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My parents want me out of the fandom. I might be saying goodbye someday soon.*


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I'm so sorry to hear about your situation mate. Your parents should be ashamed of what they are doing as this just straight up isn't right, to judge you and want you to leave a fandom for no good reason whatsoever. All I can say is stand up for yourself, don;t succumb to your parents when they are the ones who need some lessons on the real world. We are still here for you mate, and if your parents can't understand that something like this is harmless, then they should get some serious mental help. Sorry if I offended you what hearing what your parents did really ticked me off. 


As for your friend, my question is if he consistently seems to judge you over you being a brony, or if your friendship weakened over you becoming a brony, because if that's the case, forget him, he's not worth it.


If not, then if you REALLY want him to respect to fandom, then yes show him, one of the better episodes at least. If you two get along fine even with his dislike of MLP, then I wouldn't bother, let him learn to like/respect it himself because at least he isn't one of those haters who judge someone over something like this

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Agreed. Most of the things my friends are doing are incredibly stupid or bad... why follow them? It's a harmless TV show but I guess it's the whole idea about the theme of it that makes them go off... all conservative parents are like this ughh

What's so conservative about these faggots? Friendship is Magic is a lot more morally well-rounded than a murder simulator like Call of Duty, which they want their son to play.

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If I were in that situation, I'd say okay.  I'd also act very distant to your dad and hint at him that your depressed about his close-minded decision.  If he really loved you, he'd let you be who you are.  Also, did he give you a reason why?  I have a feeling it may have to do with the darker side of the fandom and the ill-gotten media has got to your dad; the whole 'every brony is a clopper'.  You know, the people that give us a bad name.  But yeah, be distant, very rarily talk to him; show him that being a brony is important to you.  If all else fails, you may have to become a closet brony.


Is your dad one of those hypocrite parent-types?  Not trying to sound mean or anything, but what if you tried to quit fencing?  Would your dad be like "No!  Don't!  I want you to do this!"

Edited by Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash
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Does your dad like football? Tell him that he shouldn't associate himself with anybody who likes it anymore because it promotes terrorism or something.


You really need to explain to your parents what they're doing. They're trying to tell you what and what not to like, and that they have no control over your interests. It's as dumb as shunning your child because they turned out with blonde hair instead of brown. Explain that If they want you to be confident in yourself, they should raise you as such. I do agree, it is in no way right. At all.


As for your friend, find a good moment, then show him fanmade videos, like Epic Pie Time, Ponies the Anthology. Slowly work your way up to the show. It worked for me, at least.

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Show them this thread.


Or better yet, show them some of the truly amazing things the prony and pegasister community has created.

  • Brohoof 2

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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It's not like anypony can FORCE you to do or not to do anything. Watching ponies isn't illegal and they can't do anything about it. In other words, they cannot ensure you don't watch them without them committing crime such as locking you in your basement :D Don't worry and don't stop being a brony!

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Est3UNs-LIk  watch this after you read this post, it will give you courage...


Alright, I feel for you man and your story sorta hit home.  


To begin with I certainly believe that shunning, or telling your parents to "buck off" are the worst things you can do in this kind of situation.


Next, I think that you should embrace the fact that with being a brony comes a lot of hate (A LOT OF HATE!).  Why else Is our primary virtues as a fandom love and tolerance?


I'm not saying you have to have a big "I am who I am" talk with your father, BUT YOU ARE, and nobody can change that.  I mean sure, they can do as they please with you, but you are their son and that is final.  You know they love you, they just need to learn how to tolerate you.  


Watch yourself and don't do anything stupid, but at the same time don't be a pushover, your nearly an adult for Celestia's sake!


Now if you don't mind, keep in touch with me and keep me updated, I want to help you and so do your parents, they just don't know how to approach it.


As for your friend you can say the fanon is way manlier than canon, but you should straight up show him episode one pt 1-2 

It introduces him to the characters and the plot outline, and if he doesn't like, then so be it.  

However, if he decides he doesn't like you because of who you are, then for the love of Luna don't hang out with him!


I hope to talk again soon, keep in touch, and good luck brother.

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At the amount of things ive been reading on this thread, I can say that your parents are complete and utter douches. If those where my parents id say "Fuck You!" and maybe leave. If they don't love you enough to allow you to watch a show and threaten to kick you out just because you like a show, then you would be better off living in foster care or with another family then to live with those dicks. To claim (or make them seem) to be dominant to you then that's makes things worse. That means if you don't fight them then they will treat you like a pushover for the rest of your life. Its not good to keep things like this bottled up. At some point in your life, you are going to get so angry with your parents that all that rage will be forced out and might end in something tragic. So Id say just tell them up front that if they don't like you watching a show then  deal with it, and if they kick you out of the house or physically force you to stop. Then just leave them.

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What you SHOULD do is talk some sense in to them, unless they have such thick skulls that you can't get much through their heads.

  • Brohoof 2

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I guess she was happy I had dropped Family guy for a more innocent show.


Yeah, I've kind of wondered if they'd prefer I watched that show as opposed to this one. Kind of ironic; they want me to watch a show with very little moral value as opposed to something as innocent as a cartoon. One enjoyed by males around the world. Wat.

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I don't think its right for them to tell you what you should do. I am not sure how old you are but you always have a degree of control of your situation. Your parents are trying to influence your mind negatively by telling you what you should/shouldn't like. Now yes that IS their job as parents but not regarding things such as fandom. It be different if we were talking you liking drugs/drinking/smoking etc. You cannot allow them to do that to you now as it will become more frequent in the future. They don't like what you like and they don't like what you do. Oh well... They should get used to that you will do things in the future they may not always approve of. I know a brony who's dad told him he didn't want his son to be a brony because it would embarrass him in front of his beer drinking friends. My parents had this philosophy "As long as i dont have to spend money on it i don't care what your into". I got a job and i bought star wars figurines and Star Trek merchandise. I am all for being open about who you are but i implore people who are in situations like yours to keep it on the down low. No its not fair but your environment requires it. I would hate to see you go just because they told you they don't like it. I have spent a good portion of my life trying to impress my parents and other people and i have yet to see a return on that investment. They compare me to my siblings who went to college and are now in management. That's not the life i want so i could care less if they think less of me because i didn't do what everyone else did. Its your life to live not theirs. I didn't do alot of things when i was younger because my parents discouraged me. Volleyball, ROTC, Girl Scouts these were all things i wanted to do and never got a chance to do because they said they didnt like them. And now i have a bunch of "What ifs" in my life i cant go back and explore. Don't acquire "What if's" my friend. :):D;)

  • Brohoof 2



~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~

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I don't know about all the people saying, "be a rebel, fight back!"


It doesn't seem like the smartest option to me. The consequences that can follow due to you being defiant and not listening to them can be not worth the trouble of you being a brony. I would, if possible, go about it in a friendly way and not just go out and say "FUK U PARENTS I BRONY SO SUK IT". Nobody likes arguments like that. Present the reasons as to why you should be able to stay in the fandom in a civil way.


In essence, your parents mostly have control over you. If you are disobeying them, they could take away your computer, your TV, and basically your happiness.

Edited by Scootabloom
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I don't see why it's such a big deal that you have a hobby that's a little different.


I completely agree.


(Also, what the hell did they have against MINECRAFT?!)


Well, neither of them have played it (they're really not into video games), but they both gave me a somewhat strange look when they first saw the game. My dad also said it hurt his eyes to see it. It was subtle, but it was fairly obvious they didn't like it that much. Why? No idea.


Also, that video? Best. Thing. Ever. I haven't laughed like that in a while.

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I'm really sorry about your situation, I know they are your parents but they are using the wrong method to try to change you.


They might have the rights to be your parents but they don't have the right to make you change, they might not understand the privilege of being a brony. But we are here to help you with your issue, your opinion is welcome here. I hope you do feel better after this. But even though its not a situation for them to get involved in, you can't let them make you stop being a brony.

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In essence, your parents mostly have control over you. If you are disobeying them, they could take away your computer, your TV, and basically your happiness.


He's 17 years old, they have no right to have THAT much control over him anymore, there's a difference between respecting someone and let them walk on you. 

  • Brohoof 2



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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If I were in that situation, I'd say okay.  I'd also act very distant to your dad and hint at him that your depressed about his close-minded decision.  If he really loved you, he'd let you be who you are.  Also, did he give you a reason why?  I have a feeling it may have to do with the darker side of the fandom and the ill-gotten media has got to your dad; the whole 'every brony is a clopper'.  You know, the people that give us a bad name.  But yeah, be distant, very rarily talk to him; show him that being a brony is important to you.  If all else fails, you may have to become a closet brony.


Is your dad one of those hypocrite parent-types?  Not trying to sound mean or anything, but what if you tried to quit fencing?  Would your dad be like "No!  Don't!  I want you to do this!"


*sighs* yes, that would be his reaction. Nearly spot-on at that. The reason I've found is that they showed me one, let me emphasize that further, ONE article that was composed of nothing but slander towards the brony community, saying things like, "really? males are liking this show?" but with a negative connotation. The best part is that my parents said the website was a "reliable source". I've tried to find the article using Google just now, but can't find it to show you, but I assure you it was nothing but bull crap.

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Funny you should mention that. I did ask them something like that once jokingly. They didn't take it well. Seriously though? They want me watching stuff like The Walking Dead, and playing Call of Duty, and yadayadayda. Basically, they want me to be doing what my gender is "supposed" to be doing. My response is always "who says?" but my reply is never listened to.


That's BS logic that he thinks someone can't like both kinds of things, I'm a brony and a Highlander fanboy. AND one of my favorite game series is Metal Gear Solid. 


Also, being a man isn't about being "tough" in some cultures he would be disgraced for not having a sensitive side.   Ever here the term "Warrior Poet"?

Edited by Shoboni
  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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*sighs* yes, that would be his reaction. Nearly spot-on at that. The reason I've found is that they showed me one, let me emphasize that further, ONE article that was composed of nothing but slander towards the brony community, saying things like, "really? males are liking this show?" but with a negative connotation. The best part is that my parents said the website was a "reliable source". I've tried to find the article using Google just now, but can't find it to show you, but I assure you it was nothing but bull crap.

Guess your parents are just "afraid" of the show turning you into a worse person, somehow? Chances are, they were already thinking along those lines, but looked towards the article more for confirmation, than another view. Everyone does this, so I'm just saying.


How'd it go with your friend anyway? I don't really feel like digging through 6 pages of posts, if you don't mind restating stuff.

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He's 17 years old, they have no right to have THAT much control over him anymore, there's a difference between respecting someone and let them walk on you.


A difference they don't seem to see, as it appears to me at least that they require complete submission to their beliefs.


How'd it go with your friend anyway? I don't really feel like digging through 6 pages of posts, if you don't mind restating stuff.


It didn't go at all. I just couldn't figure out how to bring the show up to him. Forget the fact that he's basically the determinant in my future as far as my parents are concerned, it's also whether his hatred will be fueled or doused. It ain't easy, and it makes my blood go cold every time I think about it. If it finally comes down to it, "Sonic Rainboom" or "Return of Harmony" are my picks for him (He was already introduced to Dr. Who by a friend of ours. Since the episode was about an hour long, I feel my means are justified.). What do you think?

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A difference they don't seem to see, as it appears to me at least that they require complete submission to their beliefs.


Okay, you need to drag them to family therapy, these people have issues to resolve, big time.


Or just move out and live your own life. 

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I would probably pick Return of Harmony. Discord brings a lot of people around. (Understandable, as he is best villain.) Sonic Rainboom might be a bit too much 'happiness' and 'friendship' themed for a hater.


True, Sonic Rainboom is a bit too rainbow-y and happy for someone like him. Plus, considering my friend does know a few memes (thanks to me), he will probably get the "Chocolate Rain" reference. Win.

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Though both episodes are good I have to agree with Doctor-Whooves on this one and say show your friend Return of Harmony first. Return of Harmony has a great adventure feel to it and a very charismatic villain that you just gotta love, Then if they show some slight interest maybe hit them with Sonic Rainboom but only if they seem interested.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm a very friendly person and i always try to be there for people and make them smile no matter how long and how hard i have to try so when anyone's feeling down send me PM, Nothing makes me happier then being there for someone


This is my OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rolling-thunder-r2250


This is my Mare OC looks like my profile pic http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flower-dust-r3660

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I can honestly understand the parents that care about how you're growing up but...after the "If your friends aren't doing it..." this is deserving of my catchphrase.


In the name of everything that is holy, pure, right lawful fair and sane and for the love of all that is Celestial, Lunar, Nightmarish and Discorded...WHAT THE HELL?!


I mean seriously! It's one thing to change jus t a small habit or so, but to literally stop doing a hobby that does you no harm AT ALL, and even wanting to change your way of being? Well...that's just more extreme than Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom. And you how extreme THAT was.


I frankly can't give you other advise that the reast haven't given you so far. There's a time to fear the results...and there's a time to make the leap of faith. And like others said. IT'S. A. SHOW. How could it possibly do you any harm? It's not like you're watching something that will corrupt your mind so badly you'll be unrecognizable! Besides there are MILLIONS OF BRONIES in the world. Not just a few. MILLIONS. We have art. We have music. We have stories. We have our own animations. We. Have. Done. A. LOT. And nobody can take it from us. NOBODY. 


Nd if your father is by any chance a Star Trek fan, then show exactly how much John de Lancie, the everlasting character "Q" in the series, which, oh coincidence, happened to be brought in the form of Discord to FiM, defends us, ESPECIALLY WITH THE FRIGGIN DOCUMENTARY, WHICH TARA STRONG AND LAUREN FAUST, two HIGHLY recognized people in the world, are doing so as well. Hell, the entire crew is filled with people that everyone would deem perfectly normal, and yet, they defend US. Let's see how much his heart DROPS when he hears THAT. And I normally don't wish bad upon anybdoy at all, but sometimes you need your world shaken to realize things.


Oh, and one more thing. Apparently, your parents forget you can like more than one thing. I like cars. I like explosions. I like kicking asses in Marvel vs Capcom. I like Counter-Strike. But oh, I like ponies too. Welcome to the real world! Where people can like several things and not be discriminated for them!


(Sigh) I normally wouldn't be that aggressive but...this seems too much. It doesn't even make LOGICAL sense. So yeah...good luck with all this, and I hope your parents enter in reason. Or that at least they become more lenient. Maybe the pony heroes AND villains help you throught this. Because I feel you'll need all the help you can for this. You can also try using things that completely break the whole stereotype, like music, and some of the animations out there, which would probably help a lot.


Oh and as for episodes, try Return of Harmony, Magic Duel, Wonderbolts Academy, and maybe even A Canterlot Wedding.


Hope I helped for something. :)

Edited by Arcanel
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He's 17 years old, they have no right to have THAT much control over him anymore, there's a difference between respecting someone and let them walk on you. 


Sure they do, he's a minor, they have as much control over him as they do a 13 year old. Technically they have legal control over him till he's 18.



Okay, you need to drag them to family therapy, these people have issues to resolve, big time.


Or just move out and live your own life. 

They aren't issues. Some parents are stricter than other and this is by far not the worst I've seen. From what I've read in the OP, his parents don't want him to be a brony and will make him quit being one if necessary. IDK if I'm the only one who thinks this, but that's not big time issues. Just the laws of your household.


You can't just say "AIGHT MOM AND DAD IM LEAVING 4EVER BAIII". He's still got his college (I'm assuming) years to go, and I'm pretty sure I would choose college over a fandom. Once he's eighteen, it's his decision if he really wants to just leave his parents and everything just cause there are some things he doesn't like.

Edited by Scootabloom
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