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Friendless, Ugly and Depressed


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Every since I joined this forum I've noticed so many different kinds of ponies. The vastness of various personalities is remarkable really; but its led me to wonder how much of it is just a mask? What draws us to this show?


I can tell you its the fantasy that groups of friends like the Mane six exist somewhere, even if only on TV. It truely exhibits every facit of what I have always believed true friendship should be. I love to get lost in the show and cast away this ugly world and let myself, even for only half an hour, see something beautiful.


So many ponies out there are friendless, depressed and live in this ugly world and thats really all they have. The internet has allowed ponies all over the world connect in ways never before possible, so I guess in that folks can find company. As I lay here at the end of my day after first watching the Amanda Todd video on YouTube and then 3 hours of MLP, I find myself wondering if there really is or every will be the kind of friendships in the Adult world like that. I say adult world because I've had groups of friends in High School. I have known many ponies who had groups of friends in High School but as we age I notice adults get more busy, selfish and isolated.


Is it too much to hope that True Friendship.....True family like that can exist is this world. Ponies are so wrapped up in their fantasy worlds because THIS world SUCKS. Between Poverty, bullies, and other life stresses, its like we forgot how important Friends are. Families are not always what you are born into but can be what you build and create yourself.


In the end, this rant is just a sick epiphany that our world is falling to pieces and its not getting better. I think ponies in this fandom...or those in Warcraft...or those in other popular RPG's that idolize Loyalty, Honesty, Generousity, Kindness, Laughter and yes, Magick could bring some of that out of the fantasy world and into the real world. Because right now, our real world is being left to Corrupt politics, Bullies, criminals and those who revel in the destruction of everything we love about our fantasies.


Obsidian Winter

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Perhaps that's true...but on that same note, Bronies around the world have done some amazing things. Whether it be the simple things or large scale charity drives, we as Bronies have become a unique breed of fandom in our own right. As long as we continue to exist, l think we'll continue to be something of a counterbalance to the current stress being put on the world.

  • Brohoof 4
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My best friends and I are rather similar to the mane six in our friendship. We're only a group of three (and sometimes four), but whatever. We're all crazy good friends, we do everything together. We almost never fight, and when we do, we make up and forget all about it within the hour.

how even is otter and how can it be if

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Most of us will never have the opportunity to change the world in some highly visible way that affects millions; but what we can do is be the best we can be to those people in our lives, whether they be friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances, or even total strangers. The place that we can affect and change the most, and have the most potential to do so, is our own community in which we live. That's not to say that you shouldn't try, if you think you can, to do something great; but not everypony is capable of magnanimous achievements. What we are all capable of, however, is bringing good to fruition among our friends, family, and community, and everypony should strive to do at least that, because then we will have done some good in our lives that profoundly affected some people, and hey, that's really something, isn't it? That is quite a miracle indeed.

  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Every since I joined this forum I've noticed so many different kinds of ponies. The vastness of various personalities is remarkable really; but its led me to wonder how much of it is just a mask? What draws us to this show?


I can tell you its the fantasy that groups of friends like the Mane six exist somewhere, even if only on TV. It truely exhibits every facit of what I have always believed true friendship should be. I love to get lost in the show and cast away this ugly world and let myself, even for only half an hour, see something beautiful.


So many ponies out there are friendless, depressed and live in this ugly world and thats really all they have. The internet has allowed ponies all over the world connect in ways never before possible, so I guess in that folks can find company. As I lay here at the end of my day after first watching the Amanda Todd video on YouTube and then 3 hours of MLP, I find myself wondering if there really is or every will be the kind of friendships in the Adult world like that. I say adult world because I've had groups of friends in High School. I have known many ponies who had groups of friends in High School but as we age I notice adults get more busy, selfish and isolated.


Is it too much to hope that True Friendship.....True family like that can exist is this world. Ponies are so wrapped up in their fantasy worlds because THIS world SUCKS. Between Poverty, bullies, and other life stresses, its like we forgot how important Friends are. Families are not always what you are born into but can be what you build and create yourself.


In the end, this rant is just a sick epiphany that our world is falling to pieces and its not getting better. I think ponies in this fandom...or those in Warcraft...or those in other popular RPG's that idolize Loyalty, Honesty, Generousity, Kindness, Laughter and yes, Magick could bring some of that out of the fantasy world and into the real world. Because right now, our real world is being left to Corrupt politics, Bullies, criminals and those who revel in the destruction of everything we love about our fantasies.


Obsidian Winter


Well written, sir. You should really make a blog.


Maybe the reason we all love this world of ponies so much is for the very reasons you outlined; this is not a happy world we live in, and friendship is often considered inferior to money, or social standing, or violence. It would be a bit of a stretch, but I believe yes, we can create, for ourselves, close, true friendships like on the show. In today's world, that would, in itself, be unlikely, but not impossible. You just have to love and tolerate.


Me and my friends, for example, from back home before I left for college. Well, maybe we didn't have perfect friendships. It's hard for any relationship to be perfect in high school. But we were as close to perfect as we could be. We loved and tolerated each other, and it showed.

Edited by Descant
  • Brohoof 1

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My best friends and I are rather similar to the mane six in our friendship. We're only a group of three (and sometimes four), but whatever. We're all crazy good friends, we do everything together. We almost never fight, and when we do, we make up and forget all about it within the hour.


When I was 16 I was like that as well. I had the most amazing friends. I think sometimes between 18-30 you lose the Magick part of the Elements of Harmony, if that makes sense.


Well written, sir. You should really make a blog.


Maybe the reason we all love this world of ponies so much is for the very reasons you outlined; this is not a happy world we live in, and friendship is often considered inferior to money, or social standing, or violence. It would be a bit of a stretch, but I believe yes, we can create, for ourselves, close, true friendships like on the show. In today's world, that would, in itself, be unlikely, but not impossible. You just have to love and tolerate.


Me and my friends, for example, from back home before I left for college. Well, maybe we didn't have perfect friendships. It's hard for any relationship to be perfect in high school. But we were as close to perfect as we could be. We loved and tolerated each other, and it showed.


This. Exactly This. Somewhere along the lines Friendship does take a back seat to money or status, etc. They have even dealt with these issues in the show. It only stops when WE decide it will stop....So many ponies are grey right now...opposite of how they should be.....I believe that if a fire can be lit, even if only a handful and we show others how much better life can be when you keep in your hearts the elements of harmony, they can take that and affect others..then those ponies, others.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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This. Exactly This. Somewhere along the lines Friendship does take a back seat to money or status, etc. They have even dealt with these issues in the show. It only stops when WE decide it will stop....So many ponies are grey right now...opposite of how they should be.....I believe that if a fire can be lit, even if only a handful and we show others how much better life can be when you keep in your hearts the elements of harmony, they can take that and affect others..then those ponies, others.


I don't think that the odds are very good, if your intention is to spread these butterflies and rainbows of friendship into the hearts of everybody, but that's not really the point, is it? We can make a difference by being a true friend to someone, even if they aren't necessarily back. Shine these sunny rays of true friendship into peoples' hearts one at a time.


And seriously. Start blogging on this website. You are a wordsmith.

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*sniffle* Touching, just touching.


But who needs friends? Seems like a waste of time... Or I'm just lonely...


Also, think of all the good things in this world, like muffins. Hope that took your mind off of it, because truthfully- there's nothing you can really do about it. So yeah...

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Perhaps that's true...but on that same note, Bronies around the world have done some amazing things. Whether it be the simple things or large scale charity drives, we as Bronies have become a unique breed of fandom in our own right. As long as we continue to exist, l think we'll continue to be something of a counterbalance to the current stress being put on the world.


Yes, and this is my point I guess. So many balanced and GOOD communities have their moment in the sun and then fade away. But then there are those with whom it becomes more. It becomes a part of them, a way of life. A good example of this is steam punk. My fear is you have this great thing, but how many will remain when it gets "old" or the next fad hits?


I don't think that the odds are very good, if your intention is to spread these butterflies and rainbows of friendship into the hearts of everybody, but that's not really the point, is it? We can make a difference by being a true friend to someone, even if they aren't necessarily back. Shine these sunny rays of true friendship into peoples' hearts one at a time.


And seriously. Start blogging on this website. You are a wordsmith.


I may just do that. Oh! I'm a Mare by the way....lol. And yes you are right. The point isn't to spread butterflies to everyone. There may never be world peace but I just hope that this piece of world, what we all have here, now, can grow and as Bronies, Ponies, etc we can change a small bit of darkness and unhappiness into light.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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My fear is you have this great thing, but how many will remain when it gets "old" or the next fad hits?


It doesn't do a body good to ponder on such things. We have a fundamentally ground breaking fandom that's far different than anything else on the web, and I'm going to enjoy it for all it's worth while it's still here.


I'll come to terms with it's ultimate ends when I reach that bridge.

  • Brohoof 1
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*sniffle* Touching, just touching.


But who needs friends? Seems like a waste of time... Or I'm just lonely...


Also, think of all the good things in this world, like muffins. Hope that took your mind off of it, because truthfully- there's nothing you can really do about it. So yeah...


You see, THATS the kind of thinking we need......wait, did you say muffins? Hey! You almost got me distracted there......We as a community CAN change things if we just follow the example of the show we all enjoy so much. Alot of media out there offers great life lessons and things we can take with us. I challenge anyone to write out every letter that was written to Celestia in the first season and actually try to live that with your friends or future friends and just see how things work out! ;)

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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I can tell you its the fantasy that groups of friends like the Mane six exist somewhere, even if only on TV. It truely exhibits every facit of what I have always believed true friendship should be. I love to get lost in the show and cast away this ugly world and let myself, even for only half an hour, see something beautiful.

I have to disagree with you there. I've got a very close group of friends, alright we're not as open as the mane 6 with our emotions all the time but we're always there for each other when its needed. Even when they've moved away if I've needed them or they've needed me we come to one anothers aid at short notice.

Its true that friends sometimes do drift apart or become more self involved. But usually thats because they get married or have kids to look after, a job to hold down etc. They'll still be there but they have commitments they can't just shake off.

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Perhaps that's true...but on that same note, Bronies around the world have done some amazing things. Whether it be the simple things or large scale charity drives, we as Bronies have become a unique breed of fandom in our own right. As long as we continue to exist, l think we'll continue to be something of a counterbalance to the current stress being put on the world.

It's nice to think that, regardless of whether people would prefer bronies weren't the ones running the charities (or they completely disregard the charities altogether). Honestly, I think the show could teach everyone, young and old, about friendship, and how to be a better friend.

Edited by whoovesfan7698
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this world has always been a horrible place and always will be. (you can't change human nature)


Everyone has a front that is not the real them (even me), I say its part of our instincts as animals (like a lions raw it's designed to make it look stronger than it is) We might look strong to defend the pack (family in our case or even friends) or even its just greed and we want to get the biggest piece of meat


being a boy, i have to be quiet emotionless around people but on the internet i can find it easy to open up. (you need to let it out somewhere)

that and I'm quiet shy (or anti-social based on your opinion) and find it easier to talk to people


over all we are more like animals than most people think wink.png

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Live your life. My entire childhood i spent alot of time trying to act like people around me to find acceptance. And now in my mid adolecence i can tell you that was a huge waste of time. I have learned that things come naturally. I met my closest friends in a very similar way the Crusaders met. You find people like you and let the bonding commence :D Me i have been teased and picked on. And i was depressed we all go through that at one point or another in our lives. You cannot live your life worrying about what other people (who do nothing for you) think about you. When i became a Pegasister my friends orignally thought i was insane, now they watch it with me. Do you and do you to the fullest :) Its your life to live dont let the opinions of others discourage whatever it is you want to do in life because thats another mistake i have made several times. I would say "I want to try *random activitiy" and someone would tell me "You wont like do *random activity* because its not fun" and i would just foolishly go along with it and never explore it for myself. Live your life, and do whatever you want :)



~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~

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Even if it's only on a semi-subsconcious level, I think we all know why we watch the show - aside from the obvious quality of writing and animation in the show, we enjoy it for exactly the reasons outlined by Obsidian_Winter.


I used to have a brilliant group of friends in high school and college, but now that I'm in University (I'm from England) and we're all travelling separate paths, I realise that the majority of the time, I took them for granted. Now I miss them, badly.


Funnily enough, it was around the time I started Uni that I discovered the show. It reminds me of them, and how fantastic they were - nowadays I seriously struggle to make new friends.


I have known many ponies who had groups of friends in High School but as we age I notice adults get more busy, selfish and isolated.


This is absolutely true. At 18 years old, I just don't know how to talk to people who I don't know face to face anymore...I was far more sociable a few years back. All I can say is that if you have a friendship similar to that of the Mane 6, no matter if it's with one lifelong best friend who's as shy as you are or with twenty other partygoers, then hold onto it and don't let go until your fingers wear away.

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ill tell you all my personal story. i was an "outsider" for lack of a better word, in high school. i didnt like to socialize all that much, had my handful of close friends and aquantences, but i mostly kept to myself.  i guess thats why i can related to Fluttershy the most, because i used to be like her. eventually i gout out of high school and moved onto new things, found a job, met new people, etc. everytime i had a different job, i had another chance to "try something new" when it came to being social. i learned to experiment and throw caution to the wind. ive been at my current job for 3 years, and i can say it was a good decision, because i met my current best friend. me and him have seen our friend circles rotate twice now, and i slowly realized that few people are forever. it took me a long time LONG time to get to where i am now, where i feel comfortable in most social situations. im still very introverted, but im ok with that. i enjoy being by myself and still have that bit of social time that i need occasionally. the most important thing is to be comfortable with yourself. its you against the world, so you might as well make yourself at home and be do whatever it is that makes you happy. because honestly, theres no lonelier feeling then being surrounded by the wrong people. 


what ive learned is that your circle of friends is constantly rotating as you go through life. in the past 3-4 years, ive seen my groups change completely, with only a few people sticking it out through the thick and thin. its just the way life is... we outgrow people, we find new friendships, new loves, and we let our world change around us. the point is that you shouldnt rely on others to find happiness or feel accepted, or feel attractive. it all comes back to personal happiness and just doing the things that make you happy. you're never trully alone in how you feel either, everyones been there. EVERYONE. 


dont let the worlds bullshit get you down. theres always something you can do to improve yourself or your life, you just gotta find it. 

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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