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mega thread Everypony's Religion And Why?


What is your religion?  

65 users have voted

  1. 1. What is your religion?

    • Catholic
    • Orthodox
    • Protestant
    • Lutheran
    • Anglican
    • Methodist
    • Baptists
    • Unitarian/ Universalist
    • Christian (other, or general)
    • Islam
    • Hindu
    • Buddhist
    • Agnostic
    • Atheist
    • Satanist
    • Reform
    • Judaism (other, or general)
    • Equestreism (or don't care)
    • Electic Pagan (added at request)
    • Wicca (added at request)
    • Jehovah's Witness (added at request)
    • Spiritual (added at request)
    • Other (quote the OP and I'll try to add it ASAP)

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Well I don't have one to say, I just live life normally and Peacefully. I believe in a higher force but it's like I do and go with what I think is right. Time on the earth is short and I hope to spend every second happily. If that's wrong i don't know what is. :blush:

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I don't really believe in a god, or in the Bible or anything. I wouldn't go so far as to say it's impossible that there's a god, I just personally don't really believe in one.


Not sure if I'm agnostic or atheist, or both?  :huh:


Well, the view of Atheism doesn't say that God is impossible. You are an Agnostic Atheist. Lacking belief in a God is all Atheism means.

  • Brohoof 3
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eclectig Pagan works for me, though I tend to move between the wiccan approach, celtic druidism and general polytheism. Just wanna live how I like and believe in whatever I like

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I am Catholic and I stick to my faith. I don't mind if other people make fun of the religion or anything because everyone has their own opinions and I respect that. The other thing is that I am not THAT religious. I believe in Jesus and all of that, but I'm not just super religious. I go to mass though.

  • Brohoof 1
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Atheist, I don't believe in something I can't see or I can't feel in any way. I'm rather rational.
Even if when I was younger I was Catholic - more or less - I mean, I was a Catholic just because the society around me influenced me. I wasn't a real religious. I've discoevered that years ago just reflecting.

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Like I've said before, I'm Christian to a extent(with a touch of random spiritualism and stuff), and my code of morals is very simple, don't go out murdering, raping, pillaging, ect, and were good.


I think people tend to forget that it's not about being perfect, it's about knowing you have flaws, just like everyone else, and accepting that, as well as understanding it doesn't make you a bad person, just human. 


My sig down there is a good example. 

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im a christian, but only because ive been born into it, i have some doubts, but mostly i belive there is a god


if i wasnt born into it, id prolly be an atheist

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I wanna say that I am a Christian. And I am one cause I was born into it, if not I would still be part of it. 


I believe in a higher power and that if I am a good person through out my life, good things will happen in return. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Hmm. I would say atheist, but it does not fall under the "religion" status. I do not worship anything, I am rather materialistic. Saying athiesm is a religion is like saying not-smoking is a habit, but for the sake of the pole, Ill just say atheist. :)

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Was raised Catholic then went atheist (which is typical lol), went Wiccan, went Mormon (not a good exp.), and now I'm just a straight up Non-denominational Christian.


After years and years of soul-searching and being witness to multiple freak-series-of-events, I can't deny Jesus as my homeboy.
I'm content in life which is something of a rarity this days...

I even found my soulmate after I previously didn't think they existed. We're getting married in April. ^_^


I study multiple ways of faith as to keep respectful of each person's beliefs.

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I actually am now switching to christan, but i was at one point a Jehovah's Witness, up until i joined the military and got the boot from the church. now i am sure not all the churches are like that, just mine.   :(

Not all churches are what I call "good churches". It takes some time to find the one that meets your belief structure and brings you joy. I attend Calvaryftl.org's church. There's a mix of lulz and reality and they're really into helping the community.

  • Brohoof 1
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Not all churches are what I call "good churches". It takes some time to find the one that meets your belief structure and brings you joy. I attend Calvaryftl.org's church. There's a mix of lulz and reality and they're really into helping the community.

I dont even go to church anymore. If i have a problem, i go to christian Chaplin  we say a few prayers, and i go on my merry way. my old church just ruined it for me. i mean for four years i was trying to get away from Jehovah/God

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I dont even go to church anymore. If i have a problem, i go to christian Chaplin  we say a few prayers, and i go on my merry way. my old church just ruined it for me. i mean for four years i was trying to get away from Jehovah/God


If you're happy going about it that way, that's all you then. I'm just saying that not all churches will make you feel like crud. What is true for one is always not true for another.

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What about Satanism? I'm a LaVeyan/Symbolic Satanist, that's what I would've voter for. LaVeyan/Symbolic Satanism, unlike theistic or spiritual satanist, is not a philosophy where people worship Gods or Deities, but rather, use "Satan" as a symbol of various things- including, but not limited to: Rage, revenge, individualism, lust, greed... Just search it up on Wikepedia and there's a great quote you will find that talks explains it quite well. I follow this philosophy/religion because after reading LaVey's Satanic Bible, I realized how much I have in common with this "religion" or as many call it: "cult". (Note: I have nothing against Christians or any other religious people, this is just what I believe in).

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Champion RD92,


Well, the view of Atheism doesn't say that God is impossible. You are an Agnostic Atheist. Lacking belief in a God is all Atheism means.

oh I didn't know that, thanks Envy!

I know almost nothing about religion so it isn't strange. I guess Im also Agnostic Atheist then

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Well I'm a Muslim but I'm so lack of spiritual things right now. I mean really, zero spiritual.

And I really need to read the book properly, I don't know how it is going to happen with this lazyness but I really need to. Even if I found it wrong and don't believe it, I would probably be a theist. I GUESS.

Edit: I'm not a Muslim anymore, I'm agnostic.

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Why would you add atheism to the list, Atheism is not even a religion, more of a group of people who don't believe in a higher being and like to tell you your beliefs are wrong.


Not sure if trolling or legitimately misinformed.  I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and take the first question at face value.  Atheism was added to the list because without it, the question "[what is] everypony's religion?" would erroneously imply that everybody has one. Ignoring the (considerable) number of people who have consciously chosen "none of the above" would be silly for a variety of reasons.


Incidentally, "people who...like to tell you your beliefs are wrong" pretty much describes the entire internet, not just atheists.  B)

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meh I have never cared for religion or faith of any kind, my mum and dad are protestant, but I don't really care. I do however have the up most respect for everyone's religions and faith. My beliefs, or rather lack of has always been a sore subject for my parents but they respect what I do or do not believe in and they most certainly don't force me to go to church with them.

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Simple. Just post in your religion. If its not included, quote this post and tell me what it is. I'll add it.

I'm protestant (CoE) by birth and Daoist by choice. It's what both the philosophy of confuciousism and the religion of Buddism originally stem from and has a recorded history that's 500 years older that Christianity.

As for the reason... Well I became homeless a while back and rather than just "being homeless" I chose to travel where my feet and thumb could take me. After much wandering I happened upon a Daoist shrine and got speaking with some of the visitors. I found that that religion held a lot of beliefs that I had always thought anyway. So I started researching and reading up on it.


That's it really.

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