. "If you want to sure, but that won't be until morning and I would be ashamed of myself if I took a beautiful mare like you on a date and then forgot to walk you home," I tell her. "Where exactly do you live?" I ask, realizing that I have no idea where she is staying.

“Umm...” Surprise’s ears droop. “Actually, I have no Idea. I only just arrived in town, and there was a party, and I lost track of time... Now it’s super late and I have no idea where the hotel is!” she gives you a pleading look. “I don’t want to be a bother but... Can I stay with you?”


Jesse was walking. He was just enjoying the day, happy the weren't any dastardly villains about. He had a smile on his face. He saw the wonderbolt Pegasus Spitfire flying in the air. Jesse had heard of this mare. She was a high class Equestrian flyer. It was so funny that he was an earth pony, et you could fly too. However he wasn't feeling like flying today. He goes up to Spitfire. "Hi there Spitfire. You are an amazing flier. It is amazing seeing you go. So uh...well, wanna grab a bite somewhere? Like a date?" Jesse asked nervously.

“Sorry, I can’t, I already have dinner plans with my team.” Spitfire says. She starts to walk away, but then stops, and turns back to you. “Although I suppose you could come along if you want.”

Soarin flies down and lands with a whoosh of wind next to Spitfire and eyes you over. He blinks a few times at you, then turns to Spitfire, “Is there pie where we’re going?”

Spitfire Grins at her flying partner. “Of course! I wouldn't dream of standing between you and a pie.”


Meta looks at the remains of the barn. He lets out a growl, and then turns to Applejack. "The ship? Wood with a steel-adamantine frame... as well as some extra steel and hyperenergized crystals for... defense purposes." He shook his head. "The ship took me twenty years to build..." He looked at the barn for a moment more, then turned to Applejack. "It seems I owe you an apology..." He dug in his bag for a bit, took out a burlap bag, did some quick calculations, adding and taking out bits, and then gave it to her. "This should cover the barn, for supplies and the value of the items held inside. And, if you want any help with the barn, I'm sure that it will give me and the Sailors something to do over the weekend." He bows. "I am sorry, my friends, but I cannot linger here... let me offer you an invitation to the... ball, dance, gala, party, whatever it is- going on in my ship, as an immediate repayment."

(+2 members!)

Red Talon stood there, and after a little bit of thinking to himself, he thought what the heck, why not enjoy a gala/dance/party/whatever the hay it is on Meta's ship.
"Applejack," Red Talon said, "what do you think? Do you wanna join Meta's party on his airship?"

Applejack shrugs. “Sure, Ah don’t see why not. A party sounds mighty nice.”

  • Brohoof 1

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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“Sorry, I can’t, I already have dinner plans with my team.” Spitfire says. She starts to walk away, but then stops, and turns back to you. “Although I suppose you could come along if you want.”


Soarin flies down and lands with a whoosh of wind next to Spitfire and eyes you over. He blinks a few times at you, then turns to Spitfire, “Is there pie where we’re going?”


Spitfire Grins at her flying partner. “Of course! I wouldn't dream of standing between you and a pie.”


(took me a few minutes to quote your post :P)


"That sounds very fun Spitfire! And hay, who doesn't like a good chocolate pie?" Jesse asked, chuckling to him self. He met the Wonderbolts at a nice restaurant. Jesse wore his blue hoofbands and his red and blue gi. He saw Spitfire and gave a hearty smile. "Well, I am here! Shall we enter?"


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Oh My, Holy Cow. This took way too long to get through. Thank you all for your patience.

Applejack shrugs. “Sure, Ah don’t see why not. A party sounds mighty nice.”

"Well," Red Talon asked Meta, rather awkwardly, "wouldn't we need to appear in... fancier clothes if we're going to attend a massive party on an airship? Applejack and I wouldn't want to show up just as a pair of simpletons who just, at the last minute, wandered into the ballroom..."

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Bob sighed and decided to not to over sell it but then again this was suppose to be her  favorite pony. He smiled much


 like on how his queen would smile.



Morning star decided to trick the guards."Help guard i need help". he falls on the guard acting like he is hurt unknowing of the plan that the queen had in store.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Paradox put his arms around Vinyl. "Thanks, Vin'. I know that means a lot to everypony here, especially coming from you. Well, it means a lot to me, at least..." He summons up the courage and gives Vinyl a quick kiss, a very quick one, before looking around and pretending nothing happened, saying, "Well, I'd say that that's a good enough practice for today. Wanna get out of here, get something to eat?" He asked Vinyl.


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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“Oh, yeah, so, you fell asleep, and I carried you up here! Sorry about the bumps on your head by the way, I accidently dropped you down the stairs a few times. Anyway, I had you about halfway up when Applejack’s barn exploded, something about the special paint she used reacting badly with the metal on the airship that crashed into it. Oh yeah. An airship crashed into Applejack’s Barn. I probably should have said that part first.”


 Holds his head then it starts to ache. "Owwww... Anyways, how's Applejack's barn? And how the heck did an airship crash onto it?" He says while trying to sit up on the bed. He does manage to get up and look at Pinkie, still smiling even though her friend suffered a great tragedy. "Wow, she's still smiling from all of these unexpected accidents..." Then he remembers, "OH! Did I do anything stupid during the party, I can't really remember" He asks Pinkie.

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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Oh My, Holy Cow. This took way too long to get through. Thank you all for your patience.


Suddenly and with great force Gilda pushes you away. “Dude! What the hay!” She grabs you by the scruff of your neck. “Listen, Bucko, you do NOT, EVER... Move faster than me!”

She pulls you into an embrace and gives you a (literal) peck on the cheek.

Animae chirps in surprise. It washard to tell whether she was happy or angry or just messing him about. Her beak felt good though and he wondered what a full blown kiss would feel like. The thought makes him blush thoroughly and he stutters "I uh... sorry.... would you like me to get you some punch?" as long as it wasn't spiked, he reckoned he could smooth things over and maybe get a kiss for his troubles.

'The dark lord was stood in front of his throne of lies and deceit and he was playing the violin.
He looked towards them, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Why don't you stay a while and listen as all turns to dust at the hands of my son?" his voice as soft as silk........'

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Red blushed, "I don't really eat out much......I usually just cook my self something at home......"

He thought for a moment, this could actually go well if he played his cards right.

"I could make you something if you want?"  He felt himself blushing as he said those words; if the suggestion was accepted, Red was going to have Octavia in his own home!

"Mmm, take me home on the first date? Note to self, drunk bassists are bold," she says grinning. She thinks about it, and nods, "Alright, I'll go. But I'm not spending the night. Tomorrow's to big a day to fool around all night." She winks at you, and gestures for you to lead the way.


(I found it! ^^)

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Oh My, Holy Cow. This took way too long to get through. Thank you all for your patience.


She giggles, blushing a little bit too "Don't stop, I love your voice. and sure, I'd love to go out on a meal with you Thunders" she purrs, putting a hoof over him, her shopping bags laying forgotten on the pathway as she looks into the stallions cute, nervous eyes.

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"Mmm, take me home on the first date? Note to self, drunk bassists are bold," she says grinning. She thinks about it, and nods, "Alright, I'll go. But I'm not spending the night. Tomorrow's to big a day to fool around all night." She winks at you, and gestures for you to lead the way.


(I found it! ^^)




Red blushed at her statement about being bold, "I agree, big day tomorrow....recording and all....."

He led her through Canterlot to a more modest part of town.  It wasn't anything terribly run down, but it certainly wasn't a place where rich people lived, he stopped at a quaint apartment complex and led her to the third floor, then inside.  "Home sweet home," he said blushing again, "It's not much.....but it's enough for me....."

  • Brohoof 1
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Red blushed at her statement about being bold, "I agree, big day tomorrow....recording and all....."

He led her through Canterlot to a more modest part of town.  It wasn't anything terribly run down, but it certainly wasn't a place where rich people lived, he stopped at a quaint apartment complex and led her to the third floor, then inside.  "Home sweet home," he said blushing again, "It's not much.....but it's enough for me....."

(Again, I'm really sorry about this. I'ma respond a couple times to get you about where envy one else is post-count wise, and then we'll see. I missed being Octavia.)


She patted him, "Would you believe me if I told you that I've seen and lived in worse? It has the essentials, and it's clean." She nods with approval, and turns back to him, "You said you were going to be cooking, right? Before you start, could you point me in the direction of the bathroom?"

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Red considered for a moment the areas of Canterlot; there were FAR worse areas than this one, so it was very much believable that she lived in worse.  He pointed behind her, "You were just facing it, I will be in the kitchen.  Feel free to make yourself comfortable, and let me know if you need anything!"  Red smiled and trotted happily down the hallway.

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