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What are some common misconceptions people have of you?


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Everyone thinks I hardly eat anything because I'm practically skin and bones... I eat a lot. No really, I usually eat like crazy, but in a way that's because I need to gain weight and kind of because I really like food.

Also, they have the misconception that I can draw a LOT of things. Nope, just guns and occasionally ponies.

People think I'm a violent person, just because of my seriously bucked up mind. Not necessarily. Just violent towards people that annoy me.

They also think I'm shady and a chronic liar. I'm just extremely quiet and fidgety.

This, and another.


SOME (Idiotic) People think that I am not as smart because I don't keep my grades up effectively in most classes. That's only because multiple binders causes organizational problems for me. #Plentyofzeroesandstilltopten.

Edited by Twilight Sniper
  • Brohoof 1


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That I'm crazy, or not date material. Which there might be some truth to it, I have been through a lot, and am like an open book. Most of the people in my group are total opposite, and in a way fake. I though would rather have someone like me for who I am, then I fake it, and they think Im someone I'm not.


lol my daughter thinks I'm like pinky pie, because I'm always doing weird stuff.

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I find it extremely tiresome the slew of snap judgments, expectations, misconceptions and assumptions people have of me just because I was born with 2 X chromosomes. It might not bother me so much if I were cisgender, but being agender, I find this all the more daunting than I probably might find it otherwise. There are too many to get into, but just off the top of my head, I want to say, I hate the color pink. It's ugly. Girl ≠ loves pink. *rolls eyes* No. Stop it. Stop.


Also, I'm super tired, so if what I just said sounds stupid, that's why.

  • Brohoof 1

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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Everyone IRL hates me, and thinks I'm a moron. Even when they see me get perfect marks on every test and worksheet. Their opinion of me is based on preheld stereotypes and assumptions, rather than logical observation, insight or examination, and thus it does not matter to me.

  • Brohoof 1

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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People always think I'm either mad, or depressed all the time, because that's just how my normal face is xD

I'm generally a pretty happy person  :squee:

  • Brohoof 1


Add me on Steam! Nightbound Glaceon~ :ph34r:

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That I have a life! How silly. 

                                   Aim high kid, but don't aim for the impossible - Rainbow Dash




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>My Request Shop<         MLP Forum's self-proclaimed evil enchantress.    > My Deviantart<

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One thing people think that I'm a loner

and such and that i like being alone but

the thing is with no car and living outside of

town,  well I can't also spend like 40 bucks on

a cab everytime someone wants to hang out

or a event is going and such.

  • Brohoof 1


(Sig made by Me)

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  • 1 year later...

People seem to think I'm always feeling down or something, when really, my face just tends to have a neutral expression. And I used to be called a brainiac by some people back in school... really, I only did a lot more revision and paid more attention than they did. I'm not really that smart at all... :blush:

  • Brohoof 1


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Some people think I'm a psychopath or a satanist, and this simply isn't true. I hate the devil and anything remotely like it, and just because I listen to death metal doesn't mean that I like the devil. I'm not someone to be fucked with, but I'm no thug or killer. 


Some people think I'm really stupid and some people think I'm really smart. Neither is true.


Back when I was staff, some people believed I was obligated to kiss their ass and take any abuse they wanted to hit me with just because I was staff. They learned this wasn't true. And now that I'm not staff, I give even less fucks and I will utterly destroy anyone who attempts to fuck with me.


Some people think I use profanity constantly because I think it's cool, or because I think it makes me an adult. Neither of those things are true. I simply say fuck as much as I want because I do not fucking care one bit if it offends anyone. I really don't care. There are far bigger problems in the world right now than people using "inappropriate" language.


Some people who know me well might think I'm a pacifist, but this isn't true at all. I don't like or promote violence, but I'd never hesitate to get violent with anyone if I ever needed to for defensive purposes.


Some people think I'm emo because I wear black all the time, but I'm not. I just like the fucking color. Get over it. 


That's about all I can think of at the moment.

  • Brohoof 5



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I am a somewhat reserved person. I hate it when people assume I'm "sweet" and "nice" just because I keep to myself sometimes. Like really? I am not always that "sweet" girl people think I am. I can be quite serious with a sense of humor. I can be nice, but I also have a serious side too.


Some people think I'm sad all the time. Someone would ask if I was alright and I would be like yeah I'm fine. I tend to avert my eyes, so maybe that's why they think that way (I need to break this habit).


I am really skinny and tall (Scandinavian ancestry). Literally, some people think I'm anorexic. 0.0 I eat a lot of food thank you very much. Just because I'm skinny it doesn't mean I eat nothing!

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People typically think I'm a quiet person. Not sure what gives that idea, but some people are surprised when my voice is loud. It's not like I mean to be, I just am a very loud person  :derp:  Also, people think I'm very responsible. That, I can understand. I do come off like that. But anyone who knows me-- the real me-- for a week knows that I can't be trusted with anything more than taking something from Point A to Point B, and even then I mess that up.

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As I can sometimes be quiet/shy, especially around people I don't know very well, a lot of people assume I'm unfriendly. 'Tis frustrating ;-;


Some people also assume I'm some super-hardcore gamer, but I only really play games I have a particular interest in.

Signature by Lacerna | You should fill out my Johari Window. All the cool kids are doing it.

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One common misconception that people have about me is that I am completely antisocial, when in fact I am the complete opposite.  People tend to think that I am really shy because most of the time I don't have much to say.  I will be amongst family or friends listening to them just talking away, and a few minutes will go by until someone tells me, "Don't be shy!  Say something!".  I am sure everyone has experienced this at some point; being asked to say something when you just simply have nothing to say.  Believe me, when I have something to say, I say it! B)   I find it funny that some people just don't understand that sometimes, I literally just don't have anything to say.  It isn't that I am shy, or scared of social interaction, in fact I hate being alone, and would much prefer always being with friends.  Granted, when I find myself in social situations in which I am surrounded by people whom I have only just met that all know each other very well already, I can feel a bit intimidated.  Unless you are an extremely outgoing person, however, I feel like everyone experiences this from time to time. :lol:

People think I'm mentally handicapped because I'm quiet.


I can't stand that... :okiedokielokie:

I saw your post after I had posted already, ha!  Anyway, I totally know how you feel!  And then they go and say something like, "Don't be scared to say something."  That is when they really get to me!  Right there with ya! ;)

  • Brohoof 4

These days, the world has a tendency of taking itself much too seriously.

It is my intention to not follow suit.


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At first sight, most people say I look like a female because of my hair. Then they would tell me to cut it to avoid confusion, but I like my long hair and the way I look. :3


Also, people usually assume that I have some sort of hate for them because I won't answer a question, even though I'm actually not comfortable with it.


In fact, people say that I am always angry just by my looks or my silence.

  • Brohoof 2

out of my swamp

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People sometimes think that i make no sense, when i am talking, eventhough i am speaking intelligently to them.

  • Brohoof 5

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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Oh boy, here come the teenage stereotypes (I'm 14)


People in general assume that I'm:

- Loud and obnoxious

- Dangerously immature

- Unintelligent

- An asshole that has no respect for others

- Someone with an incredibly short attention-span who isn't interested in serious topics/stories at all


I absolutely despise it when people think I'm any of the above stereotypes. Or worse, ALL of the above stereotypes.


Now we move on to what other kids at my school think of me. They think that I'm:

- A loner, because I don't hang out with friends that often. Look, I just enjoy myself more by playing video games, watching films, reading books and listening to music in the comfort of my own home than doing absolutely nothing except "hang out"


- An emo, because I listen to metal and I prefer to be by myself.


- A feminine person, because I don't participate in sports. I mean, SERIOUSLY? So what if I don't want to participate in sports? That's my own goddamn decision. And why do you care if I'm feminine? In some cases, I am kinda feminine :P


- An old man, because I like old movies and old music. Eeyup, apparently liking The Beatles, or saying that The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is my favourite movie makes me a senior citizen. *rolls eyes*


- Someone with mental problems, just because I don't talk much.


And there you have it

Edited by GrauWitz
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I guess if you want to get technical, i have been considered violent by most; but in reality, i have never hit anyone or been aggressive in nature. I'm quiet most of time as i'm usually alone in my room, i don't like loud noises and people think i'm a coward; in a sense they're right. But other than that, i'm pretty mellow.

  • Brohoof 1


//// My persona and OC: Candy Star //// Ask me anything: Ask Candy Star //// My Music ////


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People often think I'm bratty or misbehaved when I meltdown. What they don't realize is that I'm autistic. Another thing is that people also seem to find me weird, crazy or strange. I guess it's something off-putting for them. I've never been able to make friends on Facebook or anything because of it. It's hard for me to go them too. I'm really not that crazy at all. I might look it, but that's only because I get obsessed over things easily. I actually lost a real life friend over this, I believe. It's hard to say since she never gave a reason why. One day she just decided to block me on Twitter and take me off Facebook. She even knew I was autistic because I told her a dozen times. ._.


So yeah.

Edited by Takeshi Miyamoto

x Haruhi Suzumiya x


goddess of the world


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It would definitely be my aggressiveness. My face/stance features are similar to one you'd imagine robbing some lady or standing by your car late at night. I'm typically avoided.


In which case, is often the opposite. I almost never go aggressive unless the environment is hostile. 

  • Brohoof 1


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 People seem to think I'm smart...

*falls off chair laughing*

I assume its just because I'm quiet


When people first see me they assume I'm mentally stable. HAH. :blink: 


People assume I'm... normal? Probably because I don't talk to them unless I know them for a while, or. 

Honestly, quite a few misconceptions about me are probably due to my public behavior. If you know me as a friend I'm a bit different xD   

Hello Dan, I wonder how many misconceptions you will have got through by the time you read this. Any more than now? :3




Edited by bonamb


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People that hear my voice often think that I am really dark. Others that get to meet me sometimes think I'm a Nazi (because I like Germany so much  >_>). Many think I am an extremely violent person who enjoys to see other suffer, when in reality, when I see blood, I feel like I wan't to throw up. I don't like violence (although I will defend myself if necessary). 

  • Brohoof 1
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