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gaming What is the hardest game you have played?

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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Zelda II: The adventure of Link. It's easily the hardest game I've ever played. I still haven't beaten it yet after all these years.


This one stands out in my memory, too. My introduction to Zelda was Ocarina of Time, so I was astonished when I decided to travel back through the years and try out the earliest titles. Astonished and a little confused.


A lot of older games are crazy tedious, dungeon crawlers especially, but I'm not sure if we're equating tediousness to difficulty.


Look for it.

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I wanna be the Guy. This game was created with the very intent of destroying your sanity. And it works. There are spikes, falling sideways, the dull parts of them hurting you, the moon falling out of absolutely nowhere and the soundtrack will drive you nuts. The music itself isn`t bad, but you´ll only ever hear the first few seconds of the themes, which is particularly annoying with the graveyard.


Da-da-daaa da-da-daaa (dead)

Da-da-daaa da-da-daaa (dead)


Get back! All of you! This is my comment. And I´m going to POST IT!

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The hardest game I've ever played was tic tac toe.


Has anypony ever played that Cat mario game? That game is seriously almost impossible, but it's really funny too!


Oh god Cat Mario, took me like 2 hours to beat it, had maybe -700 some lives lol. It's a very funny game though, and totally worth the 5 second download. I still need to play the second one though

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The hardest game ever. Ok, sit down and buckle up, because it is about to get serious...


Hooked on Phonics


That game was the bane of my childhood. My god every time i got words wrong on that game I wanted to punch my Windows 95 monitor so bad. That game drove me bananas up until my kindergarden years. I still have it in a box in the basement. It is never allowed to leave there, no one shall experience such evils

  • Brohoof 3

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The hardest game I've ever played that was designed to present the player with a fair challenge, and not frustrate him for hours just trying to figure out where every little trap and pitfall is in order to progress a few feet, would have to be either Contra or Castlevania. They can look so easy as you're watching somebody else play them, but try playing it yourself and it's not easy at all.


Ghouls and Ghosts is pretty tough too, but I have to say that one falls more on the side of causing unnecessary frustration. Playing through the whole game twice before you can get to the end boss? No thanks.


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Clocktower 3 and it's not because the game itself was challenging. No, what made it difficult was the character running around like a damn chicken every time she freaked out.



  • Brohoof 1

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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Ghouls and Ghosts is pretty tough too, but I have to say that one falls more on the side of causing unnecessary frustration. Playing through the whole game twice before you can get to the end boss? No thanks.


Too right mate. I remember pouring hours into that game thinking I made it to the last level, but the I discovered I had to do it not once, but twice.

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I find Super Meat Boy rather hard to complete, by the time you pass the first few levels you'll noticed that you have spent an hour or two on it as you watch the replays where all of your attempts result in meaty explosions. :lol:


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Contra series(sans Konami code of course, but 4 doesn't have it so good luck with that)

Monster Hunter Tri(at first, not as hard when you get the hang of it but sometimes it can still get pretty hard)*

Guitar Hero/Rock Band(I'll never be able to do expert guitar on harder songs...)

Pokemon battle facilities(one loss and you have to start over, harsh as hell)

Final Fantasy III DS(and IV, but only the endgame really)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Boss Battles mode on intense

Donkey Kong Country Returns*

Rayman Origins*

Resident Evil(Gamecube)*

Sin & Punishment Star Successor(best bullet hell game ever though)*

Punch Out!! series

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn*


*= games I've completed

There are probably more, but these are the hardest games I've played in recent memory. :huh:


@SBB64/ so you say Radiant Dawn is hard? I find it simply tedious... come back to me when you play some japanese



Pokemon Colosseum is one the hardest Pokemon games I have ever played. I know that may not sound like much, but trust me when I say this game almost made me rip large chunks of hair out. Not only do you have a limited supply of usable Pokemon that you have to spent forever grinding just to make usable/purify, but the bosses actually use strategy. Special mention go to Ein and the final boss. The former uses an incredibly effective Rain Dance/Thunder team consisting of Pokemon usually 5-10 levels higher than even your strongest team member after a few hours of grinding, and the latter has nothing but uber-tier level Pokemon (one of them being the strongest Shadow Pokemon in the game that will take forever to catch alone).


@PoisonClaw erm... Colisseum wasn't even as hard as its sequel to me and honestly there's so many ways you can simply sweep the bosses. Me and Ampharos along with Espeon and Umbreon swept absolutely everything.


Clocktower 3 and it's not because the game itself was challenging. No, what made it difficult was the character running around like a damn chicken every time she freaked out.





@SrFrog OMG someone else who knows of Clocktower 3 XD The final boss was such a pain >.<


Anyways... my list of hard/impossibru games consists of...


Megaman series(ALL OF IT at least for the most part, MMBN isn't quite as bad...)

Fire Emblem Series(Thracia 776. My god. I swear, no one can beat that game. The hardships I have experienced trying to beat this stupid thing... just, seriously... At least I've beaten the rest of them...)

IWBTG and its clones(I simply suck at the games, move along.)


Other than that... I'm sure there's more that I can think of that are painfully difficult, but I can't think of any more off the top of my head.

  • Brohoof 1
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@SBB64/ so you say Radiant Dawn is hard? I find it simply tedious... come back to me when you play some japanese



Well I suppose easy and normal weren't too bad(normal had its moments for me though), but I have yet to beat hard mode, which is very difficult in my opinion


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The most difficult game I OWN is definitely Zelda II. The hardest game I've actually beaten is VVVVVV. I could probably complete Zelda II if I tried, but I just have no motivation whatsoever to do so.

how even is otter and how can it be if

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Yoshi's Story. Never before has a game asked if I had the gonads to play it by posing such intimidating challenge! It has defeated me.


Same here. I remember watching a friend play it years ago, and him telling me how he had unlocked the secret colored yoshi's. So when I though that I might enjoy playing it on the Wii virtual console, I was proven very, very wrong. And the game is so deceptive, too! How could a game look that happy yet be so enraging?! :angry:

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The Hardest Game? Well...Thousand Year Door.


I can't tell you how long i've grinded, practiced that dang koopa shell, get the bomb timing perfect, scoruing for star shrines, etc.




I haven't beat it to this day. That final boss actually uses strategy. You need to get perfects on everything or else she kills you.

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Well. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time, Kingsom Hearts and Ninja Gaiden ( the nes ones and Ninja Gaiden : Black ) those must've been the games i had the most problem completing. The water temple att Ocarina of time is freckin impossible ^^

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Same here. I remember watching a friend play it years ago, and him telling me how he had unlocked the secret colored yoshi's. So when I though that I might enjoy playing it on the Wii virtual console, I was proven very, very wrong. And the game is so deceptive, too! How could a game look that happy yet be so enraging?! :angry:


I was saying that it was hard ironically dude, then again I've never played it, only watched a review and it explained it's pretty much impossible to lose on the first boss. But if it's a good challenge I'll try it.
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Hardest game I have ever played?


I have to say Demon´s souls. Its really fun, but it´s really hard to beat. Also the older Might & Magic games are really darn difficult.

  • Brohoof 1


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Demons Souls, Dark Souls.

That is the hardest pair of games. It's like playing a game designed by satan and Hitler. That is a cruel game. Considering you play through most the game with half your life points, and only when you defeat a boss is when you can have them back. God forbid you die and go back down to half health. Plus, when you die, you dont start back at the last checkpoint. You start back at the beginning of the level, to re do the same stuff over and over. Demonic.

  • Brohoof 1


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OMG someone else who knows of Clocktower 3 XD The final boss was such a pain

Megaman series(ALL OF IT at least for the most part, MMBN isn't quite as bad

If Gamestop does one thing right, it would be that they often keep some of the most obscure games in their bargain bins. Out of the reach of the casual gamer...


Oh, and I freaking love Megaman. Never really found any game in that series challenging but different strokes for different folks, I guess.

  • Brohoof 1

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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The older Mortal Kombat games. The AI can be so unfair with their computer perfect timing that you can find yourself about to snap a controller in two from rage. Otherwise, I'd say Demon's Souls, but not Dark Souls. I just found Dark Souls to be infinitely easier than Demon's.

  • Brohoof 1

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

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I'd have to say Zelda: Majora's Mask for me. I would always screw up and forget to use the ocarina to turn time back, and then i would never beat majora because I had screwed up in the first place. It was all very confusing for me.

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Cave Story, Hard mode. Freaking impossible. Especially the final level which has come to be called "Hell" by those who play it. Even normal is difficult.


(I haven't played "I wanna be the guy" so I won't talk about that.)

  • Brohoof 1

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