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What's the saddest fanfiction you've read?

Lightning Fluttershy

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I don't know if there is all ready a thread like this but I used the search function and found none.


I personally love reading fictions. Specifically sad fictions that make me feel for the characters enough to break down and cry. What I made this thread for is for people like me who love reading sad fictions and want to share them with the rest of us. I always love reading a good fiction and I'm sure the rest of us do as well.


I for one loved the fiction Your Truly by Thanqoi on FimFiction.net. The story is beautiful and brilliantly written. I couldn't tear my eyes from the screen while reading it and felt for the characters like never before. I was in tears for some of it.


So I would like to hear from you. Do you like sad fictions as much as I do? What is your favourite and why? I'd love to hear from every pony.

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Yours Truly is one of my favorites. In fact, it was one of the first pieces of MLP fan fiction I had ever read. It really does stand out among the sad stories, and it didn't devolve into tired tropes to make the melancholy substantive.


There is another story, Family & Friends by Raefire, involving AJ as Winona began dying of old age. That might compete with Yours Truly for saddest MLP fic I've viewed. The one which brought me closest to tears was Sweetie's Letter by Lucky Dreams. It technically isn't a sad fic, but there's a segment in the story that really moved me.

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"Not my Destiny"... Saddest freaking fan fiction I've ever read. (It does have multiple endings[based on preference])... Yeah that made me cry for a long time.


It did make me cry a bit. But, the one I cried for about an hour was My Little Dashie. This one had a very sad ending. If you haven't read it, than you should. If you love rainbow dash, than be prepared to use a box of Kleenexes.

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It did make me cry a bit. But, the one I cried for about an hour was My Little Dashie. This one had a very sad ending. If you haven't read it, than you should. If you love rainbow dash, than be prepared to use a box of Kleenexes.


I read it, and I won't lie it is easily the 2nd saddest fan-fic I've ever read. I wouldn't call it the saddest though. Not my Destiny is just (In my personal opinion) a REAL tear jerker.


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My Little Dashie, hands down. Simply put it, if you haven't read it yet, you should. Right now.


To be more detailed on why I love the story, I have a nice story about why I watched the show in the first place, becoming a brony, and I have to say, if it wasn't for this story, I probably wouldn't be a brony today.

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  • 2 years later...

While the MLP universe is happy and joyful, many fanfics are capable of giving a darker perception on the land of Equestria.

Such fanfics can be saddening at times.

So what is the saddest and darkest fanfiction you've ever read or have heard?


For me it would have to be "The Cough".

I originally heard it read out by MicTheMicrophoneZero.

Edited by Emerald Starlight
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While Past Sins and My Little Dashie were both very sad, I'd say the saddest fanfiction I've ever read is Drift by Pen Stroke. It's sad in a depressing way, and the points brought up in the fanfiction are ones that I can relate to, making it even sadder. So yeah, while the first two I mentioned are sad; I can't relate to them as much.

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I don't really read that many fanfics, but I'm gonna say My Little Dashie.


The saddest moments for me is when RD finds out about MLP and runs away from her dad and when RD says goodbye to her dad at the end. I never felt so sad reading a story in so long the first time I read it.

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  • 1 month later...

The saddest fanfic I've read is a mlp fanfic called "Running from Myself", it's about when Twilight encounters some old

bullies from her school days in Canterlot and I don't want to spoil the story for anyone but it hits close to home for

anyone who's been bullied or teased

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'The Secret Life of Rarity' as it is hard to beat imo, even if my favorite characters were killed off(tbh I wouldn't know, I have avoided my fave characters being in positions like that other than this fic which I became addicted to despite hating and loving it) in a fic, this one just makes the experience a drawn out "nooooo" all throughout reading it.

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A Circle of Friends. Especially with the song A Walk Down The Trail playing. The feels from that fic are just so painful and yet beautiful.


Also in a different way, the Rainbow Factory because of what it does to the entire world of Equestria. Unlike Cupcakes it's competently written. The implications of it and the images it summons...feel horribly wrong and that's what makes it sad for me.

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Not actually a ponyfic, but I read a Batman fanfic a while back involving Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy trying to escape their criminal past and starting new lives outside of Gotham. I forget the title right now, but if I remember what it's called I'll edit it here if in case anybody is interested.


Edit: "Dress Me Like a Clown" and it's by Taste of Violets on fanfiction.net

Edited by HunterTSN


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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I have to agree with My Little Dashie. I hate the feeling of living something and just letting it go. It hurts especially with that special something was the only happiness in your life of loneliness and sadness. It touches me on an emotional level and reminds us that this world is a long way from Equestria. It makes me want my own filly to raise and love with all my heart. That man who raised dashie didn't even care that he was raising a different species he loved her. If I could have a pony even a plushie it could maybe make me happy again :( sorry about the rant it's just this fic touched me heart so much and I was crying the Mississippi when I finished reading it.

Edit: listening to the song The Luckiest by Ben Folds made this fic even more emotional. It describes the man's live perfectly

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I don't typically like sad fanfics. Four that spring to mind though are, Pokemon: Lelouch of the Revolution, Razor's Edge, Fallout: Equestria and (of course) My Little Dashie.


-The first because it manages the herculean task of being more heart wrenching than it's source material!


-The second not because it's completely depressing, but it has some very sad moments in it.


-The third because, like the above, it actually is comparatively hopeful but to compensate the gut punching moments are just painful for a loving brony to read. There was one moment near the end that seriously had me almost tearing up.


- . . . Do I really need to explain that last one? That story shreds heart strings like Carlos Santana with a Valentine's Day themed guitar!


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I'll have to say My Little Dashie as well. I do not find the parts about her finding out that she's a cartoon character all that sad, but the ending just hits you. The more you think about it and more it sinks in. It's like one those dreams you have where something amazing happens and when you get used to it, you wake up, lol.

Edited by whitetiger187
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I thought My Little Dashie was really creepy to be honest.


Saddest I read I don't remember the title. It was alicorn princess Twilight reminiscing about her friends. Except she granted each one mortality under one condition; they could choose to die at any time. The whole story is Twilight telling her assistant how each of her friends chose to die.


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IDK why people keep saying My Little Dashie is the saddest they've ever read.  Yeah, it has some pretty sad moments but IMO it has a reasonably happy ending. (I.E. nobody too important dies) 


You want sad? Try The Secret Life of Rarity by Bronywriter.  R is a serial killer. It's what Cupcakes wanted to be but wasn't.  Several sequels but none as good (rated R for graphic violence & torture)


The Truth In Meanings by TwiDashForever  Dash is killed in battle. Twilight literally goes insane w grief & refuses to accept it.  She doesn't do the reasonable insane thing & kill herself, either.  From there, it goes WAY off canon.  Plenty of good times but some pretty grim moments too.  Still 9+ novels may be a little much (could also be a LOT much)


History Repeats by SaddlesoapOpera  An older Megan suffering from PTSD is called back to EQ to deal w The Smooze.  Problem is, The Smooze got beat by the fairy ponies & there ain't none no more.


Unwell by Hazamabrony  Twilight has ACMS (Abstract Cutie Mark Syndrone, = Pony Asperger's).  There is a sequel in the works


The last 3 aren't unrelievedly sad but they all have some pretty grim moments & are good stuff.  Secret Life of Rarity is the darkest MLP fic I've ever read & pretty close to the darkest thing ever. (Maybe I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream or Adam & No Eve were darker. Maybe not)

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