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Prediction: Twilight Sparkle Is The Next Nightmare Moon

Queen Cassie

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I love all these thoughts and ideas about how Twilight may turn to the dark side, but honestly, I don't think it will happen. Don't get me wrong, I love all the speculation, but the show is directed for the younger audience as well, and I don't think Twilight would go Alicorn as it would pretty much separate her from her friends.


Although Twilight is aiming high, she has never put her interests into seeking Princesshood. She's happy enough being mentored by Celestia and having fun with her friends...

19172255UxGVHj41.gifWe all go a little mad sometimes...

Strangers think I am quiet. Friends think I am outgoing. Best friends KNOW I am insane!

Faceless Flyer: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/faceless-flyer-r1868

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Except that we see the bird again later, outside the window near the end of the episode, where it distracts one of the Pinkie clones into getting zapped. Said bird was still an orange at that point.


Now, I will grant you I am possibly reaching a little bit here, but it seems to me like Twilight needed to be more careful regardless, because the episode implies the spell is permanent and therefore she should be far more careful with how she uses it. She's still being callous because she's not paying enough attention to what she's doing.

(I really can't add to anything said between you too...I feel small...) However, Kyro, you do have to consider that the spell cast for the transmogrification was probably temporary. We don't know for how much, but I'd think it wouldn't last forever.

Edited by Arcanel
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The Last Of The Poni


Princess Cadance: With all due respect, your majesty, is she not the Chosen One? Is she not to destroy the Neighsayers and bring balance to the Magic?

Princess Celestia: So the prophecy says.

Princess Luna: A prophecy that misread, could have been.


Even now, Chancellor Twilight, known secretly as "Darth Fastidious", has taken a new apprentice in a bid to consolidate power...




Of course it's fun to play around with a Dark Twilight riff, but I seriously doubt even writers as clever as the FiM team are going to take our little protagonist that far down the primrose path. Friendship is Magic isn't like that other Twilight, after all.


Plus, they just played the "corrupted by power" card with Trixie in Magic Duel. They could play it again with Twilight, but that would sort of be like beating a dead pony, as it were.


Rather, I suspect our good Miss Sparkle is going to make some pretty major (if well-intentioned) mistakes with her magic in future episodes, perhaps even some that will endanger all of Equestria. And, true to form, we're all sure to learn some valuable lessons in the end. But honest mistakes are a long way from Twilight becoming the next qualified candidate for involuntary long-term moon residency.


As for the alicorn thing, well, you did mention the idea has come up in various forms since the begining of the fandom... *cough* shameless plug *cough*. happy.png

  • Brohoof 2
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I'll have to correct you here. That was actually the frog that was still an orange, not the bird. There was a bird that distracted a Pinkie clone before this, but it wasn't the same blue bird that was turned into an orange as well - it was a red one. That said, Twilight didn't know what she ended up hitting when she used that spell a second time, so there was no way for her to know otherwise.


Such is the way of the unicorn, probably. Accidents are probably a big thing in any unicorn's magic training. In this instance, we suppose Twilight will indeed have to be more cautious the next time she uses such a spell.

Yes, frog, not bird, my mistake. Still, I feel like Twilight needs to be more careful. This is a point we could beat back and forth but I think we've said all that needs to be said on it.


(I really can't add to anything said between you too...I feel small...) However, Kyro, you do have to consider that the spell cast for the transmogrification was probably temporary. We don't know for how much, but I'd think it wouldn't last forever.

It's possible it's temporary, but our only evidence in the episode is that it appears to be permanent, at least over the amount of time we saw. If it's actually temporary, then I may have to retract on that altogether, but I can only guess based upon what we've seen.




Of course it's fun to play around with a Dark Twilight riff, but I seriously doubt even writers as clever as the FiM team are going to take our little protagonist that far down the primrose path. Friendship is Magic isn't like that other Twilight, after all.


Plus, they just played the "corrupted by power" card with Trixie in Magic Duel. They could play it again with Twilight, but that would sort of be like beating a dead pony, as it were.


Rather, I suspect our good Miss Sparkle is going to make some pretty major (if well-intentioned) mistakes with her magic in future episodes, perhaps even some that will endanger all of Equestria. And, true to form, we're all sure to learn some valuable lessons in the end. But honest mistakes are a long way from Twilight becoming the next qualified candidate for involuntary long-term moon residency.


As for the alicorn thing, well, you did mention the idea has come up in various forms since the begining of the fandom... *cough* shameless plug *cough*. happy.png


True, true. It's always possible that causing Twilight to fall from grace would be too dark and too potentially dead horse-esque to be able to follow up upon. I have had a habit of predicting things too complex or too dark for the show to handle in the past--it's a bad habit of mine.


Still, the overall situation feels the most logical based upon what we've seen right now. I mean, you have the greater potential to be correct, but I feel like my idea still has some significant merit for now, until we learn more information. Whatever the case, something is in the works for Twilight's destiny.

  • Brohoof 2

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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You're corrupt
Bring corruption to all that you touch
You behold
And beholden for all that you've done
And spin
Cast a spell
Cast a spell on the country you run
And risk
You will risk
You will risk all their lives and their souls

And burn
You will burn
You will burn in hell, yeah you'll burn in hell
You'll burn in hell
Yeah you'll burn in hell
For your sins


And our freedom's consuming itself
What we've become
It's contrary to what we want

Take a bow



EDIT: The song is "Take a Bow" by Muse. I DID NOT WRITE IT.

Edited by Circadian
  • Brohoof 3



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You're corrupt

Bring corruption to all that you touch


You behold

And beholden for all that you've done

And spin

Cast a spell

Cast a spell on the country you run

And risk

You will risk

You will risk all their lives and their souls


And burn

You will burn

You will burn in hell, yeah you'll burn in hell

You'll burn in hell

Yeah you'll burn in hell

For your sins


And our freedom's consuming itself

What we've become

It's contrary to what we want


Take a bow


attachicon.gifTwilight's Corruption.png


You know...I'd REALLY have to say that it'd be better if you added more than just a song's part...but it's Take a Bow...from Muse...added with an evil looking Twilight that would totally fit what Kyronea thinks of minus the fact she doesn't have wings...and the fact the song actually fits for the most part...take my brohoof. Take it.

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You know...I'd REALLY have to say that it'd be better if you added more than just a song's part...but it's Take a Bow...from Muse...added with an evil looking Twilight that would totally fit what Kyronea thinks of minus the fact she doesn't have wings...and the fact the song actually fits for the most part...take my brohoof. Take it.


Taken. I actually don't think she'll turn into a Nightmare Moon, but I do think she'll get corrupted somehow. She was a bit too eager to try out her dark magic spell, and now that amulet is in play.


Interesting things to come in the days ahead.



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I've been wondering about Sombras horn as well. When part of it was cut off by Cadances force field it absorbed into the ground and grew into black crystals and slowly grew outwards, changing everything it touched into a 'dark' version. Seeing as though the horn survived (lol) what if it fell near Ponyville? What if twilight accidentally came into contact with it? WHAT IF Celestia ran into it? WHAT IF Angel was the one to discover it! Imagine the punishment Fluttershy would have to endure.


Ok... ok... I might have got a tad off topic but yeah, hopefully you get the idea wink.png

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I wouldn't be surprised if Twilight becomes corrupted somewhere along the line of FiM's run.  Something that is very noticeable this season is the recurrent theme of dark magic, in 3 out of 5 episodes so far.  In the second part of the Chrystal Empire special, there's a scene where Twilight uses for the first time dark magic.  Though taught by Celestia, this brief moment can be a critical hint that Twilight is not far away from a dark magic takeover. 


To add, we all know that she's getting stronger and casting more powerful spells.  This will surely make her more desired and attractive for any evil, cunning force that either sees her as a threat or as a valuable acquaintance...

Edited by Renzo
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I want to respond more in depth to yet another wonderful thread by Kyronea, but I am strapped for time at the moment.


I will however say this: a fall from grace incident go conceivably be done if Twilight became an unwitting instrument of destruction. Several of the scenarios recently proposed paint her going full-blown Knight Templar. But what if she put all of these powers and artifacts to use, believing it would stop the threat which may manifest itself at the end of the season, only to have it backfire tremendously? It's akin to Solid Snake accidentally activating Metal Gear REX because he was under the impression the PAL Keys would disable REX. In the end, he was manipulated into doing the villain's bidding.


So if Twilight were deceived, told that she would need to collect and/or utilize X, Y, and Z in order to save the day, she may not carry malevolent intent in spite of the fallout of her actions. And Twilight did fall prey to this with Discord when she overanalyzed his riddle, banking so heavily on her own judgment that she played right into Discord's claws.


The Alicorn Amulet appears to be the biggest gun revealed thus far. My suspicion is that Twilight will eventually use the amulet in some capacity, probably intending to do something good. One can only imagine how badly such a plan will backfire.

  • Brohoof 3


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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I feel that this can lay the groundwork for a phenomenal season ending.


For example, maybe Twilight's magical abilities will surpass Celestia's. If this were to happen, it's only human pony nature to want more, right? Maybe She'll overthrow Celestia and become a tyrant of sorts because of, say, King Sombra's influence or being corrupted by dark magic. Not only will this kind of tie all of these little loose ends they're leaving (Sombra's horn, open-endedness of the dark magic, brutal method of finding the real Pinkie, etc), but it will allow the rest of the mane 6 to get something done for once.


Though I do not like how everybody's predicting that Twilight will become an alicorn. I am not fond of this idea at all.

  • Brohoof 1



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I want to respond more in depth to yet another wonderful thread by Kyronea, but I am strapped for time at the moment.


I will however say this: a fall from grace incident go conceivably be done if Twilight became an unwitting instrument of destruction. Several of the scenarios recently proposed paint her going full-blown Knight Templar. But what if she put all of these powers and artifacts to use, believing it would stop the threat which may manifest itself at the end of the season, only to have it backfire tremendously? It's akin to Solid Snake accidentally activating Metal Gear REX because he was under the impression the PAL Keys would disable REX. In the end, he was manipulated into doing the villain's bidding.


So if Twilight were deceived, told that she would need to collect and/or utilize X, Y, and Z in order to save the day, she may not carry malevolent intent in spite of the fallout of her actions. And Twilight did fall prey to this with Discord when she overanalyzed his riddle, banking so heavily on her own judgment that she played right into Discord's claws.


The Alicorn Amulet appears to be the biggest gun revealed thus far. My suspicion is that Twilight will eventually use the amulet in some capacity, probably intending to do something good. One can only imagine how badly such a plan will backfire.


That is actually a fantastic idea there, suggesting that she might be manipulated into doing what the villain of the piece actually wants her to do. That's what I'm thinking will happen too, and might possibly be a tad bit more likely than her outright being corrupted...


But then, the Alicorn Amulet could potentially change everything, as you say. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see her try to make use of it at some point in the near future.


I feel that this can lay the groundwork for a phenomenal season ending.


For example, maybe Twilight's magical abilities will surpass Celestia's. If this were to happen, it's only human pony nature to want more, right? Maybe She'll overthrow Celestia and become a tyrant of sorts because of, say, King Sombra's influence or being corrupted by dark magic. Not only will this kind of tie all of these little loose ends they're leaving (Sombra's horn, open-endedness of the dark magic, brutal method of finding the real Pinkie, etc), but it will allow the rest of the mane 6 to get something done for once.


Though I do not like how everybody's predicting that Twilight will become an alicorn. I am not fond of this idea at all.

It's hard to say if Twilight would ever actually want to overthrow Celestia in the sense of "she wants to rule." That's never been Twilight's desire and never really has been her modus operandi. What I think would be more likely is that she might eventually come to perceive Celestia and Luna as somehow threatening Equestria's future, that they're mismanaging and that she could do a better job--so she might push them out of power because of that reason, because she'd be thinking she's doing the right thing.


And in truth I don't really like the idea of her becoming an Alicorn either. I am quite against it, and that bias might be part of why I started thinking of the possibility I proposed with this thread to begin with.

  • Brohoof 3

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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The only way I can imagine Twilight becoming an Alicorn is if it were a temporary transformation, or one which could only be done within a particular set of circumstances. The writers must be savvy enough to realize that turning Twilight Sparkle into a full-fledged Alicorn could only cause more problems than it is worth. The whole narrative would become incredibly messy.


The signs seem to be pointing toward Twilight wielding Alicorn-level powers, whether through the Alicorn Amulet or some other means. My question is whether it will be a spontaneous event or one for which Twilight gradually continues to access greater power? Should the former be the case, perpare for endless Dragon Ball references.

  • Brohoof 2


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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The Alicorn Amulet appears to be the biggest gun revealed thus far. My suspicion is that Twilight will eventually use the amulet in some capacity, probably intending to do something good. One can only imagine how badly such a plan will backfire.


I agree. From Yu-Gi-Oh!, It's akin to Pharaoh Atem being left with "no choice" but to activate the Seal of Orichalcos during this one duel against the right-hand man (called Rafael) of Season 4's main villain, from which he acquired this card through the effect of one of Rafael's magic cards.




Needless to say, the Pharaoh went from being calm, collected, and honourable to mean, hateful, and brutal, as you can see here. The card itself immediately turns the user against everything good that they stand for, to put it simply - not unlike the Alicorn Amulet, which I fear only gave Trixie a taste of its potentially limitless dark power. Likewise, Twilight may feel the urge to use the amulet (leading to her downfall - As soon as Atem used the Orichalcos card, he ended up losing the duel eventually and Yugi's soul as a huge consequence) because of being left with "no choice". However, when Atem used the Orichalcos card, he fell right into Rafael's trap because he knew it would corrupt his mind with devastating results. Similarly, harnessing the power of an ancient evil (let's face it, the amulet is nothing good) will mark the eventual corruption of Twilight herself and going back against all that she once stood for. She'd then have to climb back from the huge pit she'd undoubtedly got herself into. Bonds may be broken, sides separated, and it would be much worse than Discord's reign.

Edited by Alfonzo Dennard
  • Brohoof 3
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You make a good point with her handling ( or lack thereof) of the creatures that she transformed into oranges. I hadn't really considered that to be a sign of callousness before but you've persuaded me.


The thing that did jump out at me was that she made freaking parasprites last episode. Even if she handled them fine, that seems to be a spell that is virtually begging to go terribly wrong. It also prompts the question of why she would learn that spell in the first place.

  • Brohoof 1
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Personally, I think you might be over thinking things a tad much here.  But that's where we get some interesting arguments, so I won't nitpick on that, much.


Nightmare Moon was conceived through Princess Luna as a way to force her subjects to enjoy her nights more.  So she went to enforce the moon forever.  With her sister in the way, she was banished from doing so.


I know Princess Celestia can be beaten in combat, as was shown by Queen Chrysalis, but that was an overpowered charge of magic that came suddenly, making it possible to do so.  So, unless Twilight can overpower Luna and Celestia, I don't think a Nightmare Moon scenario is possible.  Plus, what exactly does Twilight hope to gain by turning evil?  The ruling of all Equestria as she sees fit?  To Twilight, Princess Celestia may as well be her entire being with how she looks up to her constantly.


Remember the scene of the door, where she saw her biggest fear?  It wasn't losing her friends, cause I suppose she doubted that would ever happen.  It wasn't losing her family, her home, her own self.  No, it was failure to the princess.  There's really no way to think Twilight would ever want to betray her unless it was to prove something, and as of now she has nothing to prove at all, other than being as great a student as she can be.


Transforming creatures?  Who's to say that really cuts off their breathing, maybe it reconfigures their bodies parts elsewhere to do those jobs, or maybe the lack of such things are fixed with the magic Twilight used.  Why, the magic most likely is a temporary thing that has the animals transform back, most likely soon afterwards.


The evil magic thing?  From how Celestia used it, that was probably something akin to a dark aura that magic users are capable of using.  Twilight probably picked it up from Celestia, seeing as she stated it was something the princess taught her after all.  Plus I don't recall the show ever mentioning that Luna and Sombra was possessed.  If so, I highly doubt they'd try to destroy Sombra like they did.


That whole 'Not ready to be a Princess' thing?  Yeah, probably one of only two reasons for her to be 'evil' I suppose.  But even then, Twilight so far has never really doubted Celestia's words at all, so Twilight would need to be set up with many different things to see to reason of such doubts.  Plus, even with Twilight going ballistic now and again, she's still the most level-headed one of her group.  She sees to reason fairly easily, so would try and find reasons as to why there is such a doubt in the first place.  Unless Hasbro wants to say 'Screw that!' and just force her to doubt, then we have a OOC Twilight.


Last thought here.  The only way I can see her going bonkers is through another source.  The most likely one is Discord here, or something similar, that could changer her thoughts and ways without her knowing.  So unless Discord, or something similar, is lose and has free reign to do just that, I can't see Twilight changing to a more sinister way of life, even if it turns out short.

Practice makes perfect; but if nobody's perfect, why practice?








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Plus, even with Twilight going ballistic now and again, she's still the most level-headed one of her group.  She sees to reason fairly easily, so would try and find reasons as to why there is such a doubt in the first place.

Er, I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. This is Twilight we're talking about. The one pony who enchanted a doll so that everyone would love it so that she'd have her friendship problem ready to solve in Lesson Zero, comically blew up the library when worried about the test  in The Crystal Empire, and started forming unreasonable plans when seeing the parasprite swarm got in its worse stages.

She is NOT the most level-headed pony of the group when she goes insane, and she is in fact the most dangerous. We have seen how obsessed she can get, and imagine if Lesson Zero was with something WORSE than what drove Twilight to insanity. I'm not worried about if she goes bonkers or not. I'm worried about how bad could it get WHEN she does.

  • Brohoof 2
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You make a good point with her handling ( or lack thereof) of the creatures that she transformed into oranges. I hadn't really considered that to be a sign of callousness before but you've persuaded me.


The thing that did jump out at me was that she made freaking parasprites last episode. Even if she handled them fine, that seems to be a spell that is virtually begging to go terribly wrong. It also prompts the question of why she would learn that spell in the first place.

That had jumped out at me as well and I cannot believe I forgot to mention it in my post. Thank you for bringing it up. The whole parasprite summoning bit was incredibly reckless--why not just manifest a shield to block the pies instead? She's playing with fire with those things, and she could easily set them loose if she's not careful.


Personally, I think you might be over thinking things a tad much here.  But that's where we get some interesting arguments, so I won't nitpick on that, much.


Nightmare Moon was conceived through Princess Luna as a way to force her subjects to enjoy her nights more.  So she went to enforce the moon forever.  With her sister in the way, she was banished from doing so.


I know Princess Celestia can be beaten in combat, as was shown by Queen Chrysalis, but that was an overpowered charge of magic that came suddenly, making it possible to do so.  So, unless Twilight can overpower Luna and Celestia, I don't think a Nightmare Moon scenario is possible.  Plus, what exactly does Twilight hope to gain by turning evil?  The ruling of all Equestria as she sees fit?  To Twilight, Princess Celestia may as well be her entire being with how she looks up to her constantly.


Remember the scene of the door, where she saw her biggest fear?  It wasn't losing her friends, cause I suppose she doubted that would ever happen.  It wasn't losing her family, her home, her own self.  No, it was failure to the princess.  There's really no way to think Twilight would ever want to betray her unless it was to prove something, and as of now she has nothing to prove at all, other than being as great a student as she can be.


Transforming creatures?  Who's to say that really cuts off their breathing, maybe it reconfigures their bodies parts elsewhere to do those jobs, or maybe the lack of such things are fixed with the magic Twilight used.  Why, the magic most likely is a temporary thing that has the animals transform back, most likely soon afterwards.


The evil magic thing?  From how Celestia used it, that was probably something akin to a dark aura that magic users are capable of using.  Twilight probably picked it up from Celestia, seeing as she stated it was something the princess taught her after all.  Plus I don't recall the show ever mentioning that Luna and Sombra was possessed.  If so, I highly doubt they'd try to destroy Sombra like they did.


That whole 'Not ready to be a Princess' thing?  Yeah, probably one of only two reasons for her to be 'evil' I suppose.  But even then, Twilight so far has never really doubted Celestia's words at all, so Twilight would need to be set up with many different things to see to reason of such doubts.  Plus, even with Twilight going ballistic now and again, she's still the most level-headed one of her group.  She sees to reason fairly easily, so would try and find reasons as to why there is such a doubt in the first place.  Unless Hasbro wants to say 'Screw that!' and just force her to doubt, then we have a OOC Twilight.


Last thought here.  The only way I can see her going bonkers is through another source.  The most likely one is Discord here, or something similar, that could changer her thoughts and ways without her knowing.  So unless Discord, or something similar, is lose and has free reign to do just that, I can't see Twilight changing to a more sinister way of life, even if it turns out short.

While I appreciate the length of your post, I believe you didn't quite read mine as clearly as you may have thought you did. Primarily, your argument seems to be that Twilight wouldn't just turn evil out of a sake for power.


And I agree.


My whole point is that it could be something inadvertant or outright malicious on the part of some other entity, which is again what I suggested and why I brought up King Sombra's horn to begin with: the potential for some entity, some force that may have been the reason Nightmare Moon(and King Sombra as he was) existed in the first place: a form of possession. Said thing could potentially manipulate Twilight into allowing it to take control of her, through convincing her she was trying to do something else.


And when I brought up the idea of her potentially seeing Celestia as a threat, the point was that she wouldn't start thinking that until after she was under the influence of whatever may have tried to/succeeded in taking control of her.


Additionally, Twilight has never been the most level-headed of the group--that goes to Applejack. Twilight's anxiety has continuously interfered in her plans, and whenever a plan of hers begins to collapse, she starts panicking. She's not the most level-headed in the least, and has in the past gone so far as to mess with the heads of children in order to accomplish a goal that she felt she needed to do. When she feels she needs to do something she tends to put that obligation first and the welfare of others second.


While that alone wouldn't result in her going completely crazy and trying to take over, if combined with a malevolent force that might take control over part of her mind, she could easily be manipulated into believing that actions everyone else would see as bad and evil are actually something necessary to help. Even in the depths of that it wouldn't be about power--it never would be. It would be about her thinking she's doing the right thing to help others, when in fact she's harming them.

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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Quick question, how much do you think this news affects the nature of this episode?


I feel as if continuity is being toyed with and this it sort of changes things. If "Magic Duel" was planned way back in January of 2011, then I have to wonder if Twilight was as powerful during that particular episode in contrast to now.  It feels jumbled.

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Quick question, how much do you think this news affects the nature of this episode?


I feel as if continuity is being toyed with and this it sort of changes things. If "Magic Duel" was planned way back in January of 2011, then I have to wonder if Twilight was as powerful during that particular episode in contrast to now.  It feels jumbled.

That's...huh. It actually confuses me a little bit and throws a few things into question, potentially. I say potentially however, because whatever was intended, the general logic remains as they stand right now. So I don't think it affects my speculation all that much...but it's definitely intriguing.

  • Brohoof 1

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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Quick question, how much do you think this news affects the nature of this episode?


I feel as if continuity is being toyed with and this it sort of changes things. If "Magic Duel" was planned way back in January of 2011, then I have to wonder if Twilight was as powerful during that particular episode in contrast to now.  It feels jumbled.

Oh...my...well...this puts lots of questions to rest, I should guess. Since the episodes got delayed, the writers needed to make it happen so that it TRIED to get past Season 2 feeling. You just gave an idea for thread.

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I am not completely opposed to the idea of Twilight becoming an alicorn, though I certainly do not like it very much. If the writers think it's essential to this hypothetical story and she changes back at the end, okay. What I am interested in is the idea of Twilight being corrupted. I agree it should be the result of an outside force, because she would never dream of opposing the princess on her own (sigh), but not that her evil would create a schism in the Mane 6. Let's face it, Twilight's friends are not quite as close with her as they are with each other, just because she is not given to close friendship. (She's had to learn about it the entire series, after all.) I have little doubt that the other 5 would realize what was happening and quickly team up to bring her back to the light.


In summary, a fascinating theory--and explanation--on Kyronea's part. I might look even further into the future and suggest another story arc near the end of the show's run, in which Twilight once again opposes the status quo in Equestria...by her own free will. Everypony thinks she's just turning evil again, except for her friends, who stand with her (as they did not do in a Canterlot Wedding). Sadly it will never happen, but it's easily the most interesting follow-up they could possibly give us to a Twilight Moon arc. For those who say it would be too mature or controversial for a kid's show, I say that one of the best lessons you can teach a child is to question authority in a nonviolent and constructive way, and My Little Pony has the narrative spine to support it.

  • Brohoof 1

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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That had jumped out at me as well and I cannot believe I forgot to mention it in my post. Thank you for bringing it up. The whole parasprite summoning bit was incredibly reckless--why not just manifest a shield to block the pies instead? She's playing with fire with those things, and she could easily set them loose if she's not careful.



Overall I have loved reading this thread and your posts have given my brain a lot of food.

But this is probably the only thing I disagree with you on. When I first saw that she had conjured parasprites I did a huge gasp of surprise - surely she shouldn't be so reckless? But the more I thought about it the more I decided that rather than including the parasprite summoning to display recklessness, they could have included it to show her level of control.



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LOL. You know, I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed how cruel it was that Twilight Sparkle turned that bird and frog into oranges. That made them automatically very vulnerable and very desirable prey. However, it's MLP:FiM. And I don't think we're supposed to take it that seriously. We're supposed to laugh at Twilight Sparkle's mishaps, not think this hard about them.


However, when I think of it from a general perspective your theory does make sense.

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