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Event alert: for those with Black, a lv. 100 Zekrom @Dragon Gem, Bolt Strike|Fusion Bolt|Haze|Outrage was released as a Wifi event today. People with White get a lv. 100 Reshiram @Dragon Gem, Blue Flare|Fusion Flare|Mist|Draco Meteor. Event ends April 12. GOGOGO


Edit: This thread shan't die. Lemme post some teams to be rated.



Ninetales @ Leftovers

Trait: Drought

EVs: 0 HP / 0 Atk / 0 Def / 252 SAtk / 40 SDef / 216 Spd

Timid Nature

- Overheat

- Power Swap

- Will-O-Wisp

- Safeguard


This brings dat sun and not too much more. Overheat is the best way to squeeze power out of this, and any Special-oriented switch-ins can get Power Swapped the -2. Wisp deals with Physical switch-ins, especially Tyranitar. Safeguard is a five-turn status immunity, which is nifty in case I want to switch without fear of Toxic Spikes or Thunder Wave or something like that. Power Swap also lets me take Calm Mind boosts and such away from a slower Latias or Reuniclus. Honestly, it's not useful for all that much, but this is a pretty unexpected set that can disrupt fairly well, and hopefully force switches.



Forretress @ Leftovers Trait: Sturdy EVs: 252 HP / 0 Atk / 176 Def / 0 SAtk / 80 SDef / 0 Spd Relaxed Nature - Rapid Spin - Toxic Spikes - Spikes - Gyro Ball


Every sun team should have a Rapid Spinner, and Forry is one of the best. He doesn't care about the increased Fire weakness, since almost every Fire move would kill him anyway. Toxic and regular Spikes are good for wearing down things that switch around a lot, although I'll get into possible moveset changes later. Gyro Ball hits fast Pokemon reasonably hard, I guess, but it's mostly filler.


Cresselia @ Light Clay Trait: Levitate EVs: 252 HP / 0 Atk / 148 Def / 0 SAtk / 40 SDef / 68 Spd Bold Nature - Reflect - Light Screen - Ice Beam - Moonlight


A mixture of normal wall Cress and dual screens Cress. Light Clay, Reflect, and Light Screen give me some leeway with taking strong hits. Moonlight heals 66% in the sun, but if I keep Cress, it might get changed to Lunar Dance. Ice Beam deters Dragons from doing much, and is great for getting some hefty damage on Dragonite. It gives me a nifty Ground immunity and Fighting resist, as well.


Blissey @ Leftovers Trait: Natural Cure EVs: 252 HP / 0 Atk / 252 Def / 0 SAtk / 0 SDef / 0 Spd Bold Nature - Wish - Fire Blast - Toxic - Stealth Rock


A bit of an odd WishBliss. If Forry's not using Stealth Rock, then Blissey is. I figure it lets me set hazards against both sides of the offensive spectrum. Wish keeps the team pretty healthy and can reactivate Forry's Sturdy. Toxic is for when Toxic Spikes fail me and I need to status something. Fire Blast in the sun does tons of damage to Ferrothorn, Scizor, and Forretress, but perhaps Flamethrower would be a better choice. I could possibly go with Rocks on Forry over TSpikes, which would free up a moveslot on Blissey for Protect, though. This is where the defensive part of the team ends.


Victreebel @ Life Orb Trait: Chlorophyll EVs: 0 HP / 172 Atk / 0 Def / 140 SAtk / 0 SDef / 196 Spd Rash Nature - Leaf Blade - Sludge Bomb - Weather Ball - Growth


Victreebel gives me a great sweeper. Growth and Chlorophyll combine to essentially give it a Shell Smash without the negative effects in one turn. From there, it dishes out some huge hits. Leaf Blade is loads more reliable than Power Whip, but maybe the power is worth it...suggestions? Weather Ball is why this thing is used over Venusaur: a 100 BP Fire move, further boosted by the sun. Sludge Bomb gives most Dragons a tough time switching in. Only Heatran can reasonably walk away from a run-in with this. Dual screens and Wish support keep it in tip-top shape and let it boost more easily.


Volcarona @ Life Orb Trait: Flame Body EVs: 0 HP / 0 Atk / 0 Def / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd Timid Nature - Quiver Dance - Bug Buzz - Fire Blast - Hidden Power [Ground]


Offensive Volcarona. I figured a defensive variant would be less necessary, what with dual screens, Wish support, Rapid Spin support, Safeguard, etc. Quiver Dance makes it terrifying with one use, but it can easily set up more than one under screens or against some weaker Water types that think "It's super effective!" means much. Fire Blast gives it the power to break through bulky resists like Gyarados and Salamence, Bug Buzz is STAB, and HP Ground is solely for Heatran and Chandelure.


I've thought about replacing Cresselia with a Scarf Victini, which would also make me consider Venusaur over Victreebel and a bulkier Volcarona, ChestoRest possibly. Thoughts? I call it "V for Vendetta," by the way, since no matter what I plan on doing, I'd have at least two of Venusaur/Victreebel/Volcarona/Victini.


Edited by BowlArt64


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Feast your eyes on the new trainer designs for Pokemon Black & White 2.


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"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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Gen. 5 was both amazing and terrible.

Personally, only a few Pokemon stuck out as awesome imo, such as Ferrothorn. Also, i hated the region. Donut! But i thought that the graphics were AT LEAST 20% cooler than any other gen as well as having character/plot development. The storyline, while not fantastic, was pretty good and showed that Nintendo could make a Pokemon game that actually focused on storyline effectively.



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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Kind of disappointed it will still be in Unova, but that was probably a bit much to expect anyway. I'm just glad we're getting a real sequel for the first time since G/S/C. The lack of continuity between G/S/C and R/S/E got to me.


The ice on the Unova map does not look like it's actually there, it just looks like it's covering up something that they'll reveal to us later.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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In another likely vain attempt to revive this thread, I present you with my first RMT. Competitively, I have the combined experience of...one battle against a random person, and four against Veece, all using this very team. What I lack in experience, I hope to make up for in knowledge gained from lurking over the past few years. Without further ado, the teambuilding process:



I figured I should build my first team around a common, easy to construct archetype. I chose sand because Tyranitar.




The team now has a specially bulky user of Stealth Rock. What better complement than a physically bulky Spiker? Given these criteria, the prime candidates were Skarmory and Forretress. I went with Skarmory because I prefer Roost and Whirlwind to Toxic Spikes and Rapid Spin.




With two hazard users, I need a solid spinblocker to keep them there. The team as is is also weak to strong Water- and Fighting-type attacks. Jellicent fit the bill as a check to rain teams, a spinblocker, and a Fighting immunity, and can status other Pokemon fairly easily with Scald or Toxic.




I didn't want Jellicent to have to take all the brunt of Fighting Pokemon, however, and I needed a way to actually cause some direct damage and possibly sweep. Enter Reuniclus.




I still lacked an immediate powerhouse. To fit the bulky style of the team, I'd want a solid user of either Choice Band or Choice Specs. With this in mind, I figured I could fit a sun counter onto the team as well. Heatran fit my needs.




The team is now slow as balls. A speedy revenge killer seemed to be a solid glue, so I went with a pretty common one: Landorus.




I intended to give the team a cool name. After considering various sand-related things, I settled on Phantom Hourglass, because hell yeah Legend of Zelda. This also gave some cool nicknames for the individual members.



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Bellum (Tyranitar) (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sand Stream

EVs: 252 HP / 72 Atk / 184 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Stealth Rock

- Pursuit

- Crunch

- Superpower


The harbinger of the sands makes his appearance, ready to tank special hits, set Stealth Rock, and generally hit hard. SR is crucial to make a lot of things, but especially Dragonite and Volcarona, easier to deal with. No switch shall go unpunished. Pursuit is ever-useful for trapping the Special attackers that can't do much to Tyranitar, such as Lati@s and Starmie. Crunch gives a reliable, consistent Dark STAB that really checkmates Psychic-types: switch and risk getting Pursuited, or stay in and risk a Crunch? Superpower gives the best two move coverage possible, and really nails stuff like Blissey, Scrafty, and Mamoswine. The EV spread is by no means optimized for anything, I just wanted it to hit harder than your average Sp. Def. Tyranitar. Careful nature helps me outspeed anything looking only to outspeed the Sp. Def. MixTar set. He's named after the final boss of LoZ: Phantom Hourglass.



Water - Jellicent

Grass - Skarmory, Heatran, Landorus

Bug - Skarmory, Jellicent, Heatran, Landorus

Ground - Skarmory, Landorus

Fighting - Jellicent, Reuniclus

Steel - Skarmory, Heatran


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Gleeok (Skarmory) (F) @ Shed Shell

Trait: Sturdy

EVs: 252 HP / 232 Def / 24 Spd

Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

- Spikes

- Whirlwind

- Roost

- Brave Bird


Skarmory enters the field with its ear-piercing cry, eager to sponge physical hits. Spikes work alongside Stealth Rock to make the opponent think more than twice about switching. Whirlwind lets me phaze stat boosters and rack up entry hazard damage, all in one fell swoop. Roost helps make Skarmory seem all the more impenetrable by providing reliable recovery. It also allows me to possibly use Shed Shell over Leftovers, allowing me to escape from Magnezone. Brave Bird prevents it from being Taunt bait, and gives a potent anti-Fighing-type tool, the recoil of which can just be healed off. She bears the name of the guardian of the Azurine in the Temple of Ice. She's also a she to help take hits from the rare Rivalry Haxorus.



Electric - Landorus

Fire - Tyranitar, Jellicent, Heatran


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Cyclok (Jellicent) (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Water Absorb

EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spd

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Scald

- Recover

- Toxic

- Taunt


Jellicent and his magnificent mustache bring quite a lot to the table for me. Spinblocking, three immunities and some useful resistances, two types of status...he does his jobs quite well. Scald can be spammed in hopes of incurring burns, which effectively neuter most physical attackers. Toxic helps make most defensive Pokemon more manageable with the stacking damage. Recover is invaluable, especially for a defensive Pokemon on a sand team that isn't Rock, Ground, or Steel, as all the Leftovers do for it is negate the passive damage from sandstorm. Taunt helps take down defensive Pokemon as well, disabling recovery, entry hazards, status, etc. He is named after the boss of the Temple of Wind, who bears a similar color scheme and shape I guess.



Grass - Skarmory, Heatran, Landorus

Electric - Landorus

Ghost - Tyranitar, Skarmory, Heatran

Dark - Tyranitar, Skarmory, Heatran


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Cubus (Reuniclus) (F) @ Life Orb

Trait: Magic Guard

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Calm Mind

- Recover

- Psyshock

- Focus Blast


Everyone's favorite blob of cytoplasm is here. Sporting surprising overall bulk and complete immunity to passive damage, she fits perfectly into the puzzle. Calm Mind is standard fare stat boosting, while Recover helps me set up quite a bit more easily. Psyshock serves as my STAB move as well as a pseudo-physical move, which helps immensely in Calm Mind wars and taking on Blissey and Chansey. Focus Blast gives better coverage than Shadow Ball, though misses do suck. The Life Orb allows me to get more power out of less boosts, or at least makes getting two Calm Minds less necessary. The nickname is the best I could come up with, and is a reference to the boss(es) of the Ghost Ship.



Ghost - Tyranitar, Skarmory, Heatran

Bug - Skarmory, Jellicent, Heatran, Landorus

Dark - Tyranitar, Skarmory, Heatran


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Dongorongo (Heatran) (F) @ Choice Specs

Trait: Flash Fire

EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Fire Blast

- Earth Power

- Dragon Pulse

- Hidden Power [Grass]


SpecsTran is the bane of sun teams and a lot of things in general. Resistances out the wazoo make it surprisingly competent defensively, as well. Specs-boosted, Flash Fire-boosted, STAB-boosted, potentially sun-boosted Fire Blast cuts through pretty much everything, regardless of resistances. Earth Power and Dragon Pulse provide coverage against opposing Heatran and Dragon-types, whereas Hidden Power surprises bulky Waters, especially Gastrodon. This is perhaps the most fitting nickname on the team, as Dongorongo, the boss of the Goron Temple and guardian of the Crimsonine, actually looks quite similar to Heatran.



Water - Jellicent

Fighting - Jellicent, Reuniclus, Landorus

Ground - Skarmory, Landorus


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Eox (Landorus) (M) @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Sand Force

EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd

Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)

- Earthquake

- Stone Edge

- Hidden Power [ice]

- U-turn


Landorus, arms crossed indignantly, is the glue the team needs. Base 101 Speed, fully invested with a boosting nature and further increased by the Scarf, lets him outspeed all +1 base 100s and below and dole out some punishment. Sand Force boosts both Earthquake and Stone Edge, which provide excellent coverage. Stone Edge also helps immensely in taking down Volcarona. Hidden Power hits the ubiquitous Dragon-types and other stuff like Gliscor. U-turn is generally pretty nifty for scouting switches, breaking Sashes and Sturdy, and some other things. Being a fairly humanoid Pokemon, I figured the name of the Ancient Stone Soldier, boss of Mutoh's Temple and guardian of the Aquanine, would be fitting.



Water - Jellicent

Ice - Jellicent, Heatran


That's my team. The primary threats to the team that I've noticed are powerful Rock-type moves, as I have no resists. Most other things are handled with at least some sort of ease. Rate, suggest, criticize, praise, steal...do what you will. That is all. Sprites found here: http://sprites.pokecheck.org/?gen=5&

Edited by BowlArt64


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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  • 3 months later...

How about Derpy riding a Magicarp? You simply can't go wrong with that!


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I am still waiting for the day, They come out with an Official Pokemon MMORPG on the PC, I would basically quit all other games for that, and never logout, it would be the greatest day ever, But sadly I don't think it would ever happen, Because Pokemon most has been handheld exclusive for the most part. But I can dream can't I?

  • Brohoof 3
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All these new pokemon... I prefer just to stick to generation 1 to be completely honest, I still have Pokemon Red, best game :3


I really want Kazio Blue on an emulator though, the elite four all have level 100s and the final battle has a level 100 Mew and Mewtwo


I agree fully, once there was a garbage bag Pokemon I can only agree with this. I still will be buying Black and White two in the fall. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ive been training my team the past week.

Right now I have a badass kabutops with max attack stat possible for its level

I have a porygon with tri attack that has an item that makes it almost always freeze

and I have a smeargle that has lock on and fissure XD


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Okay, while this thread still has a heart rate, albeit at a couple beats per minute, I'll post a BW2 OU RMT that will most likely get ignored because no one cares. Regardless, BW2 brought a lot of cool stuff to the metagame, from move tutors to Dream World abilities to entire Pokemon that couldn't be used before. Most of the new toys were geared towards rain, such as Thundurus-T, Tornadus-T, Keldeo, and even Meloetta. Move tutors for great moves like Superpower and Aqua Tail helped Pokemon like Haxorus better abuse the rain, as well. With all this fancy stuff, it's pretty tempting to use offensive rain. This team is not that. It's some kind of a sun team, actually. Sun got very little in the way of new abusers, with perhaps the only one being Chlorosaur getting Giga Drain. There is a neat new Pokemon that's pretty weather neutral that was recently released, though: Genesect. It fits well in all weathers, getting use of Thunder in rain alongside a reduced Fire weakness, sun-boosted Flamethrower for sun teams, and immunity to sandstorm's passive damage for sand teams. Sun actually helps take some Genesect counters out of the picture, reducing them to pretty much just Heatran. With this in mind, I set out to build a sun team that can reasonably take on Heatran, along with all this new rain stuff. The following is the untested result; let me know what you think.



Ninetales @ Leftovers

Trait: Drought

EVs: 252 HP / 120 SDef / 136 Spd

Calm Nature

- Flamethrower

- Will-O-Wisp

- Substitute

- Pain Split


Specially defensive Ninetales is all about keeping the sun up. Substitute can be used on a forced switch, letting me Will-o-wisp the switch-in if it's a physical attacker like Tyranitar. Flamethrower is painfully weak, even when sun-boosted, although it puts the hurt on most Steels. Pain Split can put some damage on a Blissey or Heatran at least, since Ninetales can't really do anything to them almost no matter what. I'm debating replacing Will-o-wisp with Toxic to cripple Latias switch-ins, or Pain Split with Roar so it's not such great set-up fodder. The special bulk lets it check/counter Genesect pretty reliably, and it's an alright switch-in to Tornadus-T since it reduces Hurricane's accuracy to 50%. Thundurus-T with Thunder have a bit of a tough time doing much to it as well, although I hope I don't have to rely on Ninetales to take one down.


Genesect @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Download

EVs: 164 Spd / 248 SAtk / 96 Atk

Naive Nature

- U-turn

- Flamethrower

- Ice Beam

- Thunderbolt


Hey, speaking of Genesect, here it is. Pretty standard fare Scarf set, and it makes a great revenge killer with Download giving it the equivalent of either a Band or Specs as well. The 99 base Speed kinda kills it a bit, but what are you gonna do. It's arguably the best U-turner in the game, and it has some great coverage moves. BoltBeam helps it handle Gyarados, Salamence, Dragonite, Gliscor, and various other 4x weak Pokemon quite nicely, while also putting a ton of damage on 2x weak Pokemon, OHKOing some with a Download boost. Sun-boosted Flamethrower gives it a pseudo-STAB on the special side, since Bug Buzz is a bit redundant alongside U-turn. The EVs are a bit weird; at first I gave it enough speed to hit 300, outspeeding +1 neutral nature base 100s, then I maxed Special Attack and put the remaining 100 in Attack. I'm not sure if it works this way, but I reduced the Attack and Special Attack to even numbers so they would be the same after a Download boost, and put the rest in Speed to speed creep anything else looking to outpace +1 neutral base 100s. Maybe I'd be better off maxing Speed to tie at worst with other Scarf Genesect?


Landorus-Therian @ Leftovers

Trait: Intimidate

EVs: 96 Atk / 196 HP / 216 Def

Adamant Nature

- Stealth Rock

- Earthquake

- Stone Edge

- U-turn


The initial plan was to have Sash Dugtrio, but I didn't really feel like it, so :V. He hits stupidly hard, reaching 385 Attack even with this small amount of investment, and is incredibly physically bulky with Intimidate and all that investment. The result is a Pokemon that can set SR fairly easily, check physical boosters in a pinch, and bounce around with U-turn or hit very hard with STAB EQ. The EVs guarantee that Stone Edge KOs offensive Dragonite after SR, while pumping up the bulk yo. With sun up, he can even take physical Water moves alright.


Infernape @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Blaze

EVs: 252 Spd / 108 Atk / 148 SAtk

Naive Nature

- Flare Blitz

- Close Combat

- U-turn

- Hidden Power [ice]


Scarf Infernape is pretty much only here because I didn't want to overload on Psychics and SR weaks by putting Victini here. Infernape also hurts Heatran significantly harder. He's yet another U-turner, but the main attraction here is Flare Blitz. While it's no V-Create, it does some impressive damage in the sunlight, capable of denting many a wall. The rationale behind using Flare Blitz over Fire Blast is actually because of the recoil: it whittles Nape down to Blaze range for a massive final hit. It also unconditionally OHKOs offensive Volcarona in sun, and OHKOs Bulkyrona after SR (which means it only manages a bit more than 50%, but still). HP Ice is additional insurance against the likes of +1 Dragonite, Salamence, etc. Infernape can also switch into some of Genesect's moves and OHKO with Flare Blitz. Sometimes I feel like I'm overpreparing for these things, though. He's also one of my main answers to Heatran.


Starmie @ Leftovers

Trait: Natural Cure

EVs: 4 SAtk / 252 HP / 252 Spd

Timid Nature

- Ice Beam

- Psyshock

- Rapid Spin

- Recover


A spinner is always nice to have for a sun team, given how inherently susceptible to hazards they are. Rather than Forretress or Donphan, I chose Starmie. I'm not sure how wise this was, but it completes a FWG core with Tales/Nape and that guy down there. The bulky set loses quite a bit of power, and in the sun I can't even really use a Water STAB effectively, so this is the best it can really do. Rapid Spin and Recover help keep the team and itself alive, respectively. Ice Beam is chosen over Thunderbolt for no real reason, although it does hit Thundurus-T and Dragons/Gliscor. Psyshock aids in handling CM Keldeo, who doesn't mind taking a couple Psychics with boosted SDef. Starmie gives me some neat resistances, and the defensive set capitalizes on them the best, whilst also being a reliable spinner to let Ninetales come in repeatedly.


Venusaur @ Life Orb

Trait: Chlorophyll

EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP

Modest Nature

IVs: 2 Atk / 30 SAtk / 30 Spd

- Growth

- Giga Drain

- Sludge Bomb

- Hidden Power [Fire]


Venusaur just got real. In BW, it faced competition from Victreebel, as Victreebel had access to a physical STAB in Leaf Blade along with Giga Drain to use alongside Chlorophyll to get past Blissey and Chansey, something Venusaur couldn't. There's also the Weather Ball thing allowing use of a non-Fire Hidden Power. But anyway, this Venusaur htis stuff pretty damn well except for Heatran. The only decent way of bypassing Heatran that Venusaur has is Earthquake, which requires going mixed and losing coverage on Dragons as well as breaking a potential Air Balloon, which limits the times it can boost to after Heatran's item is revealed / broken. This is a bit simpler in that it needs Heatran gone, but can hit everything else very hard. Bluh bluh four moveslot syndrome, imagine Venusaur with Growth | Sleep Powder | Giga Drain | HP Fire/Ice | Sludge Bomb | EQ. Anyway, Giga Drain helps combat Water types and some rain teams in general, while recovering Life Orb recoil and potential damage taken, from hazards or otherwise acquired. HP Fire is pseudo-STAB that hits pretty much every non-Heatran Steel-type very hard, although I question the necessity of it when three of its teammates also have a Fire move, two of them with STAB. Sludge Bomb, whilst ordinarily a dismal STAB to have, gets a strong hit on Dragons, nearly as strong as a super effective HP Ice. This does make me wonder if I'd be better off going with HP Ice and EQ over HP Fire and Sludge Bomb, though, since it would be at least an okay way to deal with Heatran and would still hit Dragons. The main drawback is that EQ from a partially invested Attack is weaksauce against some Steels when unboosted, and taking away some SAtk EVs to guarantee the OHKO on Heatran after SR at +0 also takes away some key KOs otherwise. With the Growth boost, it's pretty much fine, but it would rely on it a lot more against stuff like Latios and Tornadus-T. There's also the matter of using a nature that lowers a defense, but that's not nearly as significant. Wat do, good people of MLP Forums that probably aren't even reading this? Suggestions? Also, if I could, I'd fit Hydreigon in there somewhere, but Ninetales why do you have to take up so much room


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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How do you alter superpower? I'm trying to get my Kabutops to know it but I'm not having much luck :(


Move tutor, most Pokemon who learn Superpower can't learn it without a move tutor.


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Ehrmegawred, Drem Werld abiliteees.

~Gen V Comp Player


What is everyone's opinion on DW abilities?

I like them, they open up new playstyles for Pokemon.


I like them too for pretty much the same reasons. My only problem is how they're obtained, if I recall correctly you have to sign up to some website and do stuff. Too much work for me, plus my wifi is at wpa2 so I don't even know if I could get them anyways. So the only time I use these abilities is in PO.


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Just recently got silver rank on all battle frontier facilities in Platinum, unfortunately my streak always end VERY shortly after doing so but what can you do? I did all the facilities rotating between 8 different pokemon (excluding factory), and let me tell you, IT IS NOT AS EASY AS YOU THINK, one critical could screw your game plan entirely and BOOM your streak is done, start over.


If you are interested I will tell you, but I'm not gonna go into specifics of what I had for my pokemon aside from what they are









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Just finished my Japanese import of White 2. I just loved the new soundtrack (World Tournament Theme, new Gym Leader Theme) and the idea that there are more Hoenn legendaries. Because of this however, will consideration for a gen 3 remake slowly be scrapped? :(

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Oh hey there Pokemon thread. How's it going? It's been a while.




What is everyone's opinion on DW abilities?



What's not to like? They're super cool ways to give older Pokemon a new twist, something to keep up with other things. They make tons of things suddenly usable, where they were once subpar. The introduction of another ability for the majority of Pokemon created a diverse pool of options for teams, much moreso than ever before. Dream World abilities are pretty much the major "thing" that Gen V added to the game, and while it's not quite as huge as any of the others (Special stat split, EVs and Natures, Phys./Spec. split are all pretty dang huge), it's still significant in many ways. Things like Politoed, Ninetales, Sandslash, Sableye, and more all owe pretty much all of their use to their Dream World abilities, and things like Slowbro, Dragonite, and Gliscor got even better than they already were with theirs. It's unfortunate that all the Levitate 'Mons that aren't Bronzong got denied one (I personally would've liked to see Sand Stream Flygon [and Snow Warning Kyurem, but that's for another discussion], since it fits the flavor text in the Dex), but eh, I'll take what I can get. Levitate's great anyway (and I can't really picture things ending well for SS Flygon: drop to UU for being worse than Tar and Hippo and losing Spikes and TSpikes immunity, then go to BL with UU sand being b&; I guess Levitate Flygon would still be good, but it would be a waste of a DW ability since it wouldn't be used in OU, where it's actually allowed). But yeah, without DW abilities, BW would just be DPPt with some new Pokemon, items, and moves, none of the weather that defines BW OU. Hell, weather pretty much broke UU for some time, with Vulpix and Aboma/Snover being allowed to power up Victini and make Froslass nigh untouchable, respectively. Basically, DW abilities let Pokemon do different things than they ever could before, which is almost always a good thing. Also, Garchomp testing is being discussed with Rough Skin alongside a ban of Sand Veil. Potential discussion topic here, although given how everyone ignores my posts in this thread, there is a very small group of people who know anything about competitive Pokemon here, and how there's a thread for it on Smogon, I don't really see this happening.


Other potential discussion topic: Choice items. If people want, I can do a fancy OP-style post to make this accessible to those who may not know that much about them, but I won't unless there's a general demand. Basically, if one person posts with the go-ahead, I'd probably put something together eventually and I wouldn't double post, all in one go. So...yeah.

  • Brohoof 1


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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Other potential discussion topic: Choice items. If people want, I can do a fancy OP-style post to make this accessible to those who may not know that much about them, but I won't unless there's a general demand. Basically, if one person posts with the go-ahead, I'd probably put something together eventually and I wouldn't double post, all in one go. So...yeah.

Why not? Sounds very interesting I know that I would be interested. I'm always down for hearing more from people who know a lot more about something than I do. It makes me a lot smarter in the process, so I'll take all the cheap knowledge I can get. ;)

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My favourite Pokémon is Absol

Posted Image

Because I mean just look at it. It's freaking awesome, and it's a great Pokémon in terms of stats to boot.


My current offline team is Absol, Gliscor, Salamence, Vaporeon, Metagross and Jolteon.


My main online team is Hippowdon, Garchomp, Gliscor, Latias, Excadrill and Vaporeon. (yeah yeah I know it doesn't fit into a specific tier. Shoot me.)

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I’ve been playing Pokemon so long now that I just love to use below average Pokemon now and train them up and take them through the Elite Four I took Voltorb, Cubone, I trained a Magikarp from level 5 to a Gyarados (who I know isn’t below average) Doduo, Vulpix, and Nidoran. They were a fun team.


Signature Courtesy of

Like A Boss

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I could have sworn I posted in this topic or one like it...hmmmm


Anywhoo, I've played from Red all the way to B&W religiously. Somehow got 300+ hours on one Crystal game and 483 hours on Sapphire.


3rd gen is my favorite gen of all time. Something about that one just stands out so much better than all the others, even the newer ones.


Water types are my favorite types followed by Ghost and then Steel.


At one point I used to make teams of pokemon like crazy for some reason in Sapphire. Just put them together even without an online function. Don't know why, but it brought so many hours of fun.

  • Brohoof 1


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