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Favorite MLP Shipping and Why?


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FlutterCord is weird but honestly better than any other Fluttershy pairing.  Honestly honestly, fluttershy with anyone is kinda awkward to me.


CelestiCord makes the most sense.  I can ship it.


If you pair the cutie mark crusaders, imo you're one of "those" fans.  They're children?

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LyraBon, Because it's simply cute :3


And then Cheerilee/ Bigmac, Don't know the name of this one :P And once again, Because I think it's adorable ^^

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Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Pooh my turn my turn!


I love love fluttercord . It's so adorable , the only friend that discord had ... Could it be more? :3 I mean the writers through us a it bone with season 5 episode 7. I was in a coma of feels. But they play off well of each other . They seem to enjoy ea h others company and I think discord and fluttershy would be a cute couple for a few reasons . They both are opposites yet similar in their social awkward standing . They have a great bond. And he adores her .


Spikebell is too cute not to be made a couple or at least hinted at. It's more aprroiete, give their age. (8-10) good episodes and charger arcs could be made around spike finally finding someone who understands him. Sweetie belle would be happy too , as I often wonder if she gets jealous of spikes affection to rarity .. . Sigh.. Romance. They seem the perfect couple and i think it needs to happen.



Twidash is super ultra mega adorable. The shy, dorky girl who tries to hide her true feelings around the cool , composed peagous . They would bounce off each other personal tie wise . Twilight could make Rainbow dash more gent,e , whilst rainbow dash could make twilight tane more risks and be brave. The book nerd and the jock thing fit here .

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1) SoarinDash- I think that the two are so cute together that if I could squee, I would whenever they are together.


2) Octav3- They have so many like interests, and they could play awesome music like in, "Slice of Life."


3) CelestiMac- Why not. It would also allow the Princess Big Mac idea to become cannon. To at least somewhat justify this shipping, I propose that he felt indebted to her for giving the land for Ponyville to his family, and they slowly fall in love.


Post-script- When I read TwiHooves, I thought you were shipping Twilight and Derpy.

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Spikebell is too cute not to be made a couple or at least hinted at. It's more aprroiete, give their age. (8-10) good episodes and charger arcs could be made around spike finally finding someone who understands him. Sweetie belle would be happy too , as I often wonder if she gets jealous of spikes affection to rarity .. . Sigh.. Romance. They seem the perfect couple and i think it needs to happen.


Let me say why I absolutely despise this ship with a burning passion.

Well....even that wouldn't describe how much I hate that ship.

Let's just say I hate is slightly less than the Westboro Baptist Church.


It seems as though Spike is taking the approach the "can't have her, so take the sister," which is likely not true. Mostly because, while unlikely that they'll get together just yet, Rarity does kinda seem to have feeling for Spike, though, very VERY small, but it does count. All Spike and Sweetie ever got was one scene of them dancing, AKA, one of the few things I actually hate about A Canterlot Wedding (that is slightly for humor, slightly that did legitimately annoy me). In fact, she's literally had more romantic interactions with other colts accidentally. Also, while RariSpike probably won't be canon, it is WAY more likely than SweetieSpike.


Also, it's not really that cute. At all.

Hell, Spike has had more romantic interactions with Moondancer than Sweetie Belle.


Also, EQG kinda killed all ships for Spike....so...yeah.


As for me, I rather ship these ships...

SoarBurn - I honestly ship this because gay ships are yay ships.



Spike literally had one thing with her, that was it. 

Button Mash had two, technically. 


LyraBon - Gay ships are yay ships, again.


FlashLight - Well...the haters are gonna hate hate hate, and I'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake.

Shake it off.

Shake if off.


LunaHooves - If the Gamer Luna/Molestia blog isn't why, then there are no others.

DoctorDerpy - Because in my headcanon Derpy is Rose Tyler and Luna is Mickey Smith.

(Roseluck is just Roseluck)


CaraMac - I already said.


That is all.



Jacelyn USB


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Sparity: To blazes with the age difference, MLP is fiction. There are too many good themes that can be applied to their relationship that makes for great storytelling:

  • A dragon's innate greed tempered by the object of his affection's innate generosity.
  • An underdog like Spike gets the attentions of a beautiful sophisticated pony.
  • Conflict produced by it being a taboo relationship (too young, different species). How much popularity would Rarity be willing to sacrifice if she ever returned any of the feelings Spike has for her? Are hushed whispers too high a price to pay for the Element of Generosity?
  • A girl realizing she's looking for love in all the wrong places; looking for rich and shallow instead of devoted and caring.
  • A dragon dealing with the pain that he will likely outlive his sweetheart by a millennia or more. (Of course this is true if he falls for anypony aside from the two sisters.)

Won't ever happen on the show of course, unless they do an episode where the Twilight or another pony time-travels ahead some number of years and they're a couple in the future. Still unlikely, though - the show hates to sink other ships the fans have in mind for Rarity!  :lol:


PS: FlutterDash, SoarinDash, and LyraBon are cute, too.  :)

Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D

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honestly I can probably link the opening post for short lived fanclub I made for the ship a year back. it has the most succinctly pretentious words that explain my love of rarishy



Rarishy is cute and it could happen since they do spend the most time together and have a stronger friendship.

I like the Dislestia/CelestiCord ship. It's backed up by references in the show, Discord would go well with Celestia's fun side, they are both immortal or extremely slow aging and they just seem right for each other.


I shall fight Fluttercord shippers 'til my demise!

Agreed on this fact about the ship. :) I'm not into Fluttercord


I'm a FlutterCord shipper.

I'm boned aren't I?




I may not like the ship at all but i have nothing against your preference of it being your favorite. We all have diffrent opinions.

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I may not like the ship at all but i have nothing against your preference of it being your favorite. We all have diffrent opinions.

I didn't say it was my favorite.

I ship alot of ships.

If you look past the SweetieSpike hate rant on my earlier post, I have a list.



Jacelyn USB


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Probably Discord x Celestia is my favorite. I just like the idea of those two being together.

I do too :) There just so cute considering they both are mischeif lovers.

Thanks to Dr. Whooves and Assistant, I now realize the one true otp is doctor x derpy.


"But aren't there other similar shows with completely different doctor x somepony ships?"


O-o *summons Cthulhu*

I have never watched Doctor Who so i don't have to much of an imput besides them being an extreamly adorable couple of friends. (Besodes i ship him with twilight ;) )

I've said it before and I'll gladly say it again: Rarity and Twilight Sparkle make an A+ relationship and I just love them so much. What few scenes they've had together is just golden, and what I love about the ship is that there's been nothing in the show alluding to/contradicting it. There's plenty of potential for how their relationship could play out. I can see that Twilight would be able to put up with Rarity's drama, maybe even play along a bit, and Rarity would do the same with Twilight's overthinking things. And they're the types of characters who can easily get snarky and have intellectual magic conversations with one another and I JUST


I just love this ship okay?

Thats a good reason to like this and theres nothing wrong with it. It does have potential i suppose since they would have the most patience with eachothers fits.

My favourite ship is SweetieBloom as they look cute together plus they are both Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Sweetiebloom is very cute. It falls under the younger siblings of their older siblings type of pair which is always cute.

I lurve me some Appledash! :lol:


But i seem to ship flutterpie aswell.


And sunlight. Sunlight is best light. :wub:

Appledash and sunlight are very cute ships. Flutterpie is an intresting one i haven't put to much thought into but again very unique and well balanced due the the personality contrast.



It's more or less already canon.

Not a fan but it has some cute fan art and i support your choice in shipping.

As you can tell, I ship Fluttershy with Bulk Biceps. Fluttershy is sweet and gentle but can get tough when she needs to. Bulk Biceps is big and strong but has a hidden soft side. And their interactions in Rainbow Falls are just too cute to not ship them together! Before, I thought shippers were weirdos, but ShyCeps has converted me into a rabid shipper.

You enjoy my favorite and underappreaciated ship!! I swear nobody pays attentiob to it during rainbow falls at all! Also for another cute thing for them is that Bulk works at the spa fluttershy goes to all the time when hanging with rarity!

TwiShy... both of them are ridiculously cute on their own, but together, they're just sig-3949373.mlp-fwubwoo.png I can also see the two of them getting along well in a relationship, since they both can appreciate peace and quiet, but would also know how to give each other confidence and support when either one is nervous about something. The fact they're my two favourite ponies also helps. ^_^

Thats a cute one too. It balances perfectly since if fluttershy can put up with rainbows antics she will have no problem when it comes to twilights break downs.

Nopony has mentioned one of my favorite ships, RariJack. I find the idea of the country girl and the fashionista together absolutely adorable. A brand new ship has cruised into my imagination since "Amending Fences". TwiDancer. It's a natural. Two bookworms falling for each other would be so cute. As for the CMC? I think it would be really cute if it turned out that most of Diamond Tiara's snootiness was caused by her fighting against a big time crush on Applebloom. Poor Silver Spoon will be heartbroken when she finds out, but Scootaloo will be there to make her smile again. Don't get weird about me mostly shipping mares. Sweetie Belle will eventually see there is more than games on Button Mash's mind.


Here is one last though...


Cheerilee better back the buck off! Big Mac is Fluttershy's destiny! The shy mare and the stallion of few words would be so perfect together!

Nothing wrong with shipping just mares considering the leading cast are all female while males have a very minor role in everything. I am suprised this is the first time rarijack has come up compared to just sweetiebloom. I thought it was a popular mare shipp between the main 6. Lol as for Cheerilee yeaah she does need to back off of big mac.

I'm a DiscoShy/Fluttercord shipper, they are one of my OTPs. I think they are so right for each other. With Fluttershy, Discord has learned a great deal about friendship, he's learned to apologize for his mistakes, has been taught kindness, and responsibility, but it's all done in a way that he can still be himself. Fluttershy truly appreciates Discord for his personality, and isn't intimidated by his magic, or passive aggressiveness. With Discord, Fluttershy has learned to be more assertive, even going so far as to tell Discord off. She doesn't back down from him, and calls him out on his crap. They really enjoy each others company and spend at least every Tuesday together for tea. Discord seems to squee whenever he sees Fluttershy.


I also have a slight crush on Trenderhoof/Applejack. Just because I like Trenderhoof, and admire his development as a character. He really is sweet, but he needs someone to teach him to be humble, and I think Applejack would do that. Applejack needs someone to teach her to have more fun, and not work so hard. But Trenderhoof also has a love of Sweet Appleacres, so he would support her farm work. I suppose in my mind, I think if they got to know each other, and Trender didn't come on so strong, they could develope something.

Very good reasoning with fluttercord. I am not a fan of it but i have nothing against those who do since it does have cute moments and a bit of sence character wise. Omg i never thought about Trenderjack! That completely works due to him being a stong stallion who does enjoy the rodio along with that cute talented mare so theres common ground. It would be a nice change since i think she can lift his spirits and be happier because come on AJ is just so sweet and generous. (Plus it would be funny to see big mac have a build complex due to being built so much smaller than trenderhoof.)

Ooooh yes....this thread. >:3




I think after Twilight saved Luna from herself, Luna began to develop feelings for her savior despite a little initial jealousy that she and Celestia were so close. The initial courting would be so funny, with Luna basically asking for Twilight to be her suitor in front of her friends in a grand fashion and wondering why it was so weird to make a big deal of it, not realizing dating was so lax now. Twilight says yes, of course. Que lots of stargazing and cuddling and eeee.




Ah, yes, my ot3. I just think the three of them work so well together. Fluttershy is the middle of the pony sammich, so to speak. Fluttershy needs Pinkie to learn how to be more outgoing and to have fun, and she needs Rarity for the more relaxed moments (she really enjoys their spa visits!). Pinkie brings chaos to the house, but Rarity secretly enjoys it and draws a lot of inspiration from the party pony.




Yes, I know that they're cousins...which might be odd if they grew up together, but they didn't. Being almost complete strangers, Babs develops a crush on Apple Bloom, admiring her perseverance and ingenuity. Likewise, Apple Bloom admires Bab's softer side. After Bab's leaves Ponyville, she begins to stand up against bullies back in Manehatten, defending the weaker of her classmates.



There's tons more but...I'm lazy. Dx so have my top 3 ships.

Omg Twiluna is just yes. Twilight understands our beloved princess of the night and is actually up at late hours of the night so that would be very believable. The rariflutterpie is intresting anf i can actually see that bwing a thing considering that they all get along the best out of the 6 together. Appleseed is out there but it's seeable.

FlutterCord is weird but honestly better than any other Fluttershy pairing. Honestly honestly, fluttershy with anyone is kinda awkward to me.


CelestiCord makes the most sense. I can ship it.


If you pair the cutie mark crusaders, imo you're one of "those" fans. They're children?

I only ship fluttershy with bulk honestly bit have nothing against fluttercord. As for the CMC shipping i know there children but i'm thinking of when there older and due to the fact that they aren't old enough to be doing anything more than a simple crush which is very innocent and exceptable for children.

LyraBon, Because it's simply cute :3


And then Cheerilee/ Bigmac, Don't know the name of this one :P And once again, Because I think it's adorable ^^

Lyrabon is cute! The show trying to have them be just friends is kinda annoying due to how many times emphasis on being best friens is used. Cheerlimac is cute due to how nonchalont they are together. Not a favorite of mine but i have nothing against it. :)

Lyra and Bon Bon cause :please: you know it already anyway X3

This is a cute pairing. I hope the show does finally drop the strong implications of them being just best friends due to it being unnecisary.

Edited by CrystalNight
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Braeburn X Everypony.


Braemac, Braecord, The living Braeburn, Barack Obraeburn, Brae-insert your name here-burn, Braepants, BraeSandwich, BraeburnToaster, Jericburn, Aburnham Braecon, Steven Braeniverse, Doctor Brae, Pinguburn, Shrekburn, Cory Braexter, Finnburn, Braesus Chriburn, Braeburn Astley, Uncle braesam, Kim jong Brae, Ect...

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Hello! Gabe Newell here!

Signature removed, too confusing for new members.

Thanks, and have fun.


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Shipping oh my gosh yes. Well, considering my YouTube channel is mainly shipping PMVs, I might be... known for having a lot of shipping opinions, heh. 


AppleDash - This has been my OTP of the show since before I even watched more than a few random episodes of S1. It means so much to me, especially since over on my channel most people in the PMV community associate me with AppleDash. They're just always together and to me, they act like they're already dating. Now, that's just me, of course, but they're just so chill with each other. I've seen countless arguments of them being too similar, but that's not true. Applejack is so much more mature and level headed than Rainbow Dash, and she's a lot less lazy and focused on her work. I think they can both benefit each other and be kickass together at the same time. They fight, but I love it when my ships bicker. Couples that always get along don't exist, or heck, even friends. It's just so hard to explain why I love this ship so much, because it's become to a point where just looking at them is all I really need to do to explain to myself. Also, Ashleigh Ball ships it! That's just amazing.


Twixie - Okay, I used to hate this ship. Trixie has been a favorite pony next to Applejack for a very long time, but I just didn't ship her. These two just never got along, so why would I ship it? Not to mention, I didn't really like Twilight up until S4. But when Magic Duel happened, it changed. That's my favorite episode. Trixie apologizing at the end made it solid for me. I didn't ship it right away, but I saw a PMV with it using the episode and rethought it and now I have so many headcanons for them. I like to think that they'd start out being friends, Trixie maybe moving in since there's no canon place where she lives, she just travels. Trixie is a foil to Twilight's more humble character. Twilight can teach Trixie to be more humble, and introduce her to some friends. I'm also sure that Trixie would be eager and capable of learning some magic from Twilight, as well. Trixie can teach Twilight to be more proud of her abilities. It's just a ship you have to just think about how it would play out. Two magic horsies together is better than one. Adorable. I dunno, I just love it. All I want is another Trixie episode where Trixie comes back, but this time she befriends the mane 6 and becomes Twilight's sassy magic friend. A Twixie hug would be wonderful.


Dislestia - It seems I'm not alone in this thread. I just find this ship so interesting. Always have. Yes, I headcanon that they used to have a romantic past, but recently since Twilight's Kingdom and Make New Friends But Keep Discord, they could blow my headcanon out of the water, and I still think the ship could happen and work out. They're not really even opposites. People seem to forget Celestia has always been a prankster, and her loving Discord's chaos at the gala seemed to shock everyone but me. I was really excited to see her actual personality return, all because of Discord no less. Discord could show Celestia a good time and allow her to loosen up sometimes, while Celestia could help Discord lower his chaotic tendencies to a non-dangerous amount. I have so many parts in the show that make me believe they used to have a relationship, but if we're just going off of canon, I think it's perfect. Fluttercord is a good ship, but how often in kids shows do we have a male and female friendship that strong remain a friendship? I adore their friendship to pieces and I just love to imagine Fluttershy supporting him and Celestia. I'm so sad that we don't get many scenes of them together, but Make New Friends But Keep Discord was amazing to me for them, even if they didn't interact much, it just shows how possible the ship is in canon. 


I love some others but I guess those are my main OTPs. I also love Rarishy, TwiPie, Rarijack, FlutterDash, and TwiLuna.. but I don't feel like typing out long responses for those right about now!

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I LOVE TwiDash! It's one of my OTPs. I like to say that Twilight and Rainbow just seem to have a lot of chemistry with each other, they play off each other well. A lot of people say that Applejack is the 2nd in command. I personally think that Rainbow is more closer to that role now. Also how many times has Rainbow saved Twilights life. I think it's around 8 or so. Also they look so cute together.


Also as far as TwiJack goes, it's not unheard of for guys or girls compete with each other over a girl or guy. So I say 'You know this could explain why Rainbow and Applejack have somewhat of a rivalry' my head canon tells me that both of them want Twilight so they compete with each other to either show off to Twilight or to see who wants her the most.


I also say that Twilight and Rainbow are the consummate superhero team. (Other than Pinkie of course) Twilight and Rainbow have displayed that they are at this point the strongest and most powerful members of the Mane 6. They both have incredible accolades and have both displayed the lengths they will go to accomplish a mission, or a dream. In fact I saw on the YouTube 3 MLP themed parodies of Batman v Superman Trailers. All three of them had it be Rainbow v Twilight. That to me shows that they are in fact the most powerful members of the Mane 6.


This is just a summary of the reasons that I love TwiDash.

I forgot to mention that according to the episode 'Cutie Mark Chronicles' if it wasn't for Rainbow's Sonic Rainboom Twilight wouldn't be where she is at today. Without Rainbow Dash there never would've been a Princess Twilight. That shows how much of an impact Rainbow Dash had on Twilight's life. Edited by MLPFiMBrony2232
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Ones I ship:

Rarijack: I love their odd couple behavior (Also White Diamonds's art is so good!) 


Fluttercord: Love the friendship they have and the chemistry the share, though on a strength scale I don't really need to see this ship happen, I'm happy they're friends and it can remain that for me. I ship the R63 version of this MUCH harder though. ErisScotch (ButterEris?) FTW! 


FlutterMac: Not as strong as it used to be since the show's pretty much been pushing CheeriMac.


Rainbow Dash X Nobody: My headcanon is that Rainbow Dash is asexual, just to mess with everyone's expectation of her orientation


SweetieButton: Non canon I know, but they looked so cute in the one short we had.


To be honest I'm fine with most ships save Flashlight and Flutterbulk (I know OP has it as their OTP so apologizes, but I'm rather against said ship) and any potentially inappropriate ones (Sorry Spikity shipper but age him up first and then I'm fine with it, cept for the fact that it would devastate Applejack as she know Rarity would be with the wrong person :P )

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Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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  • 4 weeks later...

As a follow-up to what I said in defense of TwiDash to me it's main competition is TwiJack because they seem to have close bond with Twilight being defacto leader and AJ being pretty much 2nd in command. Then I said to myself "You know this could explain why Rainbow Dash and Applejack have such a intense rivalry." It's not exactly unheard of for two people to compete for the affection of a mutual crush. My headcanon is that Rainbow Dash wants Twilight but so does AJ and that's why they are almost always competing to prove who's better with the mindset of 'Winner get Twilight'. TwiDash is still my OTP because I think it works better and my other OTP is Rarijack.


Also Rainbow and Twilight seem to more often than not stand side by side with each other, same goes for Applejack and Rarity.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Are you being serious or are you mocking it?

Calm down <3 :D Of course I'm being serious ^3^


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Sorry but the emoticons are still making it heard for me to tell. By the way what is actually "normal" I mean there's average, most common, but what exactly is "normal".

Normal. As in.. normal! xD Male loving female, female loving male! :) 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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