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Christian bronies: meet, greet, and mingle!

Zach TheDane

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Non-denominational Christian reporting for duty.

I knew there was a reason I felt so at home here-we're all brothers and sisters!

I got saved in '94, have walked with Him through rough and smooth and He's never failed me.

So glad to know so much of my family is here with me-good to know you all!.  

  • Brohoof 2


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Dude. I was going to make a post exactly like this. I got the idea this morning in the car. And then this showed up. You just saved me a whole lot of time for making a new topic. And for this I brohoof you.

Yes, I am another Christian brony, Catholic actually. So naturally it amkes me very, very happy to see so many Christians out here ;D


And you guys should also totally check out this thread. This guy was making biblical siggies, in case you guys would like one:






That's meee~!


Sorry, I just get excited when someone references me third person. :3 Yes, I am making Biblically-themed signatures, if anyone wants one. I'm only human though, so expect some flaws. :/

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Until this thread, bronies have never drawn lines between beliefs and nationalities, all were welcomed and celebrated as friends just for the basis that they were good people and wanted to discuss of ponies. To see thread like this starting to draw lines in water is kinda sad. 

I guess it was inevitable, can't enjoy one thing together, if you disagree with another huh? Black and white world view for the great justice! 

Comments like "I knew there was a reason I felt so at home here-we're all brothers and sisters!" over issues like religion only are said to separate and divide, not unite. As if only Christian bronies can be welcoming. I don't see that as very welcoming or encouraging attitude to take.

Edited by Pencils
  • Brohoof 1


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Until this thread, bronies have never drawn lines between beliefs and nationalities, all were welcomed and celebrated as friends just for the basis that they were good people and wanted to discuss of ponies. To see thread like this starting to draw lines in water is kinda sad. 

I guess it was inevitable, can't enjoy one thing together, if you disagree with another huh? Black and white world view for the great justice! 

Comments like "I knew there was a reason I felt so at home here-we're all brothers and sisters!" over issues like religion only are said to separate and divide, not unite. As if only Christian bronies can be welcoming. I don't see that as very welcoming or encouraging attitude to take.

I don't see where this is divisive at all. And I see NOTHING wrong with this thread!


there are any number of atheist threads. I've see threads for European bronys. Threads for Arab bronys. Threads for various states and nationalities. ---no one is complaining about those.

Diversity is a great thing. Please embrace it.

  • Brohoof 1
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It really amazes me to see how many Christian bronies there are on the forums!  :) I've been part of the message thread created by and someone brought our attention to this thread. It's great to see and connect with all the other Christian bronies as well as having the small group to talk to. I would suggest creating a group like that with a few others for fellowship and support. 


I've been a Christian ever since I started going to church when I was 7. I've never really thought to identify with one denomination exclusively but I most closely associate with the Baptist church. Until about two years ago I was a Christian because my family was Christian, it was just what I believed but I didn't think much about it. Then I went to Summit, a two week apologetics camp in Colorado where I spent all day in classes listening to some of the most brilliant Christian teachers and professors talk about Christianity and how it relates to all areas of life. My Grandpa is one of these professors, and he teaches about law. He's also written over 30 books and has a Doctorate. 


This camp made me realize how many different variations of Christianity there were as well as how important your worldview is in terms of what kind of person you are and how you live your life. I decided I needed to figure out for myself exactly what I believed and questioned these ideas. It was actually this searching for an answer that led me closer to God and made me sure in my beliefs. Ever since then I've been able to say with certainty that I'm a Christian, without any doubt or worry that I say it out of habit. 


The most important thing in life is to constantly question what you believe, to have doubts about even the most concrete of ideas. Because certainty, without doubt, is blind. 

  • Brohoof 2

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As some of our fellow Christian bronies mentioned, I and a few others (including MissDerpy and Sugar Cube) decided to start a pm group where we could just chat about MLP in a Christian perspective. We also used it as a place to send prayer requests to let our brethren pray for each other. If you guys want to join that, you can just send me a pm about it or reply to this post so I can add you! It's a lame title, but I couldn't think of a better one considering how busy I am right now.


See that below? That's the title. Feel free to join :)


Christian Brony Group PMing

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Speaking of Christianity, what is everypony's stance on the usage of magic in this franchise? Do you think it's "occultic"/witchcraft/etc., or are you alright with it?


I'm personally okay with it.  I watch Harry Potter too, I'm not one of those people who go crazy, since it's only a show/movie.  Now if someone was really doing magic (like witchcraft or whatever), then I think it would be wrong.  But as long as it's only in a show/movie, I'm completely fine with it.

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Speaking of Christianity, what is everypony's stance on the usage of magic in this franchise? Do you think it's "occultic"/witchcraft/etc., or are you alright with it?

I think like in the Harry Potter books it's a matter of perspective.


The Bible does speak out against witchcraft but on the other hand in Equestria the rules are different. Besides in my opinion the magic the Bible was against was dealing with the Devil in return for power, being born with magical abilities and using them I don't think would be against the Bible since you did not go to the Devil to gain them. Now no one has magical powers but if I woke up and could levitate stuff with my Mind I would think it was awesome and since I did not say "Hey Devil! I'll give you my soul for the power of levitation" I don't think it would be wrong to use a gift, especially if I used it to benefit others, now of course with great power come great responsibility and I would probably pray about it and ask God about using the powers but if I haven't sold my soul then I shouldn't have to worry.


Also remember that Equestria's rules are different then ours, not only physically but spiritually as well, it stands to reason that if there is a Jesus figure in Equestria he would not disapprove of Unicorns using their magic since they were born with it just like he wouldn't disapprove of Pegasi using their wings. Now if someone were to make a deal with Equestria's version of the Devil and sell their soul for ultra powerful dark magic and then use that power to enslave an entire empire of innocent crystal ponies then that may be an issue.

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Speaking of Christianity, what is everypony's stance on the usage of magic in this franchise? Do you think it's "occultic"/witchcraft/etc., or are you alright with it?

Fantasy is not reality. Like Neon Fire I can watch Harry Potter movies and enjoy them.


There is a literary term for this: "The Willing Suspension of Disbelief." its used by people to enjoy a good story with fantastic elements in it. The key is having fun.


Take for example the rulership of Celestia. She is both a mother figure and a benevolent dictator. Celestia's rule allows the writers to avoid any politics in the show. You and i both know that power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. But we can ignore that to enjoy the show.

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I am as well in California. Though I bet by posting this you sparked a philosophical debate in the reply's didn't you? Oh boy just what we need...

Edited by Warith

This Banner was Made By: Me
OC: Twilight Sky

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The Bible does speak out against witchcraft but on the other hand in Equestria the rules are different. Besides in my opinion the magic the Bible was against was dealing with the Devil in return for power, being born with magical abilities and using them I don't think would be against the Bible since you did not go to the Devil to gain them.


It sounds like you're describing the difference between passive magic ("thy will be done"...prayer, meditation, crystals-waving, etc.) and active magic ("my will be done"...actively casting spells, manipulating energies, petitioning spirits, etc.).


In MLP magic -- even what human sorcerers would consider a "vulgar display of power"  (manipulating time, space and other peoples' emotions) -- is completely commonplace.  It's used as a means to an end, and usually those ends are both mundane and beneficial: sewing a dress, turning the page of a book, or reminding a quarreling couple that they love each other.


What do you guys think?  If it's acceptable in fantasy, why is it less acceptable in real life?  It's fine when Twilight uses a time spell to remind herself not to worry about the future, but many Christians would recoil at the idea of someone using an out-of-body experience to cross the astral plane and find a lost wedding ring.


I'm just curious what you guys think about this apparent duality, its origins and what it means for our interpretation of the use of magic (both in real life and in fiction).



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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You're trying to bring in some great theological conflict when in fact: There is none.
let me repeat: There is a literary term for this: "The Willing Suspension of Disbelief." it is used by people to enjoy a good story with fantastic elements in it. The key is having fun. Fantasy is not reality.


and let me enlighten you on one thing: prayer is not magic. It is communication with God. Thank you.

Edited by Silverhoof
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What do you guys think?  If it's acceptable in fantasy, why is it less acceptable in real life?  It's fine when Twilight uses a time spell to remind herself not to worry about the future, but many Christians would recoil at the idea of someone using an out-of-body experience to cross the astral plane and find a lost wedding ring.

Look, if everyone or most every one was born with the power to levitate things would it be evil to use that power? Even if it took a meaningless incantation like saying "Rise!"? 

Now suppose no one had that power but someone went to the Devil and bartered his soul for the power to levitate things, that would be bad.


One thing is though that Magic in first example does not exist here thus it is a foreign concept, look at the people in Avatar the last Airbender, Bending is nothing more then a common ability that can be used for good or bad but it is normal, seeing someone shooting fire out of their hands is a common sight, but if someone did that in this universe's  New York everyone would freak out.


As for Twilight Most people would recoil at the idea of using time travel to warn yourself not to worry, but mainly because it's a really dumb thing to do! Like using a loaded .50 cal machine gun to pry open your gas cap on your car. 


Sorry if i misinterpreted your reply in any way, I need to have another cup of tea to be at full mental capacity.

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I don't see where this is divisive at all. And I see NOTHING wrong with this thread!


there are any number of atheist threads. I've see threads for European bronys. Threads for Arab bronys. Threads for various states and nationalities. ---no one is complaining about those.

Diversity is a great thing. Please embrace it.


I am all about embracing diversity, that's why this kind of "insider club" behavior bothers me, like non christian bronies are lesser to those who follow the specific group, just look at what people are blurting out their mouths here and you should see it. But I did not come here to argue, I came here to warn against drawing these lines into water, what ever the faith, what ever the ideology a brony follows, should all be just as much welcome sight as a brony. 

Threads like this do not embrace diversity, these are call outs with gang sings, why even group yourselves a "Christian bronies" when you can be a Christian and a brony without both being mandatory to your level of acceptance and "group integrity".


Or do you think this kind of thing is "cool": 

" It's great to see and connect with all the other Christian bronies as well as having the small group to talk to. I would suggest creating a group like that with a few others for fellowship and support."


And what was wrong with the Bronies who offer fellowship and support that aren't necessary your "in group"? Is their support and friendship lesser in value now?


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I am all about embracing diversity, that's why this kind of "insider club" behavior bothers me, like non christian bronies are lesser to those who follow the specific group, just look at what people are blurting out their mouths here and you should see it. But I did not come here to argue, I came here to warn against drawing these lines into water, what ever the faith, what ever the ideology a brony follows, should all be just as much welcome sight as a brony. 

Threads like this do not embrace diversity, these are call outs with gang sings, why even group yourselves a "Christian bronies" when you can be a Christian and a brony without both being mandatory to your level of acceptance and "group integrity".


Or do you think this kind of thing is "cool": 

" It's great to see and connect with all the other Christian bronies as well as having the small group to talk to. I would suggest creating a group like that with a few others for fellowship and support."


And what was wrong with the Bronies who offer fellowship and support that aren't necessary your "in group"? Is their support and friendship lesser in value now?



Think of this as a Fellowship Hall.


Other people are more than welcome to come here, and we encourage that! (At least, I do.) But sometimes I want to talk to people without having to fight through a wall of opposing worldview. I want to be able to post my favorite worship videos and not have people sneer at me and say, "Oh, you're one of those born again's. That's nice." I want to be able to talk to other people who share my faith and ideals, without having to have someone jump down my throat and say, "You don't support gay marriage? Oh my God! What's wrong with you!?"


Speaking of whatever, I heard a great song on the radio today. Definitely one of my favorite worship songs now!


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Yup! I'm also a Christian Brony! I admit, I'm probably more casual, as I don't go to church these days, but I still pray every night and I am an avid believer who just tries to live life according to the Bible. I see my faith as a relationship with God, not a religion. I don't really feel as if I belong to any particular denomination, as there's so many, and I don't even know all the differences between them.


I should mention that I have no problem with atheists. I can get along swimmingly with them. I also have no problem with the LGBT community. I don't believe in trying to enforce my beliefs on anyone either. I am not judgmental because I believe in tolerance.


I just wanted to throw all of that out there so those who may view some Christians in a negative light due to past experiences don't have reason to dislike me. Believe me, I've had issues with people who call themselves Christians, but not all of us are like that. Okay, back to positive things. tongue.png

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One thing is though that Magic in first example does not exist here thus it is a foreign concept...


Sorry if i misinterpreted your reply in any way, I need to have another cup of tea to be at full mental capacity.


My previous post was probably 3 times as long as it needed to be, and was probably more confusing than useful.  Is there still evil magic in the world?  Solomon commanded the execution of all witches (those who "consort with spirits", if I recall) in his kingdom.  Whatever they were up to must have been pretty bad, otherwise that would be one heck of an overreaction.


Does such dark magic still exist today?  Is it still practiced?  How does that fit into the modern zeitgeist of "good guys" using all kinds of magic, even some magic that itself is not so good (plenty of examples in Harry Potter)?



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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Ohi. Well, dunno if I would call myself a Christian or not. Depending on your view of what a Christian is, some would call me one, others not (like a baptist wouldn't and a reformer would... or something like that).

I was really not expecting that much here.

Edited by Xiron
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Standing and ready to be counted! :)  Been a Christian all my life and would not give it up for anything Jesus is my savior and I am proud of that!

Equestria.tv Administrator and all around fun guy.

Join us every Friday night at 6:00 PM EST for movie night at

Equestria.TV in the CMC_Clubhouse!
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So, what's the difference between religious and atheistic brony? You know, apart from the eternal fire, brimstone and such.  laugh.png

I really have to ask, what do you guys think about your fellow believers condemning MLP as a thing of Satan?


... Also, why is believer written with capital B?

Well, if you serious on trying to diminish a faith because of a few sour apples who misinterpret the Bible or make up lines in the Bible to satisfy their own needs, such as people killing others "in the name of religion", you might as well hate religion because you have no other view other than disrespect or ignorance. Choose one.


I am Roman Catholic. I am a scientist interested in the creation of God(hence me being a scientist).


My previous post was probably 3 times as long as it needed to be, and was probably more confusing than useful.  Is there still evil magic in the world?  Solomon commanded the execution of all witches (those who "consort with spirits", if I recall) in his kingdom.  Whatever they were up to must have been pretty bad, otherwise that would be one heck of an overreaction.


Does such dark magic still exist today?  Is it still practiced?  How does that fit into the modern zeitgeist of "good guys" using all kinds of magic, even some magic that itself is not so good (plenty of examples in Harry Potter)?

I might as well say that you are too "closed" in to make a good conclusion on anything. Do you know how many what I call "evil bastards" there are?


Until this thread, bronies have never drawn lines between beliefs and nationalities, all were welcomed and celebrated as friends just for the basis that they were good people and wanted to discuss of ponies. To see thread like this starting to draw lines in water is kinda sad. 

I guess it was inevitable, can't enjoy one thing together, if you disagree with another huh? Black and white world view for the great justice! 

Comments like "I knew there was a reason I felt so at home here-we're all brothers and sisters!" over issues like religion only are said to separate and divide, not unite. As if only Christian bronies can be welcoming. I don't see that as very welcoming or encouraging attitude to take.

The only people who brought up the idea of hate towards other religions or beliefs are people known as...haters. I don't see how the correlation of religion and nationalities has anything to do with this. All I see is people claiming that religion separates humanity when people like that make up that reality and try to make it real. huh.png 


At least your friends call you a "thinking Christian."  All of my atheist friends make fun of me for going to mass and denounce my beliefs stating that "science is the answer to all" while none of them are even actually majoring in anything that has to do with science...

That is probably because they try to use science as an excuse to belittle others and waste their lives on drugs and...you know(it is the truth, it happens all the time).


I don't think any sexual orientation really connects to the fandom, it's just that when I hear word gay in thread about religion I tend to ask the question I asked. And I really got my answer, it's a flaw, sin, impurity... It makes me a bit sad, really. Tho it is much better than the hate some extremists show. But such is the world. But what you said, I really wonder why we can't simply divide legal and spiritual union or marriage, it would really save everyone so much trouble.

Everyone should be able to marry to get the legal benefits, and the church marriage should be then defined and regulated by the rules of the church / denomination / religion. Of course church marriage would also count as legal marriage at the same time, but legal marriage wouldn't equal church one. Too bad not many countries actually use that system.

Oh, wouldn't that be swell...separation of Church and state. That definitely worked in the Soviet Union where millions of people died because their government removed all moral and developed their own. I would love that, wouldn't you? At least ignorance wouldn't exist anymore because of it. 


  1. There is NO scientific study that is evidence proving that homosexuality is a genetic difference. There is none. Most people will claim there is, but most of the "evidence" comes from faulty polls and crackpot sites
  2. If homosexuality becomes to widely popular, there would be a definite fall in human population.
  3. Oh, did you know at the almost end of the Roman Empire and the corrupt downfall of this society, homosexuality was at it's highest peak?
  4. If you really want to indoctrinate homosexuality onto children(like they do now in public schools), then the hypocrisy of it is so immense
  5. In any case, the only form of union on the secular level should be Civil unions(since homosexuals are so butthurt(no pun intended) about it)
  6. If so many homosexuals are accepting, why is it I have homosexuals coming to mass every Saterday disrespecting the host and wine? I feel that they hate Christians much.
  7. If you noticed, God is in the constitution. Though the United States constitution provides freedom of religion and no establishment of a religion, read this document:


When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

Edited by BronyPony
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I'm a Catholic brony, but I honestly don't know what the big difference is between Catholic and Christianity is xP I usually go to church every Sundays because my grandmother is sometimes one of the readers there. 


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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I am all about embracing diversity, that's why this kind of "insider club" behavior bothers me, like non christian bronies are lesser to those who follow the specific group,

just look at what people are blurting out their mouths here and you should see it. But I did not come here to argue, I came here to warn against drawing these lines into water, what ever the faith, what ever the ideology a brony follows, should all be just as much welcome sight as a brony. 

You are wrong on every point you make.


This is simply a call out thread. Like I pointed out, there have been identical call out threads for atheists (many in fact). Call out thread for Arabs, Europeans, and others. This thread is no different.


I have re-read this thread and no where are non-believers  considered "lesser" members than believers. Any such interpretation from you is pure fantasy.

Threads like this do not embrace diversity, these are call outs with gang sings, why even group yourselves a "Christian bronies" when you can be a Christian and a brony without both being mandatory to your level of acceptance and "group integrity".

So atheist call out threads are diversity. Europeans and Arabs are diversity. ou have no problem with these threads. But a Christian thread along the same lines is NOT diversity? Are you saying that Christians need not apply? Love and tolerance for all EXCEPT Christians?

--I don't understand your double standard.

and again, I see no where in this thread where being a Christian is somehow mandatory.

Or do you think this kind of thing is "cool": 

" It's great to see and connect with all the other Christian bronies as well as having the small group to talk to. I would suggest creating a group like that with a few others for fellowship and support."

If its acceptable for atheists, and Arabs, and Europeans...then yes its cool for us too.

Diversity is not for everyone except Christians. Diversity means EVERYONE.

And what was wrong with the Bronies who offer fellowship and support that aren't necessary your "in group"? Is their support and friendship lesser in value now?

Why do you insist on putting words in our mouths? No one ever said non-believers are lesser than we are. ONLY YOU HAVE SAID THAT.

I have seen threads that I disagree with. I leave them alone. Why? Love and tolerance: the theme of MLP.

I suggest you extend the same courtesy to those you disagree with as well.


The love and tolerance theme of MLP extends to everyone. ALL are welcome here: even Christians.

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