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"Yeah," Red Talon responded, "This airship sure is something. Wonder how long it took to build." Red still felt a bit worn out after racing the Neightona 500 earlier that day (lol, we've been on the same day for about 8 real months), but still had enough energy to spend time and party with his marefriend. The band began to play a familiar Frank Sineightra tune, and Red Talon asked Applejack to dance.

"Wanna dance, AJ?" he asked.

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“Uh oh.” Spitfire’s Voice comes from behind you. You spin around to see Spitfire behind you. “Looks Like you’re seeing double.” Suddenly you find yourself surrounded by Daring Do’s. “What can I say? I’m nothing without my stunt team.” Spitfire says.

I turn around a couple of times, trying to count exactly how many there were of her stunt team. As I do, I feel the sharp pain of a hoof come down on the back of my head. I move to dodge a few incoming, and manage to knock a few of them down, continuing my defense/offense pattern. I finish with one and hope that it's the last one... until another takes a flying swing at me with a board and knocks me down to where all of the stunt doubles are kicking me repeatedly.

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Steel helped lower the dingy to the waves, chopping and churning. They passed their voyage in silence and baited breath, unwilling to give fate even a chance to foil their one shot at freedom.


Once they safely made it ashore, Steel and Daring allowed themselves a moment to breathe. ((OOC: See what I did thar?  ^_^ ))


"Well I can't say I'm surprised dear Daring." He said with a smile. "Though I suppose your quick action was for the best. I think we all remember my last attempt at deception." Steel and the Captain laughed. Steel surprised even himself, as he wasn't normally comfortable at self-deprecating humor. "So Captain. What do we do next?"

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Is this the Part where I say something Clever and then Apologise for how late the replies are? Sorry. Have some Replies.


AJ seems to pick up on your melancholy. “Sugarcube? Is everything alright? Y’all know Y’all can tell me anything’ Don't Cha?”



“Uh oh.” Spitfire’s Voice comes from behind you. You spin around to see Spitfire behind you. “Looks Like you’re seeing double.” Suddenly you find yourself surrounded by Daring Do’s. “What can I say? I’m nothing without my stunt team.” Spitfire says.



“I dunno... Ain’t that The Captain o’ that other ship? Ain’t he s’posed ta be dead? I’d better rouse the Capt-” The Pirate is suddenly cut off by the crack of a throwing knife smacking into his forehead “Ow.” The Pirate says, and then he crumples to the ground. You look over at your companions. Daring’s hoof is still extended.

“You killed him?” Captain Blue asks Daring.

“No, he’s only unconscious. I got him with the blunt end. We should go though. Somepony else might have heard that.” Daring Replies. “Just as soon As I retrieve my knife.” She trots over to the unconscious pony and picks up her knife, which she stows back in her tail. She then hops into the boat, quickly followed by the Captain. you join them and help lower the boat into the water.



“Alright Then,” Says Gilda, “You Distract The DJ, And I’ll Grab the Records, Wait until a break in the... Music.” She shakes her head. “Pah. These Dweebs wouldn’t know Real music if it came up and bit their Lame Butts. Whatever. Let’s go.”



“Hey! Whatcha Doin’?” Surprise says, Suddenly and soddenly appearing behind you, wrapped up in a Purple Towel. “Oh! What’s that? Lemme See!” She Dives to the Floor and retrieves the crumpled paper. She flicks it open and starts to read it...



She blushed and shook his hoof, “Yes, well... Now what?” she asks him, “If you say the toothpaste factory we’re going to have problems.” (That’s my warning. The dentists messes with teeth all day. The last thing she needs is to sit through a guide talking about teeth.)



He sighs, “In-law. Be embarassed if anypony saw him. Sorry, I’m gunna have to do this one myself.” He plunders off.



“Thanks...? So, are you here to buy candy...?” You can tell in the silence that you’re supposed to insert your name.



Rarity Momentarily freezes when you say ‘Secret Organization’ but she quickly recovers. “Oh my. How Rediculous! Ha ha.” She takes the note and reads it. “Apparently this Mystery Pony wants to meet me in his Compartment, I suppose I should go over there And let him know he has the wrong Mare. Yes, That’s the reason I’m going. The one and only reason. Keep an Eye on Sweetie Belle for me would you?” Without waiting for your answer, she darts off down the train.

“She’s up to something.” Sweetie Belle notes. “She gets like this whenever she wants to hide something.” She stands up. “Well only one thing to do. Let’s follow her!”



-The Next Evening-

You are standing near the entrance to the Carnival waiting For Luna when you hear a commotion. “It’s the Princess!” One Pony Says. “What’s she Doing here?” Says another. Similar chatter breaks out all around as a loud voice Calls out. “Make way For the Princess of the Night! Make way For Princess Luna!” And then you see her, She is being led by a pair of Bat Pony Guards who are parting the crowd in front of their Mistress. “Make Room!” one calls in a voice you recognize as the one you heard a moment ago. “The Princess of the Night requires the space you currently occupy so that She may Pass!”

Luna Rolls Her eyes. “Honestly, Bruce, I was hoping not to make a scene.”

“Nonsense you’re majesty, Thou art the Princess of the Night.”

“So you keep announcing. Thou might desire to raise your voice, i do not think they heard you in the Crystal Empire.”

“And as Such,” Bruce continued as though he had not been interrupted, “A scene would have Taken place regardless.

“Thou are certainly not helping matters.”

“I am simply performing my royal duty as the captain of thy Personal guard.”

“A duty which you perform admirably, however, I assure you that I am capable of taking care of myself.”

“I have no doubt. However, My duty remains.”

The Princess and her guards Finally come to a stop in front of you. “Good Evening.” Luna Says. “I apologize, I was able to convince my sister to allow me to go out, However, She insisted I Bring Protection. Apparently she’s been having some trouble with changelings lately.”

“Princess! watch what you divulge to this stranger! He himself may be a changeling.”

“I doubt that greatly. We agreed to meet here yesterday at the Castle. If He was a changeling, I would have detected it then.”



“Well, firsht we have you soak in a hot tub to a loosen your muscles. Then, we give you a massage, yes? Then we do some general care for your skin, and then you crear to leave.” One of them gestures you to the door.



Spitfire Grins. “Don’t apologize, That was a lot of fun. We should get attacked by teenage dragons again sometime.”



Dash just groans and pulls a blanket of cloud over her head. “Actually, I do have to slow down to sleep. According to Twilight, I’m so fast all the time I burn energy faster than most other Ponies do, which is why I eat so much and take so many naps. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to keep going.” She says.

(more below)



Cloud Pouts. “What? You think I’m not attractive?” you open your mouth to defend yourself, but she cuts you off. “No, no, I was kidding.” She says. “Seriously though. Good luck with Dash. And Don’t worry about me, I can get another roommate easy.”(I’m just going to reply to you as Cloud, What happens with Dash can be seen Below. But you get 1/2 point for being present)



Dash turns to glare at you. Then she rolls her eyes, turns over and stretches. She Stands to her full Height. “Okay, fine, I’m up. Now let’s Fly!”(Being A Griffon: -.5

Waking her up: -1

Issuing a challenge: +3

Post Score: 1.5

Total Score: 5.5)



“This is great! The Elephants remembered me from last time, the Lions loved the meat cupcakes I tossed them (Don’t tell the zookeeper), and The Monkeys tried to throw poop at me! This is the greatest trip to the zoo EVER!” Then she looks at you. “Oh hey, What’s wrong? You look tired.”



“Oh.” Trixie says nonchalantly. “Look who decided to show up. Would you like to have dinner before or after Trixie puts you in your place?”(Don't get discoraged, I'm sure she'll warm up to you eventually. Maybe...)



She looks out at the sky and sighs, “Eyah.” Just then, the bar she was leaning on breaks and she begins to fall forwards towards the window.




“Ah Don't Think Ah’ve ever seen a ship so Fancy!” She says. “This place is like a Miniature flyin’ Canterlot!”




Spike smiles. “Lead the way.” YOu take the lead and start walking. After a minute, Spike speaks up. “You’re wrong About Rarity.” You Stop. So does he.

“What?” You ask.

“About her being selfish. She’s not. If she let me eat all the gems I wanted, She’d have none left to share with everypony. So really, the only selfish one is me.”



He blushes and seems to deer-and-headlight when Applejack comes. “I need some help with the west orchard,” she says embarrassedly.

“Eyep,” Big Mac says, walking with Applejack. You get te feeling he’s going to be occupied all afternoon.




As you are walking down the street, you suddenly hear a strange noise, thike the repeated growl of a creature you can’t identify. you turn towards the sound, trying to locate its source, only to be bowled over by a brown stallion. the two of you tumble for a ways then come to a stop With The Stallion Laying on top of you.

He smiles awkwardly. “Oh, Hello.” He says in a Trottingham accent. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there. In a bit of a rush.” He Disentangles himself from you and stands up. “Now I really must be going...” He runs into an alleyway. Curiosity piqued, you decide to follow. When you catch up with him he is standing at a dead end, staring at the wall. He looks back at you as you approach. “Ah. Hello again.” He nods toward the empty wall. “It seems my ride has gone off without me.”




“Oh, gee, I don’t know” Fluttershy turns her head so that her hair falls between you and her face, and she pokes at the ground with her hoof. “I really don’t think I’d make very good company, are you sure you wouldn't rather ask somepony else?”



She giggles and hiccups, “I’m *hiccup* fine, but I think *hic* you and yer... buddy clone thingies- aren’t here to often.” She giggles again and continues to drink.



After a few moments the door opens. “My, My, My, What have we here? One who roams the forest without fear? Come inside, If you so wish. I have just prepared a tasty Dish.” She Steps Aside to allow you access.



Pink Mist was a little stunned at her sudden fall. She wanted to find out who that stallion was and how he had come out of nowhere, AND HOW HE SOMEHOW WOUND UP ON TOP OF HER!!

She found him at the dead end alley. "So your ride left huh? Well you're not gonna find it in a dead end alley. Um, may I ask where you came from in the first place? I don't believe I've seen you around. I was just standing there, I heard this weird noise and suddenly you just fell on top of me!"

  • Brohoof 1
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“Hey! Whatcha Doin’?” Surprise says, Suddenly and soddenly appearing behind you, wrapped up in a Purple Towel. “Oh! What’s that? Lemme See!” She Dives to the Floor and retrieves the crumpled paper. She flicks it open and starts to read it...



"NonononononoNO!" I shout before jumping out and trying to swipe the crumpled paper from her hooves. I unfortunately slip and stumble on to a pile of pizza boxes. 'Oh please don't read it,' I nervously think while trying to dig my way out of the pizza box avalanche.

Edited by Half-Note
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(And now comes the part where I join in as a Player!)
Page Turner and Captain Blue make their way along the island until they find a suitable rock. The captain sits, and Page joins him silently. After a moment of Silence, The Captain Speaks.
“Young man, You saved my life back there, I owe you a Debt.”
“Well, I wouldn’t Say-.” Page starts
“I would.” The Captain cuts him off. “If there is anything you want, if it is within my power to give, It is yours.”
"I wish to be made a member of your crew.” Page states.
The captain looks surprised. “Done, but is that all?”
“Well, there is one other thing...”
"Name it."
Page takes a deep breath. "What I... What I really want is your daughter's hoof."
There is a moment of silence. Page squeezes his eyes shut in anticipation of the inevitable... Laughter? He opens his eyes to see that The captain is indeed laughing heartily. "My boy, I would be Honored to call you my son in law, But My Briny's Hoof is Not mine to give away. I can only give you my blessing, and wish you the best of luck in winning her heart."
Page jumps to his hooves. "You really mean it? Oh thank you so much! You have no Idea how much this means to me!"
"Actually I think I do." The captain says. "I was in love once too."




Page Arrived back at the campsite and found Briny. He sat down next to her. "Ahoy there, First mate, I just spoke with the Captain, and he agreed to name me a member of the crew. So are there any tasks that you would like me to perform?"

  • Brohoof 1
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“This is great! The Elephants remembered me from last time, the Lions loved the meat cupcakes I tossed them (Don’t tell the zookeeper), and The Monkeys tried to throw poop at me! This is the greatest trip to the zoo EVER!” Then she looks at you. “Oh hey, What’s wrong? You look tired.”

Pants heavily, trying to breath then looks at Pinkie, "Just... out of... shape... for a... while..." After a few seconds, Winter gets his composure back then smiles at Pinkie, "I'm glad that you enjoyed the zoo trip I planned, even though I really didn't see much of it since you were very fast moving around the zoo..." He looks back at the cages and holes he could have enjoyed with Pinkie while looking at the animals then sighs. "Anyways... Wanna go to the park or do you wanna stay here for a while more..?"

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Is this the Part where I say something Clever and then Apologise for how late the replies are? Sorry. Have some Replies.


“Alright Then,” Says Gilda, “You Distract The DJ, And I’ll Grab the Records, Wait until a break in the... Music.” She shakes her head. “Pah. These Dweebs wouldn’t know Real music if it came up and bit their Lame Butts. Whatever. Let’s go.”

Animae waits until David Pownies' 30 seconds to equestria stopped playing then barraged the DJ with tomatoes gotten from nowhere "YOUR MUSIC SUCKS!". He ran away laughing as the DJ chased after him, wondering whether Gilda would do her part and how he'd meet up with her.

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(('Th's' replaced with 'z's' for reference. Mostly at the beginning of words.))

Steeleye w/ Berry Punch

"Clones, frau?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "I am a bit different that ze other guards you might come to find. For instance, I'm not going to badger you about being so drunk z'at you could have drunk the whole winery and be less tipsy." He sat on a chair at the table and set the mugs on the surface. "Z'ere are many z'ings z'at I could arrest a pony for, no? Fighting, smuggling, disturbing ze peace, and so forth. But simply enjoying oneself? Nein. Ponies ought to do whatever z'ey enjoy, so long as o'zers are not harmed. Z'is is why I have brought you a drink, z'ough, true, I have an ulterior motive."


Sand w/ Zecora

"Oh, thank you madam Zecora," he said as she bade him to enter. Doing so, he carefully set his bag on an open side table. "I have been through Everfree rather often. It is hardly the scariest or most deadly place in the world. Though, it would be plenty dangerous for ponies who did not travel as I do and see what I see." He rustled through the bag, laying out a couple of different items. One was a golden coin with a triangle cut out of the middle. Either side showed two snakes swallowing each others' tail. A broken dagger, the blade of something like onyx that was snapped in half near the hilt. The hilt was rather simple in comparison, just iron bound with leather. Come to think of it, with the vegetarian culture of ponies, what sort of creature would skin other living beings and tan their hides in order to make that leather? It was a mystery to be revealed. Finally, there was a bright aquamarine colored flower, the bloom of which was faintly square in shape with speckles of purple dotting the otherwise solid color.

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Spitfire Grins. “Don’t apologize, That was a lot of fun. We should get attacked by teenage dragons again sometime.”


"Hehe yeah..." Jesse rubbed the back of his neck, blushing. "I hope ..maybe um....we can go out for breakfast tomorrow? I'm not asking you out on a date. I mean I kinda am but..." He laughed awkwardly. "Would you like to go with me? Please?" Jesse did not understand why he was talking like this. For some reason this mare was making him act weird.

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He sighs, “In-law. Be embarassed if anypony saw him. Sorry, I’m gunna have to do this one myself.” He plunders off.

"Oh ok well I'll see you tomorrow then Big Mac" Luna said as she started walking home. "I hope that he will be less busy tomorrow maybe I should make an apple pie and give him a slice" Luna said to herself. "Or maybe I could make a picnic" Luna said as she keep walking.

Edited by LunaFlower226
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She looks out at the sky and sighs, “Eyah.” Just then, the bar she was leaning on breaks and she begins to fall forwards towards the window.


(OOC: Damn, now I really am late. Sorry, on vacation at the moment)


Glitch gasped. As Derpy fell forward, he used his telekinesis to grab her. A green aura enveloped her as he brought her back on to the floor. Glitch wiped his forehead. "Oh, man! That was close." He looked at the broken railing. "If I see Meta, I'm gonna tell him to get that fixed. Fast."

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*Wild adult Zuri appears!*

To adult Pipsqueak 

"Hey Pip! Would you like to go on an adventure sometime tonight? I like to talk about Luna and the stars. If you aren't busy of course! Maybe we could have a picnic under the stars or adventure through the Everfree! I mean, it's up to you... If you don't want to that's okay too. I was just wondering, I could go with somepony else if your busy."

Edited by Starry Night
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-The Next Evening-

You are standing near the entrance to the Carnival waiting For Luna when you hear a commotion. “It’s the Princess!” One Pony Says. “What’s she Doing here?” Says another. Similar chatter breaks out all around as a loud voice Calls out. “Make way For the Princess of the Night! Make way For Princess Luna!” And then you see her, She is being led by a pair of Bat Pony Guards who are parting the crowd in front of their Mistress. “Make Room!” one calls in a voice you recognize as the one you heard a moment ago. “The Princess of the Night requires the space you currently occupy so that She may Pass!”


Luna Rolls Her eyes. “Honestly, Bruce, I was hoping not to make a scene.”


“Nonsense you’re majesty, Thou art the Princess of the Night.”


“So you keep announcing. Thou might desire to raise your voice, i do not think they heard you in the Crystal Empire.”

“And as Such,” Bruce continued as though he had not been interrupted, “A scene would have Taken place regardless.


“Thou are certainly not helping matters.”


“I am simply performing my royal duty as the captain of thy Personal guard.”


“A duty which you perform admirably, however, I assure you that I am capable of taking care of myself.”


“I have no doubt. However, My duty remains.”


The Princess and her guards Finally come to a stop in front of you. “Good Evening.” Luna Says. “I apologize, I was able to convince my sister to allow me to go out, However, She insisted I Bring Protection. Apparently she’s been having some trouble with changelings lately.”


“Princess! watch what you divulge to this stranger! He himself may be a changeling.”


“I doubt that greatly. We agreed to meet here yesterday at the Castle. If He was a changeling, I would have detected it then.”


Max tensed up as he noticed Luna approaching. She was talking to one of her guards. He couldn't make out the conversation over all the commotion but he could've sworn he heard her call him Bruce. Something about this guy troubled him. He didn't exactly get a good vibe from the expression on his face and the tone he seemed to be talking with. However, he was still more than happy to see Luna. As she got closer and closer to him, his heart beat quicker and quicker. He was full of so many emotions at that moment. Joy, fear, excitement. His legs were practically shaking from all of these feelings. Once she finally reached him, he felt as if his heart had plunged into a bottomless pit.


Max listened to her explain the situation as calmly as he could but was startled when Bruce snapped at the possibility of him actually being a changeling. Slightly relieved after Luna defended him, Max finally worked up the courage to speak up. "Good evening princess. You look beautiful this evening." Max greeted, blushing. He recovered. "Sorry to hear about all the trouble. Hopefully a few games will get your mind off of it for a while." he continued. "What would you like to do first?" he kindly asked. Max gave the best smile he could, waiting for a response.

Edited by LatinoChurro
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"Well, firsht we have you soak in a hot tub to a loosen your muscles. Then, we give you a massage, yes? Then we do some general care for your skin, and then you crear to leave.” One of them gestures you to the door.



Nightraxx listened to their instructions carefully. It really sounded like it was going to be a relaxing session. He smiled a lihjthearted smile "Alright! This sounds like it's going to be r-really relaxing" he exclaimed excited and then made his way through the door, to which one of the Spa Twins pointed. He didn't show it on the outside, but in reality, he was really nervous. "A...a massage?" he thought and blushed. After all, he was charmed by the twins tremendously. Eventually, he stood in the great bathing hall.

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"Hello Lyra, a pleasure to meet a mare as beautiful as you" He said bowing to her and facing her "I was wondering if you were busy later, maybe we could hangout later. I would love to hear you play the Lyre" Regal smiles trying to be his normal self around her.

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Spike smiles. “Lead the way.” YOu take the lead and start walking. After a minute, Spike speaks up. “You’re wrong About Rarity.” You Stop. So does he. “What?” You ask. “About her being selfish. She’s not. If she let me eat all the gems I wanted, She’d have none left to share with everypony. So really, the only selfish one is me.”


"Oh, sorry." Aura replies back to Spike, recognizing his compassion for the unicorn. She then understands she shouldn't really judge others negatively until she actually met them. 


"I take back what I said about her." Aura adds before she looks over a distant hill. Her eyes widen before she pointed in said direction. "The area I was talking about is right over that hill." She says running over towards a rocky filled area with Spike right behind her.


(It's suppose to be the same area Rarity and Spike gem hunt in "A Dog & Pony Show)

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She blushed and shook his hoof, “Yes, well... Now what?” she asks him, “If you say the toothpaste factory we’re going to have problems.” (That’s my warning. The dentists messes with teeth all day. The last thing she needs is to sit through a guide talking about teeth.)


 Alex chuckled a bit before shaking his head.  "No, we won't do anything like that.  Although, maybe we can go and take a walk around the park here for a bit if you wish.  It would be great to know some things about each other."  Alex offered to Colgate.  He wanted to keep it nice and simple as to not worry Colgate.  He wanted her to be more comfortable with him as he always thought of that being how mares like that sort of thing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey look! Page is Posting Something! Is it the replies? YES IT IS!!!


*DJ pushes Fluttershy's mane out of her eyes*

Fluttershy ,if you ask me, you would make the best company. Without you, I bet going to the Crystal Empire wouldn't even be nearly as much enjoyable as it should be. I ask, no, I beg of you, please go with me to the Crystal Empire. Please?

Blushing violently, Fluttershy stares intently at her hooves. “Um, Well, If you are really sure... okay. I’ll go to the Crystal Empire with you.”

"What? O'course I do!" he blushes, "I'm just a bit of a dolts sometimes is all." Weddings don't come cheap. I need to put out another book so that I can make the funds without dipping into the Farm fund, like she'll want to. The problem is, the farm's still a little broke from last apple season being a total dud. Ugg, sometimes I wish I could take her advice and rest, but I wanna give her better than a ten-gallon wedding.

“Sugarcube, Ya cain’t lie to the element of honesty. I can see that there’s something you ain’t tellin’ me.” She sighs. “Well, I guess I cain’t force ya, but whenever you decide ta talk I’ll listen.”

"Un No I am just came here, to ask you if you want to go on a Date with me since I do think about you Bon-Bon and you are really cute too." Fireblaze saying as he was blushing redder while he was thinking and waiting for Bon-Bon answer see if she want to go with him on a date.

She looked at her partner Lyra and shrugged, “Well, it can’t hurt, can it? When and where?”

"Yeah," Red Talon responded, "This airship sure is something. Wonder how long it took to build." Red still felt a bit worn out after racing the Neightona 500 earlier that day (lol, we've been on the same day for about 8 real months), but still had enough energy to spend time and party with his marefriend. The band began to play a familiar Frank Sineightra tune, and Red Talon asked Applejack to dance.
"Wanna dance, AJ?" he asked.

AJ Blushes. “Well, Shoot. I dunno... This Seems like one o’ them fancy affairs... I ain’t sure I can dance like that...”

I turn around a couple of times, trying to count exactly how many there were of her stunt team. As I do, I feel the sharp pain of a hoof come down on the back of my head. I move to dodge a few incoming, and manage to knock a few of them down, continuing my defense/offense pattern. I finish with one and hope that it's the last one... until another takes a flying swing at me with a board and knocks me down to where all of the stunt doubles are kicking me repeatedly.

Spitfire, Seeing that the stunt team has everything well in hoof. turns to walk away. her phone rings and she pulls it out of her daring do vest. she looks at it and laughs. “Hah! Oh good one. That’s actually hilarious.” A Gofer appears with a coffee, which she takes. However, before she can bring it to her lips she hears a loud boom. She turns around to see you standing over the fallen forms of her now unconscious stunt team. “Miss Spitfire! You’re needed back on set!” Spitfire drops her coffee and crushes it under her hoof. Then she charges toward you.


Steel helped lower the dingy to the waves, chopping and churning. They passed their voyage in silence and baited breath, unwilling to give fate even a chance to foil their one shot at freedom.

Once they safely made it ashore, Steel and Daring allowed themselves a moment to breathe. ((OOC: See what I did thar? ^_^ ))

"Well I can't say I'm surprised dear Daring." He said with a smile. "Though I suppose your quick action was for the best. I think we all remember my last attempt at deception." Steel and the Captain laughed. Steel surprised even himself, as he wasn't normally comfortable at self-deprecating humor. "So Captain. What do we do next?"

“Our First step is to get everypony together and see exactly what our situation here is.” The Captain says. He seems to be about to say more, but before he can Page Turner Appears.

“Excuse me, Captain? Can I have a word?”

The Captain looks over at the Blue Unicorn. “Ah, Yes, I actually have some things to say to you as well. Where are the others?”

Page Points a hoof towards the center of the island. “just over that hill you’ll see the campsite.”

Captain Blue nods to you and Daring. “Miss Do, Mr. Accord, Take what you can carry and head for the campsite, Mr. Turner and I have something to discuss.” Having said this, the two stallions walk off.

Daring turns to you. “Well, you heard the Captain. Let’s get these Supplies to the camp.”


Pink Mist was a little stunned at her sudden fall. She wanted to find out who that stallion was and how he had come out of nowhere, AND HOW HE SOMEHOW WOUND UP ON TOP OF HER!!
She found him at the dead end alley. "So your ride left huh? Well you're not gonna find it in a dead end alley. Um, may I ask where you came from in the first place? I don't believe I've seen you around. I was just standing there, I heard this weird noise and suddenly you just fell on top of me!"

“Ah yes, Sorry about that. That weird noise would be my ship, Which, as I said, Just left without me, I sort of fell out of it. I was just trying to chase it down when this rather rude wall decided to put itself in my way.” The Brown stallion holds out a hoof. “I’m The Doctor, by the way. And you are?”

"NonononononoNO!" I shout before jumping out and trying to swipe the crumpled paper from her hooves. I unfortunately slip and stumble on to a box of pizza boxes. 'Oh please don't read it,' I nervously think while trying to ig my way out of the pizza box avalanche

Surprise looks down at you with a face that matches her name. After a moment,a look of realization enters her eyes. “Oh! I get it! You don’t want me to see this because it’s a surprise!” She drops the half crumpled paper back on the floor. “I’ll just go wash my mane a few more times and we can pretend this never happened.” She shoots you an exaggerated wink and backs into the bathroom. locking the door behind her.

(And now comes the part where I join in as a Player!)

Page Turner and Captain Blue make their way along the island until they find a suitable rock. The captain sits, and Page joins him silently. After a moment of Silence, The Captain Speaks.

“Young man, You saved my life back there, I owe you a Debt.”

“Well, I wouldn’t Say-.” Page starts.

“I would.” The Captain cuts him off. “If there is anything you want, if it is within my power to give, It is yours.”

"I wish to be made a member of your crew.” Page states.

The captain looks surprised. “Done, but is that all?”

“Well, there is one other thing...”

"Name it."

Page takes a deep breath. "What I... What I really want is your daughter's hoof."

There is a moment of silence. Page squeezes his eyes shut in anticipation of the inevitable... Laughter? He opens his eyes to see that The captain is indeed laughing heartily. "My boy, I would be Honored to call you my son in law, But My Briny's Hoof is Not mine to give away. I can only give you my blessing, and wish you the best of luck in winning her heart."

Page jumps to his hooves. "You really mean it? Oh thank you so much! You have no Idea how much this means to me!"

"Actually I think I do." The captain says. "I was in love once too."


Page Arrived back at the campsite and found Briny. He sat down next to her. "Ahoy there, First mate, I just spoke with the Captain, and he agreed to name me a member of the crew. So are there any tasks that you would like me to perform?"

“You can help the other members secure what little cargo we have left, and then negotiate watch times,” she says offhandedly, “And, umm, thanks. For saving... ya. Thanks mate.”

Pants heavily, trying to breath then looks at Pinkie, "Just... out of... shape... for a... while..." After a few seconds, Winter gets his composure back then smiles at Pinkie, "I'm glad that you enjoyed the zoo trip I planned, even though I really didn't see much of it since you were very fast moving around the zoo..." He looks back at the cages and holes he could have enjoyed with Pinkie while looking at the animals then sighs. "Anyways... Wanna go to the park or do you wanna stay here for a while more..?"

Pinkie’s eyes Widen in realization. “Ohmygosh! I’m sorry! I just got so excited that I forgot to make sure you were having fun too! She reaches into her mane and pulls a pair of blue fuzzy hoofcuffs (why does she have those?) Which she attaches to your left front hoof and her right. “There! Now I Can’t run off leave you behind!” She notices the way you are looking at the cuff around your hoof. “I thought they looked more fun than regular hoofcuffs, and the pink ones clash with my coat.”

Animae waits until David Pownies' 30 seconds to equestria stopped playing then barraged the DJ with tomatoes gotten from nowhere "YOUR MUSIC SUCKS!". He ran away laughing as the DJ chased after him, wondering whether Gilda would do her part and how he'd meet up with her.


(('Th's' replaced with 'z's' for reference. Mostly at the beginning of words.))
Steeleye w/ Berry Punch
"Clones, frau?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "I am a bit different that ze other guards you might come to find. For instance, I'm not going to badger you about being so drunk z'at you could have drunk the whole winery and be less tipsy." He sat on a chair at the table and set the mugs on the surface. "Z'ere are many z'ings z'at I could arrest a pony for, no? Fighting, smuggling, disturbing ze peace, and so forth. But simply enjoying oneself? Nein. Ponies ought to do whatever z'ey enjoy, so long as o'zers are not harmed. Z'is is why I have brought you a drink, z'ough, true, I have an ulterior motive."

She giggles and hiccups, “You... ALL got me a drink? Best... guards... EVER!” She fist pumps and falls backwards out of her seat.

Sand w/ Zecora
"Oh, thank you madam Zecora," he said as she bade him to enter. Doing so, he carefully set his bag on an open side table. "I have been through Everfree rather often. It is hardly the scariest or most deadly place in the world. Though, it would be plenty dangerous for ponies who did not travel as I do and see what I see." He rustled through the bag, laying out a couple of different items. One was a golden coin with a triangle cut out of the middle. Either side showed two snakes swallowing each others' tail. A broken dagger, the blade of something like onyx that was snapped in half near the hilt. The hilt was rather simple in comparison, just iron bound with leather. Come to think of it, with the vegetarian culture of ponies, what sort of creature would skin other living beings and tan their hides in order to make that leather? It was a mystery to be revealed. Finally, there was a bright aquamarine colored flower, the bloom of which was faintly square in shape with speckles of purple dotting the otherwise solid color.

Zecora Looks at the objects that you placed before her. “Such fascinating things to see, are these curios you have brought before me.” she picks up the coin first. “This does not come from equestria, and It may even be older than Celestia.” She moves on to the dagger. “Ancient Griffish, I believe, a common tool for bandits and thieves.” she moves to examine the flower, and she gasps she turns to you. “This bloom is exceedingly rare! The place you found this, I must know where!”

"Hehe yeah..." Jesse rubbed the back of his neck, blushing. "I hope ..maybe um....we can go out for breakfast tomorrow? I'm not asking you out on a date. I mean I kinda am but..." He laughed awkwardly. "Would you like to go with me? Please?" Jesse did not understand why he was talking like this. For some reason this mare was making him act weird.

Spitfire Looks over at Soarin, who appears to have become distracted by something shiny. “I’d love to, but We really need to practise early tomorrow... But I’m free next thursday. So maybe we can do it then.”

"Oh ok well I'll see you tomorrow then Big Mac" Luna said as she started walking home. "I hope that he will be less busy tomorrow maybe I should make an apple pie and give him a slice" Luna said to herself. "Or maybe I could make a picnic" Luna said as she keep walking.

“Okay,” he says, walking away. (In order to get much better than that the next time, you’re going to have to interact with him more. No worries)

(OOC: Damn, now I really am late. Sorry, on vacation at the moment)

Glitch gasped. As Derpy fell forward, he used his telekinesis to grab her. A green aura enveloped her as he brought her back on to the floor. Glitch wiped his forehead. "Oh, man! That was close." He looked at the broken railing. "If I see Meta, I'm gonna tell him to get that fixed. Fast."

Derpy was looking at her hooves, with tears streaming down her face. “I broke something again. I was doing so good, and then I broke something.”

*Wild adult Zuri appears!*
To adult Pipsqueak
"Hey Pip! Would you like to go on an adventure sometime tonight? I like to talk about Luna and the stars. If you aren't busy of course! Maybe we could have a picnic under the stars or adventure through the Everfree! I mean, it's up to you... If you don't want to that's okay too. I was just wondering, I could go with somepony else if your busy."

“I can’t now.” The Spotted Guard says curtly. “I’m on duty tonight.” His eyes shift towards you and he notices you aren’t giving up and leaving. He smiles. “I don’t get off until 3 AM, but you’re welcome to stay up if you want to.”

Max tensed up as he noticed Luna approaching. She was talking to one of her guards. He couldn't make out the conversation over all the commotion but he could've sworn he heard her call him Bruce. Something about this guy troubled him. He didn't exactly get a good vibe from the expression on his face and the tone he seemed to be talking with. However, he was still more than happy to see Luna. As she got closer and closer to him, his heart beat quicker and quicker. He was full of so many emotions at that moment. Joy, fear, excitement. His legs were practically shaking from all of these feelings. Once she finally reached him, he felt as if his heart had plunged into a bottomless pit.

Max listened to her explain the situation as calmly as he could but was startled when Bruce snapped at the possibility of him actually being a changeling. Slightly relieved after Luna defended him, Max finally worked up the courage to speak up. "Good evening princess. You look beautiful this evening." Max greeted, blushing. He recovered. "Sorry to hear about all the trouble. Hopefully a few games will get your mind off of it for a while." he continued. "What would you like to do first?" he kindly asked. Max gave the best smile he could, waiting for a response.

Luna thinks for a moment. “I do not know... There are simply so many things to choose from...” She looks around, trying to make a decision. finally, she points to the ring toss. “There! I Desire to do that first!” As you walk toward the booth, you notice that the surrounding crowd has grown quieter, then, after a moment, you start to hear voices. “Is that Princess Luna?” “It’s Princess Luna!” “What’s the Princess doing here?” “I wonder if I could get her autograph!” “She’s with that guy? No way!” Luna seems oblivious to the attention she is receiving. You arrive at the ring toss stand and Luna taps on the counter.

“yeah yeah, I’ll be right-” The bored looking carney turns, noticing for the first time who is at her booth. Her mouth drops open. “P-p-p-princess! I am honored that you would grace my humble game with your presence...”

Luna waves a hoof dismissively. “Please, Please, there is no need for such formalities.”

“Like tartarus there isn’t” you hear Bruce mutter.

“How much to play?” Luna finishes, ignoring her vassal.

“For you and your companion, Princess? No charge.” the carney looks at you. “Lucky punk.”

“I’ll say.” Bruce adds.

“That is unacceptable I insist that you treat me the same as any other pony.” Luna commands.

“I... I couldn’t...”

“The Princess has given you an order! Peasant! Even If I do not agree, you WILL do as she says!”

“That is enough Bruce.” Luna Scolds.

Nightraxx listened to their instructions carefully. It really sounded like it was going to be a relaxing session. He smiled a lihjthearted smile "Alright! This sounds like it's going to be r-really relaxing" he exclaimed excited and then made his way through the door, to which one of the Spa Twins pointed. He didn't show it on the outside, but in reality, he was really nervous. "A...a massage?" he thought and blushed. After all, he was charmed by the twins tremendously. Eventually, he stood in the great bathing hall.

One of the girls directs you to lay down in one of the baths. The other one throws some bathing salts and herbs into the water. Afterwards they both sit there, occasionally adding things into the water.

"Hello Lyra, a pleasure to meet a mare as beautiful as you" He said bowing to her and facing her "I was wondering if you were busy later, maybe we could hangout later. I would love to hear you play the Lyre" Regal smiles trying to be his normal self around her.

Lyra blushes at your attention.. “well, I’m not busy now, In fact, I was just on my way to the park to play for a while. you want to tag along?”

"Oh, sorry." Aura replies back to Spike, recognizing his compassion for the unicorn. She then understands she shouldn't really judge others negatively until she actually met them.

"I take back what I said about her." Aura adds before she looks over a distant hill. Her eyes widen before she pointed in said direction. "The area I was talking about is right over that hill." She says running over towards a rocky filled area with Spike right behind her.

(It's suppose to be the same area Rarity and Spike gem hunt in "A Dog & Pony Show)

Spike rushes after you, but stops suddenly when he reached\s the top of the hill. The color drains from his scales. “Oh no.”

Alex chuckled a bit before shaking his head. "No, we won't do anything like that. Although, maybe we can go and take a walk around the park here for a bit if you wish. It would be great to know some things about each other." Alex offered to Colgate. He wanted to keep it nice and simple as to not worry Colgate. He wanted her to be more comfortable with him as he always thought of that being how mares like that sort of thing.

She nods, “A walk would be nice.” She gestures for you to lead the way and follows, “So, what do you do for a living, Alex?”

Edited by He Who Turns Pages
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Pinkie’s eyes Widen in realization. “Ohmygosh! I’m sorry! I just got so excited that I forgot to make sure you were having fun too! She reaches into her mane and pulls a pair of blue fuzzy hoofcuffs (why does she have those?) Which she attaches to your left front hoof and her right. “There! Now I Can’t run off leave you behind!” She notices the way you are looking at the cuff around your hoof. “I thought they looked more fun than regular hoofcuffs, and the pink ones clash with my coat.”


"Uhhhh.... O-okay... I guess... That'll help me a bit..." Winter looks at her then looks away blushing a bit then looks at the list shaking his head from thoughts. "So... uhhh.... Let's go to the lake now unless of course you wanna stay here and pet the animals more. I'm willing to stay around for a bit, I mean I have the whole day just for hanging out with you." Winter smiles looking at her and waits for an answer.

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Hey look! Page is Posting Something! Is it the replies? YES IT IS!!!



Animae laughed happily. This was giving him one hell of a rush. He shouted back at the DJ, insulting every good band under the sun. He wondered whether Gilda was doing her part or if she was just sat back, watching him get in trouble. Well whatever, this was fun. The thought of Gilda watching him only exhilarated him. 

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Blushing violently, Fluttershy stares intently at her hooves. “Um, Well, If you are really sure... okay. I’ll go to the Crystal Empire with you.”



Thank you so much for giving me the honor of being in your beauty.


*buys two train tickets to the Crystal Empire*



So, Fluttershy, while we are on this train, why don't we talk for a little bit?


Have you ever been to the Crystal Empire before? This is my first time. I hear it is really beautiful. Of course, nothing could possibly be as beautiful as you.

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"Oh, um, excuse me for interrupting you miss, but I've been meaning to ask you something for a while now. I've seen you walking around Ponyville quite often, and most times inside the little school house, teaching little fillies and colts, and I find that absolutely charming and kind-hearted of you. So, may I ask, if you, Miss Cheerilee, would like to accompany to the restaurant, [insert fancy name here], later tonight? If your not to busy that is..." Rainfleet asked the pretty magenta pony sheepishly.

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AJ Blushes. “Well, Shoot. I dunno... This Seems like one o’ them fancy affairs... I ain’t sure I can dance like that...”

"It's alright, Applejack," Red Talon said to Applejack, taking hold of her hoof. The two stood on their hind legs, and Red lead her in a simple, couple's dance. "Just take my hoof, and just sway. And when I step back, you step forward. Nothing too complex about it."

The two danced with each other while the band played.


Red hadn't danced with another pony since his senior prom a few years ago. But being with a friend you brought along is a lot different than dancing with a pony he truly loved.

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“Well, Yeah.” Flitter Says. “Today was supposed to be our day, But then she suddenly wants to hang out with some Colt I’ve never heard of.” She looks you over thoughtfully. “Although now that you’re here I can see why.”

You are about to say something. when Cloudchaser appears. “Alright, I’m here.” She says. Oh. I see you two have already met. “


“Yep!” Flitter replies.


“Sorry I’m late, My roommate needed to talk to me about moving out. Well, I guess that makes him my ex roommate now...”


Windy tried (and failed) to suppress the urge to quirk an eyebrow at Cloudchaser's roommate woes. "Yeah, its no problem that you were late, Flitter and I were just getting acquainted. And, maybe this is a bit... forward, but if you need a new roommate, I might be able to. I mean, my job doesn't exactly have me rolling in the bits, and living on my own, even in a tiny cottage, will always be more expensive then being able to split the cost with a roommate. You can think on it for a while, time isn't of the essence for me. Anyways, let's go have fun!" Windy exclaimed, heading towards the entrance to Sugarcube Corner. 

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